"CIANELLE" DAILY EDITION STYLE CREATIONS HY GAGNON & LACHAPELLE Snappiest lines, styled by'New York Style Show in biege, brown, blue and black. Step In Pumps in crushed kid, gaberdine and suede. Finest line in its price field in Canada. Most styles, priced $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. I'KIXCK UUPEKT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN. PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER. ALVNAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion EDITORIAL Presenting The News... District News SMITHERS Terrace Tennis U-K . Ufa A nnf 4 OTV 1 hih KAVivinorl - 'Active Season Expected Allhoutli .Miss Winnlfre.l Grant Becomes ManT Vlijen Have Left Bride of Leonard Evitt . " . TERRACE. May 1 Responding to the seneral awakenlns at Ter- SMITHERS. May 1 I The votina in The biggest Canadian news today is not a sudden plebiscite brought -A very quite race tenms ciUb came to life where Const. Orant has served on the force of the provincial police. The family left Smithers over a year ago when Constable Orant was moved from Smithers to Duncan. Miss Orant arrived in Smithers on the early morning train and the wedding took place immediately afterwards with only a ver few close friends of the contract ing parties in attendance. new in the years to come. errace the games to be carried on. NEWS FROM EDMONTON Dean of Edmonton and pioneer cittten. Alexander R. Ooff died h're end of last week aUhe The ceremony was performed by at e Rev. N. Atkinson. ase oi eigniy-rour years, tie nau Mr. and Mrs. Len Ivltt will re- sPnt 65 yea ln newspaper work 25 side In Smithers where Mr. Evitt and W5U member of the Edroon-02 carrying on a very successful n Journal staff for twenty- green-house business and has a eTrn years P"or v n reremeni . 'arm two miles out of town. in 1938. He was prominent In the FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1942. many Mtnis 0fdfeIlows- Lodge. couple wish them every happl A. Bichan has been re-elected president of the Edmonton High land Games Association. The annual highland game will be held on May 25. Hon. James A. Mc- Klnnon, minister of trade and the manpower commerce. Is honorary president. many people The chieftain Is T. II. Campbell break but one continuous storv of drastic chantre in a lnto tn village, giving the place a and vice-presidents are Archie neoDle's wav of liviner. The storv is one stanza in a vast h0?lday appearanw: A. toul of 287 filler, servant Major Alex Rid- votes were cast ana tney made up dell with Major mev.t K. c Me-epiC enic nf which Kharkov ami HpllfirP Pq5 nnrl QmriPaW 01 n cn lvnarK0 and neillire rass ana .omewneie a majority of "Yes" votes amount- Leod as secretary-treasurer in Lngland are others. ing to 171. practically four-Yeasea" It is a developing story. Price control is announced t0 everv "No" Rev. Dr. j. .l Pritchard of but it does not stop there. 'Wages are pegged, but public . TotaU were Yes' 229 : No- M- .Leihbridge has been appointed su- infprocf in Vin tViio ram'mnntqti'nn ?o morla (n it.n.l ,.n. . . . perlntendent of missions for the Arrival f many new people Is United Church of Canada and will on ana on. changing the life of the village CKnc to mmmUm to make his it is a story mainly oi legislation, in which forecasts tSffniel " y headquartera. and immediate "clarification" of SjtTl'Ji ' ' single aspects are often - - dangerous since the makers of it are setfing forth in a ZZ&ESiZ 'rSS virtuany unknown field mth trial and error for compass, and orchards and the hum of it,;,' SCrw The press is telling this story of a changing way of m"- &ow an that te over. The an Edmonton acUve Krvic. life by reporting factually the initial steps gas ration- arrlTal?1are (,"ar,terfd ,Jhe 'iunit at the west coast, spent leave mg, sugar rationing, price and wane control: and the re- ulrTJ" "u: famuy m Edmonton action of a vocal people as expressed through their win be constructed m the near fu-leaders. We seek also to measure the result: cessation of ture ln immediate vicinity, output of things that have been considered necessities: : tJr- .WcjKttl search for rub! "0ZZ r STJSSf h. ber substitutes: the level nf hvinrr costs ,zl j-..ui efftCt: ?f this ehanfe will never be precisely JCZSS """ xnai, pan ui me Muiy is wriiien in irucKs and " nu am tanks and hnmW f"Wrc nnrl will aA ,v.-:ui.. old m& School Building which! with many another in the final chapter of the peace. ,ou"dugoU0nuUntbear An Edmonton 'rifle team consisting of Norman Williams. Mrs. A. May, Douglas Duncan, Archie Browning, Mrs. Lloyd Williams and Camllle Dupre has won the Do- tion will nnen thp Imiviia iMinn I U.. f I J 1 i . I - o . I uu"uu's a numDer oi years in niarkp Rtrtbim n ma k Thi. V J ' 'f il 1S ,l n newSman can everjbnt was still situated on theschool lea(rue haa been otttaH for the owor. cover his typewriter and consider any part of the storv grounds- e building was moved role purpose of providing recrea- up. ine initial moves in swinerine the eountrv . "r" "lc y tion for troops stationed in Ed- nl . LK? gld econ?my originate at Ot- the Job In about an hour and tawa, clevelopments occur as a brigadier is fined for without difficulty of any kind. Mr. sugar-hoarding at Kingston, as Saint John proposes tOiWa11 lntend turning it into an finance civilian defence by poll tax, Fort William ani)eak,upto'date garage and move hls rw.u.. nuuitcn m racuic loast snipyardS. Joins his new site. Under these conditions the need for roundup, back-1 Wlth 4X1 improved and a corner ground and situational stories the summing un of scat-locat,on Mr- Wal1 expects a good tered spot breaks-is ,ncrease ln busIne" wlU deTelop' immediate, and is one of our chief "" 1 " concerns The Civilian Protection Pnvo i: , Commlt- Lanaaian news of j- a major character tends more and tee of smithers hei a general more to be man-made. There were big single breaks in meet,ns Wednesday evening m the the past half-year crash of an airliner npar 9f ThnmneVlllage 1 halL u was wel1 attended. October 30 with 20 rWl tSn i i l, ,maS,Tne various committees made their Alberta October hl So mmePl0S10n t Nordegg reports and pragreas was made niDena, uctober 61 u when 29 were killed, a series of train w,th nunnee. The nre Pro-wrecKs in Quebec, Ontario and the West. But this Vear'tectlon commlttPe put on a dem-these did not carry the news interest that would have set'onslrat,un and. a practlce sne &Slffefore ,p,ort DTvin and hM uerefamiliardatehnes on the country's front pages, way fire hydrant, into the centre OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve Stae;, WC. We ak0 advked that e sha "t be d to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our p0uc, 0f prompt service we ask you to place all coal orders at leau ikv DAY BEFOHB DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By do'ng thUou will enab e us to route our deliveries in the most economfcai manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 - of town Other gasoline pumps also niimnpH Wfltpr frnm (ho Rmlf Vi are SI canal and the try-out was all very ihm f Ir-f laViflnry rfanrfrr if Via - -ov...tJ uvyHvut.iiv uaj , I serve nis organization well ln hand. UMPIRE'S POP Estimated population of the Empire Is 500377,000. SCOTTISH WHEAT YIELD monton. Robert and WHllan Bessent, seventeen year old twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bea&ent of Grane Prolrle, have enlisted ln the Edmonton Regiment Their 'father is a veteran of the First Great War and Is in charge of the Milk for Britain Fund In the Peace River. Sir Eric Estorlk of Washington, author and lecturer, addressed the Edmonton branch of the Institute of International Affairs. He declared that the mission of Sir Stafford Cripps to India was not a failure and predicted that Cripps would become Prime Minister of Oreat Britain. A. E. Dad) Miller, seventy-five year old Edmonton veteran, is servin? in his fourth war. He was in the Rlel Rebellion, the South African campaign and the First Great War and Is now a member of the Veterans' Volunteer Re-1 More than 1500 airmen and their friends attended the monthly dance of the Royal Canadian Air Force in the Arena here. Able Seaman Maurice Moreno i3 V. r,,.., "1 Ml" Brttr Graham war. win- COAL IN AIRCRAFT uvai oi me uamoiic urama League of Edmonton. Crv,l .mnr,H th. w.n)M l. .MALAYA'S ItUBIIEK gredlents for many of the plastics Malaya's yield of dry rubber has used today In aircraft construe-"'been estimated to reach 338 lbs. I tion I to the acre. 'London Brides' I Paper Bouquets Cost of Flowers Illjth Souvenir Or Salvate? LONDON, May 1 - Beeaus.-of the hh t of fiowafa- -car nations brin approximately 6 cenU fsich-brWes arc carrying bouquets f pper flowers these days In view of the paper shortage, the brides are wondering if their bouquets may be kept as souvenirs or must go as salvage. wedding was held yerday rnom- and lu memberj met on toe ten. TL Qr;nrA ing In the Anglican Church when nls court Wednesday evenln to1 1 nClC 5 ULlcIlLC Mis Wlnnifred Orant of Duncan. make repQirs to the and n . Vancouver Island became the wlre UriDDinPS ffnd whlcn had Ui bride of Leonard Evltt. son of Mr. ,., ji. u ,u i " " 1 r Ov and Mrs. A. L. Evltt of Smithers. , of u.,nter Though the membership The bride lived In Smithers for hsu deeHlwd wUh lh(l absente of several and Is the daughter years m wh ha?e Jo,nd thesfr. of Const, and Mrs. Andy Grant. Tlce or who are engawl m war who well known In Prince are very lndll4trles it ls hopod UVrt! will Rupert. Haielton and Smithers. b enmi9h n,nv, ,hlp for all fal called for In spice, cho-1 cotate moUs and other cakes and coKtos with a preoottneed , i flavor. Store bacon fat In the re-i j fnireraior and Mae it aU up within ' three weeks. J I.OOKINC COI.ONV-V"Alll NEW YORK. May i A pound j nf haMti nrnnrl rrmkarf Will LOMDON. afaf 1 ft Th Oei yield about a cup of fat called . man fovernment la eaU bushing drippings jays an expert on "Cor- colleges similar to the Scale Col- nering Food Coats." onlale In Bordeaux, Prance, for Use this in ptere of other faU education of eotonlai elvll ser- for brownlnc and flavoring foods, vants and administration official It also may be substituted In part for overseas service. AtfD SAVE AT GORDON'S HARDWARE Can Supply You with Your C0NG0LEUM Requirements 1 quick, easy shavej at 78 rowing economy Minora Blorji edge raion THtSAMI1lME 4aw i 9"i Saving " ATS .M x c,m LONDON the Auxi... are beim-lights in mand a .n antl-airn , Lome Cornel IMIXT;r AM) INTERIOR DtroR'TCt l'hn Blue p You can still have at Jul home without th hint ol unhmc'y a" gance. Simply replo"! tr " floor coverings w.!h rv loum Gold Seal Rj;; . !' matter what room r r' decorating, you 0 rco v i -an appropriato C: " pattern and co'cu: 3 brighten up the wV, and give it a chce; 7 r,: of optimism. So do;i 1 to "do over" your f cr ,v Spring you can d J ' Congoleurh Cold F and 6ave money. Thc?ot no fastening and ' jI . -ing ellort to a yjr-l'.e mopping. s S? I C0NG0LEUMS For your Home Rc(tiircmcnts at Elio's furniture Store Third Avenue A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. CONCOLEUM RUGS, ALL SIZES-CONfiOLEUM V TUB YAKP