Maximum Minimum VOL XXXI No. 201 APPEAL TO . STEEL MEN by United States Marines. 63 43 Reds Prime Minister and Minister Of Labor Make Statements In J Regard to Strike Threat ' I OTTAWA. August 29: With a wo.k stoppate In Canadian jjj.xJucUon feared, Prtme ' rr William Lyon Mackenzie !! yrverdjy made an appeal to m :k-'ts who are threaten-, -, go on atrtke y totr higher a .spite of nonnmpport of . labor, board. Deftrtn : iteel .wu badly needed ,e war eifortawa to -bpmh-l w)'.hi'-vteruptn the Minister1 bbserved that. If war w loet- there would be gnlttdn of organised taboi ' -hat it had worked for' ifhieved would bf toet. He d to the worker agaliwt j any action that mlaht help ' :;f'my I Humphrey Mitchell, tr.ln,- i labor, aakd that anv ; ike 1 about In qiite of the war board would eonsUtutc a against the fotenwimt wrrc severe penaltiea for .i and thtr wWd'eer- br imposed. ! se statement ware made u mi the threat of emptayeei V:ckers concern In Montreal! ii strike foUowtng refwn 1 r. Kional labor board to back r demand tor wage in-' Tire warnings were direct-' vr-irularly to wwkew at 8yd-, N ;! arolla and SauR Ste. ' w!.o are threatening to go Tike Monday unleas their U are accepted Sunday. FUNERAL OF KENT Four Kings and One (Jucen Attend Simple Kites for Puke of Kent Today . panied by Queen Q iecn Mother Mary. R';'c were erc simple simpic and ano quiet. qu. T a- garden and prepared by her- . if JAPS LOSE DESTROYER Heavy fighting continues between Allied and Japanese land forces near Milne Bay on New Oulnca Island. There Is also aerial combat above the difficult terrain. Japanese planes raided Port Darwin again but did no damage. RACIAL MIXTURE InatruoUons have been lamed V Hon. J. L. lUlcton. mtalater of ! naUonal defence, to offlceni of the, LONDON Aug. 29 -Four reign- r. marrhs attended the funeral department to consult with the ' v of the Duke of Kent, young- City commdoner on . . r, ,f Tn, (nrUne the civil nopuUtton of 1 'community b I'urlher Itcverses Inflicted Uno" t as possible " Knemy In Area of Solo- i mon Islands WASHINGTON, DC. Aug. 29 M American planes operating out, of marine bases on the Solomon I andj attacked a squadron of four Japanese destroyers, sinking Tine probably sinking another and. lravlng a third badly damaged and burning, the United States Navy announced today. A communique said that the de stroyers appeared loaded with sup-' piles and equipment for Japanese units on Santa Isabel BULLETINS YOL'NG GANDHI ItEIXASH) UOMHAV The son of Mahat- .. , 1 rrlrspd On ma ianuiu a charse of violation of Defence I of India regulations. FASCISTS AUK UAIDI.D officers nill-UHXriIIA-r.lVI. UlnnH I Herman and Italian ciuu northwest of the Islands occupied h here and made arrests i F-w.. i..j w..i P. ..t... ... were round cheering sons who reports of enemy they were heard broadcasts. victories as over foreign AUGKNTINA UKAHYINO IIULNOS AIMS- As the war, navy and air ministers advocated breaking off of relations by Argentina with the Axis, the President asked Parliament for El Salvador's population Is morel authority to spend $n.y. than 00 per cent Ladlno mixed I an anti-aircraft ueience i" Indian and white blood, gram. Canada: Three Years At War ment. Tnu invoivea many uiuiwcs ( In the provision of cabinet seats ( for Liberate. Five of Mr. Kmg's nine new war ministers were chosen from parliament, and for four he went outside parliament. One. Hon. Angus Macdonald, Navy Minister, was premier of Nova Scotia; another, Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Minister of Labor, was In the civil service; and two others. Col. Ral- -.- tr..r Inula Rl. T-nnrrnt 6VOU Mill " - . , ( i.ur nf Timtiipo n.'prp nractts-) fflllllOVCI w . 1 ine lawyers. . I PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. If. Local Temperature mm wml Tomorrow (Standard Time) sT ides Oc; - i . - 1 US y V- w V : - ' ' s.6 a-.-' oil ,Uh:1l a; enemy ub - a.: .i: ,. .1. . 'iU' ,t fiad bcn (le-truytc . li.. uo i-.ud bet:, first MILITARY .v.-K. . t a here ,,t j ANn rrrv EE YEARS' WAR SEES (Commissioner Will Art at Coordinator of Interests, .Minister j Of National Defence Advises MAINI tHAWb-S rUK WAR MINISTRY OF DOMINION Nine of IS Members of Ottawa Cabinet Appointed Since Dominion Entered Conflict Septcmlcr 3, 1939 (This Is one of a Canadian Press Dally Series on Canada: Three Years at Var Bv FRANK FLAHERTY OTTAWA, Aug. 29 (CP) Canada closes the third ... V. ill ,1 l 1 11 Ut.,,a 1 U A.-L ujcinrr 01 rung um: w ' . - . . , .4,1, 1 ti King Oeorge Klne Haakon I'nnc nu(;rv ui -. "- yCar 01 war Wlin a reorgaiuatu anu cuiciikw-u wuuicv uui ' Norway, King Oeorge of Oreecc. military development Thtejs th th ?am(, jme minJsterf Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. k , peter of Jugoslavia and nt nT Nino of the 18 men who meet in cabinet council are new 9S S2ri ac Vl of the at the table since Jhe nat on entered the war although Elizabeth and upe wmmun u .....-.- 0110 0I ine uuwcuuiuis, lvcicnwi; iimiwiti - suggesung uic appuuiuiteiik gton. had previous ecoinei ser-elvll eo-ordlnator to co-opermte . rvpation of new deoartments. . .fc , and miU. ..tta, nnd rilh -,-oum. tcTof floierV Tfiom her ry authoriUe. where right of ' ,or the lllUoducUon of new ted of flowers cut from ner i.inn Priim .w. . me iituhu IT..,......" v- - - men uj vne cuiiicv, iu j Rupert arc concerned. were numerous Internal shlfu. I assure you " says a letter crianges were more numerous from Col. Ralaton 'tnat it ii our have have the toe 'closest cweest 00- w than in the first three years 01 OFFENSIVE BY CHINESE desire to ,h. fHT.t oreat War when six ,tnomcr me unvc is sianm oncratlon with the civil authority en th brought Into a cabinet ; Miles South of Canton lat all times and that, subject to of 18 It WM" ghorUy after the the exlsencirs of war. ordinary three-vear-mark that Sir Robert CHUNGKING, Aug. 29 (CD iviimn lifp-and activities of the ur. tnmA his union aovern-1 Tho Chinese Chinese have have launched launched distuibcd as little a vigorous new offensive against the Japanese, foity miles north of Canton, to match attacks further north which have broueht about the recapture of Chuhsicn and Llshue, sites ot the two biggest air fields in Lastcrn China, Central News Agency reported tonight. The additions from parliament It mbbarrt ana A. Ii togstrom were Senator J. H. King of British Graduate from Coast Defence Columbia who was appointed mln-' And Antl-AIrcraft Artillery Scho1 lster without portfolio and gov-) ernment leader In the Senate; u, r, Hlbbard and A. E. Eng- Hon. James Macrunnon wno dc- sirom, lormer wen miuh mcui Atinistpr of Trade and Com-ibers tutnw - - - men in May, 1940; Hon. W. P. Mulock, appointed Postmaster General in July, 1940; Hon. Colin Gibson became Minister of National R 'venue at the same time; and Hon. J- T. Thorson was (.Continued on Page Two) Local Soldiers Get Commissions of the local battery, have graduated front the coast defence and anti-aircraft artillery school training centre at Halifax and have received their commissions as lieutenants, according to an announcement by the Department of National Defence. New pictures of both are being shown In the windows of the Dally News. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINC E RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1912 till Driving Nazis U.S. DESTROYER SINKS U-BOAT IN ATLANTIC i dipped sj rtepf.h charges and then T. ;e d : oyT rushed to the scene of action, A ..miir "i t anrt took over Pari of the coast- i-ilW ai the UPPER LEFT Of the photo. rrr7: OFFICIALS ARE NAMED Changes in CVK. Sleeping And Dining Car Department C 0 1 e y, assistant superintendent, sleeping and dining car depart-! ment, Canadian NaUonal ' Rail ways, Edmonton, has been trans ferred to Winnipeg in the same capacity and John Frederick Pen ny, sleeping and dining car agent at Saskatoon, goes to Edmonton as assistant superintendent, C. II.. Worby, general superintendent, j sleeping and dining car services,' announced yesterday. Born in Alllston. Ontario. Octo ' ber 11, 1884. Mr. Coley entered the service of the keeping and dining I car department in May 1916 at, LONDON, Aug. 29 (CP) Nurm-berg, great war industry centre and rallying ground of the Nazi paity, and the Saar steel centre of Saarbruecken were attacked heavily last night by a strong force of British and Canadian bombers which left large fires in both cities. It was the (burning heaviest assault yet on Nurm-.i.bttKr- the. Air Ministry said. Thirty bombers were lost from a large force of perhaps several hundred, many of which were ' packed with eight tons of explosive each. Objectives in northern France were raided by fighters during the night. This morning swarms of Royal Air Force fighters swept across flt rn.liil, I tYtm ftl- WINNIPEG August 29:- Henry rlion of Fra apparentlr bent on a second successive day of assaults on German military targets in the occupied area. C.C.F. IS REJECTED was transferred to Saskatoon and 'Canada yesterday rejected over- on April I. 1923, was appointed tures of the Co-operative Com- slceplng and dining car agent at monwekTIh Federation for aff Ilia-1 returned to Edmonton as assistant Icy of dissociation with any poll superintendent. tlcal faction. Mr. Penny was bom In West- The annual convention of the mount, Quebec, August 25, 1899 Congress re-elected Tom Moore as and entered the service of the president for the twenty-second Canadian National Railways as a' year. clerk In the purchasing depart-' ment. Vancouver. In March 1923.' After transferring to the sleeping! and dining car department, he; was appointed parlor car lnspec- tor, Edmonton, in October 1927 1 and held similar positions in Cal-j gary and Saskatoon until October 1931 when he went to Montreal In j the same capacity. In November! 1932 he was appointed road Inspector at Montreal and In April 1938 returned to Saskatoon as act-1 lug agent, being made agent In July 1941. American Elcctra, 56,000, 14c and 13c, Stor age. Explorer, 42,000, 14c and Storage. Wizard, 58,000, 15c and 13c, Pa clfic. PIONEER HAITI Haiti was the second nation In this hemisphere to become. Independent, the first to abolish American League Cleveland 0, New York 3. St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 4. Detroit JO, Washington 7. Chicago 0, Boston 4. National League Brooklyn 7, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 4-5, St. Louis 7-7. Boston 4, Cincinnati 2. halibut sales I Axis Shipping Hit By British LONDON, Aug. 29 Oi Brit' 13c, ish submarines in the Medl High 3:39 a-m. 19.8 feet 16:10 pm. 20.0 feet Low 10:01 a.m. 4.7 feet 22:36 pm. 43 feet PRICE- FIVE CENTS Back Enemy Penetrate Stalingrad Centre; I Into Air Field at Rzhev Taken German Prisoners Are Exhausted and Hungry and ficiilty is Being Experienced in Getting Fuel For Tanks MOSCOW, Aug. 29 (CP) Soviet troops have hurled ; back t German attacks both above and below Stalingrad butvigorous counter-attacks by? enemy-tanks and infan- try are wedged deeply into the-city's defences in another sector and the Nazi command has moved two fresh divi- sions into action, the Russians said today. The newspaper j : ; Izvestla described the German pris- Ti ft f Y pi 4 rjf oners as hungry and almost ex- VIIIKr IN) A I hausted and the Red Star said CITIES HIT Nurmberg and Saarbruecken Tar- i gets for Heavy British Air Raids Last Night the Germans were having difficulty in supplying tanks with fuel. (The British Broadcasting Corporation said the Russians in a central front counter attack, had captured Rzhev airdrome and cut an important road linking man positions.) NEW HEAD Ger- 0FRADI0 Dr. James Sutherland Thompson Of Saskatoon Succeeds Major Gladstone Murray OTTAWA, Aug. 29 The Board of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation announces the appoint ment of Dr.' James Sutherland Thompson, president of the Uni versity of Saskatchewan, as governor In succession to Major Gladstone Murray who has been appointed director-general of BACK FROM HONG KONG Canadian National Railways Official Tells Ills Story NEW YORK. August 29: When Trades and Labor Congress De-J Stanley Healey, trrafic erpresenta- , dines to Become Associated With It WINNIFEG, August 29: The Edmonton. The following year he Trades and Labor Congress of Uve of the Canadian National Railways at Hong Kong, visited the company's New York office Thursday to report his safe return form Japanese internment at Hong Kong, he had two dollars left -of twelve he possessed when Japanese thrust him at bayonet point with Saskatoon.. In September 1935 he tlon. deciding to adhere to its pol- other Anglo-Saxons into conflne- Baseball Scores ment at the Hong Kong Bans Building. Later, Healey was transferred to prison camp Stanley. Mr. Healey, who drove a British ambualnce In Hong Kong after the Jap attack on December 8, told of the extreme bravery of the British and Americans under fire and during the long months In the prison camp where two meals of rice each day was the regular fare. This was supplemented once weekly by a piece of meat "the size of a postage stamp and of doubtful origin." The Canadian National traffic representaUve, Who left Hong Kong aboard the Japanese liner Asama Maru on June 29, lost 28 pounds during captivity. He des- 1 1 1 .1 rM,t nn fVA Tin chin cnucu vuc iiaju uii ... as "fair" and on the Gripsholm which brought the released prls- oners from Portuguese East Africa .. . - - - " UJ it C W :York food Thursday was "just 1 unbelievable." Ti Healey said that all personal 1 records as well as rail and steam- tcrranlan, pursuing tneir 5hip tickets In the Hong Kong campaign against Axis ship- office were destroyed before the ping, have sunk a large tanker Japanese military took over the and a large supply ship as ; c. N. R. office now being used aa well as scoring torpedo hits j military headquarters. on three other supply vessels. the Admiralty announced to - day. Passengers lea v king tomorrow night for Vancouver will Include O. Abraham, II. Buryard. L. Mc-Quarrle and A, De Santes.