3A? SEPTEMBER 18, mt j C7s BO,M today. H ' night for at ista the lmn last ntfttt tar BLUE stops ilothes from turning yellow ft V it S is a reentered trade mark ofKellogg Comiwny of Canada Limited, for its brand ofoven popixtl rice. Get Hoy Wick, and t Wales left las; ntKht for a trip to Vancouver. ' W. Parker of Vancouver ar- .rrd ta the city this momlnE and will be fee speaker tonight at a meeting under the snmlm nr th.. Albert ItflfefckMtfi local Brltuh.larui mnAm,v !..nlwn Army Meal-1 n i.i-d to the cttyi M. C. Cameron, secretary of the . a trip to Van-'Northem Construction Co.. ar- m trtved In the cttjr this morning faom Z few1 mis Your . Wash a WCfJM , vMnwHTvr, seioa; am on company - .business. LONDON. Sept. 18: 0-"8eatln arrangements" on London's buses have been changed so that 20 passengers will be able to stand Instead of 12' J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR WalUre Work I'honr Kit NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAHELLI, PHOr. "A Home Away Ironi Home" i lutes 75c up 60 Kooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Itupert, ll.C I'hone 181 P.O. Box 196 SAVOY HOTEL Carl ZarclU, Prop. rhone 37 i'.O. Uos 5H ERASER STREET ruiNCi: KUPEKT H makes them S Messenger Service S WHITE lmIle lh:ngi Jhat have fracei K yHow look old that's HW Tinge: For soarkllno flenetj give Ihem a last rime Mu woler. All the rubbing scrubbing tn lho world f'l flivo you snowy vyhila Whej without thai lajf, magic In Blue; sVTI Svn cofovfi com-blntoniakwhl!. On of I h tolovrt It blw. Thr li no tru hil wilhovl Bul r!Wk9mmmmmWm tRvnrEatirarBiaiiiBi" NATIONAL m Call It . . . We Haul it jg We never close B m Phone Red 392 IXJITBieXBi tBi JJi i ma u m I LSI KB Ul IM SM IU fUt IB I J J KWONO SANO HIN(5 HOP KI-X " Chop Suey 612 7th AVE. Wi:ST Open Today under new for Business manacement AH your patronaRC welcome g rhone Ked 217 - B MM mum r-rnm ea CB.B tU tUXM U COUPONS are atlll available with each cash purchase In our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let u explal this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 1 s "Where Dollars Have More i CenU" I P.O. Hoi 875 1'hones 18-19 i Miss Margaret Sharp, for several years with the Dollar Store and lately ol The RUPKRT PBOPLBB 1 .frrOKE wishes to announce that she is now with AMNBTTE LADIHB' ! VWAR at 530 3rd. Ave. W. and will be pleased to meet her many 'friends there and extend to them i usual courtesy and service. (221) mm it cb a i i b is ia iblb vxiMt n RED CROSS m Concert CAPITOL THEATRE Sunday, Sept. 20 j 9:00 P.M. f FEATURING 1st Batt. Midland 1 Regimental Band - ALSO - jj SPECIAL 5 ATTRACTION! S The Celebrated CapL Frank G. s Armitage, M.C. I Admission br Program, 50c (On Sale at Theatre Box Office Salurdav. from 12:30 UHH DAILY NEWS LOCAL MEWS NOTES Mrs. N. Carter arrived in the city this morninjTfrom Vancouver Jp Join Mr. Carter who ia in charge ! I jgudsons ay SCOTCH WHBSKY Painters' Local 1412 meeting at Carpenters' Hall .tonight. or the branch of T. Baton Co., II. L. Taylor la leaving og opened hew. jfor Port Hardy. Prophecies fulfliied and their ;-sgmficance. The Oreat Pyramid up to date and its significance. Hear Mr. Parker of Vancouver apeak on these all absorbing subject at the Presbyterian Church. Friday and Saturday evenings, 8 o'clock. tonight! J ' Miss Marjorie Geddes and Miss Nina Bell are .leaving tomorrow i night for a trip to Massett. Mr. and Mrs. James Forman and two sons are leaving Sunday night for a vWtno Port Simpson. Arthur Brooksbank returned to the city this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Miss Isabeiie Connery left on! this morning's train for a months' holiday visit to Edmonton and Cal-' gary Mr. and Mrs. V. Orimsaon. who have been on a trip to Vancouver, relumed to the oHy from the south this morning. Miss Julia Walters R.N.. who will conduct a refresher course here1 uex- wepk for local retired nurses.1 . .... i (amvpo m w cr.y trus morning' from Var."ouver , A Thr Rupert Peoples 6torp loca ted in the Smith Block on Third Ave. wish to announce, beginnine CITY OF PKINCE KUPEKT I i The City Is offering for sale Lot 3, Block 24, Section 1, Second Avenue. Bids will be received up ' to 12 noon, Saturday, September 19th. 1942. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CITY CLERK. Sept. 16. 1942 (217) Mr. and Mrs. turned to the from Ben Dalgarno re-city this morning trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMeek- in. who ha vp been on a trin fr Noon until 10 p.m.) Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city this morning. EST PROCURABLE," the same high quality that distinguished Hudson's Bay Scotch 241 years ago. 2G'i-oz., $4.75 sBssssBsi"' a. This advertisement is not publlsheo or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia NOTICE! Registration of Women in Prince Rupert Area In order to avoid congestion women are requested to register alphabrticajly by surname as follows: A to C on Tuesday I) to G on Wednesday II to L on Thursday M to P on Friday Q to T on Saturday U to Z on. Monday, Sept. 21 Registration hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. In Rural Areas according to Post Office hours. RlXilSTKR AT 201 THIRD AVENUE Ihhcuh'cemehtJ All advertisements In this column will be cluuged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran CFPR. Hour, Monday, 6:43, Oddfellows' Ball. Sept. 25 by invitation from members only. Cambral l.OJXE. Pall Formal Oct. 2. Invitation by members only. Catholic Basaar, October 7 and 8. Catholic Hall. Presbyterian Supper October 16. Can. Legion Fall Bazaar. Oct. 21. St. Peter's Pall Bazar. Nov 12. KOK SALE FOR SALE Player Piano. Box 347 'Daily News. ttfi FOR SALE Electric stove. Apply Box 353 Dally News. (222i FOR SALE Full blooded Springer Spaniel male pups. Black and white, beauties, ready end September, $20. Box 3S1 Daily News. (218) FOR SALE Coffee Shop and lunch counter, good location. Apply Box 350 Dally 'ews. (220) WANTED WANTED Large gill-net boat In good condition. Will pay cash. Box 352 Daily News. (218) WANTED Woman or elderly man to look after small herd of cows. Milking machine used. Ap"ply Unemployment Insurance Office No. A F 3. (217) MUST haye house or apartment. Permanent. Phone Red 271. (205 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street (195) LOST LOST On evening Sept. 15. lady's gold watch between 6th Ave. at Overlook and 4th Ave. Finder please Phone 93. Reward. (218) SHUCKSPB MAKN'SNO C0 F you USE i tfKEMBtK -. ,-sss- siBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB For pies like Granny bakes use the lard she always uses Swift's Silverleaf Lard has been a favourite of Canadian housewives for threegenera tlons. Why?BecausetheyknowthatSilverleaf keeps fresh longer . . . pies made with Silverleaf stay fresh longer too . . . and the pastry tastes better when it's made with famous sweet-nutty flavoured Silverleaf. And your pastry will be uniformly good because Silverleaf Is uniform too. For pies like Granny used to 'bake, always be sure to ask for Silverleaf Lard. Swift Canadian Co., Limited. Miss Evie Rivett returned to the J Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Benson, who Miss Helen Ormiston. of the eity this morning from a two- have been on a trio to Vancouver staff of the Canadian National ! weekf holiday trip to Vancouver. . dnci elsewhere in the south, re- TeleeraDh office left last nisht for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drinkwater and child left last night for Saturday. Sept. 19th. they will! Edgar Saunders, who has been ilrkA lha PAStn1k CtrtvA n lin V&nefMlYAT tew ths noct war nr urday night .at seven o'clock. (220) 1' returned to the cltjr this mom-; ,iJ to rejoin the service of the' Dibb Printrng Co. Mrs. Saunders (and family will be returning later. turned home this morning. a trip to Vancouver. NEW ARRIVALS IN - - - - Ladies' Low Heel Lines These include: Pigtex Sabot Straps in Red, Black and Brown. Pigtex Ties, Military Oxfords and Brogues, in both Black and Brown. Fashioned for both style and comfort at Popular Prices. Family shoe store ltD. 'The Home of Good Shoes" i B IB IB IBIB tBEB CBf.B IMiM IM EBIB L'BXBlBSJirB IB I'BBXEBXBU Coats Coats Coats ! ANNETTE'S SPECIAL i CO A T SALE Friday, Sept. 18, and Saturday, Sept. 19 only, we are offering the Women of Prince Rupert elaborately Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed Winter Coats in Silver-tone, Mono-tone, Velour, Boucle and Tweeds. Sizes 14 to 4C. Reg. Values to $49.50. . ANNETTE'S SPECIAL COAT SALE $15.95 These are remarkably outstanding values considering the price of Fur has gone up 36 under the new tax, and will not be duplicated for the duration, so don't fall tb take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to secure your winter coat. i Annette Ladies' Wear j PI I At A Hill Ita irrviTP 'I