it. wm it IMfein si. J5f Mr I" ;i :. arrived ut 0 p.m adian Air Force plane ja later aftur Major minister of utr. hud .'her pJune. They i at- coast from Van-i.i.s different mute n.i well as Hymn :d 500-mile coa-st. i to it up the Major Power ' .1 short run north i Panhandle before c Rupert and IUjw United 8Utei air Island, near Ket-pUnet stopped at 'lute from Vancou-:!;'-ir only -.Uip. und nid rnn Rupti r; riare. i. -ion and Major irrly noii -rumnul-u to their opin-i defences. They rountry and with a city and a slra- akened his to the "goal kp- They are the for ' - who go out and ig." he remarked. r Power, the mln- f.isi visit to Prince ' . Ralston. Major - ' here a year ago the Seal Cove air u.i embryonic stage. i ,.as been done here." wrather favored the ' the ministers and Tiiey were shown the this morning after . in their pianos for 'or Power and hit . 11 15 ajn. for All-ite to Victoria. Coi. flis afternoon. They on no patUculur ir as the coast lour bruiiK guided to large j .itlicr conditions as tn Col. S. 1). John- D met and escorttd f national defence i "it R. H. Morris, act- 'ttd at Seal Cove, rc-ii.mLstcr of air. Tliere 'f honor and Inspec-Thc vIlUrs had -1( ut the UUtno.iloii Tis mess. A Narrow I'-scapc, UaUlim (in.) i..- m m Ottawa Miortly after noon 1 Nalurtlay. The plane of Col. : N,' hail etulne Iroublc tthlle mbe over northern (l.ilnrln '"I hi make a forcril land-a miow mid iec-rovrrcd r about twenty miles from '""kaslng, Conceivably, the l(cl mieht hnv. Its It III.. "fl with "Us, "ll,..ll.. .. rh,,'l Col. UaMon, ..0c f .""ffrrcd a scratch ." The ,,ls,tT and other ....l.,r nt !'arly "wever, had to hike "T 'c and out !J c half to mile a rail or mi r ncep, sft snow. An- r I'lanc was soon on hand LV thtn up and Col. Ral-r" font inn.. i ...... o Ala .... 1 i ower, leaving other r 'f his parly behind . to ternoon in the course of an ' ! mem i NAZIS LOSE DESTROYER Enemy Naral Attack mi Convoy Headed for .Murmansk lleatru Off by British. LONDON. March 31: 0-BrlU.h and Russian naval forces sank a German destroyer and beat off attacks of Oerman surface craft ana u-Doais on Sunday while escorting a convoy to Russia, the Admiralty antra tv) tafia Him aklng the trip lojoerman submarine were, severely r ana no u wik. i damaged "If not sunk." Two Urtt- wonderful Wip-smd fun Bftgfrnyer 'Cctc 'tMiMtfe$rt 1:.ey were much Im-1 returned safely to nort. Cermany. admltUng the loss of the destroyer, claimed that an Allied transport, carrying tanks to Murmansk, had been destroyed. ; Lew Ayres to Conchie Camp Famous .Movlnc Picture Star Takes Tills Rather Than Bear Arms HOLLYWOOD. Match 31:-Lew Ayrot, noted moving picture star and hero of the "Young Dr. Kll-dare" scries as well as one of the leading members of the cast of the famous old "All Quiet on the Western Front," has refused on the grounds of religious objection to war to take up arms and has been ordered to a conscientious objectors' camp In Oregon. lAyres' father a court stenographer In (Minneapolis expresses surprise at his son being a conscientious objector. The younger Ayres had ty at Edmonton as it returns to Ottawa. Police ' tToii been interested In the Red Cross,) Home the father said). Irtovnl catch up later. Col. Ralston paid tribute to the manner in which Wine Commander Kdward Pritrhard handled lhe situation In the forced landing. Ill addition to the ministers, the party visiting Prince Rupert overnight Included Air Marshal L. S. Drcadncr. chief of air staff for Canada; Air Vice Marshal Anderson, air member for air staff; Air Vice, Marshal L.F. Stevenson, chief western command, Victoria; Major General R. O. Alexander, officer commanding, western mil- j Uary command, Victoria; Col. George Currlc, executive assistant to the minister of national de fence; Wing Commander McFar-lanc, personal assistant to Uic chief of air staff; Flight Lieut. Diamond and Flight Llcuf.. Schooling, pilots of the ministerial planes, and Lieut. Preston. General J. C. Murchle, assistant chief or staff, department of national defence, who was here last week, will Join the ministerial par AIR ALARM No Enemy Planes, However, Came Over Famous Tea Me of India COLOMBO. Ceylon, March 31:- Thls principal city of Ceylon had ts first air raid alarm yesterday. The all clear signal soon came. No Japanese planes came In sight. CENTRE IS LIVE ISSUE Incorporation Papers Have Arrived and Plans for Local Project I Are Due in April. PHOVINCIAL LIBRARY Wml Yes. I read Cecil Brown, and so did Goebbels. He's qubttng him all Are Continuing. lamtiw- gainst -Japan and si OerraanV.',.. f T M Kcinj: ttiffl i Robbed. k Oet this straight. The British ar? Vancouver. Grand view Braloine 7.20 Cariboo Quarts LOG Hedley Mascot J5 Pend Oreille 1.20 Pioneer -1.51 Premier JB Privater 26 Reno -.30' Sheep Oreek .75 oils. . Calmont 11 a & B. 4 . . 2.30 CwuKltan .03 -'4 Toronto BeatUe .S3 Central Patricia J8 Consolidated Smelters 3,750 Uardrock .35 Kerr Addison - 3 JO Utile Long t Lac 1.00 Madten Rl Lake 42 McLeod Cockshutt 1.20 McKenilc Red Lake G5 Monetft - .23 Pickle Crow . ' 150 Preston East Dome 1.88 San Antonio 1.60 ' Shcrrttt Gordon .72 Casey Resigns to Become Minister In War Cabinet MELBOURNE, March 31: Premier John Curtln announces the resignation as from midnight tonight of Rt. Hon. R. O: Casey as Australian minister to the United States. Mr. Casey is Joining the Imperial war cabinet as minister of state for the Far East. our allies. City police are continuing their I read all the Interviews with Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides mm (Standard Time) High - - 1:10 a.m. 215 rect 31.5 Maximum 13:29 pm. 21.C Icet Minimum 42. Low 7:25 a.m. 3.6 feet 19:41 pjn. 3.1 lect NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL AAAi w. iv. - " V, o i INISTER OF DEFEND APPRECIATIVE OFWV1 COAST'S WAR POL ,JN PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1942. Dorothy Thompson iPPliTQFR GO BRITAIN, j 5 niTrmxrmimto I J-i Vr U fcVLKlliilMi ELSE GOES Famous Woman Commentator Deplores Criticism Over Sinj-a-porc What About Pearl Harbor? Tle following uJ by Dorothy Thompson: I All right . . . all right . m. S. Naiad Torpedoed Was Vessel of 5,000 Tons LONDON, torch 31: The Ad miralty announces the loss of the' 5,000-ton cruiser Naiad, giving no details. lhis Is believed to be a 9.000-ton cruiser, the torpedoing of which has been claimed by Germany . BURMA IN BAD WAY over the place. Yc I know the Japanese Are Makine Headway 'n omgaporo was noi so Toungou Abandoned By uod- Ye- 1 know about the Piper of IncorooraUon of the com' lcfenders 1 Potency YeV I know they did Prince Rupert Civic Centre Asso- . . . I nation have just arrived from 001 follow a scorUhcl earth policy. NEW DELHI, March 31: O A ' Victoria and the first oublic meet- Yes you can't fef3 worse about it mixed force of Japanese and lng of the association will have V than I did. I know -what It means, traitorous Burmese has penetrated I be held within a month. It U an- Maybe I know wltel It means bet- to Shedaung, within ten miles of , nounced by Dr R O Larr.". chair- tr than you do the fall of Sing- Pronie. in heavy fighting in which man of the a.ssoclation. .. Tji .,,,, .,... Word has also been received . . . S JZil I ,T hr" hmdr and from the provincial architect's de-t , . pities cap- par Uncnt that the plans will be T, lhe mc T 1 n t fUnd ,u u,c tured sevenr Prtners. ready in April When the piatu kllng. Who allln whom Possible abandonment or Toun-arrive. the committee will tmme- names? Is this wdr In the Far was indicated in dispatches dlatery go into action again with a view to pushing on to .he actual accomplishment of the objective. Another Slugging Incident in City East the fault of the British? We '"" the eastern front but Chung-talked a year and' a half-Ham yin discatches said the Chinese Fish with a German agent In his h?W the eastern part of the office, the American first commit- town. tee riddled with Nazi ageits-about whether this was our war. The British supported us In the Far East, not we' the British. Do you remenwer Peart Harbor? Were we so hot at Pearntajbor? i ... . . . l Listen. Drotners: ipi U a war TRIALS MAY BE STOPPED ar Omit Hearing? At Riom To Be Suspended And Afar Not Be Itesumed Investigation of another slugging the American citizens who came VICHY, March 31: The war complaint The complainant is from Penansr. The nrittsh didn't ,.u Mni. mnm , k- o,.nW"m,' 'evacuate the Americans properly, tended from April 2 to April 15 H h-hiV . 7-Ti rhuT, m' The British didn't have anti-air- and it Is doubted If they will be out at a lane near Third Avenue 6151(1 euns- Tne BrlUsh didn t u, resumed. Five former French and Sixth Street where ae was set ano ine nusn aian t tnar. Tne leaders Fdouard Daladier, Leon upon and relieved of a stake of w,tn c Siamese cat had Blum and Maurice Gamelln among $200. Ta mash u mas lost some teeth plenty to say, as I remember. , them have been ont rial since as a result but, otherwise, was not Listen, sister, you got home all February 19. badly injure. He is uncertain as right, didn't you you and the, The evidence has been distaste- to the Identity of his assailant TODAY'S (CMirttwy 8. D. STOCKS Juttnaloa Co.) Siamese cat? Ever occur to you ful to Chancellor Adolf Hitler" who I to offer one prayer of gratitude to has been urging that the trials be God? If you weren't properly pro- suspended. wcieu, wiiat nave yuu ever uunei I to protect anyone else? Llste I sister, you get busy and join the in; air raid precaution service. Get . ousy. mere s a lot to no right, icrc. And if things don't go well right here whom will you Liame the British? Only Half of Motorists to Purchase Gas The British didn't .have to have! OTTAWA, March 31. Only half a war with Japan and they did of the motorists in Canada will not have to have a war with allowed to buy gas when ra-ler. Do you know that? Theyltionlnc coes into effect tomorrow. (could have tossed the continent to 'Only about that proportion have tlip winds and made a deal with made application for rationing jboth our enemies against us. A tickets. I military deal, a financial deal, at trade deal. All they had to do was.' go Nazi. All they had to t!o was; I agree about spheres or lnf'uenci In the western hemisphere and the , cast. Hitler's still moaning that; si is t wu-y tuun i no u. i Did you ever look at the map? There are seventy-odd million An j . . I 1 r, 1 I. i. 11 1 giu-oaxun nicinucrs ui inc ui&usu speaking world outside the United (States and they arc scattered from) land's end to hell and gone. Not quite two years ago they had the Germans at the channel and there weren't any anti-aircraft guns In Britain, cltlicr. Forty-seven million people on a little Island and they could starve In a fortnight. And for a year and a half they held the world at bay alone. Tliat doesn't make any Impression on yott? Fifty thousand of Ihem died right In England. I can't remember that anybody whimpered. When the king of Belgium made a separate peace, Paul Rcynaud cried, "Treason." Churchr.1 salci. "Wo reserve Judgment." Did you ever read Lincoln's second Inaugural- address? Take a look at It again. "Tho judgments (Continued on Page 2) RED CROSS APPEAL OTTAWA The Canadian Red Cross Society will launch Its $9,000,000 campaign on May 11, it was announced yesterday. This will be. the first appeal since October, 1910. ARMY PAY INCREASE WASHINGTON The basic pay for a United States Army private is beinc increased from S-IO to $12 with proportionate increases in all other non-commissioned ranks. A second lieutenant will get $1800 instead of S1500 per year. HONG KONG INQUIRY OTTAWA The inquiry Into the manner of sending of Canadian troops to Hong Kong ended yesterday. The report will be made later. FAVORS RATIONS VICTORIA Speakiii!- here yesterday, M. J. Coldwell, ' Dominion C.C.F. leader, said Can ada should impose rationing of cheese, butter and bacon if that Is necessary in order to ensure supplies of these foods for J WAR NEWS SUBMARINE WARFARE WASHINGTON An intensification of submarine warfare in waters off the United States coast is expected with the coming of sprins. Of course, combatltive measures will be similarly intensified . Nail U-boats were reported yesterday to have sunk four more vessels two Allied merchantmen, one United States and one im-diuin-siml British ship. ADMITS RAID WAS HEAVY BERLIN1 The German High Command says that the Royal Air Force raid on I.ubcck in the Baltic Sea over the week-end was the heaviest so far in the war. Civilian damage was severe but not comparable lo that which was wrought to industrial , , PACIITC WAR COUNCIL WASHINGTON 'jlie'PacUli) war council, meeting here tomorrow, will ileal with questions of production, supply, shipping and Kcneial war strategy. The membership consists of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, United States, China and (he Netherlands. India may be given a scat at a later date. Formation of the new war council has been given a friendly but not enthusiastic reception In London. It Is taken as a logical sequel tu (he appointment of General Douglas MacArthur as commander-in-chief of United Nations forces. Wide acclaim was given in Melbourne to the new council, formation of which "completes the organization fur offensive action and ultimate victory." PRICE: FIVE CENTS United Nations In Control .... . I., j i i ii -mi. ... if i. v i f t n i i i a k ' luiinrirnnnu Inf.. Aitnimnf ( " ljiiiv.i SV.MV.; iiiiu iiiiuuiiii We are fully appreciative of the exposed position unr ; the people oi me racmc ioast leei tnemse ves tr:t tnauer oi uihuhl-us, uuuurcu toi. t. ij. naision, iii, w ...-...- w . . i . .. . . J II . I J I III u f)-.ti. rii)t Iritf nf! 1 .V V ftk,.v .T .... - - r :. of Facinc uowt ac- t 'vii stated thu the ; '.r J States-Cand de-wu.s providing to mctt - -y which --:.( might arw ... d viicn it was rcqtur- Allies Have Supremacy of North Australia Air Tis Said at Melbourne New Blows Delivered at Air Bases of Enemy in New Guinea Nipponese Lose Many Planes and Ships. MELBOURNE, March 31: (CP) New aerial blows at the Japanese invasion base of Lae in New Guinea were announced today. Direct hits were scored by United Nations airmen in a bombing attack in which fires' were set among airdrome buildings. The rainy season has started and is severely hampering . the enemy on land. T Trill tMl Ct o tns A mm.. In am J j. - w .ain.i hftl,0 rtiilijf UZdUlJlldl t- ers reported that United States flyers had shot down fifty enemy pursuit planes in action and sank or seriously damaged forty-six, Japanese transports and sixteen! warships up to March 1. j It was also declared at General Douglas MacArthurs headquarters in Australia that the United Nations had now assumed control of the air north of Australia from ; the Japanese. j BULLETINS COMMISSIONER S- T WOOD Head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, forme: i., inspector at Prince Rupert. REDS STILL MOVING ON further y'ctoris To Russians Spite of Stiff German Counter-Attack In MOSCOW, March 31: Oi Hard won gains by Soviet cavalry which repulsed a stiff German counterattack on the Kalinin front northwest of Moscow and occupied an important populated place were reported today by the Soviet Information bureau. On the central front the Russians continued to drive towards Smolensk while in the north a strategic point west of Leningrad was claimed to have been recaptured by the Red forces. LOOKS LIKE BREAKDOWN Outlook Not Good for British Plan In Regard To India NEW DELHI, March 31: (rowing indications that (he proposal to grant India Dominion status might break down over Britain's insistence on re taining control of Inda's defences during the war came today from the All-India Congress executive committee and other souries. Iindon sources also were pessimistic. Fraser Valley Products Will Be Decreased VANCOUVER, March 31 Decreased production of berries, produce and eggs In the Fraser Valley will be unavoidable as a result of their removal of Japanese from that area, It is forecast, by Austin C. Taylor, chairman: of the British Columbia Security