I DARNING TO KIKE TORPEDOES H T f mm mm &ri m '" i ii ructor. cadet at the naval traln-.11 Dit-go. Cel.. icaro the art of firing lethal "tin .!. lubes. Soon they will be firing their shots . i : the ea war of attrition. FOR MARRIED BRIDES AT TRAIL in ..i.t ( lift Britain "Oaf Pri-e For HUb BARCLAY s tff Writer r.. Honing. high rood , havenl .' to build a but. eomplet- .;: (siting and . nntajn now la urns tatenw wrvices, of , .uinn-autu .tida-of who - who i in el !' xrfc hed ! irt. : . ' s. . Y i worrit In O' -ktry ih it d n H tO c our leawe. is t . us i.: an , "U' . di , rlj ' .-.n' an ' .s-b'ii .i- :! h- ;o a . a i uwJy- no a .sband R A buy- irtt lob f been, ieh mn . bouse- beyond counlc-. is, cup-g room tre. ,r- piActlcally ; of j.ifai?hest ' d sheets 935 a : $15 (or cotton; blankets -M a I pillows $5 each, M2. :i do longWvba -ilky articles, iiit hard at UM ike may be Iced. '' t S HANDLES ' v M .M;mv Mvi-tenvmi ;irilv re- 'nigg'i' i,, iepliee v in the n.-unl nmn-' i" ik"rt - liaiiuiH-'. 'f curs which Mkm Sphia .McLaren uf Trail It IVrMe uf Charles lieyce TRAIL. .C. May 14 wedding was solemnised Sast Trail United Cbur:h when Sophia, youngest daugbter of Mr 'Od Mrs. Joseph McLaren, of Ter-,-mce. iu united In nUrtlate to Charles, son of Mrs. M. Royee of r43 Spokane 8treet. and the late Tsafe of rmebwU and lily of the iy. The bridesmaid wore a i-y rp5 afternoon dress with latching hat and bla:k accessor- e.t During the stgntag of the regis-or. Mk. W. K. Ly-ns sang. "O TTom'sp Mr." Mrs. R. Lyle a::om-anied h- on t- organ. The .nh was tsrtefolly decorated itrS tm and d'tt-Mla. RED CROSS GETS $400 Tlii Is Donation of Canadian U-J- lon to National Dolnj J Sympathy .of .Morin 1 Realization of the unique value i ofthe RC3 Cross services in many i varied fields where suffering and j distress must be relieved was thown by the members, of the Canadian Legion last evening when, in regular session, they voted the sum of $400 as the branch's dona-mn to the local quota In the national dilve now under way U was also agreed to supply cakes each week for the military hospital at the request of the local :' W.C.A. Hostess House Committee. A recent arrangement between hose responsible for entertaln-Tint of the troops has resulted In ihe transfer of the Sunday night concerts from the Leglcm rooms o rhe Y.M.C.A. This is a service i that the Legion has given since he start of the troop movement in town but. with fuller organlza-;n now btelng supplied through he YJU.C.A., the authorities have ;?lt that the Y.M.OA. could take over the handling of the weekly concert. However the rooms will be avail able as before for the accommodation of organizations and activities on request. Matters for the forthcoming Dominion convention of the Canadian Legion to be held in Winnipeg were aUo under discussion, lerolutlons previously forwarded the provincial command had a Hie 1 v.-. rA a in the nrnvlnrtat heart. 1 the (room, attended the bride, mourn. i V'a-'or Relia was groomsman not! Th- bride's dress was of a wo.k-i'Mieai's btuc redlngote fashioned 1 -wi Prince m Unes, with matching :tnd -1 smI beitre accessories, and a Mr. srrf Mr Jtovea left on a short motor tf! to points unannounced. On th?'r return they take un residence at ISO Co-tu'wMs Avenue. 15 MARRIED A Quiet b" nrettv w ddlnn was -Hpnntzcd list Saturday after- . M A1t " t the home of the bride's aunt and ttnrl Mr. nd Mrs. v c. Robln- -i57 n" Avenue. Burnaby. when Lois Flsl. olv dauehwr ot Mr. and Mr J. 3. Judre of Prince Rupert. bwn,v" the h'H" of Lance Corporal Vaughan, cWest son of I Mr. and Mrs. V. u. vaugiian ui ' v-ti!"v prnirlr. The hrtdr was charming In a blue redingcote wttn wnive c- lorlc -nd corsntte of sreei- ,nfft (w!!hMrt ro-"i and UW of the valley. 4i further The bridMmatd wns Mw Ruby , fr blfe of Vaughan, sister of the groom .a tun all tamt Mifr flk nrlntefl areu wine accessories and corsnae oi ntnk rarnstlsnt pnd lily of the I J n wvnii ' - - n hn h r. vsllev. Kenneth Rhodes ....... tt oionmsman. The bride wm. They can In marriage by her uncle. Rey. Ai- uod lor everyday fret! Wilson, formerly of Prince Rupert, performed the ceremony. thlii' rU loel The room was beautlfullx dtC: vr hi. "ued wed- ojiitid with rails lilies.' snapdra-;u t . irl A her iron and lHao. Only relatives of the ivrsaet aside part ctuitracting cowfrfo.lUndcd.-lUo-ivtlon for woeks. ceremony. A brief honeymoon was siwrn. Van ouver and the happy couple wtll leave shortly to make their home In Victoria. The bride wns born In Trtnce Rupert and was employed at the local telephone exchange. The I'i'oom wns formerly with the 21st Provost Corps here and recently wns transferred to Victoria. ami more Best wishes .) to the happy I couple tt'uj u host ol friends She wlUi was the wac given quarters. The svmnathy of the members THE DAILY NEWS LIVED TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY mediately took charge of gunnery on the rescue vessel. Shortly thereafter the rescue ship sighted a submarine which dlrcd before j the gun could he brought to bear. ' U came up later though, before Mail Schedule of the Legion with the family ot the late 8rg?ant-P110t Ttalrft I "nr the East Morin will be formerly conveyed, Mondays, Wednesdays and by letter. The sentiment was ex-' Fridays 5 n.m, A. R. R- pt Trail, werw u uien- pressed that the shock of his early rm h Eat hue officiated. 1 death be lessened by the know- , Tuendays. Thursdays and The WWe was given in mamage that In his short life he had - Saturdays U pjn. by her brother-in-law H. Q. noun. KrVed hU country well and had Ff Vanrnuver ot Trail. Miss Petty Koyce, sister brought honor to those who now Turdav 12:30 pm I Thursday .wr' COLORFUL .To artvrrllse. nr not lo adrcrthe. whn demand exceeds supply or when withdrawn completely from thejdomestic market Is one of ihe niany : 1 1 . . ' prdl;-.ciH.v ,- that confront business today, ' ; .' . : -'ry. 1 (.; :. . ..jf. ,' ... t ; " .-..v Yv" - " " HIT HERE 'Louisiana Purchase" Feature Pic ture This JYeek-eml'at Capitol'Theatre "Louisiana Purchase," Techni color film version of the musical comedy of the same name, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here as the feature offering for his week. The stars are Bob Hope. Vera Zorlna and Victor Moore Uh the supporting cast Including Irene Bordonl, Dona Drake. Raymond Walburn and Maxle Rosen- bloom. There is also a curvaceous beauty bevy konwn as the Loulsi ana Lovelies. Tunc written by Ir vlng Berlin are featured in the music, these Including 'Tomor row Is a Lovely Day." "You'r Lonely and I'm Lonely" and "Loul tslana Purchase". New Orleans Is the locale of the story which concerns the comic activities of a political band whose F". "r F-ank Keathie U&N.. innocent dupe, Bob Hope, finally Khown f-hiittlnnr with newsmen wises up to their activities. vhcTi he rave some jsuoport W the , heedless to say the ae:ent Is on old maximum about he who fihts comedy, music and the parading end runs away Er.sVrn Keathley;0f feminine beauty. mdnt exactly run away; actually "Louisiana Purchase" was a hit his ship wa shot from under him !!for forty-eight weeks on Broad by a U-boat. He and bis navy way. tjin crew were picked up by a i . . . .jss unuea nations ireignier ana im-. prMav fl-30 nm - J ' May 8 and 19 . 4:00 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday pm Wednesday . 10:00 ajn. Friday 10 am May 14 and 28 ajn t had time to aive the navy gun- For stcwarl and Premier- been sent on to the Dominion ; iters had drawn their bead. Second ' Command for presentation at the -hot is believed io have been a Sunday .. 7 pjn. Fridav 2 njn. Dominion convention. Resolutions , direct hit. There was a cloud of rrom Stewart and Premier from the Stewart branch of the , wioke and the sub was ecn no Tuesday . ajn. a quiei. Canadian Legion had been for- j more Saturday 7 pjn. ; For Alice Arm, Nat River and Port Simpson . Sunday 7 pjn. From Alice Arm. Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday a.m For Ocean Falls- Thursday 10:15 pm.) Friday 0 pjiu From Ocean Falls Wednesday 10 no a.m Friday 10 a.m .-'-10:15 pm For Queen Charlotte Islands THE QUESTION many business men arc asking ioay . . ; c "is it sound policy lo advertise in a Sellers market?" THE ANSWER is- "yes if you expect to be in business when We return to the inevitable Buyer's market." THE DAILY NEWS Kl THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1942. Help Tfie Red Cross SALADA TEA ooooooaoooooooocKHjooooooovooooaocooooooooooocooooooo RETIRING FROM BUSINESS 1 .Mr. Smith is closing out the FLOWER SHOP in the Brooksbank Building owing to ill health. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ENGLISH CHINA, CANADIAN POTTERY. PLANTS, SEEDS, ONION SETS, LAWN SEEDS, FERTILIZER ETC. 1'ixtures, fittings, scales, show cases, cash register, shelves etc. BUY EARLY TO SECURR BARGAINS H30 ooooo oo CKWooaocHjaooooooaooocKjooooaoooooooooaoooooa "Heat Waves Roll From Foothills Coal" FOOT1I1LLLS ALBERTA BULK LEY VALLEY COMOX-WELLINGTON COAL PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE fTl WATCH THIS RED CROSS THKUyOMKTEU! onj.rcriVE TO MAY ii J1C.OO0 $3,80(1 PHONE We wish to thank our customers for the help given by placing their order a day in advance of delivery. It Is our wish at all times to give the maximum service economically possible, by your continued co-operation this can be -done. The time will soon be' here when It will be good business for those with storage space to put In a stock of coal for future use, as during the rush months both mines and dealers are taxed beyond their capacity. CAMP FURNITURE- 0 only Folding Camp Cots, each S5."5 10 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 oz. khaki duck, each 57 00 Folding" Camp Chairs from 73c. $1.50. $2.93 Steel Folding Caunp Cots, complete with mattresses, each 512 SO TtStlJpuife'tesYpack Boards, Pack Sacks. Dunnage Bags Simmons Bed Outfit, 'oil sizes, Spring Filled Mattress In all sizes Large Stock of Floor Covering. Congoleums, Unoleumi, Carpets Unpointed Furniture. Chests of Drawers, Dropslde Tables, Meat Safes. Ironing Boards, Etc. We have the Goods at Elio's Furni'ure Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. Advertising ami Circulation T"'"f' Member uf Audit I'ureim of C'irvuUUuiii (ireen 916