f u 4' i ! 1. 0 PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY FEBRUAnv i a n Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CnAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enrrarlnc Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAXHEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT THEY'REiTHE TOPSlI PEOPLES STORE Glamorous Spring Millinery And why wouldn't they be? Over 500 new Spring Hats Just received direct from the eastern factories. All the new colors combined with the leading New York models. SPECIAL SALE 50 HATS REG. $3. - $5 1 Buy your faster Hat at once. J Many of these Hats were Just unpacked. All are reduced only for this sale $1.95 .Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 1 THIRD AVE. V.V.W.V.V FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 3- Piece Chesterfield Suite reg. $145. Sale price SI 17.00 ' 4- Piece Bedroom Suite Sale price 1 40.00 4-Piece 'Bedroom Suite Sale price !)!()0 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Sale price 70.00 All-Enamel Enterprise Range Sale price 110 00 6-Piece Dinette Suite Sale price 7J)!oo Better Quality Seamless Axminster Rug. 9x12 Sale price TlljiO Better Quality Seamless Axminster Rug, 9x10 Sale pr. 07.50 Better Quality Seamless Axminster Rug, 9x9 Sale price 40.00 Better Quality Seamless Axminster Rug, 6'9"x9' Sale pr. ;y!oO BUY NOW SAVE MONEY AT Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PHONE GREEN 919 Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart. Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River and ancouver. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For ul1 information, reservations, etc., call or write K. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Prince Rupert Victory Loan Campaign Come On Prince Rupert $600,000 FROM 1800 SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ritlNTE HOPEItT fj0 Ltd. BRITISH COLOMBIA If you lose anything, advertise for it. Waterfront Whiffs United States Halibut Fleet to Get , Insurance Protection Against EriVm Action Spring Salmon Prices Pegged. for the benefit or the Canadian fleet. Meanwhile, the war in the fleet Is not known. War in thr ered by the halibut fleet in its preparations for the coming season. Another new factor this season In connection with the hali-butlng Is profittable soup fin shark fishing which has been engaging many vessels of the Puget Sound fleet close to the home port and with very attracUve financial returns. It may have an influence in keeping some of the halibut boats out of their normal pur suit this season. Meantime. zm - . ... . . . "In the Heart of Prince Rupert- ! slves ana me res"ltant nibble will Next to Heilbioner's PHONE BLUE 907 5' removl by dredges and scows. - i A hoat nf snpoial HAettrn will R ... J . . . usea as a arming noat, being held vin place by immense anchors, the main ones with about five thou-' sand feet of steel cable. The diversion dam will require the se- Plirlntr rkf rrvV from nMrhv nHftn loading in scows and dumping In position. This diversion dam will jcut off a dangerous cross current that now swirls across the shallow waters over Ripple Rock. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 4 nVInrlf this mnralnn f south, sailing at 7:30 am on her (return to Vancouver and way- , points. Price ceilings for fresh caught' spring salmon have been set up ! by the British Columbia branch of the Wartime Prices and Trade, Board on Instructions from Ottawa, The maximum selling price , for retailers for red spring sal-j mon Is 35 cents a pound. For white spring the retailers' maxl- j mum is 25 cents a pound. Whole salers' prices have also been es tabllshed by the board. Indian Department's cruiser Na. skeena, with Indian Agent James Oillett and Dominion ConsUble A. i. watkinson on board, made a trip to Port Esslngton yesterday There has been a falling off during the past few days of the: herring fishing at Laredo Inlet on , the west coast of Princess Royal1 island. The fish are now reported down deep and pretty well out of reach of the seines. One hundred tons of herring was delivered yesterday from Laredo Inlet to Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. cannery on the ocean dock. Returned Man pqlVARDEN CHOIR Pr-M S I Laid At Resti ENTERTAINMENT One Hundred and Fifty l'croiis In Attendance At Enjoyable Affair Last Niht In P r It makes them .MrtroHle Hail Some 150 Dersons were In at enuancc at ine Aieiropole Hall' as nini when an acceptable en-' tcrt&iruiten, leauired ay a two- According to advices from Sohttln it nnnpnr thnt acfc Pra,,d 10Mi"i by, 8 - -ri -;: ana aance, was presentee, oy me . arrangements are , being made to provide some sort of araen bcrs. j insurance for the American halibut fleet this year in con- ine xtoiweKian folk play was nectinn with thp risk- nf onprnv art inn whiin fisViincr in entitled Naar Bnden Er Ood"i waters of the Gulf of Alaska and elsewhere in the west- duecbSih "Ssen ' wards. Whether or not anv similar action is'to be taken " 1 , J ' I Mrs. huaoipn Olsen, .vels Q under son. Mr. and Mrs. Arne Huso v. Airs. Anion Dyohavn and Bemholj The tvenlnf's program was i rounded out with selections by the i Varden Singers, under the dlrec- tion of Peter Lien, and there were Funeral of Antony Brahan, Un- vocal solos by Mrs. Hecry Li udder Canadian Legion Auspices jseth. On Thursday IngwUd Ferine was chairman and announcer. Accordion musk was provided The funeral of Antony Brahan, the dancing by Mr. Blomberg recent arrival in Prince Ruoert and Nels Gunderson was master of ana ex-serviceman, wno cuea nere .tctrmvuioB. s rangements are going ahead for at nm the wek took Dlac Delicious refreshments were ser- : commencem en of the halibut Thursday afternoon from the ved at midnight in the course of fishing on April 15. chape, of the B c undertakers to :he dance. I ', Fairview Cemetery. Rev. (CapU Oscar Larsen presided at the ; The British Columbia Bridge & E. E. Brandt, chaplian of the Ca- door. The proceeding opened with 0 Dredging Co. of Vancouver has nadlan Scottish, officiated and "Singlns of O Canada" and the -j i been awarded the contract on a Miss Lois Judge presided at the national anthem of Norway and ; eosi-pius basis by the federal gov- organ to accompany singing of closed with "God Save the King." ernment to remove Ripple Rock, "Lead, Kindly Light" Interment j J the menace to navigation in Sey- was made in the soldiers' plot at n XL CANE COMMANDS Ij mour Narrows, and to Instal a di- Fairview with Bugler William LONDON. Feb. 38: h nt.-Lt- l version dam at Maude Island. The Ranee sounding The Last Post." Paddy Finucane. 21-year-old Irish i I cost, it is estimated, will approx- Pallbearers were C. L. Youngman. DS.O. and triple D .F.C, has been ' imate $375,000 and the time oc- A. E. Dickens. J. M. Walker, Hugh promoted to the rank of squadron ! cupiea win De aDout a year. The Smith, William Ranee and Mike leader and will command the fa-work will start almost immediate- Bokshiti mous 602 squadron of the R.A.F. ly. The rock will be drilled from the surface, shattered by explo IIKS .H ST TO'LII TCI EY-HE ME XV II Y, 1 M m mm f extra good Have you ever wondered why Sweet Caps are always milder always taste better? It's because Group-Wending insures that every Sweet Cap shall contain its proper proportion of 38 clarifications of choicest Virginia toUeccn according to the famous Sweet Caporal formula. The classifications are first blended in small groups, then these are combined Group-Blended! SWCT CA0O6AL tCARerres "The preil form fn which tobacco can b mold" Specializing In AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 'In :i t. i , H tl Rupert Motors PHONE 5G6 Distributors of Chrysler Products FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED 811 I ... "BLOSSOMS" VIVID FILM Greer Carson and Walter Pldgeon Head Cast in Real Life Story at Capitol Theatre. inspired by the rcalfq story of a Texas, woman. Np". Edna Oladney. who, has dfftwed .thirty years to child welfare and has .found happy homes for more than two thousand babies. "Blossoms in the Dust." starring Oreer O arson and Walter Pidgeon, is to be the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of next week. Filmed In technicolor. It U said to be one of the most dramatic and heart-touching stories ever brought to the screen. The picture opens in the gay. colorful Olbson Olrl period of 190. when lovely Edna Kahley. whose part is taken by Sliu Oarson. falls In love with and marries Sam Oladney. played by Walter Pidgeon. Bhe becomes interested In child welfare when she observes the difficulties which women workers in her husband's mill have In caring for their children. 8lmply and quietly she goes about the work of caring for babies and assuring reforms in the adoption laws. When her husband suffers financial reverses and lose the mills Uiey move to Fort Worth where the wife continues her efforts to start a new home for babies, a home of which Mrs. Oladney is sUll in charge today. The supporting cast includes Marsha Hunt. Felix Bre&aurt, Fay HoMen. Samuel S. Hinds, Kathleen Howard and others. WAS TOKOXTO TKACIILK LONDON. Feb. 28 : 9 E. O. Savage, former school teacher at Toronto, i London County Councils education officer. t ENDS TONKstiT Complete Show 1? , rroi n,nn IB4 Olivia delTiiUn(J THKY IUI mT Til F.I II MOOTS 0V HKCINS MOviT A TECHNICOLOR. Tr With Tw c, CKKKU GARSON Topping he: tamed "Pride p r as the brave c, challenges . her plea tc ti.,: ,v . V Or WALTKU PIDGEON The handsome minhter 4 "How Green Was My VtSp "BLOSSOMS in the DUST" with FAY HOLDKX at I 31. 3 21 AI)I)i:i).. "Information Plow CS!'- "NVabbit Twoublt IIIGII-VltlCC UlAMMl M NEWBURY Ei. F . av a warsn.p a I tie of rhampag: t t ire-auctioned rt., a 1 tijlil First Aid Supplies Have Them on Hand When Needed! Gauze Bandage r to 1" 10c 30c Gauze 1 yard Gauze 5 yards Absorbent Cotton 1 oz , 1 lb Adhesive Tape 1.2 yards r.xo yards : Absorbent Lint 1 oz Band-Aids Plain or Mercurocnrome Tannic Acid Jelly for Burns Iodine 1 oz 2 ozs. 2fr 73c 13c 31.00 13c 39c 23c 23c 50c 13c 2 Mercurochrome J oz 25c Hydrogen Peroxide 1 ozs. ........ 23c 16 ozs 50c FIRST AID KITS 85c - $1.00 - $0.50 - $21.50 Ormes Lid. "Jim Jhon ztr Druggists THE KEXALL STORK PHONES II AND Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 11-2 p.m. and 7 I P THINK THIS OVER If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada do you imagine you'd be given the honour and privilege of buying any kind of Bonds? lou would not! Then go all out to defeat the enemy with your money and Buy the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 11 OR 117 When You Want a Rcllsble. Comfortable, DeptndibH 22 PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Regular Rates