THB DAILY NEWS Tit TUESDAY. nitf. ONE NAZI DIDN'T MAKE IT LOCAL NEWS NOTES Timely Recipes First the planes swept over this area and bombed everything of a military nature. When the infantry passed over the same ground they came on scenes of untold destruction. This Is Just a grim token of the bombing. A Nazi scrambled for cover and dived. He didn't make it. C.N'.R. Trains For Terrace Daily except Sunday 4:15 p.m. From Terrace Daily except Sunday .. 11:20 a.m. For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and ' Fridays 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays and ' . Fridays 10:30 a.m. From the East ' ' Thursdays and Saturdays 7 p.m. Sundays, Tuesdays and -. Fridays 10:30 p.m. AhhvuHcementA :Xll advertisements in this column will be charged for a .full month at 25c a word. ' Oddfellows' Hogmanay Dance, Dec. 31, 10 to 2. By invitation. Contact members quickly f&r Invitation. Price 75c each. -L. O. L. meeting every Monday, Oddfellows' Hall. All Orangemen are welcome. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Dec. 21, 3 p.m. New members with children 12 and under Phone Green '736 or Green 626. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. I Boxed Hanfaerchiefs 4 ' oportswear Gloves Men's Ties What Is more elegant than fine Toiletry. RATIONS SERVANTS MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec. 22 CP'1 Rationing of domestic servants has been Instituted in Australia and no household is allowed to employ a domestic servant more than 24 hours a week without a speciai permit so that those needing them most, such as the aged and sick, will be able to obtain them. BOUGIE FOR CANDLE The name of Bougie, French North African port, means 'Candle In English. Don't let Xmas put you "In the Red!" Shop at THE Variety Store Where your d(imes are little g dollars . g B!i;:a2a;::B:2:B;;jB.'iBi-Bji3K;; Blouses We're ready with lovely New Lingerie to make Christmas dreams come true. I oii Dresses for gala evenings. Could anyone ask for a nicer gift. ueiries If you'd like a new Housecoat, a hint to Santa and a trip to our complete selection and. you can choose it today. A We pay cash for furniture, stoves, tools, musical Instruments. Call or write Ello's, Prince Rupert. J. H. Engelke returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver on business. Lieut. Howard Hibbard arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Victoria to spend the Christ mas holiday season on leave. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie re turned to the city yesterday afternoon from a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. P. Cade returned home at the end of the week from Kit-wanga where she has been spend ing several months on her farm. The Misses Violet and Minnie Sankey and Miss Anna Ross ar rived in the city Sunday night from Vancouver. William Bond arilved In the cltv on Saturday night's train from his studies at the University of British Columbia In Vancouver to spend the Chrstma3 and New Year holiday ! season at his home here. A Women's Navy Auxiliary is col-, lectlng old felt hats to line seamen's wlndbreakers. Contalnpr I Private and Mrs. John McCub- urn, vwivj juat ucii luauieu in the south, the bride havlne for- a merly been Miss Ruth Wilkinson of h this city, arrived yesterday after noon from Vancouver for a honey If you know she has a suit, she'll surely love a Blouse. or two. Tailored and dressy which ever you choose. Lingerie : Dresses For your more collegiate friends, you'll' find our lovely Sweater collection more than complete. Nothing makes a lovelier gift than a Purse. Salin Housecoats Sweaters Handbags WALLACE'S THIRD AVENUE . A There will be no milk delivery Christmas Day. Please order extra for Thursday. Valetin Dairy. (297) Christmas Musical Play First Pretbyterlan Church. Tonight 8 o.ciock. Robert Murray appeared In city toollce cqurt this morning on a charge of damaging a holly tree over a grave in Faiivlew Cemetery. The case was adjourned. Mrs. Jens La'rsen of Alice Arm was taken by ambulance this morning to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. She Is partly Thomas McRostie's Funeral in Ottawa Remains of Well Known Anyox Man Forwarded to Dominion Capitol Remains of the late Thomas Mc-Rostle. well known Anyox mining man, whose death occurred last wetk, were forwarded by last evening's train to Ottawa where Interment will be made. There was are placed at Gorden & Anderson's, noon at the chapel of B.C. Under-Smith it Elkins'. Musxn11pm& f,w. tak?rs, number t. . Hurry and fill the boxes. University students due home on Wednesday from Vancouver to' spertf the Christmas and New Year noliday season at their homes here will Include Miss Margaret Lamb, Hugh MacKenzie and Spencer Davles. Passengers leaving for Vancouver Included E. R. Peterson, Mrs. W. C. Bedwell, Miss T. Tulloch, Bill Beat-tie, J. Strong, A. Lea, C. Callow, H L. Warrick. M. Pena, D. Kllmaster, Thomas Geal. E. H. Porter, David Chauleur and H. Ericksen. a of friends eath ering to pay final respects. Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiated and Mrs. Lois Vaughan presided at the organ to accompany the hymns. BRITISH DID IT The Lake Chad region in central Africa was first explored by the British in 1823. CUssiFjEO (Classified advertising is payable cash in advance. No charges. VOlt SALE i moon visit. The groom, before en- ' listing was located at Pacific. The!1 SALE .T - Nlne Plece dlnln bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. .Wilkinson, formerly of Prince Rupert. Funeral Notice The funeral of Baby Wilkinson will take place Wednesday at 3:00 pjn. from the Grcnvllle Court Chapel. There is no daintier gift than Handkerchiefs. For a really nice gift a Sweater, Jacket, Skirt or Suit will be Just the ticket this year. She's proud of her hands, shell appreciate Gloves and they'll add a dashing note to her costume. Accessories Hosiery If you're in doubt about gifts, see our selection, boxed and displayed to help you buy. With only a limited number of shopping days until Christmas, be wise, choose your "Just right" accessories now. Hosiery will be much more appreciated this year than ever before. room suite, kitchen table. , four occasional chairs, chiffonier, garden tools etc. Phone Green 715. (298) FOR SALE Solid mahogany din ing room suite, table 47" by 60" with extensions. Price $25.00. Phone Blue 923. (298) FOR SALE 8 to 16 h.p. Wlckman Semi-Diesel Marine Engine, shaft, reversible propellor and spare parts. Engine in good running order previously used In troller Dotls II. Cash price $150.00. Ar5-ply Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association, Cow Bay. 'POSITION WANTED MAN would work for room and board and small wages. Box 418 Dally News. (298) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to do light laundrylng, for gentleman, close in. Apply Box 411 Dally News. (298) GOOD opportunity for right kind of man or woman to get into newspaper work In Prince Ru pert. Ability to write and use typewriter desirable. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 16. WANTED WANTED Td rent furnished housekeeping room or rooms. Phone Black 728. (302) WILL OFFER $15.00 Reward for suitable, clean, furnished apart ment or house. Reliable couple do not smoke or drink. Best of references. Call Mrs. Iverson, Green 984. (297) WANTED Room by steady young man, employed accountancy at Dry Dock. A. Nowlcki, Prince Rupert Hotel. (299) WANTED Winnipeg couch. Phone Red 710. (298) LOST LOST Black Vancouver Sun lection book. Finder Phone Red 990. .(300) ROOIM AND BOARD ROOM and BOARD for ladv willine fp to share. 718 Fraser Street, ORANGE CREAM SAUCE 2 egg yolks or 1 whole egg V2 cup sugar grated rind and Juice of I small orange or 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind and 3 tablespoons lemon Juice. 1 cup evaporated milk. Chill evaporated milk until Ice crystals begin to form. (This will take 10-15 minutes if the milk Is poured Into the freezing tray of the refrigerator). Heat grated rind, Juice and sugar, cook 2 minutes. Add well beaten egg yolks or whole egg and cook till thickened, about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Chill Whip milk in a cold bowl till stiff. Add cooked mixture to the whipped milk and blend with egg beater. Makes 2 '4-3 cups sauce. This makes a rich sauce that is delicious with plum pudding, plain or steamed or cottage puddings or as a topping for plain cake. P Whifflets From The Waterfront Work of renewing dolphins at the Armor Salvage Co. floats is being carried out by the company's own piieanving outrit under the direction of Reg Green. The old doU phins had been damaged by heavy traffic. The concern is still moving in heavy supplies of gravel from Hastings Arm for local construction work but the work Is now to be suspended over the Christmas holiday asan to give the busy crews some time off. WHEN JACK COMES HOME LONDON, Dec. 22 tf Under the Royal Naval War Libraries, technics scientific and educational books are being supplied to seamen for study at sea on general subjects which will prove useful on return to civil life. PART TIME WORKERS LONDON. Dec. 22 O Pail time wbmen workers are being placed in war Jobs in London at the rate of 9,000 monthly. i : . I 1 V. C. MAJOR DEAD CAMBRIDGE, Eng.. Dec. 22 tfi Major Alexis Doxat. who won the Victoria Cross in the South African war, died at 75. a ti zKm svtb rata una i:m i : a Our Delivery S i Schedule 1 I 3 DELIVERIES WEEKLY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, & SATURDAY Please co-operate by placing h your order as early as possl- S p uie. iu ensure aenvery, or- g ders must be in by 4 p.m. the b day preceding delivery. 1 MUSSALLEM'S n 1 Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 ixKnvnxi is ciximcixaii J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 641 vxnasBi'Bii.kxaj! mm mwtu IGOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon i and ay Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your B grocer's shelf soon as condl-p uitlons permit. linin!:!:;!::!:!!!:!1!!::!:!!:!!::!:!!!;!:!!:;!'!:!!!!:!! Yfti She's delighted wbo wouldn't ft da'tbc? Iwcausc ehc knows that every tiincrj Swt Lap is Eroup-bIcndedlrom38o!S 3$clii cations of the choicest Virginia toIoltSatolanw, PackaKO for package, tlity'royouo'iDoyoialu t Christmas gift. LEEDS, Eng.. Dec. 22 0-For the or 1 or to d first time the building industry haj M. ' I M. Kilts t esiaDiisnea a national stheme ol A. a J A apprenticeship, approved by an ex- w. ecutlve conference here when It was brought out that the Industry's manpower soon will be down to nt 500,000 and will need 1,400,000 when dlstirt dl.! ix tiik t i-KKMr. roritr r iiiiitni roi.t'MIIIA IX I'UOIUTK In I lie Mallrr r tlir ".tilmiiiH ratio) Act" anri In thr Matter of tlir KMatp at Mrxtmlrt t.iifiicrr uhldilrn liMfu-rd liilrliilf TAKE NOTICE thai hv nrdw . in Honor W. F. pimIw mui. .,n i, day of December. A D. 1942 I wxs ,i. pointed Admlnlatrator of the Es'.v.f if Alexander Enenezer Whtririi arm au parties having daim tttnw ine aia eMt are nrery reqilrl it furnlfth. name, properly verified, t i mr on or about the 4th day ol Jiuutan- a.u. ana an parties indeed i.- the estate are required o pay Hi' amount of their Indebtednem U) tnt forthwith. DATED at Prince rtttsert. B C 4th day of December. A D. 1942. NOR1IAN A. WATT thl: Official AdnYlnlatrator, " Trlnce Rupert, at. Al.Ul 0n OnO fill! MiFr. J Mi: peace comes. 1ylnniil lyint inert? Wi III SWEET CiOI'K. CIGARETfliEIIES "The purest form in which lobaoiAl lobcauuM - - H' NATION A L AITR ENT'CESIIIP m the 4 M T D Pi 11 4 w T GOlltfl if M EllONCi - SANG tl IIwOrKlE House Next C-lo Rinfli 111 Uh AVE. m All tout patroni:M Opfii! J p.m - toll! Oritiilmm 2p.mli Phon - Red !H i in .1 QNJO Dad Dcjns Sffi SBPffI G in a ii a Pinry V'M lie , BOXED CKACKr.ltS, 12 IN A liQll ft W CW1 ,NlNG hats, NovixTits, 1a's,nc, 50c 75c - 2 - If you lose anything, advciavblvcrtisc for &