PAOE TWO You glide through whiskers like a breeze -And find new comhrf, speed and edse Each time you shave with Blue Gillette That's why this blade is your best bet! nlo-hlrie (ilf into-Mft i lrp tkty r hvUHIt vtdtr a mcricfpt EDITORIAL Cafe Reopened $ The U & I Cafe, Waterfront, jl is now open, under same j! jj nianacement. j ,'iVi,i,.,.V.".VAV.V.V.,.V .t iwrR. B.G. kv0 Blue Gillette Blades are made of glass-hard steel. That's why they take a keener edge and hold it longer than other blades. Ait your dioltr MONEY CANT BUY AN IASIER-SHAVINS RAIOl BIADE The Most Important Front . , . With a number of different battlefronts needing at-1 tention it must be difficult for the British, American, Puissian and Chinese joint high commands to decide where to send the bulk of their forces and equipment. The European opinion seems to be that Russia is the all-important front. Germany is able to concentrate more fully on that front and it seems to be the Nazi opinion that, if Russia can be broken, Germany can take care of the rest of that continent and Japan can look after the Pacific area. The result of this situation may be that much equipment that would be very useful in Australia, India and China will have to go to Russia so as not risk the possibility of the German armies breaking through 10 Moscow. Bfck I iJ jm i f i This advt. is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Mux 511 ERASER STREET PltlNCK ItUPEItT xgxj a iui rnzuxm mxm.y Mita Trappers: Brlnjr your furs to me. Prices on all furs have, gone up 20. Mink down 10. Those same buyers from Cow Bay win pay 30 more If I am there and you will get a square deal. When shipping furs we money on receipt cf wire wire ; goods. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable mmj gfttttasK at amainc axasraj Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 . Letter Box AT PAST END TOO Editor, Dally News: Two readers have, by courtesy of your paper, protested against the avoidable radio Interference in the city. Boys, you should live at Seal Sove. We can put up with the whUtltt, rattfet, catcalls, muarui of agony, devilish shrieks. Bronx .cheers, etc.. which emanate from the sources mentioned in your correspondents' letters. We are business. Thanking you. Editor. Dally News: Mr. Editor, "flOPEFUL.' OIL AT METLAKATLA Steamers leave Prince Kupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday pjn. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving March 10 and 24, midnight. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent Third Ave. - Phone 568 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY Ut Tin m Impnni l.tll.y Ion!, m M mittH- trnp, tly hit kl U kirt 1" TM ot let r Sal U w a'l lk imlat , out and the rru'.e:' u'a, a unc" ed. The firm was or rc-.-wu l even getting used to Interference Jamleson & McMillan I from the air base wjrelfts when A Mr- Robertson and myself had we are trying to ten to Chur- acquired some hoidiMB out wiosei chin. were also abandoned and over the1 Hnwever. fnr the nast tun woks, years I have never heard of am 1 six thousand dollars. I would be gtad If there is any local interest taken in the matter. THOMAS J. JAMIESOK, Brandon. Mn. Eah evening the changing of The writer spent a year in your the guard and retreat ceremony city Just preceding the lai war is being carried out by the Mainland was 1:1 the way of makn? ton Fusiliers at the barra.k'. on some move to fter'-uj lands Sixth Avenue W- thi b -for petroleum wiien .he wur brjk u: 5 45 to 6 3 p.m that to improve soup, stew or gravy and put , new zest and flavour into "let overs" or "cheap cuts" The "SECRET" is a little BOVRIL PEPS UP MEAT DISHES O L D S" : E 5A : L THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Canadian National Railways STEAMERS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT FOR VANCOUVER: Thursday, 11:15 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday, 11:15 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls only. Prince Rupert to Ketchikan Wednesday, 11 p.m.; Friday, 3 p.m. To Stewart Friday, .1 p.m. TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT FOR THE EAST: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at fi :00 p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write It. S. r.KKIO, CITY PASSKNCKIt AGKNT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince lluprrt Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupeit. J E Amundsen. T Kaye. C Prevo.t A. S. Frew. R. W. McKfll'. J Cochrane. Wm. Leonard. Paul Medvediff and 0. P. Bullock, Van couver; A. 8. Arnett. Montreal Mrs A. Kraft. Lieut. D. M. Llllte ,and Mr and Mrs. J A. Pcersen. Vi. t.'i; i M Montgomery and C M B C'.enJey Ottawa; K H. C i i 'iier . Port Barrett i! i! and on several orexlous occasions aetlvlty there along this lino bu.. for SALE Three roomed cottae we have been pestered with a full now tnai war conaiuons aemmit; ai .m unes. paruy mnin i time wireless machine which not a greater oil supply. I suggest that only put an end to all rao re- u have some go gvttor tbMe U ception for weks at a time ex- take a look at Metfakatla UA cept the local station but comes There are geophysical msirutnenti through the telephone as well. It now being used which wm leavi sounds like a man who has Just nothing to chance. I would sua-been hanged doing a tap dance on Bt Mansfield finder. They are a heap of broken crockery. beln used in manv oU fi,os to Will the Chamber of Commerce day and the cost Is nomine! for 'radio committee. please note that the service they give. A WOC-feet , this noise Is not the work of the. t-up for there would, be ample navy sending set? , for depth and the island will be i Much as we would hate to lose a much more shallow basin, I The cost of the instrument we nn oW friend, we at this end of town feel that it is high time some graduated as to power fo depth action was taken to put It out of research and run from three to FOR SALE Also chesterfield, dining and bedroom suite, piano, radio and atmpleie household furnUhlnjs Phone Blue 737 for appointment FOR 8ALE Door with complete fittings; large atoek of windows and larte atotk of Iron pipes, extra heavy steam pipe up to 4 -Inch. Phone Blaek 321. U. C Furniture. Third Ave. FOR SALE House and furnish- ings. earning good revenue. ? Owner's equtty may be purchased for email amount of cash-Enquire Phone Blue 805. itfi FOR 8ALE5 room house and bathroom. $1,100 GO w s&OQOO cash balance J J 00 per month. Collart it MoCaffery Ltd. Phone 11. ttf FOR SALS "M Studebaker coupe, good Urea, good condition. Phone Blue 882 between 5 M) and 1:00 pm. (Mi STOCK FOR SALE with store and living quarters for rent. Phone lied 830. ih FOR SALE Piano, good condition. Cheap for cash. Phone Blue 893. FOR SALE Oak dining room suite, chairs etc. Phone 80S. 'M' FOR SALE Packard sedan. $600 cash. Apply 1315 Sixth Avenue Bast. C1 WANTED WANTED Man for general store in coastal town not far from Prince Rupert. Military exempt. Living quarters above store. Stat salary expected a a d experienced if any. Apply Pox m: Dally News. THOROUGHLY experienced dry goods sales lady, excellent refcr- ences. would like position with ! tome reliable firm, work to com I mence April 10th. Apply Dox 223. Dally News. 61 j WANTED By respectable quiet couple, one large comfortable or j two small rooms with board In a i gooa nouse. eentraiiy local!. Apply Box 222. Dally News. (61 1 WANTED To rent, three or four-room unfurnished apartmcm Phone Red 7S2 after 6 pm. 63t WANTED by army officer, sma't furnished house or suite. Apply Box 224. Dally News. (34 J WANTED Room or small house I Apply Box 221, Dally News. (63 WANTED To Phone 38. buy. a trumpet. HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD for men shar-, tng Phone Blue 805. Ufit NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zsrelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAX FROM HOME" Rates 75e op 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 IN TUB M Tltr.MK fOt'HT OP ItHITMII (OI.IMIIU IN PHOIUTr. In .Millrr ol Iht M(lniln.lrIUn Art" And In tlif Mullrr nf th r.Malf of I Jirob ftaurr, t)nrtl I TAKE KOT1CK tint y Or(Jr of HU ironnr Jiwg "hr lt(j Uk 24ui (Ut of Pt-bruarr 164J 1 vaa nfnUxUgl Ad-mUil!rtot with Uia WIH nnnfrt of Ute firtU pf the UU Jamb Mr, i rornvrly A Alk Arm. PrUWi Orfuni. bit. xrtovn. wtm AU4 on mi brn Ui 14 k Ham a.. t..-l . - .n.n ... . luvliHt riobTM gslnit the ald UU' w rulrl u, fjrwrd Vtrm ki iw ui vr Mttm Much 31t 1843 ppMrly IM und l prnun UwlrUtd to th M tUUt aro twjiirrd to nay to rr tlx wnnunt or thctr lndeWdnui forthwith. DATED 4 rr)lV Rirt, P. C. UjU 3SUi dfty ot rtforauy a. D. 1943. NOILMAN A. WATT OffloUl AdminMratAt, Prince ltiijrt UO PIG TEX STEP INS ejgiit beige, beige, blh v Wink. v JUST ARRIVED! T;iefo SJtoos are the finest - r , tonrt on the market . ... B v, . floxiblo oak-tanned soles, ra; - 3 j form .olo8 and very soft, tvx : rAMILY SHOE STORE III "The Home of Good Shoes" ooooooooeaooooooeoooooooooooooooooc:;; For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SEKV: PHONE 235 6 DAY AM) NIGHT wrOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflOODODtMKMlaaAfUWuu.. ANNETTE'S it lilNS Ctiats, Girls' Dresses, ChildreirK Couth, Children's Drusvits in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Illou r; i m i A it 1 7. Ml.. inneae Lames vv Household Requirements Sovereign Facial Tiasue ... 10c fcr ''f Dennison Emlmiod Napkins oOr Household Expense Books . f Scrap Bookg 10c ard Paper Doilio pkg. Baking Cups 100s and 150s; pkg. Lily Drinking Cups 12s Jf Hot Kleon Cups 8.oz. sizo; doz v Wax Paper 100 ft. rolls . Canapar Cooking Parchment pkp. JjJ Self Senlf Envelopes-pkg. . . J. Union Jack Envelopes pkg. 15c; 2 for Bluo Lined EnvcloiioB pkg. 10c; H tor Zipper Portfolios, OxM size . . J? Thumb Taek-30 10c J Library Paste, Acroplnno Glue STATIONERY ANJJ SUPPLIES r for HOME AND OFFICE.