NO MORE BLUE stops clothes from turning yellow and makes them -WHITE When blue U uied you won't f d a Iroce of dingy yellow c dazzling whiteness. A swiih or two of Blue In your lost rinse ensurei mowy white wcih. Mog'tcolly quick and eery, this last dip In blue water it Ihe way lo itop c':hei fuming yettow. to wot On of tolown II bW. TWr li r try kMi wutvavt Sitftl sKT7irrTTBH W 111 I 1 1 Furnit up CAMERAS 8 C rnnras km up ure KITCHEN CHAIRS 3 Eu tern Hardwood Kltch- f; -t's S1.95 $2.95 MATTRESSES 0 C ' ton Mattresses 312.00 UMIS 1 Table Lamps M OS t :m up t?X.tyJ CHESTERFIELDS 6 C'hr lerfields In the latest ' lr und latest patterns, B. C. Furniture Co. IMIONE HLACK 321 Third Avenue ANCIENT I.-ZHAK T 'f n University of Al-C i;ro. Egypt, was found- 1 I MEN'S SUITS ladies and dents' Spring Suits Military nad and Insljnlas M. T. LEE, Tailor P O. Box 875 phone C.r. 960 and flowers; Savory. 1 teaspoon dried leave and flowers; Martaram, 1 - teaspoon dried learti and nop$rI Parsley, 2 t4Mp6doi dried leave and flowers; Celery, 2 teaspoons dried leaves and flowers; Thyme, 1 tettpoon dried leavts and flowers; If the herbs are green directly from the garden, they must be chopped very fine and thoroughly The qotck-growing banana plant produces Its fruit within months after the root-stock planted. HUSKY MUSK OX FOR SALE 3 chairs. 1 table, sideboard, folding bed used twice. 510 Eighth Ave. East. FOR SALE Enterprise range, en ameled like new. No. 10 Summit on WANTED- Reliable woman housekeeper for small family; good wages to right party. Phone Red 916 after 4 pjn. 104) Y HELP WANTED tillJI r. v.. " - - . Falls Apply office M. T. Lee. Tailor. 3034 Third Avenue. HOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED Room and Board for j working man or woman. 718 I Fraser St. LOST LOST White Persl-T,n Cat. answers to name of "Cotton." Thone Qrccn 988. Reward. TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large "Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL J. M. S. Loubser B.C.. BA CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block I'hone 6 the city on the Prince George thU morning from a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. . (; Mrs. II. F. Wearmouth Mturneed to the city on the Prince George this morning after spending the past couple of months In Vancouver. Ml Dorritt Pullen arrived In the city on the Prince George this mixed with other stuffing lngre-1 mornln from Vancouver, having dlents. I come norm on account of the tli- 'rveas of her father, H. F. Pullen. FAST rtANANA PLANT The regular monthly dinner j s meeting of the Junior Section of te the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, which ordinarily woulJ nave been held this evening, has been postponed for a week. An unusual game animal In North America Is the musk-ox. w- R DevwiUh' nr-l mana-which looks like a small, odd kind er toT western region of Can of buffalo and Is similar in some adtan Clonal Railways with respects It both rattle and sheen. n""arters at Winnipeg, and other officials, after spending a CUSS1H E FOR SALE oouple of days here on official business In the course of a western inaction tour, sailed on the ss. Col E. J. Ryan, head of the E. 3 Ryan Contracting Co., vhlch is i carrying out extensive work In Prince Rupert, arrived In the city on the Price George this morning from Vancouver on one of his periodical visits of inspection to local projects. He will return south the same steamer tomorrow Apartments or Phone Blue 892 nlfht. after 5:30 pin. 1 ' A Time Now! House Spring Clean- FOR SALE 2 large tents. Apply irKi For Years you have been No 20 Cow Bay. 105 throwing everything into the base- POR IMMEDIATE SALE-Almo ,raent: "V1" jhich you have Wekw hdreds new deep sea troller 3S feet kmg.! Jpe0 'ho 1U 104 foot beam. 54 feet deep. 9 J . of. Store, beds, table, chairs. ,. ..,,,. v, n tons reUr. W h.p. W Mar- window,, tools and hun- ln,l5ln!lfr. Pd. areds of articles to numerous to ir ' mention. We give you our best Bay. Price ca nc secured Jn tade for home icrou. v requirement. It Is Important nvWm. IW unti T 1st frx tia nnrtnA nnm - FOR RALS Orocery Store equip- ber Oreen 916. Ello Furniture Store nA futiv ifririAr rte. onod rhtrd Avenue. Im location McDrtde. Reasonable down payment. Inquire A. A.j BIRTH NOTICE MONROE. Mediae, u.c. dirai a son .was born at the Prince FOR SALE Rupert Oeneral Hospital on April Confectionery ,,, . busi- ... ? ... . f nrss. a.s Rolng concern. Pnone ; 76 for particulars. Uf Thompson WANTED HOTEL ARRIVALS i. u rt -a WANTED-- Experienced girl or v ""Z , L . u v. ,ial, for boarding house. Ku; nJ ?hcT' f-P , R-d 976 10 J- RyRn- c IL "askln. C. tte Hat- ,' (field. Vancouver; Mrs. Bruce Rog- W ANTED- House-keeping room or. ers and son. city. upatfmrnt for young couple. Central . F!, Oreen 830. 106) A. E. Wood, Calgary:: H. W. aters. Suffield; A. Abbot, city: J. Moore, Hay sport; A. J. Kcmdell, North Battleford, Sask. Royal A. Hitman, Camrose; F. W C. A. ROOMS REOISTKY ,snw. winjoiiwii . .. .. , j Accomodation urgenyy waniea for Service Men and Families. Mrs. GarbutL 231. NOTICE I RAILWAY RAILWAY 1 I LINES i TBI 1 !- lJ Txufl Daily iTrTvvS Timely Recipes 1 1 LOCAL MEWS WOTEs" POULTRY DKHSSINCJ Mrs. Harry Ward sailed last A meeting of the civic centre night on the Prince Rupert for carnival committee, which was Black- SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until mnnn Thnrsdav. 30th Instant, for WANTED Man or Woman to drive ithe purchasc ot Lot 20. Block 16. Milk Truck. Call at Valentin Sectlon 5( together with Improve-Dalry. '104)mente and contents, being situate KELP" LaboureTTal m6rf Wreefbetween 7th and WANTED - . OIU Amanitas Tprm e plitlw r!lri n.rtrlrr u-nntwl at UCeani011 """""" ........j The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NORMAN A. WATT. Administrator of the- Oliver pploouin Estate. Court House. 5 MINUTES FROM DRY DOCK - prlnce Rupert. Room and Board lor one or two men KhnrinB. Phone Red 469. tf poned for a week. FOOTBALL POSTPONED The. Senior r League football gamey lo f have jbeen playedilast evening between Air Force' and Navy was postponed. a the grounds were undergoing repairs. E. T. Kenney, MLA. for Skeena, was the speaker - at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club, his subject hav ing to do with the work of the special committee of the Legis lature on post-war rehabilitation of which he Is a member. Presi dent P. H. Linzey was In the, chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few. guests. War Puts Crimp " In Moonshining Shortage of Metal for Stills and Sugar for Liquor Hits Illicit Industry LOUISVILLE. Ky., May 1 to Unele Sam's war-time program of Prinre Rupert last night for Van- i rationing and priorities is putting 'iv.-r l crlmD in the moonshine llauor business in this and other areas, veteran law-enforcement officers say. The priority program on metals deprived the moonshiner of copper sheets, from which the beet stills are made. The shortage of other metals produces the same result. But officers believe the sugar rationing program will be an even heavier blow to the Illicit liquor i manufacturer. The importance of ' sugar and plenty of It to the I moonshiner may be seen from the fact that 100 pounds are necessary to make ten gallons of whis key. Under the rationing program it would take two years or more to save enough sugar from his quota ' : to make a ten-gallon run. Send Your Copy Early Local new.-, contributions should be in the Daily News office by 10 a.m. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night before a let- terbox In the divr being there to receive copy. Local news not in by 10 ajn. xuns the risk of not being pub- lished. We prefer to have news contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced, if possible. However, legible writing will do. iv Tim srritr.ME roritT or nm- ISII rOl.t'MIMA IN THE MATTER OP WILLIAM CRIN-OLK BA1RD WOOD. Deceased, and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by ordr of H! Honour Judf Pirfwr. I ira appointed AttenlnUtrator K the Estate of ti Ute WUlUm Crtngle BaJrd Wood. De-ceowxl. formerly of the City of Prtnc Rupert Province of British Columbia. Marin Fitter, who died on or about the ISth day of January 1942. All per-lona hartae elalxns against, the said Eta.te are required to forward them to me an or toefor May 31st 1941. properly Tertfled. and all persons irklebted to the mtid Eatftle are required to pay to me the amount of thlr indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prtnfe Rupert. B.C. thl 16th day of AprU, AD. 1943. NOftMAN A. WATT. : Official Administrator. Prlnre Rupert. B.C. Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS AND WAY PORTS: SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT: April 6th, 16th, 28th, May 8th, 19th, June 2nd. TO KETCHIKAN. WRAQELL, JUNEAU AND SKAOWAY: April 2nd, 12th, 23rd, May 3rd. Hth, 23th. Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. I COATES, (ieneral Aent, Prince Rupert, F..C. iftlDAY, . Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:33 pjn. Due Vancouver Thursday pjn. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving April 7, 21 midnight midnight. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 56S JhheuhcetneHtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday, Commer cial Hotel. Dance, Seal Cove Hall, May 1. W. A. Can. Legion Spring Sale, May 6. 22. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day Ball. May Little Norway Tea May 21. Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home, May 28. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Parent Teachers' Tea. Oddfel- lows' Hall. June 5. Hill 60 Tea June 17. AMALGAMATED BUILDING WORKERS OF CANADA Prince Rupert, B.C. ' METROrOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday In the month at 2 p.m. Unit No. I: Shipwrights, Joiners, Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary: Phone Blue 113, P.O. Box 1415 o 0 a o mm W -rrMM li .1 V MMW IMt blUKY 0F CANADA'S B fi' MUNITIONS PRODUCTION 5iS yjSI as told by the men and women fJL 1&bwmm ubo turn tbem out. IffiwM TONIGHT g Coast-to-Coast Radio Broadcast fiO tfjl VOICES OF Wj if victory I I BWIbI ... sHSC I I I l (Pacific Daylitht Saving Time) I V5STi 7:00 7:38 P.M. W BM An interesting informal half-hour with the 1$-Cr5ja I men and women who are at work on this vital BIT.- YlJi B part of Canada's war effort. This is an unre- slf ft' T I Bl hearsed report of what is going on day and Bv' j Dght in our munitions factories. If j ni Set Radio Ustingt Jor Stations ni i i i I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, R.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 T- I T T T 1 I t savoy HOTEL Carl ZarcIIi, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Special Price for LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPUING CLOTHING 27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black 787 302 Third Ave. W. For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CURTAIN RODS 12 dozen. Extend to 48 inches. "IQf J.Ov Special, each WINDOW CURTAINS Ready to hang. Drapery CI QR matonals. from ?iI.O) WINDOW SHADES QQp Special WK PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE FOR YOUR FLOOR COVERING AT FLIO'S YOU GET GREATER VALUES BETTER CHOICE 500 Square Yards Inlaid Linoleum 500 Square Yards Printed Linoleum 1.000 Square Yards Felt Base Linoleum 75 Only Rugs Jaspe. Printed Linoleum, Congeloums, Feltol. Sizes Dxl2. 9xl0-i, 9x9, 7x9 and 6x9. 18 OnlySeamless .Axmlnster Rugs. Sizes 0x12, 9x104, 9x9, 6.9"f9. , ,. . .,, . 3 i 200.,Scatter RugvrSlzes 36x63, 27x54, 25x48, 15x27. Five Only Complete full panel beds with the slat springs and spring filled mattress. Sizes 4-0, 3-3. Regularly $62. Complete, $54, Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Dally News. Green 916 ! hi