UTIONAL ger Service I We Haul it : After clovs foe Red 392 ST :eub!Bxbibj. rcgupoNs e.rtjgETallable with each baie in our store. fapprrclate to hae lfrt drop In and bl thU Rift plan jj SALLEM'S i amy Store :: ol'ars Hare More N scents 75 rhones 18-19 y.v.'.v.vw.ww IfAT IKJInit ACT" 1 a f IWrr l.lrrnr V fi t '.1 Jwt nn th AX). 1943. U .;piy to the "' r r '-otimnt to :c ?!o 5730. U-; bcliic prt t . . rvn. '.'ic romaf of L1 t Ktrpt. in 1 1 w It livre of Brl-i' -- 1a l.uidi dfocfib-rt. end rurtra s Bi 8Tton On : ' Hi 1rt Limited, th 11 R pert. n.O. thlt AD. 1042 KK HOTEt. LIMITED. RESULTS TRY A WANT ADD. Little Miss D. Hue.ston, daughter of Mrs. Verm Hues ton, returned to the city yesterday afternoon following a visit In Stewart. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY 'A NEWS WANT ADD. BASEBALL TONIGHT Acropolis Hill Kalr,n Trophy Play-offs 6:30 p.m. Edmontons vs. Dry Dock Rtplay of Sunday's dame ggglE TOILER IIBKh'hEH ) I'LL Ynovo DON'T ylOU I I o HOW TO HELP yOUR CLEANER WORK. FASTER ANV LAST LONGER You can do housecleaning faster and belter if your vacuum cleaner dust 'bag is emptied after each uso. Excess dust in tho bag slows up the air flow and roduces tho suction of tho cleaner. Also oil your cleaner as recommended by tho manufacturer and pick up hair pins and other articles that might damage the fan or clog tho brush. Avoid letting the cord becomo twisted or frayed. 5 ' REDDy SAYS: "Your vacuum cleaner is a valuablcinvestment that may b difficult to replace. Timely repairs will put your cleaner in first-class shape and keep it working for the duration." LOCAL NEWS MOTES iAmerlcan 3lrl, subscription Mrs. E. Pearce sailed yesterday Agent. Phone Oreen 53. afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Members of W-A. Canadian Legion, regular monthly meeting postponed to. September 1'. (204) OARDE3TERS please leave flowers at Orme's Drug Store by Wed. night, Sept. 2, for Horticultural display. William Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Hunter, left for Van couver yesterday afternoon. NOTICE is given Gun Practice will be carried out from KAIEN and DIGBY ISLANDS batteries from Sept. 2nd to 7th inclusive. Firing may be by day and, or night. According to word received today, the condition of H. F. Pullen. who has been In Vancouver for the past few months receiving treatment for his Illness, is about the' same. Mr. and Mrs. Pullen are ex-1 pecUng to return to Prince Rup-i ert next Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas R. Whlteley of f Stewart was ra me city yesterday j afternoon gofclg, through to Van- . couver to take up future residence Mr. WhiteJey to still at Big Mis- i souri mine which is being dis-j mantled following closing down Notice In announcing the disposal of the Bulkley Market as from Aug-i u.st 31 tfi Frank Ellison and Robert McKay who will now be res- ponslble for all business transac- tlons, I wih to thank the many customers and friends for their patronage orer the past years. J. PREECE. The tiro department had a call EP'Ak? at 8 o'clock last night to extln-jpoR SALE Double brass, bed- gulsh a orusn nre in KosnDroo , 9tead( new spring, phone Oreen ' Heignu. wo oarnage was aone uj , 957. i205) property. 1 . . FOR SALE Complete house fur SOUTH AFRICA'S DEFENCE JhHcuHcetnehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Little Norway Tea, Sept. 12. Canadian National Railways TRAINS I OK THE fST )VaL J.EAYK I'ltlNCE KL'PEKT: Monday vednbsday arid Friday 6 p.m stopping at ail local stations. Diesel Car tir Terrace leaves dally except Sunday, 4 15 p.m. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 10:30 a.m.. stopping at Terrace, Pacific. Hazclton. New Hazelton, Smithers, Burns Lake. Vanderhoof. Prince George, Glscome and McBride only. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY 6:30 p.m. Diesel Car from Terrace 11:15 a.m. dally except Sunday. Air conditioned SLEEPING and DININO CARS on trains leaving Monday 6:p.m.; Wednesday and Friday 10:30 a.m. For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. fillEIG, City Passcnser Agent 528 Third Ave.. Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines HANDY MAN ! N OVO , TOBY. tJ MA WOGODV COULD W dv.7 ' J Ii HIM TOR THAT aARtfiROWT- OKAYS nishings. 1455 Sixth St. ' f208 .SaS" 2;7m,S SALE - Mercury! coupe South Africa spent July $35,100,000 on defence. sedan, like new, with excellent tires, leas than 18,000. miles. Can be seen at 133 Fifth Avenue West, Owner. (204) FOR SALE Household furniture, washing machine and go-cart 806 Borden Stfeet. (205) FOR SALE Used School Books. Apply 309 Seventh Ave. East. ; . . ' ROOM AND BOARD Oddfellows' Ball. Sept. 23 by in- vitation from members only. -BOARD and Room for man will ing to share. 718 Fraser Street (158) PERSONAL VWAR RISK INSURANCE From Wednesday to Saturday inclusive of this week our office will be open between 7 and 9 o'clock p.m. to receive applications covering war risk. Rates: Dwellings, Churches. Hospitals, Public Buildings. 15 ctnts per $100. All other properties 25 cents per $100. M. M. STEPHENS & CO., LTD. 432 West 5th Ave. Phone 222 J. M. Si Loubser D.O, ItA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 61S MAC. ITS Me,ni rcw. .vay, Vtovj -1 ANVJtK IR The Dibb Printing Co. announces they are not handling school supplies this year. (tf) Mrs. H. W. BuUer arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from Alice Arm. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Parsons sailed yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Plumbers & Pipefitters will be . JT 7" u"'" held in carpenters' Hall. ThursJ8,6"1 of,r-av iw V o , aftef a visit to Hyder. arrived in j, v . , . i the city yesterday afternoon, be- that Artillery , 11111 tl0w on nis wav 10 KetcniKan. ATYOURY WANTED 33S DRUGGIST FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of the late Wassvel Kurulok will take place tomorrow, ' Thursday, at 2:30 p.m. from Gren-vllle Court Funeral Chapel. Fraser Street. WANTED Young girl as helper on uiiio. Hamuli, uuuu pay. vmeiiLUi Dairy. 205 WANTED Single or double housekeeping room. Apply Box 340. Dally News. m (20S LAWNMOWERS Sharpened and overhauled. Phone Red 392. 206 WANTED To Rent Furnished suite or small furnished house. Apply Box 340, Daily News. i207 WANTED Good truck driver, pre ferably military exempt, steadyi employment S. C. Thomson 4: Son. Phone 423. (204) WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished apartment, by October 1. Permanent. Box 339, Dally News. TWO Sleeping Rooms and Board, or light housekeeping accommodation .lor marv"Wifo$ and two small clUfdreriJa'boatpSept. 15th. Quiet section rpre"fe:rred. We are quiet people and non drinkers. Phone Orland at Green 156 during day. (209) WANTED Two or three room apartment or small house. Green 450. (206) MUST have house or apartment. Permanent. Phone Red 271. (205. WANTED One or two furnished rooms by married couple; no Children. Phone Mr. Debilly, 643. (201) WANTED Experienced waitresses or girls willing to learn. Smiles Cafe, Cow Bay. (204) BY WESTOVER SOSFT TWooehtT' this scarecro DARE tJ lANO ANU NU I 2 Logging Jacks, specially priced. 1 Typewriter, at $11.50 100 Gallon Water Tank and Heater, just like new, at Snap Price. 3 New Studio Couches. Can be made into a double bed. At Low Prices. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PRO?. A Home Away From nome" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 rim ? rr.mnniK n ra I SCHOOL SUPPLIES I M All kinds except Text Books at the VARIETY STORE itrrimiiifiiiiiiitiitiati J w E3S HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. 2 oz. OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. o 6 OZ. oOCT FRIAR'S BALSAM l oz. 2oclD , 2 oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz. 25c 8 oz. AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 8 oz. CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 2 oz. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ...r.... 8 oz. 16 oz. EPSOM SALTS, tins 4 oz. 16 oz. BORACIC ACID, Una, 2 oz. 4 oz. SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins Owney McFadden, pioneer Stewart transportation and mining man. was here yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. He had with him horses and packing equipment. New and Used Classified Ads. FURNITURE 15c 25c 20c 50c 25c 25c 90c 15c 25c 35c 50c 10c 25c 15c 25c 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drvuzptets THE REXALL STORE PnON'ES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 .m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 8 3S3 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phone 563 THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. ooaooaoooaocKtoo0OXJa0aoooaaotH3owiooooaHKHKiocooHjoa For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT . It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.