paoi rotra if Expert OPTICAL SERVICE fV i - Chas. Dodimead In I """i ' 1 Optometrist in Charce 1 ' ) I Watch. Clock, Jewelry X J Repairinc, Hand Engraving VISIT OLi: BASHMKXT STOKE for Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses. Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant rl PRINCE RUPERT EXPERT FITTING FOR EVERY MAN Who Thinks He's "Hard To Fit" Foot troubles disappear when you are fitted at Cut Kate. .Made to the most rigid factory specifications and scientifically fitted by experts. Cut Rate shoes solve the tired, hurting feet problem completely. At the same time you enjoy the latest styles. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS "DISTINCTIVE" 31 EX'S SHOES Made of the Finest Quality Leathers From the Leading Tan-neiies. CUT RATE SHOE STORE 506 Til HID AVE. W. (Across From Ormes) THERMOS BOTTLES Due to shortages and priorities our supply of GENUINE THERMOS BOTTLES was stopped. We are pleased to say we have just received a new shipment and now can fill all your requirements. Thermos Bottles 7 oz $1.25 Thermos Bottles 15 oz. . $1.25 Thermos Refill 15 oz. only .... .90 Thermos Bottles 30 oz $2.25 Thermos Bottle Corks ; . . .05 Parchment Papers ... .15 or 2 for .25 Ormes Ltd. Ztfia Pioneer Drvaz&iat THE KEXALL STOKE PHONES 81 AND 8? Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-0 p.m. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. i NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. IWITISII COLUMBIA GREENVILLE ELECTIONS Various Organizations in Naas River Village Name Leaders for Ensuing Year. GREENVILLE, March 11 Various organizations of this native village of the Naas River have been busy recently electing their officers for the year 1942. Here are a number ,of them: Village Council. Chief Alexander Angus. Councillors Uohnson Rusk. Fred McKay. James Leeson. Samuel Talt. John McNeil and Jonah Gray. Treasurer Fred McKay. Secretary Henry McKay. Women's Auxiliary. Honorary President Mrs. Robinson. President Mrs. Johnson Rum. Vice-Presidnt Mrs. Fred Mc Kay. Treasurer Mrs. William Stevens. Directors Mrs. Henry McKay. Mrs. Peter Calder. Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. John Nelson, Mrs. Al bert Stevens and Mrs. Simon Mc Kay. Secretary Mrs. Rufus McNiet. Church Guild. Superintendent Mrs. Louisa Calder. President Mrs. Albert Moore. Vice-President Mrs. John Nel son. Treasurer Mrs. Henry McKay. Secretary Mrs. Charles Lecson. Committee Mrs. Alex Stevens. Mrs. Johna Gray, Mrs. Simon McKay, Mrs. Herbert Martin. Mrs. Joshua McKay and Mrs. Johnson Russ. Athletic Guild. President-Mrs. William Bright. Vice-President Mrs. Albert Ste vens. Treasurer Mrs. Charles Davis. Committee Mrs. Johna Gray. Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Rufus McNiel, Mrs. Johnson Russ. Mrs John Nelson and Mrs. Fred Mc Kay. McKay. St. Andrew's Church.-Clergymen's Warden Victor People's Warden James Leeson Delegates to Synod H. McKa; and J. Russ. Organist Fred McKay. Secretary William McKay. Church Choir. Superintendent Samuel McKay. President Albert Moore. Vice-President Alex Angus. Treasurer Charles Leeson. Choir Master-Joshua McKay. Organist Fred McKay. Secretary Kelly Stevens.. Church Aimy. Honorary Captains Herbert Robinson and Henry McKay Field Captains Sam Oray and Fred McXay. Active Captains Charles Lecson and John Nelson. Lieutenants Joshua McKay and Chris Calder. Treasurer William Stevens. Secretary Fred McKay. Committee George Martin, William Stevens, John McNiel, Samuel McKay, Johnson Russ, Leonard Douglas and Peter Calder. Ensign Charles Davis. Church Army Sister. Captains Mrs. Henry McKay. Mrs. Chris Calder and Mrs. Simon Calder. Lieutenants Mrs. William Bright and Mrs. Peter McKay. Helper's League. Captains Peter McKay, Alex Household Furniture 12 FINK MATTRESSES priced .5A"i at 9: 9 UNPAINTEI) CHEST OF DRAWERS priced jjj nur, and from , up 6 DROP-LEAF TAI1LES Priced $nnr at D 2 CHESTERFIELD BEDS with OCCASIONAL CHAIR priced OO at DO 1 ENTEUI'llISE OIL IJURN. Elt HEATEIl Just like new, at a very low price. B. C. Fuiniture fo. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS IT'S THE keZUmt since "PYGMALION' EXTRA! '7HMA0R WENDY HILLER REX HARRISON 'NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH ROBERT M0RLEY (o.tiorri.g ROBERT NEWTON Willi IMUN WIUIAMI Sybil 1Urtj, A UHITID AHtltrt KCLtASt Stevens and Jonah Oray. Concert Hand. Honorary President William Stevens. President Leonard Douglas. Vice-president Samuel McKay Band Master Fred McKay. Manager William Leeson. Treasurer Leonard Douglas Secretary Henry McKay. Committee Charles Davit. Peter Calder! John McNiel. Charle Leeson. Samuel Oray. John Nelson and Johnson Russ. Improrement Association. President George Martin. Vice-President Johnson Ru.vv Managers James Lecson and William- Bright. Treasurer Albert Moore Secretaries Patterson McKay and William McKay. Committee Simon McKay. Henry Aksldan. Simon Calder, George ' Leeson. Oswald Alexander. John McNiel, William Lecson, O.irdon Stevens, Victor McKay and Rufus McNiel. Athletic Club. Superintendent ' Leonard Douglas. . .President Benjamin Alexander. ' Vice-President Charles Leeson General Manager Anthony Cal der. j Field Manager William Let on. Treasurer Leonard DougU. ' Secretary Horace Angus. CCnmittee Johnson Rum, Johni McNiel, George Martin, Fred McKay, Simon McKay and Alejt An-' Bus. ( Brotherhood. j Honorary President Laotianl Douglas. Honorary Vice-President-Peter Calder. Presldent-Frcd McKay. Vice-President Simon McKay. Executive Officers Johnson Russ and Henry McKay. Treasurer Charles Lecson'. Secretary William McKay. Committee Alex Angus, Samuel Tait. Samuel McKay, Simon Calder, John -McNIcL Stanley Wilson, Charles Leeson. Sisterhood. President, Mrs. Rurus McNeil. Vicc-Prcbldcnt Mrs. Chris Calder. TrcasurcK-Mrs. George Martin, Secrctaryf-Mrs. William Bright. Committee Mrs. Simon Calder, Mrs, Johnson Russ, ,Mrs, Henry McKay, Mrs. Peter Calder, Mrs. Charles Lecson and Mrs. Fred Mc Kay. J. Ei Amundsen, vice-president and general manager of the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co., arrived in the city on'the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver,, being here on one of his periodical business trips. MassettGirl Is Bride Of Telkwa Man In "Pygmalion" . , , ibau's genius unfolded ubal 4 man can do yjtb a Mqman . . , now be shout ou ubat a woman tan do uilb 4 man in Our NcMsrrcl: "ACTUAL SCKNKS 01' ILS. IUID ON .MARSHALL ISLANDS" A quiet wedding took plate on Saturday night at 8t Andre s Anglican Cathedral when Miw NOTONEBUTTHREE HP FOR FAST FASTER RELIEF OF HEAD -COLDS -ACHE? Yau flat tha fVtt vaii bn. .k. m., If wirtl Ivcklty'i 3 4nj'd'iiX Cixnamottd Coptwlti. T rW lngrtdin rtlioti poWi d (old mkry htl Th MCOnd Itimuloltt n4 rtlrtthti. ThfWdbMfigtrttlii rtvt 03 of Clnremon to and MccttiMy uitd bi Ivropt la combat 0"pp, K. ISdoMi or-V 35 (fltt. MAOfirtHI mwis of lucrurs Mixnjt r . Special Round Trip VACATION FARES to the Prairies MARCH 27 TO APRIL 1 LNCL. RETURN LIMIT, 30 l),US Children 5 years ami under 12. half fare. LOW PARKS Al'PI.y IN COACIIKS. TOURIST OR STANDARD SLKKPKRg, Stopovers allowed anywhere en route. For Information, Call or Write: I HLKKT oitici: I 5'8 3r, 'rime Rujcrl. M.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS GEORGE BERNARD SHAW All IK. Wliordry,.AII Iht Wlidom.,.AII lh Wit of thli rnaittr el modern itery ttlllngl GABRIEL PASCAL ...tovhd by lh gtniui of Ik man who gov you "FYOMAUON". . , "MAJOR BARBARA" comti lo you.,.ai lh 'mwH'piOur of th ytorl GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S ARBARA DON'T MIJS THE FUN Sit IT FROM THE BEGINNING Daily at 1 00 3 18 5 32 7 48 - 10 01 TODAY AND TIILT18DAV Complete Shows 8Urt 1 00 3 03 3 19 35 g CAPITOL 4 MMOUI 'IAVIII IMM1II Beaafe Brooks of Mauett became attended bv Mr bride of Louis John Widen of eoup4e mill n Telkwa The bride was given tn beln nrlo. marriage by Rufus Abraham and. duck C0JI "The Chocolal; juiuier Special Price for LADIKS' and (JKNTS'Ml SPRLNtt CLOTHING $27.50 and t-j B. LAMB, Tailor l'hne KUrk 77 m Thlr At' Folding Carriages Just rerelred from Hie nunufsrturrr a klilpmrnl ol CarrUses, Uaby 111(1, Chain. lUb, frlbs lUby lUrntWI anini, and lUby Walkerv-n0 In our More for lour lnpt AISO we have received a shipment of Bedroom llrfwn, lUthroom Clothes Hamper In a variety of colon, hiu I" blue and mauve. They are practical and attractive CoW l-ounies .Mats of all description, suitable for every rom Ufipjlnied Purnlture. Tables, Chairs. Chet of Diantn. V toverlnics, Inlaid Linoleum. Rues etc, at Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVKNUK niUNC CiKIlN 1' OUR COUNTRY AM) HOMES DEMAND . GOOD SERVICE i We ask . vimr rfk-nvi-.,ti,... .. i .-uiiStf" i , rf, ::. vwpvrHlluil, "k-"""!!. uur country wiucsm . i casiillnp Un n r. . wTin . w aavuca that we shall noi '" . .i I rcPIacc t, tlrc our truclu. m order to maintain our ! t DAY llMonr tftr, u'i iff. j.,..., ttiithw. 1 v,ni enable- us to route our rtn.i. i., u, mnt ecoHP"1' J manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tuo Albert & McCaffery Ltd. 4 UIUNKS 110 OR 117 If you lose anything, advertise for it.