PAOE FOUR F ,. A L F A S H I 0 N S "V f 1 'I ... for Baby, too! fell Jj THE DAILY NEWS IF YOU READ NO FURTHER Please Pause to Read This... We're all in this war together. Buy what you need but don't overbuy, and above all BUY VICTORY BONDS FIRST. There may be minor short- ' ages but not of any important nature. We pledge our countrywide buying sources to keep you supplied of all necessities. If at times any of our sales staff seem a little abrupt, please forgive us. Remember these are trying times. WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. Thank You. 5 n1-' RUPERT PEOPLES STORE COATS - - Trimmed, Untrimmed, Tweeds, Sport. DRESSES- - - Aft ernoon, Sport, Tailored, Evening. ACCESSORIES - Gloves, Handbags, Hoisery, Skirts Etc' MILLINERY - - Dressy, Tailored, Sport Etc. LINGERIE - - Slips, Panties, Brassieres, Girdles! Discriminating Women Find it Easier V to Shop at The Peoples Store reds of Coats and Dresses in all the newest Pall Styles, selected by us direct at the Style Centres make it quite certain you'll find that costume you've planned in your mind. And as for sizes, no matter if you take a size 32 or size 52, we have those, too. Our Policy Remains The Same Our consistent tradition is low prices. Since it's not new to us, we do it well. You will be pleasantly surprised to find fall and winter our prices just as low as in past years. You benefit by our years of experience. RUPERT people: In the Heart of Prince Rupert TORE THIRD AVENUE WEST - NEXT TO HEILBRONER'S JEWELRY - PHONE BLUE 907 AND FOR THAT FINAL TOUCH, GET SHOES AT THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE TUESDAY, QCTQRrB) s u for