,AY MARCH 17. 1948 fAnmsnin mailings Canada BATAVLVS CIVIL GUARD WITCH MET INVADER at War ... i inrtiiiii 25 Years or .... .... Ago -.S. Lato tisu pjn, T 'MtMarrfi 17 1917 uriHj.,.. n TV ' ('vl4ltU1 , oniKUAsia abdicated for himir 10 pjn. and the Czarevitch, naming In c j-dtna ... ,. 10:50 p.m. Prince orotner Grand Duke Michael as ,s s 11.15 p.m. iu and 21 - j ,i . s; Norah pjn. ss Catala pjn. : l . s 8. Prince - 10:00 a.m, sR. Prince .... 10:00 ajn. Adelaide .... pjn. .-.a p.m. ' .Hid 22 . . Norah a.m. i jr Stewart aim rrcmicr , s ( twain pin. . as Prince . 3:00 pm. ... . .1 . t I savoy HOTEL v i it ( arl Znrdli,- Prop. rt:nf 27 P.O. Hit 111 FK'ASKR STREET I'uiscn iturr.ttr i' t:: irui Mi: cm kt ortmitiMi ((I t Mill 3r i.f llii- AJmlnUlrllon Acl" . t". Mjiltif ol Jm Jjrali . i.:;iriip LriMn Jem V. r T.d Jack Afru. Irl. X : hat tiqr OnHr of Hta r dated UK IKt) dar : inntnMd Admin-at th kM Jn . uHtU'Mtm known m m MM Jk Aa4mno. ' -tntcr, BrltNh OodumM. -txxu Um ltth Ur ot ' A, prnini ha Tine etaan i rQt ar rwjuirrfl to m e -jr bHWe AprU ' -ty vtrtflMi Ad l ..! u tb HAM a4v( are o m h amount of f-.-.Mr tiupm. DC. thia f.t. a d. mi NORMAN A WATT O.'f.nal AdmlnMirator Prlnr Rupert. B.C. regent. From Ocean Pall T1LMB THE TOILER Wednesday Si? Prince Rupert . 10 on. Frlday-as. Prince , . Oeorge io ajn. 1 For Queen Charlotte Islands . March 10 and 2i j aa Camosun midnight Fmm Queen Charlotte Islands March 0 and 23- &S. Camocun (For Alaska- Wednesday SB Prince Rupert Friday-SS. Prince George s s cataM a.m. i. ..... .s rrmce Thursday-as. Prince 7 m' Rupert l .,r Naas River anil Prt Simpson Saturday aa. Prince f'atala am i George lmn Nia, River ami I't. Simpvin Mireh IC and 24 ' . Catala a.m. ! ss Princess Norah ss Prince v Princes U 11 .s Prince SO lE 60T MAC AND VVt ' TC BASCCM VWD CCU 2 APOLOGIZE ALU TRGSey ALU DIS-7 AROUND HERE OUSTED WITH ME AlCCMES MACJU. 4 f .0 IK mi XV, GET OUT ajn 11 a.m. .. 3 p.m . ... am. . 5 p.m. 7 pjn. "- PR. GEORGE 10.00 p.m. pjn. I pjn. ' ss WANTS ROAD 11 15 am J.H.BULGER Optometrist Oppose Post Office) Feair It May lie Left ForioUrn rntity In Great Alaska Highway Project. PRINCE OEOROE, March 17 Pear has been expressed here that Pnnce George will be the forgotten entity In the great Alaska Highway project unless the men and organisations of this district join in a strong effort to nave an early start made in connecting this city with the Peace River district by way of the Monkman Pass route. Peace .River residents for years have clamored for this outlet to the Pacific an outlet that Is roughly complete, all but some SO mile. The people of Prince George district. 30.000 In number, endorsed the appeal for a road from Blue River to Jasper. Shorter Route. To some local men this route Is now seen as an economic threat to thU part of the province, if Prince George does not an have a direct connection with t&e Peace River. They show where It would, upon completion of the Blue River road, be shorter for Vancouver sh.ppers to route their supplies up the Cariboo Highway, then straight through the Blue River Highway to Edmonton, than to ship them direct to Prince George, then east to Edmonton on the way to the north. The distance from Prince George to Edmonton Is approximately the same as Blue River to the Alberta capital, but It Is shorter from Van- Driving from three beachheads. Japanese troo k '. -ok. Euburik und cut the main ; railway linking Batavia with cities to the east on the island of Java Here we see members ol Ba tavta'a city guard In armored cars, ready u meet the imminent attack on the capital city. Dutch and native troops had long been preparing for this invasion but their defence was Ineffectual. ss: sjtts o" "DEPTH DEFENCE" FOR George. j Total or 738 .Miles. ! From Vancouver to Prince George the distance by road Is approximately 526 miles; from Prince George to MeBrtde by CH&. Is some 148 miles, and by road from there to Red Pass Junction, "near the Alberta border, it la some 66 miles. A total of 738 miles. The distance from Vancouver to Red Pass Junction, over the Blue River route, will be approximately 5C8 miles, or 230 miles shorter. However, these men point out, that from Vancouver to Print e George, then to Orande Prairie, Alta.. the distance Is 774 miles, while Ihe Vancouver to Grande Prairie route, via Jasper and Edmonton totals 1189 miles, or 413 miles more. To Boost Project. Declaring the completion ot the Monkman Pass Highway to be a vital necessity to central BrHUh Columbia, several men in this city are strongly advoc&itbig the revival of the Monkman Pass A&weiaUon to boost the project. Completion of the Monkman Pass U expected to take on particular importance for Vancouver, for with this route open that city could successfully compete for the northern trade with Edmonton. The round trip from Vancouver to peace River via Prince George would be some 825 miles shorter ; than the trip by way of Edmonton. , In days It would mean a saving' of three, and the wear and tear, on machinery and Ures would be lessened. HOPE OF INDIA The family name of the Marquis of Linlithgow. Viceroy of India, Is Hope. AN ANEMIC BLOODHOUND MAC, I'VE BEEN HORRIBLY W1RCN6 IM SUSPECTIN6THAT "X30 60T DAME vlMsrewEDJo,Ly AMD.MAC, WLL HELP ME LOCATE : 7t-s ESASCCM?! CAM'T tVy i F1MD COT WHERE AUSTRALIA IS PLANNED By RAY PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer CANBERRA, March 17: (CP) Australians for have expected war with Japan. Now that it's' here the island continent is readier than ever with a new lifeline road through its lifeless interior, a new sea hase, and a jzreatly strengthened army, navy and air force. Example of Australia's drive to prepare for war is Port Darwin. Two years ago only a j drowsy pearling station, St has be-land concealed in surroundin!? come a brfssHng north coast sea 1 countryside. Like Russia, Aus-base. already the target of Japa- jtralia has a "defence in depth." nese bombers. It depend upon.The Aussles. like the Briibh ar-and ia the reason for the new , mored troops in Libya, coulc re-overland highway which links treat and advance over meaniug-Darwm to the rail soaa oxtendlnc leas distances, from Alice Sprtegs to Southern! japan discovered Por Darwin's Adelaide. Melbourne. Sydney and xa base potentialities before Aus-Brisbane. Itralia. Protected by outlying ls- Straight through the continent lands, it is closer to the southern 650 monotonous miles, the main Philippines than San Francisco to section of the road was buHt by Hawaii, so Is better situated than 1,400 men in 93 days lato in 1940. j safer Sydney.. For years Japanese Later it was extended to the nor-j craft ostensibly fishing boats, but thera coast Only bored weUs at government owned and navy staff-50-mile Intervals, break thejed poked around Australian straight-away monotony. Alice, shores. Springs, great inland arsenal where truck convoys form, is built around an oasis. Not far north is Tea- niiern coastal . Rpfnrp rnmnlptlnn nf thp n pu rl igh way. invading Japanese could have flicked aside the garrison of tree Well, geographical heart of hess than 300 men at Darwin. But the continent for 15 months men nd steel have Vital Offensive Base. fflowed north in a steady stream ' rail and truck- J Darwin's military Importance leaped with. the fall of Singapore. Less than four air houis from Fighting: Nation. Australian army strength, put Surabaya, Java, it became a vital at 170,000 in November, 1941, now offensive factor although as a de- is presumably around 200.000 des- fenslve post It could be circled by plte 6,000 killed or imprisoned in Japanese sea-borne invaders. Greece, Crete and Syria, and add- Australian strategy has allowed ed losses at Singapore. In addl- for attack, even for invasion. Dar- tion the Australian military for- wtn's real strength Is scattered ces "men in compulsory training The Grr'rcr.iKflHL !WiVLm J 14111 il wmmw BREWED AND BOTTLED BY Vancouver Breweries limited' WINNER OF TWO FIRST AWARDS. LONDON. ENG.. 1936 GILFORD, Eng., March 17: O Four cigars, auctioned at a darts taurnament in aid of the Red Cross, realized $58. number 250,000 and the Volunteer ' Defence Corps iveterans) 50.CC0. Total would be near 500,000 from ; a population tas of a year ago) ol j 7.068,689: , Navy personnel is about 20,000, five times that of the last war. Nearly every unit of the navy has seen action in the war. Tho Sydney main naval base, capable of holding the combined fleets of the world, is the best base between Pearl Harbor and Alexandria. The Royal Australian Air Force in six years has built up from a force of 30 first line planes and 822 men to 80,000 pilots and a greatly multiplied number of, planes. BY WESTOVER CC-1 i This advt. is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia. '.MAYBE CHURCHILL'S. I I MK5HT HAVE KNOWN THERE'Dj II i DC sAisr in i.i. VS TKV THE MlSSIMe PERSONS BUREAU I 111 im- Mr' Ji WM THE FLEET'S IN! 3RRPL " PPrWK" I r'M ALL FOR THE ARMED FORCES I I HE&E COMES OME MOWJ WHO LOOKSl H .( BASCOM?) MACS STILL AVJ D X DO TbaSCOM 7 FORGET THESE DAVS JKr AS IF HEO LIKE TP GET ACQUA.MTEO . ! lKU JZT f - . ' rM-r i ear qcbvdc t uy.rei tucvadp ALL THOSE r vajELL. VOL) 3"USTl -r7 " ' r. - i t-- . i ,) N ,! - lasKaa' S : E iA i l mm riiTiVirWjn Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Thursday pjn. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving March 10 and 24, midnight. Full Information. Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ajent Third Ave. Phone 563 G 0 L D THRSEAL of QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon .... Bloater HltllllHItHIIIIIIHMM 1 pxmsm.ms.muzmxm.mzmxm.iM.mi Trappers: Bring your Furs to me. Prices on all Furs have ?one up 20. Mink down 10. I will pay you 30 more. When shipping Furs we wire money on receipt of goods. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable.