PROVINCIAL LIBRARY I i " -i r in t Local Temperature fee main 7 omor (Standard row Time) sT ides High 9:08 ajn. 17.0 feet Maximum 58 21:05 p.m. 18 8 feet Minimum 42.5 Low 2:19 a.m. 5.8 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 14:36 p.m. 9.0 feet VOl XXXI No. 217 N azi ! advsnc on Port lias been halted. WILLKII-; IN KtlSSIA MOSCOW Wendell Wlllklc 'fired In KuU today from Teheran. He was met by United Slates Ambassador W. H. Standby and tilth Soviet officiate far':, arc r: t.tjI RADIO IS ! APPROVED Heavy Casualties Of Dieppe Explained; Encounter With Tanker Upset Arrangements OTTAWA, Sept. 18 (CP) A chance encounter v.ith an escorted German oil tanker during the Lnjxlish Channel crossing was blamed today by the Department of National Defence as having been partly responsible for heavy casualties suffered by fhe Canadian forcos which raided Dieppe on August W. In the first comprehensive official statement on the battle, the Defence Department disclosed that five thousand Canadian Army troops participated, of which some 3,350 were casualties killed, wounded or missing or sixty-seven percent. The encounter with the tanker was described ia the one mishap marring "complete achievement of surprise." The incident had two result.; First, the British commando force which had the task of attacking and destroying a battery at Removal, six miles east of Dieppe, was unable to complete the assignment. Second, the Royal Regiment of Canada from Ioronto was twenty minutes late in reaching Puits Reach and had to land in broad daylight instead of mi-darkness. PRINC E RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1042 Hurled Alaska Highway Construction A; n. . BATTLE OF Rapidity Of Construction Of NEW GUINEA Allies Pound Heavily From Air While Jap Advance on Tori Moresby Haiti All T ! 1 117 1 rri 1 i done on a mau scale by huge and modern machinery which dig through at such a pace and on In aplte of added responsibilities dye to the war, reports of the Missionary Society were never more encouraging. TOP TO BOTTOM From the tallest peak to the lowest ocean depth on earth is a vertical distance of 12 miles. Out k j reirvcd the .:e me.- rreaung heavy :iuTr.- :.. v. .divert the nioblrm nidin ft It :i the A,u,ska in an interview published today. FOUR MORE Aiasna nignvay worK--lftrougft j Jpg SUNK! iiurunanu amazes Disnop iix Un Home after a trip into the Peace River district nn ilted ecclesiastical inspection, Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix. D.D.. Bishon' wabhinotok. dc. sept, is.- ! VliSZ, Sept IS: to- In. of Caledonia, expresses amazempnt at thn mnirlirv nf'p,ur Japanese ships two large r- thetre of war Allied , nrnirrnKS that ic linr aA tU t .,.: e it I inters. one medium-sized '"th in Australia that flk-hter planes Ki rxuwls of cannon ;iim f if, rrashln Into I mui m- supply base at Buna. 1.: .-a. while United Nations nres visible for thirty an assault on lUtbaul. :'.i:n and four others a Jarge tanker, a large freighter, a transport and medium-sized cargo ship have such a scale that one has to see to been damaged, it is announced by believe. The country Is seething 1 1" Department of the Navy. The with activity with thousands of tanker was set afire. men on hand for the road con-' These vessels had nothing to do lllth. Power Short Wave Station strucUon U1k- . with Solomon Islands operaUons In New Brunswick Is C.iven O.K. ' 1 Tne Bishop himself had the ex- and bring the total of 362 the perlence of driving a distance of number of Japanese vessels sunk some eighty or ninety miles fromir damaged since December 7. 107 OTTAWA. Sept. 18: O The sv- port St. John to Fort Nelson be-ernment has approved the Im- tweefa -which uoinU there had Dre- ! mediate eatoblWiment of a high viouslyibew no road connection. I P" short wave broadcasting Through the- Peace River coun-statlon at Sackvllle, New Bran- tr north of Dawson Creek the road of these having been by submar ines. The American submarines, by sinking the Japanese vessels, are preventing the enemy from cash ing in on conquests In the Philip- wick. It was announced today. conatructlan work It actually five pines and East Indies. weeks ahead of schedule, having1 been favored by exceptionally fine, dry weather. The work is now being pushed forward from Fort Nelson towards Watson Lake to which point i construction is proceeding from the direction of Whltehorsc. By fall .It Is expected to be through MUf Aircraft Have Been Strik-to Whltehorse. MeanUme the con-i ,ne ,,ard A Enemy Off Coast struction work is proceeding be- UI rway yond Whltehorse In the Yukon and Alaska. :MANY NAZI SHIPS SUNK STOCKHOLM, Sept. 18 Allied In addition to his trln throuch airplanes have sunk twenty-four the Peace River. Bishop Rix, while 0man vpssels off the coasts of away, attended execuUve meetings Norway recently, the majority of of the.Qeneral Synod of the Angll- inem navmg oeen on osio ana can Church in Canada at Fort Stavanger. William and Pbrt Arthur. There According to an announcement wre about 120 delegates in attend- yesterday by the Royal Air Force ance at the church sessions, all coastal command In London enemy but two of Canada's Bishops being snipping was attacked by British present. planes and two German ships were Discussion of social service work torpedoed. was the important feature of the. gathering, this pertaining both to1 s'-lVS REINFORCED civilian and army life. The chap-1 ' LONDON Urge reinforce-lalncv service and its effect upon mcnts arc reported' to have been the phurch came Infor o1sc"(isslon.:r delivered by air to the Yugoslav " ... it i ....... patriot forces by air from the Middle East. Fierce fighting goes on in Bosnia. Five thousand Yugoslav patriots have been killed and 12,000 taken prisoner by the Nails this month, - Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sherman sr. left last nlsht for Victoria where they will take up future residence. Of I Madagascar Miss Q. Lewis and Miss Fraser left last night for Vancouver. Stal nounced today by Hon. Angus Macdonald, Navy Minister. When sunk the Charlottetown was fishtinjt 0ff an enemy submarine attack in heavy fog. Surrtvor4eie. rescjoedJiynA other naval vessel and brought to an east coast Canadian port. Among those seriously injured are Lieut. George F. T. Gregory of Victoria and Stoker John Albert Brown of Vancouver. Armistice Proposals Rejected . . . LONDON Armistice proposals rejected by Vichy French authorities in Madagascar were purely military terms of surrender, a British military commentator announced today. Russians Driving Nazis Back . . . More Americans In Britain . . . LONDON Thousands of United States troops arrived In Britain recently to swell the ranks of the rapidly-expanding United States Army In this country. Europe Has Air Jitters . . . LONDON Southeastern Europe was kept In a high state of jitters last night by an air raid scare in Sofia and by reports that a mysterious balloon laden with explosives was drifting over Hungary. Hungarians were warned of the presence of balloons by the Budapest radio, but the broadcast gave no hint as to where they had come from or whether they were causing any damage. The air raid scare was announced ln Sofia when the radio there shut down in the midst of a broadcast after an announcer shouted excited warnings to "keep calm." PRICE- FIVE CENTS ingrad Russians Seize Initiative In Dramatic Eleventh Hour Rally; Bloody Street Battle Battle On Thousands Of Fresh Siberian Troops Arc Moving Into Defence Of Great Soviet Industrial City MOSCOW, Sept. 18 (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hitler's sietre armips. HviVp hnrWl tionL- in ItinnA,, . "vm uwi .11 UlUUUJf OlICCl. llUUIIg, were reported to be hastily erectintr defences in tho "". uvwk. in v it . . i . . ... ,z . . " : - : s.S5 : CORVETTE rarM a British Africa command ' communique announced to- day. AIR BLOWS j EXCHANGED Royal Air Force Hits at Bordeaux And Luftuiffe at Southwest Port LONDON. Sept. 18: 0. While weather shielded Germany proper from attack last night. Royal Air 1 Force bpmbers struck at Bordeaux. Considerable damage and oasu-altic& vwere-vreporiUbn. r BrltAUVc own coast when at least four Nazi planes strafed a southwest point. " -vn. owv. 1:1,1 C...U 1 .. ouum-ruies nave ovpr - rilstrirt. nf Past Ano. Been Active In Pacific Ocean 11a during the night. Bombs were dropped and a little damage was done with one person Injured. One enemy ship was shot down. TORPEDOED the commander, Acting: Lieuten ant Commander John Willard Bonner of Halifax, killed, five of steel city and forced the Invaders to retreat. Significantly. Hitler's field head- Loss Of Another Canadian Naval " ? l? f "l CraI Nazl Vessel Lieut. Commander ?lalm J1 trooPs ?ad- Jchn Bonner Among Dead , '"i, '""SL in the battle for Stalingrad. There was no rePetltin tt Berlin claim ottav OTTAWA, Sept tni 18 ib rp CP)-Loss t that German 3 ' tl :lha' ! !1W" , J ing deeper into city'street, dUiuii iiiv aitivil Willi AHrloAP In Hr., ..ij . i Russian tanks and infantry were on the offensive in two neighbor- f " Tass Ne A8cy reported thous-ratine, in dead of injuries c.,v' was an- ,nrt , ,ru . ing into' battle. Russian headquarters said that, 1 lowing the breaking down of "oruroesi ouisKirxs or Stalingrad today as the Russians armistice negotiations, a seized the initiative in a' dramatic eleventh hour rally strong new British force has Dispatches said that Red Army defenders were backed 1 landed on the east coast of ' f down tree-lined avenues to cliffs 5A as darkness fell last night, "all detachments which had penetrated our positions were repulsed." t GAS BEING CUT LOWER BUT WAR CHANGES I r,easure Motorists To Have Ration Prior to the war. India raised . Cut ln ,,a,f New J001" To Be the most cattle; China, the mosti Issued To Many People hogs; Australia, the most sheep. I i uiiAWA, oept. io; v treasure . . . A ;o,ok,,motorlsts throughout Dojuin. w w v m w ion tightened - their belts today JL T w T j and sat down to figure- out how to ff SI If I l AT ATf make the al the remainder of ff CLX JL 1 3 W d their shortened gasoline rations as t announced . by Hon. Clarence D. ft. 1 I -A IA Battling 'O " In New ' w Guinea vm . . . i ait. nowe sa atnai aooui zzo.vw Canadians will have their category 'A gasoune ration dooks withdrawn ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AUSTRALIA .While Australian j after October 1 and replaced with troops battled Japanese forces in New Guinea Jungles only 32 air line 'a smaller ration ln a new category miles from Port ."Moresby, Allied fighter planes struck a smashing' blow . known as AA which will provide jesterday at the enemy supply base of Buna, Allied headquarters an- sixteen units (a unit consists of nounced today. four gallons) for six months tb , .the owner of a small car. This-is Quiet In Battle Egyptian . . . CAIRO Sand storms restricted aerial activity yesterday on the Egyptian battle front as the lull in land fighting remained unbroken by any major operations, a communique said today. j about half the amount available 'at present to holders of Category A books. , In an address over the .Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network the minister announced the new AA category which will include all persons using cars for personal transportation and not for business. Housewives, students, owners of two or more cars and thosr using cars chiefly for driving to land from non-essential work are among those affected. Oil controller Cottrelle said that all category A applications are be- MOSCOW Soviet troops have wiped out two threatening wedges i lng examined anl letters prepared within Stalingrad in hand-to-hand fighting and the Germans now j for those who may have (o accept are trying to fortify themselves In the northwestern outskirts of the a lwer category after October 1. city against fierce, tank-led counter-attacks, the Russians said to- . day. I LATIN METROPOLIS .Buenos Aires Is the largest city of Latin America with a population of 2,300,000. Victory Loan October 19 OTTAWA, Sept. 18 Vh Can- ada's Third Victory Loan will be opened October 19 with the objective set at $750,000,000, Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance, announced today. ' if I i I