MAKE YOl'lt OWN SPRING ACCESSORIES Clartv Hals, ruo. IJrlU, Itutlont. Klc 'iff v; ,i) stock doeskins. Wf" r kid. pigtex. pec- c 1. A all fancv leathers. !::- ;km at $2 75 will make P- i. oxet. We can supply "vn and Instruction. Write for Particular Hcdford Fine Leathers 1 Witei St. Vancouirr, tt.C. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli. Prop. Thone 37 io: Box 511 KRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT AMAI.(JAMATi:i pU'ILMNfi WORKERS OP CANADA Prince UupcM, C. MlrritOPOLE HALL Meeting every fourth Sunday m me month at 2 p.m. jtor No. 1 Shipwrights, Joiners, ucai Builders and Caulkers. It No. 2: Painters. Paner- haneers and nprrrntrr I S'rretsry! Phone Blut 113, P.O. llox 1115 Advcrtlso in The Dally News, IUUE THE TOILER Miss Norma Smith, school teach er at Evelyn, arrived on Thurs day's train to spend the Stater vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith. Seventh Avenue Bast. Mrs. J. c. OUker and son and daughter tailed on the Prince Rupert Thursday night for Vancouver enroute to Oliver where they will spend the next several months, planning to etorn to the eity )n early fall. e Arthur Brookabeok returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Brookshank la remaining over in the south for a week or ten days longer to visit in Seattle. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Section of the Prfnoe Rupert Chamber of Commerce. which would ordlnanry nave rsutn last night, la postponed for one week owing to the Oood Friday holiday. Peter 8olem. local manager of the Booth Fisheries Co.. returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon- from a business trio to Seattle. He was accompanied by R. B. Matthews, official of the company from, who is here on business. a an mi sua 1 us . nuim ntM3 Attention Trappers: WE PAY NEW YORK PRICES FOR ALL RAW FURS. PHONE GOLDBLOOM "The Old Rrllable" si3aiB.iaatBKa'jBiB3a?H3 TILL1E MET 5CR06GS OF THE APEX S ARA6E -THAT EXPLAIMS." THIS MECHANICAL ' ABIUTX OF HERSL yu laid last night for Victoria where he will loin the navy. Moose men and women enjoyed an Informal social evening in the Oddfellows' Hall on Thursday evening following a meeting of the Moose Lodge at which business was of a routine nature with Gov ernor Fred Cameron In the chair. The clylc centre committee will be meeting tomorrow afternoon to proceed with further organization leading to the fruition of the local project. Charter of the association has been received from Victoria and also architect's plans. Among those attending the shower held at the home of James Taylor, Seal Cove, on Wednesday evening in. honor of Miss Torjr Rysstad were Mrs. Deniuck, Mrs. DalseU, Mrs. Bergey, Mrs. Platen and Mrs. If. Johansen. Counterfeit forty-cent pieces are making their appearance in Prince Rupert as well as at Vancouver where Quite a considerable number have been reported. They are a fair lepllca, although not of entirely dear mould, in alio. The dates 1M9. 1940 and 1912 are be-lug used. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mandy are receiving congratulations today on the occasion of their niuth wedding anniversary. It was on April 4. IMS, that they were mar ried at First United Church in Vancouver by Rev. Andre -v Rod- den. Mr. and Mr. Edwin S. Johnson arrived In the city on the -Prince George yesterday morning, from Seattle. Mr. Johnson Is here on International Fisheries Commis sion business. Mrs. Johnson is the former Miss Tbelma Davis of this city. Miss Mary Anderson, for years engaged in Presbyterian Church missionary work in Japan and now residing In Acton,-Ontario, arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday morning from Vancouver in the course of a tour of Canada. She will be here until Monday evening when she will proceed East by train. R T. Kenney, AL L A. for Skeena, arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from Terrace and sailed on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he has been called to attend a meeting of the special post-war reconstruction committee which has been formed by the government under he chairmanship of Hon. II. O. Perry, provincial secretary and M. t. A. fur Fort Geonje. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO IlUY SEE OUR FLOOR COVERING STOCK Linoleum with burlap back, Inlaid Linoleum with burlap back, Congoleum felt base, Linoleum Rugs and Congoleum Rugs, nil sizes. Passage Linoleum. i.imvi' "i 327 THIRD AVE. Mrs. James Cowgill and chad sailed last night on the P.rincew Adelaide for Vancouver en route to Lethbrldge to pay a visit. Her Sister, Mrs. Morris Mlnnell, will be coming out from Ottawa, where she now resides, to visit Lethbrldge at the same time. FOR SALE FOR SALE One electric Singer Sewing Machine, two radios. Cheap for cash. Phone 564. (81) FOR SALE Cabinet grand piano, good condition. Phone Black 701 in evening. 84 FOR SALE Ice cream cabinet, 3x6 hole and, coil for refrigerator 0x6x6 ft. with compressor. (Used equipment). Can be run by electric heater or gas engine. Valentin Dairy. (80) FOR SALE Dinette table and six chairs, circulating heater, two end tables, eoffee table, double bed. Phone Green 402. (82) FOR SALE Sacrifice 1931 Model A Ford coach. A-l condition, good rubber, $160. Apply Box 219, Dally News. but boat Norma W. length 37' 6," powered 25 h.p. dtesel engine. Boat and engine Al condition. Apply Peter Wells, Port Simpson. B.C. (81) FOR SALE Lots 21 and 22, Block 18, Section 1, on Third Avenue, in good business district $2000 each. H. O. Hetgerson Ltd. 79) FOR SALE Large stock of doors. windows. Mirrors in all sizes. Kitchen Chain, Chesterfields, Cabin Stoves. Phoae Black 324. WANTED WANTED Room. Apply Box 241, Daily News. (84) WANTS) Housekeeping rooms or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Blue 419. (83 1 WANTED Fourth class steam engineer, immediately. Apply Box 240, Dally New. (84) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Phone Red 514 after 7 pjn. (tfi WANTED Young man for day work, apply Chris Mill Bakery. (tf) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Labourers and mill workers wanted at Ocean Falls. Apply Tioom 21. Princ Rupert Hotel. 1 33 MALE HELP WANTED EARN up to $1.50 per hour tak;n?r subscriptions to leading Canadian and American Magazines-full or spare time. Write 310 Birks Building. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 79) HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD Phone Red 976. tf ROOM and Board for dry dock workers. Apply 1313 Overlook Street. (79) PERSONAL YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help, Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools. Winnipeg. Man. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. Advertise in the Dally News. SHE'LL DO IT WITH A HAIR-PIN! L I NE'S V I'LL GO OUT AND BU5V 'TELL HER I'M VMISE , TEPHOMtjN 1 'r 1 if m Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton sailed1 Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Allan M. Davles sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Evelyn Mattson, irom Ketchikan, was a. passenger .-on' last evening's train for St. Paul, Mrs. Len Brewerton and Mrs. Oeorge Thaln sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Among the passengers sailing today on the Cardena for Van couver were J. Collins and F. M. Laird. Mrs. R. S. Hogan was a passen ger on last night's train for Kan sas CHy. She came from Ketchl kan. Constable and Mrs. Edward G KJdd sailed Thursday night on the steamer Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. J. E. Ormhelm, well known local fur dealer, returned to the city on Thursday night's train from a business trip to Terrace. Mrs. D. Chenoskl and Mrs. Roy Chenoski and child sailed last 30 'night on the Princess Adelaide for FOR SALE Fish Packer or hali- a trip to Vancouver. Miss Nancy Rorle sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a visit In Victoria with her mother, Mrs. Oeorge Rorle. Mrs. James H. Murphy bailed night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. Her husband, CpL Murphy of the Royal Canadian Engineers, is being trtn$f erred south and wjll be leaving shortly for Vancouver. Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone HIO Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. Furniture 1 KITCHEN RANGES In very good shape, for wood and .o)()0 coal; from 12 UNTAINTED CHESTS OF DRAWERS Priced finnr, & from un 9 MATTRESSES Priced at 11 GOSH' WA SOMEBODY I SO"o fi RECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS at very reasonable prices. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue I .V tjVBDAY APRIt I. "42- DAILY NEWS sr: ulHHCuhcetneHtJ aII advertisement In thl column will be charged tor a full month a c a worn. i'hist drive, Saturday, Commer- II Hotel. i Oddfellows' Scotch DancR, AP'" !by Invitation. n:nd, W A. Tea, Legion, April toueen Mary Tea, Mr. Parkin, li o n A, 8prlng Sale, April 8. 5t Peter's Juniors Tea. Mr. pKfnrd, April 8. iCr.'.rdral Eaater Sale, April 9. V.-J: Dance, MctropoJc flail Brll 10. Jr.'.ied Chureh Spring Sale, ir!) IB. iv'sm Star Dance, April 17. prr.:3jicriail rJmilt rtinn 5t petrr.s Spring Sale, April 23- tM.O.O.P Hall. Jar. T al Cove Hall. May 1. cj C:c 2 Tea. June 3. JRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK FAND SHIPYARD siurM' and i:NT.iNr.i:iis Iron and Rraw Cattinc l.lfctric and Acetylene Weldlnr IfPCCIALISTS ON SAWMILL fAriD MININO MACHINERY I All Tjpet of Cat Entities itrpiirrd and Overhauled LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Special Easter Program Mo ments Musical CFPR, Saturday at 6:40 p.m. Kenneth Harding U sailing on the Princes Norah for Vancouver on a brtf buslneas trip. A Queen Mary Outer Monday tea. at the home of Ml. Parkin. Bar- dD Street. JJ. Drlnkwatcr. Vancouver shlo- plng man, arrived in the city on the Prince George yetrday morning from the south, being here on budnem. Rod Morrison, former fire chief here, Is back In the city to locate tor Uje time belqg at !. He hM been living In Vancouver for rreml years. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark have moved reatdenee f rom the Wilson-Murray house on Bovwer Street to the McCarthy house on Fifth Avenue Bast. A. J. Prudhormne, who has been spending the winter at La Jolja, California, returned to the city irom uie south on the Prince Oeorge yesterday morning. Mrs. A. Clifford and daughter, Owen, sailed by the Cii.dth. today for Vancouver, Cfrace Alexcee, charged with prostitution under the Vagrancy Act, was sentenced to xlx months' Imprisonment by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court on Thursday. Bwart Hetherlngton, who has been stationed here fore some time as provincial government welfare officer, sailed on the Princess Ade CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH . Corner Eighth and Ninth Avenues East Rev.y-11. 31) rvangr MJU Pastor. Res. tl07lst .Ave. IV, Phone KIlc. m Mrs. I. Fen ess. Organist Miss Beatrice Mostad, 8. S.-Supt. Miss Alma Dybhavn, S. S. Pianist EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 10:0 a .m Festive Services, in Norwegian. The Varden Chorus will sing. 11:00 ajn-Festtve Services, In English. The Easter Offering will be brought All are invited.' MONDAY, APRIL 6 7:00 pin. Lutheran Hour Broadcast, CFPR. 8:00 pM The Church Council will meet. All members pleaw attend. FRIDAY, APRIL 9 8:09 pjn. The Varden Singers, assisted by other musicians, will give - an appropriate Sacred Concert In sympathetic commemoration of the Invasion of Norway, April 9, 1940. Commander Reed of the Canadian Navy, and Col Fred W. Adams, VS. Army, will contribute to the program. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist, Peter Lien Choir Leader A. J. Lancaster Sunday School Sup't., Frank Skinner EASTER DAY 8:00 a.m Holy Communion. 11:00 ajn. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Anthem, "Jesus Is Risen." Soloist, Mrs. S. D. Johnson. 2:30 p-m. Children's Service. Address by Miss N. Bird. 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Sixth Avenue and 'Musgrave Place Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pjn. The Junior Choir in the morning. In the evening the Senior Choir will render the Sacred Cantata, "The Seven Words of Christ." Soloists, Mrs. T. Dixon. Mrs. R. G. Large, J. E. Davey and Dr. R. G. Large. The Salvation Army Adjutant and Mrs. E. Brunsdon EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 a.m. Devotional Service; speaker, Mrs. Adjutant Brunsdon. . 7:30 p.m. Sacred Easter Program: speaker. Adjutant Brunsdon. Special vocal items in both services. Come and worship the Risen Saviour. Mrs. J. A. Hinton sailed Thurs- 1 There is another accumulation day night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver on business. She expects to be back next Wednesday on the same steamer. of unclaimed articles at the city police station including purses, national registration cards, pieces of jewelry and even a bicycle. GOOD SERVICE ... to Our Country and Homes! Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We are also advised that we shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. We request your co-operation In helping us to maintain our policy of prompt service. By placing all coal orders at Jeast ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED, you will enable us to route our deliveries in the most economical manner, thereby conserving both tires and gasoline. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE Ori t rilONE 0."2 I OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND ... f 4 GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We are also advised that we" shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt service we ask you to place all coal orders at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable us to route our deliveries in the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline -and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. BY WESTOVER GOSH' NOVJ TiLLIE'LL SHOVO HER I GAMT Wyi CAUCSKT IM THE MECHAM ICAL rV" 1 1 . ' TFT I SET K PHWSPOOTV! ABILITY ON ; U,,(meciS TIIONES 116 OR 117 I THE SITREME COl'IlT OF BRITISH COLl'MltlA IN l'KOIUTE In the Mattrr of the "AdmlnMratlon Art" And In the Matter of the Estate of William Charles llayner, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor Judge Fisher dtl the 18th day of March 1942 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of tfoe late William Charles Hayner. formerly of Prince Rupert. Brru&h Columbia, who died on or about the day of November A. D. 1941; All persons baring claims against the Said Estate are required to forward them to me on or before April 30th tf 1942 property verified and all persona Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their tndebtadDOM to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. thU I8U1 day of March AD. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmtrriBtralor. Prince Rupert, B.C. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS DR1NQ RESULTS. PHONE 93. 1F -AT, . 9 aw