General Hospital. n 'Qii 'ills -sands I BBRLINL Dm. 22 Oi Thf 4 Berlin radio broadcast an An- kara dispatch today stating that thousands were kill- 4 ed in an earthquake which 4 centred along Turkey s Black Sea coast. The Injured are 4 said to greatly exceed the ' number killed and large crops -were destroyed In the tobacco- 4 growing section of Anatolia. ' ADVANCE IN BURMA British Imperial Forres Continur Progress Without Meeting Opposition INDON. Dec. 22 if' British Im perlal forces, continuing their ad vance Into Burma, have occupied Mehan vw. eleven mlle south ol Msungdaw. advices from Allier headquarters in India said today Dispatches said mat the advance was made without opposition from the Japanese, placing ine unusn troops within forty-one miles of Akyab. RAID ON TUNISIA Darin EiDloit By British Com- - mndos--Axls Forres Trying To Meet In Tunisia LONDON, Dec. 22 (CD A British commando raid on Tunisia stabbed to within five miles of Biierte In a hlt-and-iun foray last week, Iteuters News Agency said today. The daring foray into the tore of the Nails' last stronghold in North Africa was disclosed as Marshal Erwin 'Rommel's army was reported only one hundred miles from Tripoli and, apparently, planning to continue westward all the way to Tunisia to join German forces battling I here with the Allies, Most of the British raiders had to swim for it, their commander said, but losses were light as the landing was unopposed. Hie incursion lasted several days and the raiders had to regain the beach through about fifleen miles of enemy-held territory. A million pounds of 'bombs are estimated to have been dropped during the last few days on Bi-7ertc and Tunis. & I Salvation k 5? A vmir YmiC 7 rximj iimuo g Cheer Fund Inter-Valley Lumber Co. $25 Rotary Club 25 M. Stevens 2 Friend 2 Mrs. Foss 1 Friend 1 W. Mullen 1 CONVOYS OF 1310 Tht. ronvov system was not ln- ciitnfoH in thp First Great War until' April, 1910. FIRST CARTHAGE Carthage, Africa, was founded about 800 B.C. Miss Enid McKee arrived in th9 rltv vpsterdav afternoon from Vic toria to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with her - --- 1 Mrs. Arnold Flaten. jifnl I FRENCH Local Temperature Tomorrow's Tides We (Standard Time) itri High 1:56 a.m. 19.3 feet Maximum 35 13:36 p.m. 21.4 feet Minimum 32 Low 7:45 am. 8.0 feet 20:21 p.m, 2 A feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL. XXXI, o. N297 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENT8 Kiska Island Is eavi Ill MONTREAL HAS FIRES ? Ihree Person Dead In One Apartment Holocaust Quebec City Also lias Maze MONTREAL. Dec. 22 0 Explosion and fire killed three people nere last night and sent three other3 to hospitals with burns after sweeping through nine flats of e tenement block in the northeast section of the city. A second fire broke out in the central part of the city during the first fire and forced fifteen fam-tllcs from two apartment bulld-ir;T" into the street. The dead are Mrs. Jacob Cro-teau, her daughter. Madeline, and Walter Adams, power company worker. Quebec City also had two large fires last night, five commercial premises, two houses and thirty flats being destroyed in the most serious. Thirty firemen were injured. , PROTECTION OF BALKANS Thh Is Said to Have Been One of Matters Taken l'l at Hitler's Conference with Generals IONDPN. Dec. 22 Further par tirulars of what went on in a conference of Chancellor Adolf Hitler with his generals last week are repotted here. It is said that arrangements were made for a special defensive force In Italy to be In rfilhs; shnnM th Allies attempt to invade the Balkans. WEDGE iN TO ENEMY Aider llslnc Artillery 'and Tanks With Good Effect on New j Guinea , MELBOURNE, Dec. 22 Using artillery and tanks, the Allies have driven a wedge deep Into Japanese positions near Buna Mission on New Guinea Island and have captured a small air field. Retailers May Buy Butter Now Rationing Documents Will Not Have to be Presented by Them Until Next Week It was nnnouced today at the local office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board that retailers will be able- to purchase butter up to midnight, December 27, without surrendering rationing documents. Tills, of course, does not affect consumers, who already arc required to use ration cards. RE-DOOKLNG COVENTRY COVENTRY, Eng., Dec. 22 0) Tills city whose library lost 150,000 books In air raids, Is engaged In a book recovery and salvage campaign to re-stock damaged library facilities, provide books for the forces, and the sending of useless volumes for re-pulpipg. INDIA IN WAR PRODUCTION' eight million --- 1 pieces of army clothing each month. GRANDMA GENERAL One of China's most' successful guerrilla leaders Is a 65-year-old grandmother. Rpv Canon W. F. Rushbrook is making 'good progress toward re covcry following an operation for aUDCnaiClllS in me nunc vu.... ACTION sssm Two French destroyers, FOREGROUND, and of Casablanca harbor after an engagement wi 1 occupation of French North Africx This excel ; bor had been occupied. n 1 MaiCS LlarlaU Fooled Hitler "ormer German Hank ueaa ays It Was "Major Diplomatic Defeat" for Fuehrer CHICAGO, Dec. 22 A former head of the German Relchsbank now residing In the United States 'aid In speaking here that Chan cellor Adolf Hitler had. sutlred.,fc 'major diplomatic defeat" through Admiral Jean Harlan of France. NO TRACE OF PLANE Mystery of Mlssin; Canadian Paci flc Transport Unsolved Despite Widespread Search I VANCOUVER, Dec. 22 In spite of the efforts of air and land search operations, there Is no trace yet of the Canadian Pacific Air Lines transport planes which has been missing since Sunday evening on a flight from Prince George to Vancouver. There were thirteen persons three crew members and ten passengers aboard the plane. - All day yesterday .aircraft kept combing areas nearby Vancouver In which the plane might have been forced down but wllhbu avail in finding any clue as to the fate of the missing transport. nnf ronort vesterdav was that a plane was heard flying low over there about 7 o clock Sunday eve ning, evidently being in difficulty stave Lake is thirty-five miles from Vancouver. CINEMAS LOSE SEATS LONDON, Dec. 22 ff Seat:slash lng in cinemas, especially In gar.i son towns, is causing anxieiy 1 j cinema owners and some of the rubber Interiors used to pad arms of chairs have been stolen in hund reds. COUNCILWOMAN IN PULPIT EDMONTON, Eng., Dec. 22 ) Deputy Mayor and Councillor Mrs, Florence Long, made history Jiere when she read one of the lessons in the parish church during the annual "Mayor's Serviced She was the first woman to do so. OUTDOOR MOVIES Outdoor movie audiences of 10,- 000 are riot unusual In Free China. 'MAYBE NEVER AGAIN Germany had more traders in West Africa before the war than any other European nation. DESTROYERS OUT OF 11 ww iii mi 1 11 1 li' h' Fjni' li '' a- ''phed 'ust north an United Nations ta?k force during Allied ; r ii view was made after the important har- BRACKEN IS HEARD Fledges Support to Federal Government in War Effort Urges Undersecretaries WINNIPEG, iDec. 22 W Hon. iohn,-Bracked ny llfeeaSated. Q4 erai leader or me ivpgressive conservative party, in a national radio address broadcast last night, pledged' his utmost support to the federal government In the war effort. He urged that a move towards efficiency would be the appointment of under-secrctaries to the war ministers and urged the establishment of such under-secrctaries to, federal ministers in the Dominion during wartime. Mr. Bracken said he wanted to help to build a United Canada and claimed that, under war pressure, jthe government had not developed democratic devices but was be- coming a bureaucratic form of ad- ministration. Mrs. O. A. Rlx, who has been quite ill of late, is now making 1m- provement. TAP DKSTItOYER MILLER0Y0 IS TAKEN Refl Army Believed to Have Recaptured Important Railway Town Between Moscow and Rostov WBBBQWr. De32. WfeUelt-4s not officially stated, indications are that the Red Army has recaptured Mlllorovo, important railway town west cf Moscow and 130 miles northwest of Rostov. The objective of the Soviet forces now appear? to be Rostov, the recapture of which would give Russia new access to the Black Sea In addl- numbering one million men in the Stalingrad and Caucasus areas. A Soviet communique said that a "Ir.rgely populated place" had been taken, this being assumed to mean Kvr FAIRLY MODERN The Navajo Indian pueblo of Laguna Is the only brie in New Mexico which does not date back to pre-Spanlsh times.'" MORTALLY HIT A Japanese destroyer is shown smoking after she was hit by a bomb from a Flying Fortress off Normandy Isle in the South Pacific. Soon after the photo was made rafts and personnel were seen In the water. Enemv Submarine Base In Aleutians v American. Aircraft m Direct Hits Scored and Big Co-ordinated Attack by WASHINGTON, D.C., planes heavily bombed Japan's submarine base on Kiska island in the Aleutians on Sunday, the United States Navy reported. The Navy communique from the North Pacific said that United States bombers, escorted by fighters, executed a co-ordinated attack on Japanese 1 shore Installations on Kiska De- F0RTY-F0UR NAZIS-DOWN tocmv lighters, Had Bad Time When United States Bombers Visited Romilly on Seine LONDON. Dec. 22 ff, Forty-four enemy fighter planes were shot down by United States airmen In Sunday's raid on Romilly-sur-Saine. an eighth Royal Canadian Air Force communique said today. Six were seen to crash. Twenty-three went down in flames. Fourteen disintegrated in the air and one was abandoned by lt3 pilot, the communique said. AIR RAID -0N-MUNDA United States flying Fortresses Again Strike at Enemy Air Field WASHINGTON. DC. Dec. 22 (P1 Tn the South Pacific United States Aiiny flying fortresses executed new raids on the enpmy air field' at Munda In the Solomon Islands and damaged at least one cargo ship near Bougainville Island. Soldier Charged With Theft From ovyntown Store August Harryluk, local soldier, is appearing In city police court this afternoon before Magistrate W. D. Vance oh a charge of shoplifting from the Variety Store. He is alleged to have been caugh redhanded taking a wallet, two srarette lighters and two zipper cases. The articles were. In his oossesslon. C.W.A.C. Is Given Formal Welcome Head of British A. T. S. Pays Official Visit LONDON. D. 22 tO Maj.-Gen. Jean Knox, director and chief con-t -oller of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, accompanied by several senior A. T. S. officers, paid an official visit to the Canadian Women's Army Corps residence here shortly after the young Canadian 'women arrived, the first of their 'cvice groun to reach Britain. In a brief address Majf-Gen Knox welcomed them on behalf of thousands of British women who have put .on the king's uniform. Representing an expenditure on new equipment of an estimated $5,000, a special permit has been granted by the controller of supplies to the Canadlnn Dry Cleaners for the installation of new dry cleaning machinery In the .local plant. The Installation is to take place in January. Pounded Explosions Are Observed in Bombers and Fighters Dec. 22 (CP) American cember 20. Hits were scored and heavy explosions observed in ths vicinity of the submarine base. Camp areas were bombed and . strafed. All United States planes returned to their bases. Awake To Find Prowler Taking Her Xmas Gift Mrs. R. C. Mutch was awakened In her room at the York Hotel at 3 o'clock this morning to see a prowler helping himself to articles of wearing and toilet apparel which she had purcliased as Christmas presents. The police were immediately notified and soon picked up a man giving the name of Arthur Brazeau whose presence around the place a short time before had caused some suspicion. Articles in Brazeau's possession in a construction camp on Acropolis Hill were Identified as being the property of Mis. Mutch. UKRAINE iviukjjlR Ksimrvrin Two Million Russians Are Mass acred by Nail Invaders MOSCOW. Dec. 22 Soviet authorities charge that two million Russian Inhabitants of the Nazi-occupied Ukraine have been murdered. MUNICH IS HITAGAIN Principal Target of Royal Air Force In Bi? Raid Last Night LONDON, Dec. 22 Munich was the principal target of a raid In force by the Royal Air Force Into southwest Germany last night. Twelve British planes failed to return and two Nazi machines were shot down. In their smash on Munich, the birthplace of the Nazi party, the British planes dropped a "great welghi" of bombs and started fires. It was the second successive night of raids over the Reich. Clouds hampered the bombers and German night fighters rose to battle In bright moonlight above the cloud yal re . mafamaham the cloud layer. BILLIARDS TLASTIC The first plastic was used to replace Ivory for billiard balls. BRISTOL'S DEBUT The British port of Bristol first achieved prominence from Its wool trade with Ireland. Miss Marie Lock arrived In tlw city yesterday afternoon from her High School studies in Victoria to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with her parents, Fire Chief and Mrs. H. T. Loci. iiil ilti