"THURSDAY MAitutt n. wb. fhHcuhcetneHtJ All advertisement In this ccJumn will be charged for a full month at S5c a word. Whlt drlv. Saturday, Commer- rl:U Hotel, N Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12. ' ON Dance Mareh 13. St. Patrlrlc'K Tea, 0Uwt!t HajU, Mtrrh 17 Prr-bytpnan Tea. Mm. Ukie'a. il.tch 10. Little Norway :k. Ira. Wunhe'A. March 10. OcUt Hows' Scotch Dine, Mar, l by invitation. II: CO Tea. Mrs. Platen, March O N Danre March q;;. , ; Mary Tea. Mra. Paikln, LO B.A Rprlng Sale, April 8. p P' .! Sprlntt Sale, April 23 ANNOUNCEMENT t sre glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE ItEPAIKINO IJKPAKT.MENT it oor shop, with Mr. Charlie W Yatt in full eharje. M Charlie hai many jrara' tx-perienre In the trade he intai how to rebuild your ib right. Let him do It for yo. WE ALSO CAIUtY IMESS SHOES AM) UOKKINO HOOTS. USC. TAILOR t;i'.h Street Phone t0 SalU I'reued by Steam While You Wall. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Robert Price left the city on last nights train for Fraaer Lake. ip. Henderson, from Winnipeg, will aaU on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver. Toulihfa train, due to arrive front the eatt at 11 o'clock, wai wparted thU morning to be forty-fire minutes late. "quTcjTreu1" for COLDS TAKE FAST-ACTING acDlRlN Relit! 'M"""" MpB tor pays in its T1LL1E THE TOILER iitlnifontfy Look before you buy! Be tart tail Biyer cms it tvtfy tablet . . . , ASOJJ. daftce tomorrow night postponed. Whist drive 8: JO pn. Oddieifcwr Hall Adm. 3Sc. AU welcome Refreshmrflts. A ptrtr of Vancouver workmen who have been employed ou Wartime Housing eoftttrueUon and (he new mil) Wry hospital here are salttnt tonight on the Prince Rupert on their return south. The fire department was called last night to a false alarm from the Canadian National Railways general office box The box was pulled by boys who later admitted doing so to Fire Chief 11. T Lock SO I FOUND "THI3 VMEUL.TVEY MUST NOTE PRCM COL. EE GOOD FRIENOSk ( KIOSBV TO &ASCCMJ IP He CALLS HIM SAVIMQ. BE PATIENX VOO OLD PUSS- Attention Please Something for all at St. Aadrew'a W. A. Jumble 8ale In Toe H. room, next Rupert Hotel, Second Ave.. Thurs. Mar. 12, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Be an early shopper. Also table of home cooking, delicious bread, buns, etc. On a regular scheduled voyage to Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt William Palmer, arrived in oort at 9 o'clock this Prank McDonald, for drunkpn. Imnrnlnir f mm Vorwnnvpr ami call. was fined $35. with option vf ed a eounle of hours later for W 0y' Imprisonment, In tlty . Blcag way and other northern police court yesterday. IpoinU whence she is due back (here next Monday afternoon Mrs. A. E. Campbell of Telkwa,) southbound. The Norah had on wJt arftve In the etty on tonight'i. board 144 passengers of whom two train from the Interior and satl on disembarked here while eight went the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. I aboard for the north. Through , , passengers Included some rettirn- i mg wmie raw ana i ukot route i employee and several Juneau people. LF.KION IMPATIENT (Continued from Page One) T'f T-T''JV'TVI-fV -V ?KE DAILY NEWS food fMkraiiiIy lasles liclior A NAME LIKE THAT when it's KEPT RIGHT ! SAYf "I knows my calorics. Not that I poie as a dietitian and tell you what to. eat; that's a nutter of your own personal tauc. But what I do with Electric Refrigeration is make the last little leftovers delightfully palatable and save pu time and money. Vcs, an lilcctric Refrigerator is a real wartime investmei. U lets you take Alvantagc of sales because you know the food will keep j fcts you keep your household budget down and keeps mealtime enjoyment up." Cambrai Chapter Is Keeping Busy Two New Members Welcomed Shipment of Wool Retched The regular monthly meeting of Cambral Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was held in the Canadian Legion Hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. K. Malthouse, firat vice-regent. In the chair. New members welcomed to the chapter were Mrs. Frank Skinner and Mrs. Blackboume. Mlrs. T- Fraser reported the Cambral dance recently held as moat sueeessful although the tickets were not all accounted for as yt. Mrs. Blaekbourne kindly offered a room in her house to be used as the Cambral workroom which offer was unanimously accepted. The chapter was advised that a new shipment of wool for sweaters for the army, navy and air force as well as refugees had been received and could be obtained at the workroom. Sweaters, etc.. com- Dieted should be turned In there safe and generous standard of at the tost opportunity in order living. jthat shipments might be made. ! a uitr (mm thm Vmth rvuifwll I Mrs. Jaek Garrett mil thp oHn. THAT'S TUST MOW DOM'T TELL ME 5 THE POIMT J7 AJ 5U5PECT Dt-Ot S" V I THE WAY tju UiQ wvt. .mm 57 "Cowf in an4 lol irt r lltrtrit RtjrifCTiiJers," ft MILITARY ETHICS! SPEAKS ON ISRAELIS! P, II. Limey Addresses Meeting of Local Toe II Society, The world Is now at the end of one age that of the Babylonian dispensation and on the threshold of another in which there will be peace and rule in accor dance with the law of God, P. H. Linzey declared In the course of an address on "British Israellsm and the Signs of the Times" before the regular weekly meeting of Toe H this week. Harold Hampton was in the chair and there was an audience of some thirty persons. Mr. Linzey reminded the audience of how Old Testament and Biblical prophesy had been literally fulfilled over and over again. He Instanced the Babylonian captivity and the fall of Babylon, the promise to Abraham that his seed would become a great nation and the overthrow of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great. From these facts he Inferred that Bibli cal Prophesy was literally true and I of Prince Rupert was read. The'nsr of a raffle of war savings that all prophesies that had not been full lied would In God s i members knew Utile of the history Uraps. yet of the group and, as veterans were Inclined to think that the . . a a Geonre Frinell is in town todav Tne Angio-saxon race, oeciarea I of his the apeaker. was chosen to toe a youth could more convincingly on one periodical business show their desire for a fuller pro secution of the war by getting Into some activity that would use the "immense value of the Youth In addition to acknowledge-merits from former Prince Rupert boys now serving overseas which have been listed there were a card from W. E. Brass and a very Interesting letter from Terry Fe. tune. UP THE uMMY.nrxs Australia plans to produce 8.000 machine puns by the end of 1942 tuu irom port usslngton. He re- sp" uu"":"1 kVl - porta that five Japanese nationals. ment of Ood' purposes. "The ! the first to leave the Skeena River rael 0od" who were ?ot necf5 toti. art. hfinm hoavk! t vn. sartly Jews, were not chosen be- Conference for an all-out war." toicourer by the police authorities "use wy had Uin gi ft and because they eer use their own words, the letter : tonight. laid on the table for a month, i enamcruuea ,ul" Colaeharu are running at Fish- suiiaoie. r ruv mi th- M.a niv h Mr. Linzey told his audience Tint at tha nvtnlar anrt ximmi. ' that there would be much to suf- lent fish, harbingers of early ter and endure before Angto-Bax-apring, were brought In today by . the boat Sydney M, , date rouNs Saoramento. CaMfJ'-war or no war, plans a world's fair In 1918, to celebrate centenial of gold dls-' covery in California. rOP COURSE, E 1THER BASCOM OR MAC SOT COL. TRc3SBy TO TRANSFER L DAVE AWAY FROM MERE 1 FRY S COCOA, FINE QUALITY UNCHANGED You ij be glad to have 'CHOCOLATE AROUND THE CLOCK, the new. illustrated book of latest recipes for making dozens of cocoa and chocoiate desserts and beverages, Send for your Free copy Address Fry-Cadbury Ltd.. Montreal on peoples were worthy to become of the Kingdom of God on earth. God's instrument and, until they turned to God and relied on HJm, they could not expect Him to bles3 their cause. Today churches were empty and national days of prayer were Ill-attended whereas the whole life should be one of prayer. The speaker said that all this must be changed before high destiny would be fulfilled and the war brought to a successful conclusion, whereby commencing the new era A 100 B.C. Product J I QUALITY f CAIVXEI1) FOODS I ...siroHn by B.C. Farmers. m I ... packed by H.C. Gtizens. & I ... sold by Il.C Merchants. ... usetl by B.C. Hoinekeepers. Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Reprcscnting-nUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J, E. ORMHEIM. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 815 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2 PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 10 CHESTERFIELD SUITES Flex steel and web construction. Priced from ? $125.00 8 nCRKOOM SUITES priced from $72.50 4 RANGES Made by Finlay, nationally known range with water-jacket $S:i.50 Everything for the Home Terms Arranged. PHONE 77 5 327 THIRD AVENUE BY WESTOVER YOUMQ LADX I'M AFRAID YOU KUOv VERY LITTLE OF THE ETHICS OF THE MILITARY PR0FES5tOW,lF tOU THINK AU OFFICER VJOULD DO SUCH A THING During the evening Ronald Brldgett sang vocal solos. The proceedings opened with the ceremony of light and the' Toe H prayer and, after a hearty vote of thanks had been accorded the speaker, closed with the singing of the National Anthem. STARTED IN SOUTH Invention of parl-mutuel machines is credited to Household Furniture 12 FINE MATTRESSES priced -?A"0 at V 9 UNTAINTED CHEST OF DRAWERS priced $ryih and from i up 6 DROP-LEAF TABLES priced -Sgin 2 CHESTERFIELD BEDS with OCCASIONAL CHAIR priced ()5W0 1 ENTERPRISE OIL BURNER HEATER just like new, at a very low price. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL IVW.V.VAW.W.W.ViWW S BULKLEY VALLEY BUTTER i; Arrives Fresh Every Week I We believe in featuring It m and helping our up-river farmers. Try It once and we . I" feel sure you will want no other. It's freshness and quality is unsurpassed. I We also feature up-river I VEGETABLES whenever pos-N slble. S l MUSSALLEM'S j Economy Store J "Where Dollars Have More l S Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 AViWSWV.V.'AWWAVW ix Tin: si pkeme rot'nT or iiuitmii COLl'MHIA IX rilOIUTK In l he Mattrr of th -Admlnlstntlon Arf And In the Mattrr of the Etate of Annie Morrison Huff, otherwise known as Anna Duff, Drrrasnl. TAKB NOTICE that by letters at A dmiattit ration ts&ud out of the Supreme Court of British Columbia on Um 25U cUy of Ffbrtury A. D. 194J. I wu appointed ActnUnlatrotor of Ui Estate of Annie Morrison Duff, other-wIm knqwn aa Anna Duff. IVreawKl. tit wife of tli late Vriluom Duff of IVInce Hupert, B.C. All penmna In-iMted to the E&teU are required to pj the wmount of their tnclmotednmA to me forthwith and all person having claims aipUnat. the EeUit are rqulml to pit them with ma projierly veclfll on or before the 15th day of April 1842. DATED at Prtnr Rupert, B.C. thU 37th day of rbrury mi. NORMAN K WATT Official Administrator Prtnoa Rupert. B.C. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS nnilia KE3ULT3. rilOt'E 93.