ni ) at 25c a word. IK i r Mi m 3 "at 1 The Quality Tea f0 COTTAGES FOR SALE. fc Public Hall lor Kent. JNTRAL HOTEL irniture rCHEN K(JES- 11? pood Shane, for KVS, 32,HI iM'AINTwn ?STS OF Pr':rd or1 t- ALADA T & MMtcuttcetneH tJ 'erV.-.cmentt tn this be rhargcd for a 'urduy, Commer- M h Dane, April A T'-a. Lenten, April Tl i Mrs. Parkin, - Bali?, April 8. ' iors' Tm. Mra. S;i!e. April 9. . April 17. Sale, April ' Sale. April . 1 Dante, Ajrt H.ill. May 1. 9m ?. June 3. ri:: .:i ru itnirniiitiHii m::: i riiiiinii: Iff " ArtmhiMratlon Af. .- of I he relate of t ncr ierratrd. OkW at Ilia -i- I nt aimtnUd I of ate l rr rormrrl of t jumMa. who '. day of No-t rx-rariiM having - .' ! EMlatn ar rr-to m oo or t,' proprrta; ml-.kbu-d to ttw rrtl to paf Atvf XInMa to hm ? r . H-ri. n. C. ahla AO. IBAJ. A WATT l Admtwtalfator. ' ' RUTt. DO 'Fail lnv nml Igtcurizcd .MILK 'AHENTIN DAIRY ml riioM: 657 $nir & .. up ATTUESSES- WRITERS- l Vrrv reasonable y Furniture Co. PS1? BUCK 321 "r,l Avenue 0 g rS Send Your ahould be In the Dally News Copy Early I Local news contributions aufcrrtt to furnlah avia. pruyrif rcl-IM. to om on or bntora Uw llui day of April. A. D. I9AI and ail partWi UtaMMc to ttt antaa alt rxtUKd to ptf Uk aanouni of Shrtr indwirwii la s Snrahwtlb. DATHD at Prlaw ntawM. DC. Ulta tnt) stay of htarah. A. D. 1W1 OUr BVtNtMBN bwftitor Allrr Arm. B C. iv t in: m tiii.mi: ntritT urimiiin c oi.imiim In Ihr Mallrr of lhi -AilmlnMrallon Art-Anil In thr Mallrr of im Jarh Amlrrxin rfhrrMlM iniitin a Jrn P. AndrrMin anil ink Anilrrxm, ItrrraMt. TAKE NOTICE tna bf Ororr of Hm llonor Jude PaaVc tua itw ISU dr of March I9l I waa atti(iintd Adown-Mraaor of trt IMadv of 1tw hOr Jna JaMib Andrrann uWnwlw known Jana T. Andwaon and Jack Andmon. fonnrriy rat Pmntrr. Brtttah Oolumbta. wtio Oini an or about t lVth day of January 93 AU pemuna bavum dalma Htmmt. Ut aald iiaatle arc rqulrrd to fbrwanl thrm to ma on or brforr April SOUi 1942 pnfxYty twrtflTCl and all pnra InsreAd to t ald fiaaate an mjulm to oay to roe the amount of ttw tr4ta1rmM Sortlyaavh. DATtO at Prmot Huwrt. BC. tola liah day of March A. D. IU NORMAN A. WATT Official Admtnlatrator Frtnoe Butrrt, DC I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs M. R. Davies sailed by the j William R. McKusker, travelling Catala thin afternoon for Vancou ver. A Carpers' Union. meUng , to-mortjlw1 night. 8 p.m. .iSptMjial business. ' Passengers sailing by the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver In cluded D. Kask and Art Fuller. Mr. and Mm. H. V. Grayson lUd by the Catala this after-Men for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. E. W. Graham and child, from lUvy sport, left the city on last night's train for a. trip to Rosalind, Atta. Indian Agent JatnM OllleU left an last evening's train for a brief .rip to Kltawlas on official busl- office by 10 a.m. on the day ess. He wUl return to the cHy on lOHowing me event-preler- ; 'onlght's train ably the night before, a let- tetbox In the door being there to receive copy. Local news not Jn by 10 am. runs the risk of not being pub- llsbed. We pfefer to have new contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced, if possible. However, legible writing will do. i - in: m ritrMi:roi uTor imiTiu tt.n com Mini in ntmmi; MCiropriW liail, ,)M. yttltrr f tlw A.lmlnUtritli.n Art" im In the Matlrr uf I hi- IWal of k. t a Spring Sale, I TAKH NOTICE that j ordn of lUa lotwr. W E Platter, mart on tt lU NNe of Vtaroh A J). l4. I ma MnUit lart Efcnoutor of ttia tatatt of John Pita. laWwavl. and all juriiM having rlaania IHnliwt Urf aald aetata art banter r Norman Kelson, manager of Bros. Fisheries Ltd., sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a visit to the company's local plant. Allan Carolan. Stewart moving picture theatre operator, who has been contemplating the establish-lent of a new theatre here, arrived in the elty from the north on the Catala this morning. O. M. Hetnsworth, travelling passenger agent. Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, sailed by the Catela this afternoon on Ms return to Vancouver after spending a few day here on offi cial duties. Jack HIldHch. who has been 'pending the winter at Premier, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the north and and will be sailing Thursday morning on the Princess Norah for Whitehorse. su . i us u si suk i a ? au ' at a Attention Trappers: vi: PAY ni:v YOUK n:icr.s Voit all ka runs. riioNi: r2 GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" V BI Bt SM J KX US UBU1 BXaUaU Tor Easter Cards and Novelties go to the PHONE 235 GOOD SERVICE Our and Homes! . . . to Country Our country rcquwts us to conserve gasoline. We are also advised that wo shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. We request your co-operation In helping us to maintain our placing all coal orders at least policy of prompt .service. By ONE DAY lir.rOKE nr.I.lVLItY IS lri:CTi:i). you will enable us to route our deliveries lit the most economical manner, thereby conserving both lire anil gasoline. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. riio.NE 051 PHONE 0."'2 i t VARIETY STORE ? 0000000000000O00000000000000000O00000000000000OO0OOOO I For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE o DAY AND NIGHT g OOOOOOfl OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO aaaBBaaaaaBBBBBnBaEaBa9SBKSBV2BrasZBK3 Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver: Thursday, 11:15 p.m. calling nt Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday. 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls only. Prince Rupert to Kctchlkan-Wednesday, 11 nan.; Friday,, ' 3 p.m. To Stewart-Friday, 3 p.mjj , 'j! :lr- Trains Leave Prince Rupert For tbc East: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc.. call or write it. s. nitron, city passenger agent 528 Third Avenue Phone 200 Prince Itnpert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Llne3 freight agent for the Canadian Pacific Railways, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on ' his ti-turp to yancouver after having spent. lew days ftere on omciai business. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to "be two oours and fifteen minute late, bringing it In at 1:15 ajn. The delay Is on account of a connec tion at Jasper. Arthur Robertson, weil known Mascett sawmill operator, arrived In the etty on the Catala yesterday morning following a trip to Vancouver and will be proceeding soon to his home on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Murdoch Leonard McPhee. for his second offence on a charge of drunkenness, was fined $60, with option of fourteen days' imprisonment. In city police court yesterday. Henry Stephen Ersklne. for a first offence, was fined $25, with seven days' option. William Morris and Paul Allen, Indians, were fined $36, with fourteen days' option, and $15, with seven days' option, respectively for drunken- NOTICE The CHy of Prince Rupert Is of. ferittg for sale lot 27 and half of lot 38, block 15. section 5 with building. Bids will be received till 5 pjo. Thursday, April 2, 1942. Highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. Dated this 30th day of March. 1942. CITY CLEStK. 77) BIRTH NOTICE A daughter was born at Creston on March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown nee Wilma Wilson i formerly of Prinre Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROP. "A Home Away Prom Home" Kales 75c up 50 Rooms Hot &t Cold Wafer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Charlie has many years" experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone (III) Siifts pressed by Steam While You Walt. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wesley and family wish to thank the Port Essington Concert Band and all the friends whn Kent flnwpr Hnr i tng their recent bereavement Jn we aeatn ortneir youneestdaueh- I ter, Audrey Lorraine. Those sending flowers were: Brown's General Store, The LadifiS' Aid in th Esxlnrtan RanH .The Ladies' Aid of Pierce Memor ial Church, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pog- ; son ana uorouiy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Starr, Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, Mr. and Mrs. James Bolton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Stewart and family. Mrs. Dorcas Heavenor and family, Fanny and Esther Spalding, Annette and Ver-na Spalding, Lorna Nelson, Pete H. Brown (Prince Rupert). CUssiFlED FOR SALE FOR SALE Fish Packer or haii but boat Norma W. length 37 6." ' powered 25 h,p. dlesel engine, i Boat and engine Al condition. ! Apply Peter Wells, Port Simpson. B.C. 8H FOR SALE Sllver-nlated Besson baritone, high and low pitch; I price $75. Apply Box 238, Daily i News. 77,; FOR SALE Lots 21 and 22, Block j 18. Section 1. on Third Avenue.' in good business district, $2000! each. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. 79) FOR SALE At Kitwanga, 27 acre farm, rich land, spring water. New 3 room house, barn, woodshed, good location. Splendid opportunity. Cash $750. Terms $800. Further particulars apply ; Box 236. Dally News. 76 I i FOR SALE Large stock of doors.' windows. Mirrors In all sizes. Kitchen Chairs. Chesterfields, Cabin Stoves. Phone Black 324. WANTED WANTED Orders for Knitting Children's dresses and Jerseys. Babf outfit. Mrs. Osborne-! Smith. 800 6th Ave. E. Phone Green 661. 77' WANTED FIRST class Ixwkkeep-er for wholesale hous;. Apply P.O. Box 838. tft WANTED Girl Jor coffee shop. Central News Agency. 77) WANTED A good range. Apply suite 7, Federal Block. (76) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Phone Red 514 after 7 pjn. tf WANTED Floor maids. Apply at once to superintendent. General Hospital. (76) WANTED Light housekeeping rooms for young couple. Apply Box 234, Dally News. (76J WANTED Young man for day work, apply Chris Mill Bakery. (tf) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD Phone Red 976. (tf) ROOM and Board for dry dock workers. Apply 1313 Overlook Street. (79) When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 2tllour Service at Regular Rates 1 OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND . . . GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We ore also advised that we shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt service we ask you to place all coal orders at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable us to route our deliveries In the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Allwl & MoCarv I hi t JL 11 Vital V. JLIaVWtlllvl T JUlUe t 1 Y J PHONES 11C OR 117 J Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET TRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHE1M, Cow Bay, rrlncc Rupert, B.C.. Phone 815 GROCERY VALUES QUALITY PLUS LOW PRICES! FIRST GRADE BETTER it lbs. . TOMATO SOUP ;t tins APPLE JL'ICE 48 02. per tin HEINZ KETCHUP Large bottie HANDY SODAS 40 az box 23c 23c - 22c 38c PICNIC SHOULDER HAMS Per lb. $1.17 ORANGE PEKOE TEA r 70c PURE STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lb. tins; tiQ- each .. Pol CUT MACARONI 90o 4 lbs. . . UUKj PUREX TISSUE '1 rolls 15c 28c DAD'S COOKIES ICo CLOTHES PINS 4Qn 6 doz. pkts :t dQ7 lat KLEENEX f)Qo BLEACH On 200's '2 pkts. aStl ner bottle Ov GINGER SNAPS OfiT- NO. 1 CURRANTS OfT0 Fresh ' lbs.(3U 'Z lbs. iO GREEN BEANS "J Qn DICED CARROTS iQo tins i7ix '2 tins LIFEBUOY SOAP nsn 1 bars COLOURED SERVIETTES HEINZ BABY FOODS 50 in pkts.. (n :i tins 9 So per pkt for AOK, MATCHES OZp FELS NAPTHA p :t boxes uO per bar ' v CL.SSIC CLEANSER fn SWIFTS BACON 00 ner tin . m Rlndless: lb. pkt. UUj ASPARAGUS TIPS A Qo DEWK1ST PEARS OCp 13 oz- choire ner tin 'J tins siO CHOICE TOMATOES GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 10c I liins 25c LYNX VALLEY PEAS 16 oz. tins - - each 10c NEW CABBAGE fn RHUBARB 90 nr lb Ol it lbs aVt FIELD TOMATOES 4 Hn NEW CARROTS OCf. per b llV :t bunches AnJO LARGE PEARS 1Ap NEW POTATOES ff-p ner do7 lUV ti lbs LARGE ORANGES OQp GRAPEFRUIT Offp per doz Large T for'"' 0VERWA1TEA CO. PHONE S13 aaBpJJHaaEaSBtaEaSaaSHaaa in FREE DELIVERY g COATS DRESSES SUITS JACKETS At Annette's . . . exclusive home of the leading coat . and dress manufacturers inuf Canada, such as ! Fashion" Preferred, Fashion Guild, Peter Pan, Evelyn Alden, Carol Dcanc and others!4 " Also for the best Foundation Garments, NATURES RIVAL and WONDER BRA. Annette Ladies Wear A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 1 USED WASHING MACHINE in splendid condition. If you need one, this is your opportunity. PHONE 77o 327 THIRD AVE.