PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY .;Ar Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Tlllltl) AVENl V Chas. Dodimcatl Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kcnairing. Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for line China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER g Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Easter Togs For Children We've left no stone unturned this spring ... No matter if it's an Outfit for "baby age" or high school "teen age," we have smart Outfits to please the whole fam- iiy. Featuring Coats with Hats lo match that lead the voung ladies' 1912 Spring Style Parade . . . Dresses that breathe the new season in. All the right essentials, too: Sox, Under things and even Play Clothes. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ! for Special Price LA OIKS' and HUNTS' M-W SPRING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black 78 302 Third Ave. W. Spring Filled Mattresses Just received Irom the manuracturer-the famous B-autyrest nfl"1"! Mftresses, all sizes. Pillows. Felt Mattresses, Beds. Slumber King Springs. Folding Cots and Converto Lounges Also we have received Lion brand Luggage-Suitcases. Trunks, Gladstone Fortnight Cases, Overnight Cases, Sleeping Bags. Tents Pack Sacks. Packboards, Dunnage Bags, Blankets. Window Shades' Large stock of Floor Coverings, Inlaid Linoleums. Congoleum Rugs, Axmmiter Carpets, Mats of all sizes, for your heme requirements . . . Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dinette enterprise Ranges for burning coal or wood. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OL'U USED FURNITURE DEPT. many Dieces of niiture for your home at reat Klni! --1Snd Prjces. Beach all-enameled Range, fitted "?th oil burner, has all the parts to convert for coal or wood-Dining Room Suite, table and four ctoirs- Dresser n?t ,.r wood" Ki "h?neThf?rfs bKT inRct"'1 "SS W PtaSlfwES, 2 ffiteSSulg'S Elio's Furniture Store PHONE (".KEEN 919 BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... r at Your Local IJukhers. NO WASTE IVDV TO COOK Canadian Fish '& Cgld Storage PKINCE ItUPEItT Co. Ltd. IlUITISIl COLU.MIJIA It's interesting to know when reading the Dailv Newt that the people of the whole district are doing the same. Letter Box ANOTIIEU SEKC.EANT Editor, Daily News: I write with regard to your re cent reports and write-ups given Dr. Mandy and the absolutely un necessary, and I ruight add.datrU mental publicity tolfrTepietfvelotifi condition of our wonderful thy of Prince Rupert. 'V Inasmuch as I personally have Dccn a member of the active force stationed at Prince Rupert for the past two-and-one-half years. I have drawn many j conclusions -vrm -vm u as ,j have In the army, whose main ;I I necessity Is high morale. And for I I higrh morale, friendship is omnl-! ! potent. ... i i wne memoer oi tne services has pointed out the lack of facilities for sports, recreation etc That needn't be brought to the fore again. We are all fully aware of the fact and. Dr. Mandv. if vou would direct all this excessive en ergy to some constructive ;such as the Civic Centre. lations concerning liquor. idea. vnn j would be doing all a great service. ;. As for curtailing canteens. 1 messes, etc.. this is a farce, oe- cause no clvlHan organisation can. ( uur inufc wiey oe permitted to try to, direct any section of our army. Certain clubs are "out of bounds" and another ordinance nmhihft 'ANOTHER. SERGEANT. FIFTH COLULNIST Editor Dally News: i It is era 'if vine to nnt th me completion or our ;ivij centre Droiect wnnM ! greatly alleviate the sltjat-on I With regard to the slirnv "bnot-j j leggers." they will be wiped out of existence oy an honest and efficient policing and enforcement of the requisite liquor laws and restrictions. Such with penalties of sufficiently "sharp teeth- to warrant the fear and respect of the low-down 'bootleggers," should be demanded by citizens. With regard to the armed forces, as sugge.m-d bv "Teetotaler." Increased far for healthy entertainmer.?. v ou. . Delightful Tea MUSICAL d.. Ladies' i Aid a:j By Fine Affair Held by SU Paul's Lutheran Church Organitation The Lutheran Ladies' Aid held sucrraafnl ta at th Mptrnml 1l all. last Saturday aftemfWi., Trtc nauywas tasteiuuy aecpraica in seasonal colors, the tables bclns centred with spring flowers. The weather was favorable and there was a fair turnout of callers dur-ng the afternoon. t nwa 5vti 4 vss(V to tne people, habits, morale and, ( of the president. Mrs. Chris John-in general, the existing conditions son. In charge of refreshment taken from the standpoint of a were Mrs. J. Iversen and Mrs. Ot-man brought up In a good home to Etlertson. Servlteurs were Mrs. .'no inrusi into a town where T. soiien and Mrs. Oke Jackson, people are friendly, courteous and There was a saje of home cook-quite hospitable, all these charac- ing taken care of by Mrs. Bemhof terlstfcs more or less aided by that Pedersen and Mrs. M. lived tn. damned demon" liquor. "The fancywork table was looked When a group of strange men after by Mrs. John Murvold. Mrs. gather In a place, the easiest and H. Johansen had rhnnr nf n hMn perhaps the finest manner of ex- juessing contest, the prise being a pressing fraternity and cordiality lovely cajce donated by Mrs. A. Is by Inviting others to have a I Husoy. Kay Lindseth was the win-"tot" Nowhere else In the world j ner with a guess of 436. the cor-ls fraternity more important than j rect number in the Jar being 437. in a group of men such . w Cashier tnr th , Mrs. L. Olson. also hlp. There Is no douot. how ever, that a restriction or even 'rationing of llnixv- ithniiM h In. t t IVmIim T . I I - . tion liquor as K is to ration sugar, gasoline or anything else and liquor is non-essential. Doubtless, there are '.housand like "Teetotaler" who recognise the seriousness of this situation not only In Prince Rupert but as a national menace In many cities throughout our Dominion, from the Atlantic to the Pacificall potential Singapore, slowly but surely being demoralized by this insidious fifth columnist No. 1. Like "Teetotaler" these Deonle should also have the courage to join the ranks of flchtcr. tv ! alcohol within military barracks. Pub,lc expression to their conriem- 'So you see that the military auth- inaUon and- lt 50 delic, offer wwrtUom for the effective of- .voriUes are aulte canabfc f w. Ing after their own men and regu fensive thai will be waed atalnst this traitorous thing in our midst. Sn n- r "w i opinion anc ; uic response to the citizens tesulution advice of a soldier and "lay-off- indicates a practically unanlmom this useless splurge and leave desire of Prince Jlupert ctUtens. such matters to the men you elect, excepting the slimy "bootleggers." jour cmc and provincial g0v- lne oowe profiteers, the corn pit- crnlng bodies. wuMncjr una cucsiau swiuers and the waaklings lacking courage, to shackle this handicap to our war effort. Those who may not yet have ! signed the citizens' resolution wUI stui nave T7e an n onnortunitv opportunity tin up t t., istructlve tone of a letter siened !. "The Teetotaler." relative to th, nfKU so at tne already lisf - deplorable liquor situation in 1 "oca"" In the city. Do your Prince Rupert. "Teetotalers" con- duty yal cltlsens of our glo. structlve suggestions to remedy ,,ou Dominion and shackl our the the condition condition are are most most accentabU. acceptable, nflh columnist No. 1. DR. AND MRS. JOSEPH T MANDY .i.M.Mi..IA l Lll IJUILDLNC WOUKKKS OF CANADA Prince Rupert, ttC. AICTROPOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunria;. In the month at 2 pjn. Unit No. 1: Shipwrights Joiners. Boat Builders and Caulkers Unit No. 2: Painters. Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary: Phone Blu: 113, P.O. Box 1113 COMEDY "There's Magie In .Musk" U Interesting Picture for .Mid-Week at Capitol Theatre. With an lnrnreaslve musical east and, a novel story. "There's Magic In Music.- a delightful comedy musical, corner to the screen of the Caoitoi Theatre here as the mid-week feature offering. ine story is about a hoydrnlsh vyvta . .mil vi v .tvii Mi told against the background of the famous music camp at Inter-1 lochen. Michigan. Paroled, aftori HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince It u pelt. Hon. J L lUUUm. Hon. C (i Power. Major Ocn. R. O. Alexan der. Air Vice-Marshal I.. 8. Dread-ner. Ottawa. Commodore W. R Beech. Air Commodore L. P. Stevenson. Wing Commander Mac-rarlane and Stall Sgl Marshall, Victoria. DAILY NKW8 WANT ADA UnjKgfl HtaULTS. PHONE 03. r young burlesque queen with a . . magnificent voice who becomes an! Hi ATK HhAllQ a raid on a burlesque theatre, in' the custody of Allan June and - - Lynne Overman. Sutanna Foster. , m tfVW MHRUK VMM. IB Mftll I IU II IT ' camp to have her voice trained Headstrong and impish, she al- J most disrupts the camp with her! rebellious attitude which under- goes a complete change after al series of dramatic and comic events With her voice trained. i she finally get her chance Inj opera. Incidentally, there is puppy-love romance with stud looking young Heimo Halt to. Margaret Lindsay has a romantir: lole opposite Jones. Five musical celebrlttei-Deems Taylor, noted music critic and commentator. Tandy MaeKen. famous Metroootltan Oner, con ductor; Richard Bonelll. great bar itone, a race Bradley, and Irra Petina -appear in tlu- piiturc weU. PADRE IS MARRIED Captain U. C. II. Hurnford Send Word of lib Ketrnt Wedtling In England Capt. R. C H. Durnford. iormer area padre her? and now in tie army chaplaincy service in Eng land, writes to William Lamb of the local Toe H telling of hii re cent marriage, an item which will De or much Interest to the padre's many friends hee. narttcularlv around Seal Covr where he was formerly recto' of fit Peter's Ane- lxan Church T.ic marriage took place in the Old Country mm (.rntr.llj U.rr fill One t 4. ( Slf N.lng SulU Ne- PU.I.r 2 IS A ( A SKIN PAINT 4lk lour llratrr Almit mem int ort 4 ttflr (tlf -ilk . k FESTIVAL CONCERTS April 17 and 21 - In -PKE-SUVTEKIAN CIU RLII Ailmiwlon 'J."r by Pro; i am Proceeds to War Chart tic Programs on sale beginning April to. at Onnc' savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclll, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. It-n ill FltASKK STKF.KT Pltl.Nt E KI'PEKT MEN'S SUITS 1-lilirV and (JeiiU' Soring Suit and up M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. IUix 376 Phone (ir. 50 Men's Fine Wool Imported J .Made - to - Mcaturc SI' ITS st J wholesale price, SIO.IMi up. Latest Models. Large fielec- I tion. See .Me Evening. I Koomi :i. Central Hotel, AL I lll'I.KLEY VAI.I.EY IllTTEIt I Arrives 'reh Every Ueek We believe in featuring it nd helping our uo-nver fuimers Try it once and we I''el jiure you will wan. no other It's freshness and Quality u unsurpassed We also feature un-rlver VEGETABLES whenever possible MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More CcnU" P.O. Hos S75 Phones g.J9 Advcraie in the Dally News. I I Cunii:i ' J ,,unte "You're In the ,n.. N 't j STAIHMT A M.-' i Musical ( America NVttf. , St .rV SUSAN N um t . .i . , , Youtlj la "THERE'S MAGIC IN MUSIC" Allan Jiiei ( . Inline Otrr from nterlH l,. .Muvle Town ' 5 W. 7 40 , , AtM.j "Informal 1 1. ti 1'!- C'arUKHi ".Muturrvi ! st i t r "Happy ( ,r, as r. World e F'UA-Xa Between sll i', : jia( ONE-WAY FARE and ONE-QUARTO FOR ROUND TRIP GOING Apl.2 vJpl.6 V i I EASIER GIFT I.IM'I J. M. S. Loubstr CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Hlock - TtzxM , ssWlik ) Sorry.....f here UJill Be No . n-eio Sale This Spring! vicroiiiA BRITISH AMERICA PABNT CO. LTD VANCOUVER CALOAHY EDMONTON KEGINA