SSO URN Oa IN CRIN NER ATOR RII lk TE RNG Te RNC ceo NON AEES SE: CUEEIRIN sen getese epee | rank meant aamer—rnt aye canceicinnprencens mete 7 The Daily News —— a No Gentleman by That Name in This Convention . ”’ Se oe SAY BOSS —-WILL PRESS ENTRANCE) ! # , ) 1s WILLIAM \ 2 la Mag : 5 eater } os a WY re “OUSE TAKE DIS | I SENNINGS |e: MESSAGE IN | | nC c v FOR ME-IM Sick, a | St neo) .? =| 5 _ HOUSE iy ad ‘B| ' { EI ; ek } } } | ! i ~ | s “lacte| et OH WH AT | B AD SSS AY LE ARN IT a 66 9 ore iL ‘KNOCK’ HERE! | e ews AASSINE S. |! e | ASK UNCLE Jepry r ‘intends Makin o What Will Vancouver People Do } 7 | Sritien seca of Manama ‘a o) Wy ome | = rot nr womné cue f° sce aeawara ji ==One Cent A Word For Each Inse JOM== 11) inestaition of cxnasian tee) WISN Publish That the City Is at Its ii | oa to Gritieh. Label me? =. it to Britis , PIERROT CONCERT Borrowing Limit. —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— i Ing : ae i : pseenircan aa np D9 beamidr Ame Because the city has no bor- e . aeecm mets Sienna nee London, June 22.—-Pret rA sti iat, . e lui hen receiving a deputa- AT rowing power left the directors of }qu h, wh i . I . : — ee - the Associated Chambers WESTHOLME the Vancouver General Hospital erce of the Empire re- have heen forced to lay over their Magnificent Marine | Wanted ER ihe induattan secnaeed O H plans for the expéiditure-of some De ot at Di b a I am unaware how far ! nee: pera ouse... $200,000 in the construction of a Pp 8 y| WANTED—A woman cook Apply cold ibor conditions make 7 it a% ee | Sto Mice. nvestigatior vefore : —— new nurses’ home building, an Cont! “4 p ‘ lw ee. ¢ ee nvestigation befor ies ira oot : : ; lontinued from Page 14. ) capable housekeeper anc out is possible rhirt ( infectious diseases ward . and hae cook for bachelor men, P | ; MONDAY, JUNE 24th other additional wings. 143-146 end having a careful in-|at Mor constructe tk oo » Pacific] P anted at Say ot de into the working oOf|the r A delegation from the hospital ee ted dock on the Pacific Ba ee want at Savoy Hotel i i ‘ ‘ ; f 1 { board, comprising Messrs. Sais-|°°25"- WANTED—Man for cannery store. Apply|~ © VANGUIAR Melt ee Ki e ; Owing to the great rise and} box E, Daily News, “149 tf ible Britain " pecia bury and Banfield, Drs. Procter, ‘ a tal | ; ; r Carder, McKee and others, waited ae in oe aE a eo eae Did eatin ye in an a rich waka & a ° , : 0 le Tac ral 10° LOW 1des e man’s home, ‘‘He made his money arks’ Annua rawing. upon the. health committee the ’ ut Attractions other afternoon with a request [CMe only during the night Lime, Miscellaneous =} | easy, he was here in the Once each year at Warks’ Jew- , fall through the course Of COMN- | drmcrasrmcrmcome } ; for a bylaw to construct these|® |* Secret, ir er meee arene ae Store is held ontest of Dramatic Interlude ............. a She f i PaatHnarahia hn : ” ‘ ield a con f i Fr Elli buildings. struction considerable difficulties | por Lease—rooms now occupied by EARLY DAYS | ; ataating description Mr. F. A. Eljis and : : had to be overcome by the con-| Wanderers — Club. Apply at Warks 4 : a : e : ‘ Mrs. J. Chisholm Mr. Salsbury explained that he ' th . | Jewelry Store. 142-tf DON T ENVY HIM, BUT IMITATE HIM rhis year will prove no exception tae Ps ‘ , é S, as & le lower braces for one was not anxious for such | ‘T8@e!0! te NO a ' . ; he rule and the contest will ° ( 4 ; were run during the winter|%®,more men needed at Goose Bay until 1@ rule ¢ ' Hl a bylaw until the repor , 5 further notice. The Granby Consoll- Y Aa A dr a a Japanese Comedietta under the a bylaw until the report of thé months at night by torch light,| dated M, S. & P Co. 101-tf —— he shay fa drawing, Th eremi . ler, ! direction of Mr. F. A. Ellis. hospital investigation committee | | aan anbatt te ang:.t} for grand prize will be a beautiful é had been given and he thought} 2° BPEAE CREEL IS GUC UCIT TOT) duenarmararmarmarmmermsreirmrmarmire ; , mahogany Heintzman piano val- rene that tha matten could bé laid.over their success in this diffieult un- ' One of the old and great financiers of ere: : * t ‘ t S . . ‘ ° ec { S456 e . ita wu : PRICES—$1.00, 75¢ and 50c. : : dertaking. For Rent | the Madt in addressing a clase ‘of lat $450. The tickets for the ; i until the first of the year, Dr. | d ve drawing will be from fe upward | £***erereereereosocooococscoscsem 5 Procter spoke in reference to the Successful Experiment. ernermmsrnmerentrnsiirmmsmmermiewmereeeg | young men said: The opportunities seer ras } € Doors open at 7.30 to commence aed “Ot Spas buildings The government's successful] piano for rent, Apply F. D. Keeley's of tomorrow will be far greater than/#!4 for each number drawn that } f eee It was explained by. Chairman|@XPeriment in the adoption of| Drug Store. y "440-08 in the past, fortunes will be made|!* divisible by five a special prize } ; Tickets for sale at Keeley’s . : : conerete piling will undoubtedly |FOR KENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave.| With greater certainty and rapidity be give here will be aiay } ao i 1 Cameron and Comptroller Bald- it in tI { . Apply Phone 813. owing to modern method ially |! of these minor prize ng~| | § ‘ ° "eS a str € ethods, especially | ?'>)' St ie Cs, i ' : iM | win that the borrowing power of [CSU im Me construction of Many pon Lgase—Mclntyre Hall; well neated| those SEAN s west ‘gsograpkia n value from $1 to $6 hh § the city had been exhausted and concrete wharves in this prov-| and lighted, J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116, 108e points in the weet Zeograpnit e ‘PO ’ oi ‘ - that the city was not in any DOBiad eee she: utility. Of (@ DOrM a= | gers semsrmieecteasiimibmtiomseenieemsly ally situated to handle the commere: \\w} é } as any) Osl- ; ree - . ” TT ' \ | ‘ IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS tion to give this amount of money | P&M and indestructable pile in the| erie wee LOCAL OT TINGS H i H & Hy bubile Hulaw ada ak ih eal eeters of the Pacific, where the} For Sale i ii UE ¢ ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS wished ; : teredo works such havoc on al! Ge er \ fred Frost arrived | } e ‘: : : len structures, is unques- don, sees, on the Pr ina \/ ‘, inn Hearing this explanation, the WwOOE ? ’ FOR SALE—! drophead sewing machine I H. R, Love, Prop., Prince Rupert _ OXE ‘ is tionable. Similar concrete piles| 1 Standard bone. cutter, 18 on Ma and is a guest of Mr AY} I Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and| hospital delegation departed with) | can used with great Se ventter nak Mee ) sixth d Ik. H, Mortimer { Prices Right. Engine Work |the statement that the request | rere ee eee naa tralia eset eae Green 1 od Y ‘ and General Repairing would be preferred’ again next) 7°" Ze nd fl hiss hae and roms oh alee new. fon be revere roug| Where the Wesi Meets the East |! piscte gar teistee be iguay ey \ . . , Wy vale ‘ Jee 5 we; also ne ow boat. sinter é ‘ : ; | Pr i Shop, Cow Bay January.—Vancouver Province. i Ww a ey and ¢ oe ie a and Ties anak wae i ye .. ! M Joh Johr j = ’ ’ le metnoe is one 1a Wi un- i Visit with theis { a Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. oennerrinygeens: UR SALE—Two 9x1 loxet vinaa't ’ | “ -diy replace all other forms ant STINE ONENESS, |G: . .. , ( | M lohne! ° } < Prince Rupert Arrivals. doubtedly rep with a large quantity of logging gear, | Situated on the west coast of Vancot é ss Johnstons Mr. | | e! Phone Blue 269 = P.O. OK Oey ones ine te the hetolass|0f construction for permanent| ,fope, ete: -apiiy’n. Etnulagsas| vor Island at the, heed ‘of Albena | Jl e is treasurer of thel$ & FIMCe . Nupen; pee s 5 es ‘ or essi 3 } 5iand ¢& é 0 ern ‘ passengers list of the Prince Ru-| P!C?® and wharves Vo-t pis ; anal where the great ships of the f Va uver and is one of oe A. Radieny pert, which arrived on schedule “ Suit moan’ Afloat. pene Pacific will bump noses with the | /he p! ent Liberals of British Real Estate { : : The entire frontage of the I . ( f this morning; 1 en | ron Horse of the great trans bia Cartage, Coal and Storage Jenns, Mrs, Nogiler; J. B. Digby Island wh:rf has been) Lost and Found continental railroads of Can- Gi il} Agent A. EB, MeMaste Do ' Ph Reliable Messenger Service Jenns, Miss ae y ae Fa, ‘ carefully dredged, which’ gives OL | eer erermarernire | ada. Alberni holds a com- hi ( i Trunk i . 4 meter. tnests 0 an, o: aioe r ors oe | | 7 te Te P ‘elLurned aealilaees Youngman, Mrs. wuson, Mrs, sufficient depth of water to allow} pouyp Pursee of not and a manding position not eq-| { ion . : : Our 30) —* hea ty dtC5 ana Ke | 7m ‘ short ius ess ) 0 a i = Phone 58 735 3rd Ave. SOLD SO HE osks nae s the largest steamer afloat to} Owner can have same by proving prop ualled by any other sea- | \ { ‘ oe “ . » A. FF, é ‘ «Be P e and paying for adve seme I S ‘2 ” owe i ‘ rday - ’ WV Huat M aanae a a come alongside. ply Daily } ewe omen epee ‘y 3 in port on the Pacific = thousat + unt, Mrs cRae, D. - 7 . ‘ ’ . nd : ) ‘ i year’s — = Sees —— yy ie Cha Addie Blomauist, I. E. Al present all steamers of the Coast. There can Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Grant ar- incres ; W H h Eee see ACs BE Marine department operate from WATER NOTICE be but one ange Lis Wey, M. A. . Pr, A. > ; . mn ans e ave t e Stura, Mr. {opnson, Ss. oO. Victoria, says the Colonist, but it ALBERNI M \ Robey returned from rents: | ull, A. Yindling, G. X. a tae) i ¢ h 9 F - | P ee : sl d F Il i Ch Hull, F, P, Leventhwaite, A, J, |i8 a considerable distance for the Se tiag ie tants ite “fiat ‘the Pees | wr Mee burg, Arkansas this morning re at ; 0 owing eap paneon.. Waller Se. ships te travel before reaching Rupert Hydro-El Cirle Co., Ltd., of Mon-| Lots are selling today from $150 to|/@@burs, Arkansas, this morn fected | r bl goes twee Be i ' real, Canada, will apply for a license tol z i me WT te to headqua i 1” ° failing, E. R. Allan, Ed. the lights and buoys of the north.| take’ and use 1 ito feet @A7K ge. He will proceed to Hazel : yould iit Nathetet Torre : ‘ aKe ATi¢ [i 00 cubic feet per second| $475 in *‘Rosslyn’’ > new addition i » azelton. for a good ’ x Properties For Jettres, “he R Te Ww. .: It is understood that the new] Qf Walter out of Mcknight Creek, which| OFS. a BOW anditie a). Wee ro. GROY Hs elt re hens » W. J. r flows in a northeasterly direction through| to Alberni. These lot ‘ | : srodie, general passen- =: ° MeMaster, A. E, Johnstone, John tender Estevan will be operated| Wm. Agnew application to hase, 4 fe BRAG TOMS SFO 0010 nt of $Ots 40-8 h, Hi aie xciusive y MeMillah, W, Johnstone, | Mrs. : : empties into Hoesall R Spout f inta| the eas , s cer agen f the C, P. RK. arrived witt ‘ i Le McMillan, J. Grant, C,'F, in connection with the new sta-| above mouth of Browns creck” ab of el 1€ easy payment plan; their future) vesterday on the Prin v #2,0 \ ‘ “ade y ir ; , 5 ate . way ONL ne incess rary. : Section 6. MeMillen tite 1. ‘FMiee, Genres it tion and that the Quadra and] Mii be diverted at Mekuighi’s Lake aud) §8 sure and certain, and their owners! —jopoy) | : f 7” pone ‘ ; McMillan. Miss R. Matthew, E. R. t Newing = Se E e : 18eC or power purposes on the! 3 se y j Hobe Javie has returned fram L oes Lots 29-30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-3|hichardson, Miss fours sa. Newington will look after the band de: 3c ribed as Wm, Agnew application| will be astonished at rapid advanee.| Alloa & tiand, after four George €¢ : . 9 Walters, Mrs. A, J, McDougall, A. work on the west coast and the sates } : a our j cash, bal, 6 and 12 months, gnur’ Mire MeD« i Mrs rr This notice was posted o » ae pri j months’ visit with rels , “e Lo Spur, Mrs. eDougall, Mrs, inside passage as far th ¢ 7 J nh the ground — } th relatives there, : Gordon, M. L, Anderson, E. ; passage as far north as|on the 25th day of May, 1912, The ap-| Mr. Davie wilt p ‘ , 618 3rd Ave. Section 7. Rooty A. Be watrut, Fred Oueen Charlotte Sound. ication will be filed in the office of the| cc ts WHt rejoin the staff of ; 7 oo " Porteons, N. McPhail, A. on > 5 alter Kecorder at Prince Rupert, B. | ithe estholme ar ; Lois 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500 Roy, x Fleishacker, H, rhe fact that health inspection yo psections may be filed with. the said | I seit A. Ellis | holme Lumber Go, ; each: 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42.} Hyatt H. Fieishhacker, Mrs, “an be made at this new station] or w Recorder or with the Comptroller | Dr. William 8. Hall. the well Lo ’ Pebe, a, Ehuman, A. y ’ f Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Real E. | ? Lontel, J. C. Ehuman, Mrs. will also serve to expedite ship-| ¥i¢torla, B.C eal Estate Agee ;known dentist, returned today : ; Section 8. Dale, af a ae Bailey, R. ; THE "PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEI | Prince Rupert lf - : Lyford, C."A. Bailey, Mrs. ping at the rapidly growing port TRIC CO., LTD., Applicant are . 5 : B.C.) {ron a short business trip to 0 Lots 18.19-20, Block 20, $400 ‘Trunbley, James Leadbetter, Mrs. of the northern metropolis. . ty " By A. W. Agnew, Agent. | | Vancouver and Vietoria i each: 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 Gutru, H. Y spomon er, Miss Pub, June 8, 1912 | | ; uae es me ’ . *| Zessip, Car Slack, . lhe Car . Lo i Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair;{Snider, A. W. SS . . ee | amosun sailed for the : 3 1:3: ohh, bal. Baad (2 Joga Snap Section One NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION jee sae this morning, Mrs, J. E 1s : sh, ‘ ‘ . nig ’ st ca Lo : Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 ies City of Seattle North. } ADIght and Constable Adams You mu 4Ol8 12-10, ’ pair; ° “3 » . 6 a * ‘ The City of Seattle northbound Ss we Notice is hereby given pursué © the ° h S vere among the passengers Delici bh 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. carried from this port the follow.| Hote! Block 33, Fraser St. Build- | provisions of Chapter 115 >of vant 1 tbe urc ervices - wee CREAM Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash,| (en en aoe re: i “| ings cost $7,000, Price $12,-| tha the Ocean Wi, 3nd Amending Acts ie esi ' - ae : assenzers: e ve i ra 10. limited, ¢ | - eal ai Sa ; bal. 6 and 12. tate ~ kndaiadn? iis oad 000; $3,000 cash; 6-12-18 corporated (company incorporated ‘under | FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in Police | Court. oY : et Stowe te oe . ¢ metas le fs ne laws of the Pix Oe | 3 every § : . Sa | H . & C Spaulding, W in Newnen yore Collart & Reynolds Jumbia and having Is head’ ofitc ty a had Chureh Halla eet the ; In police court this morning KEELEY'S PHARMA _ . . . . RE an, ¢, City of /ancouver in tt 84 0 | Empre Theatre 1 .- the Case of ' ‘harwe aut ye. Se mue arrison ompany Paulding, Mrs, nae Bled with the Ministe r of Public Works | Sunday’ | School at! 4 30 - a | John M ee ny ep yg Sth St. ane ord A Brokers and Financia! Agents Suen Rat Of the Dominion of Canada a plan of a REV. F rag HOneY was adojurned un- - —_ nd A Pri FR t Social Hop. Princess Mary Arrived. porasp wharf aid ther works proposed to W. KERR, M.A,, Pastor lil the 248t, as was thet against | Seco: a . uns 1¢@ compar i : ; . Sos S ve, FINCO HUH You are cordiaily invited to at- The ©. P. R. steamer Princess | S¢tPton of the ‘site chosen’ by “the ‘etn THE FIRST William Crosley for stealing car 7 —_ _ — a nd 4 Se eae a > p | Mary. on the pp a | a ’ pany for the Said wharf at Cousins Inlet, on tST BAPTIST CHURCH faut pa L tend a social dance at K. of P, y, 1 rince Rupert run| Coast District, Vancouver Island, British MCINTYRE HALL, 83RD AVR, NEAR 6TH ‘ools lhe charge of . : an or t : o t the! CERTIFICATE _OF IMPROVEMENT. Hall Saturday evening, June 22.|in place of the Prineess Royal. foluenbis, tne at eee company has | Serv ices every Sunday at 11 8ST theft against Frank Pervy was j ‘ ' ar oO m, and 7,30 : ‘ of 4 Lost Rocker Mineral Claim, situate in| Mr. M. M, Cooper, dancing in. arrived at about 4 o'clock yes- Deeds at Victoria, British Columbia, being School ° 40) 5 ae Gunday dismissed. Inle the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar| .;,,...4,, a i Rie ards f rno wat ia ; 1 proper registry in that behalf Bible Class 2.407 araca T District, Where located; On the west side| Structor of Seattle, will manage|terday afternoon, Captain Rob-|plicate of the said plan and description veal revo . eens tine ! } ire entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory) the floor. Good music, 2t ertson reported a very smooth | Ural eke approvel themcnhe rn tn ' ee rannoe : age ¢ | dvi sreof, on ies — date 1} TAKE NOTICE that I, W. T. Kergin, as| — —_. —___s—s«d Vase, although considerable}. Dated this 28th day of May, A. D. 1919..| THE FIRS] Sal cort agent for F. §, Dakers, Free Miners’ Ger- = fog down the }at Vancouver, B. ¢ ' ‘ ixtu av, METHODIST CHURCH : | | for / Uinleale No, 330598, intend 60 days from ‘4 coast, One stow-| TUPPER & GRIFFIN XTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Lofts 6 and 4 er date hereof to apply lo the Mining Ke- awWay Was distovered sox ‘ | Solicitors for the Said € f pervices every Sunday 1 W 4 corder for a certificate of improvement FREE! FREE! FREE! leaving Vane bh. er ” after! pup, dune 8 4919." ompany, am. and 7.3) p - Bondar Fine Ha \ ub i} for the purpose of obtaining a Crown ‘ ancouver, rhe passen- 1008 &t 2.80 p.m I h fol j grant of the above claim. - ger list included: | - REV. C. 2. SING, B.D 8 the Place for You. pr And further take notice that action! ; : : ieee ms | ; ASTOR Q B19 under Section $7 must be eommenced he- A big beautiful 88 key pprake, F. y Vickers, W. H ; On a visit with Mr. and M | He of the coming centres of re the sue of such certificat f im- slectric aver ni ey, ©, Forbes | ores s ° ION iM { Weste lan, ” provements, g © OF im electric player piano, worth Johnson, iW. Ato a Bullock-Webster, Mrs. Wolterc| ‘ira Y CITADEI Vestern Ganada, Lots can alill a x has - ( s, Mrs 4 , | ’ ¢ . i “ 4 : 4 } i al Dated this 4st of May, 91g. $1,200 given away to the §/ \uitiy wre WF. Anderson, ¢ | arrived yesterday by the Princess Hervicen at 44 be had at prices of 8115 to 8180 Will ( i a Pub, May 4, 1942, pool players in the Base- 3) Holmes. k. w. Sibbitt, Mr | Mary from Alert Bay, where M: . 1:10 pn Masy terme Seaten, Mr, chols wae I ght Dp ‘ ——===_—= ment pool room, Empress Agur, ‘R Hi, uenneaee Mn | Wolk rek is hunting and fishing Wednesd . om on ease call for reading matter Theatre building. Frost, Miss W Hoffman, iMrs. Woltere} yh Mid Saturda " 4nd further info 4 Subscribe for the Daily News. ae Brodie, H. Ww. Colbourne, BE, K ' : erck Was acc Ompatied PY VD i LUT Ty rination 0 + Hrodie, Mrs, . y her maid, Commanding ‘ d | | via, JOHN OYBHAVN aden Wy j* Mone 384 319 3rd Ave sECOND AVENUE