FRIDAY, BEPTBlMBER 18 1942 FAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS ,50 lOVainf. 2& OZ. was won by Mrs. Fred Summer-1 clew piano accompaniment by vllle. During discussion, it was de- Ueutenant Donald Adams, sub-cided to meet every week in the j dued but fitting the melody to the family lounge and to devote more 1 drama behind the words. I almost ESS 1 If y(iu lose anything, advertise for it. 90c 15c 25c 35c 50c 10c 25c 15c 25c 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STOKE Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqjpiats THE KEXALL STOKE PJIONES 81 AND 83 tOpen Daily from 8 ajn. 1111 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 p.m. and 7-0 pan. 1 r I U.. WlO Th.s advertisement is not published or displayed bv the Liquor Control uoara or uy Government of Untiih Columbia, ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOHOTHY GAK11UTT, Hostess The Navy and RoyaOanadiatf Air Force Women's QMS met in fee YWCA family lounge Thurs day afternoon with the President, Mrs. Rhodes, in the chair. Owing to the limited stay in town of the majority of the members of this club the officers must of necessity be changed frequently. Yesterday's elections resulted in Mrs. Denison toeing chosen president and Mrs. Kenney, social convener. The inter-club raffle, donated this week by Mrs. Gordon Huff, was an attrac-1 tive rose satin pillow cover and time to Red Cross work. Meetings , 1 will henceforth be held every j Thursday afternoon at the "Y."j Young Miss Vivian, not quite a month old. made her debut into 'club circles and behaved with all the social grace and aplomb of a veteran club woman. : Captain Armitage gave a special performance of his Dickens .sketches for the Navy Thursday WWraj in the Legion Hall. For isfeAt wjiMtbe second time within IHPtiWtd I can truly say that I enjoyed it as much as on Sunday night last when I first heard it. This time, knowing more or less what was coming. I had time to enjoy the little nuances that went to make up the characterisation. I noticed especially his clever business with nancHierahieXs and scarves. Just go a second time, I think the Professor is to be on again at the Padre's concert, and see what I mean. Adding not a 1 little to the enjoyment was the TKAGWY OX .GAKKAD1CE DUBLIN. Sept. 18: O-Four girls and two boys were drowned .when La boat capsized on Garradice Lake. County Leitrim. IK ELAND'S WORK Linen weaving and shipbuilding are the chief industries of Northern Ireland. 3 IB li B ID 1 3 iMi B kU tu IB tU LADIES' The Ladles' Bowling .League hejd their .(Mrgantsatlon meeting for the season in Rejc Howling Alley this week, jibe JWnt. Mrs. A. E. Dickens jr., was in the ohalr. I Officers for the.reuton were selected as follows: President. Mrs. P. Petcson. I Secretary - treasurer. Mrs. J. jOwen. The schedule is as follows: September 2eOplmJU vs. Mg Sisters; Bluebirds w. Knox Hotel. Annettes ,v. Nuntlng Wrtew. said, making the punishment fit Lucky Strikes ,v. .Savoy Swinge: the crime. Bert Pownell. R.N.. Rangers vs. AmateuM- happily out of the hospital, did septnoer ooy awwgwa his famous Alice Blue Gown num- vs. Amateurs; wangers vs. nursing ber and the Navy Quartette. Gor- iste:s: . Luofcy SWikas vs. An- don Wilson. Allan Hindu. Jimmy nettes: Big Sistets vs. Knoe Hotel: Leai-y and Jimmy Thompson, en- Bluebirds vs. Optimists, tertalned with several excellent October 6 Knox UoHtel vs. Op- . ... n t 1. n t T itAlru Srrilrc v Amatiirt BASEBALL SCORES American League Philadelphia 1. Chicago 0. Boston 5. St Louis 1. Washington &. Cleveland 6. New York 7. DefH 4. National Leaeue St Louis 6. Boston 4. Cincinnati 1. Nw York 11. Chirapo 8. PhHadtrphia 0. Pittsburg 8. JBroolclyn I. "This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. 2 oz. OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. s'i 2 oz. FRIAR'S BALSAM : J oz. 2 oz. CASTOR OIL 4 oz. 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL : 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c . 8 oz. CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 2 oz. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 16 oz. EPSO'M SALTS, tins 4 oz. 16 oz. BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 4 oz. SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 15c 25c 20c 35c 25c 15c 25c ' xm i cm i rarji im rail ! ANNOUNCEMENT i It is with deep regret that I have to announce the VOLUNTARY. CLOSING OUT OF THE I'KINCE KlU'LItT I) A I It Y BUSINESS owingjXo the impossibility of obtaining any help at all to carry on after October 1st. 1942. I wish to -tender my most sincere thanks to all my customers who have been a pleasure to serve In the last 25 years. Thank you. ROBERT McKAY : iflui vb ,m:m "-M- .?. mmm m mWM -m tm vuiww ' r n rum ummuummmmmmmmmmamaamMwmmmuMMwmmmwmmawmmumum NOTICE! Registration of Women in Prince Rupert Area Registration hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In Rural Areas according to Post Office hours. REGISTER AT 201 THIRD AVENUE A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. PHONE 775 A .GOOD J'LAQE TO BUY LINOLEUM FOR ALL YOUR FLOORS Battleship Brown Molr Inlaid, all colors; Inlaid Linoleum; Printed Linoleum; Congoleum;' Feltol; Rugs In Congoleum and Linoleum, all sizes. 327 3rd AVE. WEST .Canadian Legion BOWLING1 Women's Meeting Mis. J, ieterkou Is President Schrtlule Martin Soon (iuodly Sum llealUetl fur I$umll A. w. i .iifiw,uwwuii, Mutuci- " - -vain ly of this olty but now In the nettes; Big Sliten vs. Knox Hotel; 'evel""B accouniin oftte of a large R.C. vs. Savoy Swingers. AS", training school on the October 6-Knox Hotel vs. Op-praWes. had her twenty-fiMt Swingers; Nursing Sisters vs. Big birthday yesterday and celebrated Sisters; Optimists vs. Annettes, j it bv uhoning her parents long Bluebird vs. Lucky Striken; Kwc"J distance. She reports happiness Hotel vs. Amateurs, and good health and says that girls are fast rqplaelng the men in oUice work on her station. To Britain Bazaar in October With Mm. WUUam Rothwell. iresident. In Abe durtr. the Wo-nens AuxJUery to the .Canadian 'eglon heW Ms mpulftr monthly meeting last evening with a fair attendance of members. Routine (business occupied the first part of ins: with special pastry table. Anl bingo and country store In a 2i s "7 t 'he evening. The results of the grand drawing which took place In the Capi-i)l Theatre in August proved very Mttefaotosy. the sum or Sis oem in aid of -Bundles lor Bri tain. vOretUt for this is due to MM. iek Preeee. one of the Auxiwasy Lmast totthful woeteers. who is now seriously Ul. Ttie Lesion fall basasvr. wrucn is to be held on October U. was dis-custd and final arratwamenM completed, including the tea room hot dogs, fancy work i-MII,f;....r -feJ Word's ground tovrj . . . speedy j Minora Blade tops its class for shoving comfort. l Presbyterian Tea And Sale u:u.vtful Affair at JUume uf Mrs. Jaiue JUUucn I Ywitsjday al loruoon ai ttte home at Mrs Jmm Haddan. AmbsiMe Avtwe. a successful u and sale home cook- at home cootelng was hW by tbr and Women's Auxiliary of First Preside bytwian Ohurcli rUcekviug Uw gucats were Mrs J Hidden an1 Mr- J Rimp.soii pr. ... Women '.s Auxiliary 1 Pouring were Mr- f , Mo PuMSvii MctUuisU' D r Bmart. tid Mm Wun . : a ,:. : son. S4Sttuss wcte M 1 SmMi. Mm. JJd Hi. MUmm Tkla I'UUoi U O'Neill and Molly Prew In ohafe of sbe Wu . Mrs i. J) MsAKay Mi ; u-ad Mm. L- Hateto Mrs M MoLmkI a- Mrs Marty OaMeswix ; , M RUy were in oharg g cooking CONGOLEUM AND SAVE AT THE SAME TIME Nobody wants to make a "splash" in times like .these. Yet floor coverings will woar .out .and must be replaced and can be, at a very modest outlay when you choose Congoleum. These enduring rugs offer amazing quality and beauty yot their price is one you can pay without a patri-olic qualm. Congoleum Gold Soal Rugs need no fastening a brisk rub-ovor with a damp mop keeps them spotless. With them you can beautify and brighten any room . . . and save monoy. Thoy are tho timely choice oi smart womon everywhere. CORDON'S HARDWARE Can Supply You with Your CONGOLEUM Requirements 1 CONGOLEUMS For your Home Requirements at Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. CONGOLEUM RUGS, ALL SIZKS-CONCOLEtJM HY THE YAK