PACHS FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE r PRINCE RUPERT CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT H Stylish Stout Orji Pleasingly Plump! They're not just empty words if you buy at the Peoples Store. Large size or stout women learn by experiene that it pays to shop at our store. Experienced saleswomen will assist you to select from choice stocks of sizes up to 52. Figure-Flattering Coats . . . Dresses . . . Lingerie and Accessories. 1 ') ! nr. . i t . . : : y-Miot Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ij J" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbi oner's PHONE BLUE 907 BB at BUY I BANISH WASH DAY BLUES GAS ENGINE MODELS from FOREVER! with Time Tested, Time Proven EASY the Washer that means what it says and says what it means! EASY all ways on the clothes on the pocketbook and EASY to use and EASY to buy. You'll be satisfied with nothing less than a Genuine EASY. MODELS FROM $80.75 . $122.50 did RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets NO WASTE . . . at Your' Local Butchers. READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA WESTVIEW WORK-OUT Men Workers In Various Sections Perfecting Organization The A.R.P. workers 'of; Westview had a work-out last night, J. S. i Mcintosh calling a meelingM)f all ; branches in his district with ex- ! :eption of the ladies of the first aid. There was practically a 100 percent attendance. At a round table conference all police were given specific routes to patrol. The equipment for fire hydrants being available, the fire wardens tried some team work. They went ;o a hydrant two blocks- from headquarters in the dark, connected the reducer and fittings, strung two lines of hose and had two good streams of water through in five minutes. This was not a trial for time but merely to get the team properly organized. Next time it is expected to cut the time in half. The Westview section expects to have regular meetings and prac tices at regular intervals. The question of sand was discussed and it was suggested that hose with cars might go out the highway and take other members o bring in enough sand to givp each householder a sack to keep 'n their basements. The first aid section checked its I equipment but, as there were no casualties, was unable to CJS'.R. TRAINS f-or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays n p.m. Here's Grand News for WORRIED MOTHERS Now Yield to Rub Treatment Thit modern treatntant for Iciddiei chtst colds brmgi I relief 10 much foster, and Is so much pleasanter to use that more and more mothers every i where are changing to Buckley's Stainless White Rub 41.11 at the first sign of a chest cold. This greaseless, stainless, snowwhite rub 1. Pfftroti foi'vr. 2. Gerott heat and vaporlm quicker. 1. Stunutotvt circulation, bracks up coftgt rionjooiant the hard racking cough, eoias breathing, helps Induce raitful slaap. Or four Mor fecit. TWO SIZES 30c and 50e. lUOClfY'S STAINIISS WWTt RUB IS MADE IT THE MAKERS Of lUCKlEY'S MIXTURE CANADA'S LARGEST SEIUNG COUGH AND COLO REMEDY. IX Tilt: KITKKME COl'ItT OF ItlilTISII COI.l'MllIA IX I'ltniUTK III the .Matter or the "Administration Alt" And In the Matter of the F.state of Jorsen henden OdeRajird (Otherwl-e knnnii lit Joseph S. Odegaard) de-eased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order, of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 28th day of January, A. D. 1942. I was ap pointed Administrator of the estate of Jorgen. S vend sen Odegaard otherwise knewn as Joseph S. Odegaard i deceased. and all parties having claims against the said csiaite are hereby required to furnish eame. properly verified, to me A.6. 1042, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their rndebtedness to me for?ihrfcMi. David Fraser. deceased, and all parties having claims agalnat the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the second day of March, A. D. 1942, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay th amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 30th day of January. A. D. 1942, MELVIN MCKAY STEVENS Prince Rupert, B.C. Executor For t.V, Vnur Your T X VALENTINE go to the CARDS t J.H. BULGER Optometrist When you feel weary, tired, cold, hot BOVRIL is very comforting. Its rich beefy flavor is delightful. Why don't you try itl You will enjoy a daily cup of delicious DRY DOCK IS WINNER Art Murray Starts Campaign To Clean Up Basketball The Dry Dock hoop squad took undisputed possession of second lace In the city Intermediate league by routing the Barons 38 to 15 irf- a contest that featured , che first attempt of the league ; president, Art Murray, to clean up basketball in Prince Rupert. Dual .elerteing by Murray and Stiles .et nothing get by and their whistles shrilled at anything .that looked like a foul. With the. two teams playing un der wraps while getting used to what the' referees were calling, the first half proved to be a slow af fair with the Dry Dock holding a 14 to 10 advantage at the halfway mark. During the intermission Coaches Gar Taylor of the Barons and Sev Domlnato of the Dry Dock quintette also emphasized the importance of clean play and pointed out errors to their proteges. As a result the two teams confidently took the floor for the second half as if this :lean-up bugaboo' had finished worrying them. Dry Dock. Its poise unruffled, although numerous scoring opportunities were wasted because of inaccurate shooting from close ranee durine, the first half, bound- DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C, thta , Fri Hoht hoM, intn a 28th day of January. A. D. 1942. , , "" " "" 5alut a"u NORMAN A. WATT mm a 11 m . jeau. Alien lUllOWea Official Administrator, ! ten minutes of harum scarum bas- Prince Rupert, B.C. ( kptball Jn which Innthlnc Hdhf nnH th. Tri, TV! IN TDK HI l-KDMK COI'KT Of BRITISH ... " - . coi.i MBiA ix PKOiiATE uiouiing wrong, in iairness lo tne In Ihr Mattfr of the "Administration i Barons they did pull up to 17 to ' " they neglected to remain Ann I., the MaUer of the, Grt.t. of ,ut John navid Frafter, Oecensed j " me neignDornooa. At this point TAKE NOTICE tliat by Order of Hi ; the ShlDbullders besan tn Intpr- SHf yJiDfilP Passes over the court, cap-pointed Executor of the estate of John j ture virtually every rebound and generally solidify their position The Dry Dock quintette bore the' brunt of the foul clean-up in this game by losing Montesano and Scherk via the four foul route. Thirteen fouls were called against the winners and nine against the Barons. Barons made 7 out of their 13 free tries and Dry Dock 4 out of 9. Simondsen, high scorer for the Barons, toed the free throw line eight times and made five of his total nine points from this position. Joe Davis, gangling centre, shared scoring honors with Simondsen for the Barons with 5 points. The Barons were a weakened team without their offensive star Helge Holkestad, whojis out of the game with . ispralned ankle. $pT ' Dry Docks' last quarter scoring i, (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) JsiJulKe imaiiea points gar-...4.4.!4..4.4.4..4.4..:....j i nered through baskets by Pavlikls, Wanted -Raw Furs IIir.HEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. OKMIIEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C., Phone 815 DANCE AND TUNE FILM "You'll Never Get Rich," With Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, At Capitol This Week-end A musical extravaganza of army life, "YouH Never Get Rich," team- i lng Rita Hayworth and Fted As-Uaire, comes as the week-end of-i ferine to the screen of the Capi tol Theatre here on Friday ana Saturday. The cast also Includes such will known comedy and :haracter personalities as Robert Benchley. John Hubbard, Osa Mas- sen. Frieda Inescourt. Gulnn n Hams and Donald McBrlde. "You'll Never Get Rich" pres ents Astaire as a Broadway dance riirwtor who enters the army in order to escape the ardent atten .ions of Miss Hayworth. Childhood friend of an army officer, Miss Hayworth follows the dancer to :arap and then the fun begins. Spectacular and beautiful dance -outines background the Astalre-Hayworth specialties. The principal song and dance numbers are "Boogie Barcarolle." "Dream Dancing. Shooting the Works for Uncle Sam.' "So Near and Yet so I Far" and "Wedding Cake Walk." Sheddon, Vuckovich and BUI. High gun for the game was Dry Dock's guard Alek Bill, who hit the bucket with five field goals for ten points. Officials for the game were: Re terees Sonny Stiles and Art Mur-rav and timekeeper and score- eeper. George Baker. I Line-ups: j Drv Dock Fitch 1. Vuckovich 8, jpavlikls 7, Sheddon 7, Montesano 4. Scherk 1, Bill 10. Total. 38. Barons Simondsen 9. Davis 5. Zbura, Petnuzzo, Mentenko, Holke-stad, Astoria 1. Hetherlngtor j Total, 15. i Saturday night .the league-leading High School quintette will meet the Barons in the Intermediate game and Annettes will oppose High School co-eds. CHE FOK SALE FOR SALE 1937 Pontlac De Luxe Sedan. Apply Sergeant Baker, city police. (30) FOR SALE Oil Phone 552. burner FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For wishing to share. Phone 805. WANTED WANTED Truck Driver. Si Co. Ltd. HELP WANTED Central Hotel. heater (31) FOR SALE 1938 Dodge touring sedan, good running condition. For further Information call 703 8th and Fhlton, after 5 p.m. (34) FOR SALE Nice large house beau tifully furnished, accommodate .large family, also earns more than $200 month from rent of rooms. Reliable party with $750 cash may handle furnishings. assume balance, and may buy or arrange for house. Apply Box 202, Dally News. (31) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes, Just like new Large lot of windows at low prices. 2-lnch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Phone Black. 324. men Blue Buni3 (tfl for hotel work. WANTED Two men to share room and board. Apply 718 Fraser Street, upstairs. 1 34 1 SOLDIER WOULD LIKE CLEAN, comfortable room Tor wife at once. Will pay $10-$15 month. Apply Box 205, Dally News. (35) RELIABLE GIRL, white, desires part time work, preferably eve nings. Phone Blue 805. (31) WANTED Immediately, experl enced grocery clerk, male or female. Apply Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op, Cow Bay. (33) WANTED Capable young woman, experienced preferred, for boarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204,. Dally News ENDS TONIGHT Complete 1 :00 Shows 9:00 HI New Chiefs At Kitwanga Were Duly Honored KITWANGA. Feb. 5 A weeii's celebration has just been conclud ed here in honor or the new head chief of Kitwanga. Mathias Clang- wak, and the second chief. Josian Ack-gaud. Kltsegukla. Kitwun-cool and Klspiox villages were flllftKFRflATCcv, "SWAMP WATEIt at 7 30 9 ' FRED RITA .ASTAIRE HAYWORTH rJ If r I mi m .1 uH wimii m m mi I r J i a na I HHH 1 1 1 1 1 m m rw I i wi T JT m k&m for6- v Also "Donald Duck" 'Screen Snapshots' World News ROBERT BENCHLEY SONGS BY COLE PORTtg BEGINS FRIDAY at 1:36, 3:35, 5:34, 7:36, 0 30 mm i rcprcsentea. Mr u:; t.ii Skultz being here irno KurJ One or the prtmx... evr'j a gathering in t ;i cos paclty. Speeches ci Rc:::r.n gendered the visito; ar.a a. ed in expressing io-: tj A fine feast was ca ovtj Atin r nnnrininni ri n ,ii . young were in u :fiar.:t his wife and othe; v 14 dg i : tnere$ r nothino like a delicious Y hot breakfast of QUAKER OPilStosforhfl your day witii plenty of 00! The four hours of morning are the nous, you do your hardest work. Give youwlft hcadsurt on a happy day, by eating I d licious, heaping bowlful of hot, uhtltrth yuii Quaker Oats. viii. yuiici Quaker wntibii w. ... ...... f excellent source Of Stf' Oats helos nourish crow- VITAMIN Bi. ContaillSV lng children and active en amove f 70 Inter-S dydu- p"' I",1.than ,. ' lc each big delicious mhonol Units per ounce serving! T" When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ervice PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates REMINDING YOU.... . . . mat a complete and I Irst-uass AUIO.MUiHi.i- ji.ii"-ANCE AND REPAIR SERVICE is available lo all at Nations! Motor Service. The shop is well equipped to handle all classes o) ar.d personally conducted by "Colin" Miller, who ha ai-"ot:3 lifetime of service to the motoring public. National Motor Service PIION'K it i n :to Canadian National Railway Steamers Leave Prince Rupert WcilnpsHava nt tnn nm fn. vtl,ILn.. -.i tlouirt T J ' " v.vv ,. ,u( j v ..llinM III! II .,.--- . Tliurtrlav nt ll'll n m rt...n.. i.niic !.., oil Kivcr rf " - . , . . UVI Ull K I kjf I Vancouver, Winter Excursion Fare. Vancouver and Hcturn 2Q AA Tickets, on sale Nov. 15th, 1941. t" feb 15lJ Plus Tax 1942. Final return limit March lath. H Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Kast Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT. 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince RuP"1 Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines FEBRUARY FIIRNITIIRF SALE A - ' . j Outstanding Values VisltiPour Store and You'll Be Convin" of These Bargains. 3- Piece Chesterfield Suite 7 AO February Sale 4- Picce Bedroom Suite .S7Q I U February Sale 6-Picce Dinette Suites nt it 70 y,V ( U February Sale T(59.UU and Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PRINCE MVlltfJZ