PROVINCIAL LIBRARY - I Local Temperature: . r- w VICTORIA Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 5:36 a.m. 16X feet M;,vmum 025 19:01 pjn. 165 feet M mmutn 49 Low 12:24 a-m. 6.1 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VJL XXXI No. 118. Red PRODUCING rUKlWIb- FOR NA7K fUnU In Trance Have Huge Orders ' Tor German Forces i B; William Stewart i .. , m Press Staff Writer LC NDON, May 21: War fac-occupled France. the tar-' i.ravy Royal AL- Force .iff working ort German or-, l uted to run Into billion r r ." . .n schedule Impovxl " -: Nzis are said to call for ' ire 'of airplanes, motors L i tank, lorrtas. tor- bullets, armor plate. . i v.. '.i type of precision la month atene. the Oer-; ,. 'd with French faeiur-: ic totalling almost 4000,-francs. cr mostly for alr- be produced over a per-. yar. . ending In tti.? way of OTTAWA. May 21: OV - Brlua-. ! ment and cooipteUtHi dler A. E. fotts ot Saskatoon has war production schedules been appointed to command the T to be Frneh workers' Sixth Canadian division and v tacUw, ahortAcea of OrUradler P. E. U;lerc of Mont-1 iw matertsU added to real the seventh. It was announc-: witxmht by British ed yesterday by Hon. J. L. Ralston. minister of national defence. The rUne for Nails leader of the Eighth Division is x .': urJ bonvMn of the not yet made known. r and Ma Word works. . r A F reportedly deprived : f '! of potential output riles, tanks am! armor-1 -. or enough to julp "i and mecjramied dl- Tc v. friftortas tarted' wtfrk - i .11 some 2j080 of the K" , , unes France is ached-1 ' ; nufaeture for Germany t-: c fnd of 1942. The plants j'rt at St. Namlr Lea L' i Sartrouviltc. Bordeaux. t t . f Fourchambaul.. Col-' 'iroevols, Burrne. Put-' IS diirourt and Villacoubly. ' h-j. for the Axis ale In of . at the Toulon State . id Its branch at St. Tro-f '- ' and bullets are being fAl? u St Joseph. Li Portrlk. ft "r and Eaaal, and various I at Lcvallols-Pcrret, ' Parts. i Uf ahaye and Citroen works :.g out lorries and so Is hklss plant, also building i-nng tanks. Bomb Production 4- ii the factories dcoted to 4- . Auction arc listed Es- Mouse at Ansln, and Ste. at Aulnoye whose output a'-rd at 6,000 of an uiupe !r monthly. d:am on tvnh MaJ mat. i f' ultcd in a salvage cam far metal, parUcularly cop- brass, bronze and nickel.' -a Nazis nressed French ' i their labor recruiters ' ting workers for 'factories Oiriiaiiy. Paris newspapers ' undrcds of advertisements r -kpd attention men, drawing f liable conditions" In Ocr- MONSOONS IN BURMA Chinese Stalled Nipponese j Advance Into Cheklanc I c''NQKINO May 21: Oi -l ,.rtR hing monsoon ralm stalled! ",e Battle of Burma at China's Jck door today while Japan's In-1 l0u "tmles pressed a grave new wat on the Chinese cast coast !? a thlrty-mlle advance Into Chtklang Province. Dispatches said that tho Japan- crc apparently determined to jrrun Cheklang and wipe out lor r t! ses wh,ch cou,(l be uscd wmblng attacks on Tokyo. Hiih. Cliemy wcre advancing wutlward on a 150-mlle front. f Army i uu turners All Out Now! OTTAWA, May 21: V-Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of muni- Hons, announced In t n e House of Commons late yet- terday that "there will be no heating by oil next winter In homes or factories anywhere in Canada. Oil burneri will have to be changed to coal or wood durln gthe coming sum- mer. i WILL LEAD ! DIVISIONS Poll of Saskatoon To lled Sixth And Lerlerc of .Montreal Seventh i Country Gas Stations May Open At Night OTTAWA. May 21 'Canadian Press-Gasoline stations in rural areas more than five miles from cities will be allowed to remain open one evening per week as a convenience for farmers. Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of munitions and supply, told the House Commons. Vichy Offices ' Being Closed ; 4- OTTAWA, May 21: - 4-Prime Minuter William Lyon 4-Mackenzie King told the House of Commons yesterday that the government had rc- quested the French consular offices and agencies in Can-4- ada be closed. This action does 4- not constitute a break-off with Vlchey. The minister will remain ai uiuwa ana me legation stays -open. TODAYS STOCKS (Ooirtey S. r. Jclintan Oj.) Vancouver Bralomc 7.10 Cariboo Quartz 1.13 Hcdley httscot 23 Vi Pend Oreille . 1.10 Pioneer I-45 Premier - M Privateer -3C Reno -03 li Sheep Creek . 1 .73 Oils Calmont , -12 Vt C. & E. 03 Home - 2. Royal Canadian 03 Toronto Bcattie 57 Central Pat - 87 Cons. Smelters 37.50 Hardrock , Kerr Addison - - 3 80 Little Lone Lac - ' M McLcod Cockshutt I-25 Madscn Red Lake McKcnzIe Red Lake 68 Moncta 25 Pickle Crow . I-65 Preston East Pome , 1-03 Sao Antonio - li51 Sherrltt ( Gordon 72 PRINCE Keepjng bulletins OLKMANY AND SWEDEN STOCKHOLM Telephonic communications between Sweden and Germany have been cut off for more than twenty-four , hours. H is the second time within the last few days that communications have been sct-ered ! between the two countries. This is a regular procedure by ' '' the Nazis precedinr a military move against a victim. ; ' ELECTED BISHOP PRINCE GKOKGE Rev. Samuel Pollinjer of Prince George was yesterday elected Bishop of Cariboo in succession to RL Rev. C. A. Wells, now padre-In-chief of the Canadirn forces. The BUhop-clect came to this country from England In 1911 and, after having been located on the coast and In the I'raser Valley, came to Prince George in 1932. NAZIS USING CANARIES .MOSCOW It l reported here that the Canary Islands art being used by (ttrmarir for submarine bases for attacks on shipping in the Caribbean. The bases aie located in carefully concealed lagoons. AGAINST CONSCRIPTION tJULUEC The LcgKlilhe As- rmbly of Quebec yesterday adopted a motion 61 to 7 urging the federal government to continue the policy of voluntary enlistment for overseas service .instead of consrripliunw GOEIIING SPEAKS BEKLIN Addressing workers yesterday, Vice-Chancellor Herman Goering said this was the hardest war that Germany had ever had to fight. The winter campaign had been terrible, lie said. Di:CI-RATION ILXPKCIED BLRLIN It is expected here that Mexico will declare war on Germany over the sinVin? of a Mexican merchant ship. The deadline is set for tonight. CA NADIANS DECORATED LONDON Six Canadian air men were decorated at Bucking ham Palace yesterday by King. All won promotion. Anions: them was Sergeant Pilot Stephen Hobert Frost of Vancouver who received the Distinguished Fl)ing Medal. WATERWAY CUT WASHINGTON The St. Law-rence Waterway project has been shelved here as not being; a program of direct concern to the prosecution of the war. AIR CONFERENCE OTTAWA The first phase of the air training conference ot fourteen nations here is expected to conclude tomorrow with a plenary session at which reports of committees, which have been deliberating in private, 'will be received. MADAGASCAR CASUALTIES LONDON The British casualty list in the capture by the British of the Madagascar naval base Is officially announced as having been 100 killed nhd 350 wounded. MESSEKCIIMIDTS DOWNED LONDON Two German Mes- serchmldts have been shot down In an attack on British shipping off, the southeast coast ol, England. . i ALL JAPS GONE SAN FRANCISCO Not a single Japanese can now be found on the streets of this city. The last group was taken yesterday to Tanforan camp. AH the Japanese now left here are a few who are UK RUPERT, -B (ly THURSDAY MAY 21, 1942. 1 Canadians In I Far Bast Now II LONDON, May 21: Oj Roy al Air Force Headquarters an 4 nounced toda; that a Cana- dlan flying boat squadron has arrived In the Far East. It Is the first complete Royal Canadian Air Force squadron to serve in that theatre of war. FUNERAL OF BERT GREER Many Attended! Last Rites This Afternoon for Esteemed Pioneet Citizen i Ihcre was a latte gathering atL,,,, flu f, na flw St. Andrew', Anglican Cathedra I r ' his allcrnoon for the funeral of old friends gathering . to pay final. V to he mtmory of & valued pioneer1..,. th n.,,,' ,. jas well to betoken their sympathy ' . 'he bcreaved.A service of the craft at the Masonic Temple pre ceded the Cathedral rites and there was a Mastjnlc burial with J. W. Pottinger. woihlpful master of Tstmpsean Lodge, in charge. Rt Rev. O. A, Rlx, Bishop of "atotonla. and Very Rev. J. B Gibson, the dean, officiated at the Cathedral, Peter Uen presided at' :lhe pipe. organto accompany the-1 hvmns which were "Abide Wltl Me" and "Rock of Ages." I A large procession followed the ocjftte to Falnriew Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers were C. E. Cullln H. B. Enstman, James Batt, Robert Gordon. O. W. Johnstone and James Hall. Active pallbearers were J. H. Sneddon. H. W. Birch. J. II. Thompson, J. L. Mcintosh, Regimental Sergeant Major W. M. Brown and James Dick. There were numerous and beautiful floral offerings. HALIBUT SALES Summary Amcrlran 59.000 pounds, 13.2c (and 11c and 13.7c and 14c. Canadian 5,000 pounds. 13.5c and 11c. American Tatoosh, 35,000, 13.2c and 11c. Storage. Mermaid, 6,000, 13.3c and 11c, Atlln. Condor, 18,000. 13.7c and 11c, Pacific. Canadian Peerless, 5,000, 135c and 11c, Storage. DEEP ENOUGH The deepest oil well In the world extends less than three miles' downward. .1 ' Experiences In Air Force Gordon and Jack Klrkpat rlck, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Klrkpatrlck, pioneer resl- dents of this city, now located In Vancouver, are both scrv- Ing overseas. Dr. Gordon Klrkpatrlck Is with the Can- adlan Armv Medical Coras 4-In England. Jack. Klrkpatrlck 4-jr. has becn having exciting experience with the Roj-al Canadian Air Force t-over1 Germany , France', Gibraltar, Persia and Egypt, figuring even In a crash on Mount Ararat. He is a navigator, Af- ter having been In a hospital In Russia, he Is now In Cal- cutta. Up Soviet vs. Reich PRUSSIANS DRIVE ON nyin Mr s XTP utiKlViAlliJI Nazi Stronghold Near Kharkov Crushed Hun Counter-offensive j Being Fought Off MOSCOW. May 21: t Marshal day It had crushed one of the key German defence strongholds on the Kharkov front, wiping out a Nazi garrison andasSnJtr;jUSt minute battle and stormine " 01 & German for-i-,1, 0i . ward ,i six more miles. ... Artlllerv .... planes i,n and tanks were , used in concerted battering of n strong point, clearing the way for an infantry charge which took the position. Red Star newspaper said. aimd toward3 ., D, 1,, .,.... . t, M W IV V-SS IS WU VI ; Kerch Peninsula, barring a short S0MBING GERMANY 'This Is Most Effective Way Of Helping Russia, Declares Sir Stafford Cripps LONDON,' May-21: Bomb ine Oermany is the best way of assisting Russia "until such time 'as we are able to make & carc-! fully planned attack on the con tinent which we intend to do," Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Privy Seal, told the House of Commons yesterday. Answering criticism in the second day of a war debate in which Prime Minister Winston Churchill is not parUclpatlng. Sir siaiiora declared that the government was ready to face a vote of confidence If a substantial body of members desired It. INQUEST IS HELD Circumttances Surrounding Drowning of Indian Woman in Skeena River Being Investigated Hearing of evidence In the inquest of Edna Wale. Klspiox Indian woman, whose body was found in the Skeena slough near Sunnyslde cannery last week, will be proceeded with tomorrow before Coroner A. J. Lancaster and .. : 77.' A 'man uex Mackenzie, vj. vy. tYiustt, iOeorge Ross, L. C. Eby and John Bulger. An inquiry was first started but lesumony was oi sucn a nature that 'the coroner decided r ln- quest should be held. The inquest opened on Monday and, after viewing the body, adjournment iwas made until tomorrow. The body was sighted on the .beach near Sunnyslde by Mrs. ' Johnson Ross of Greenville. It was ! picked up at 5 o'clock Thursday ' evening and brought Inio Prince Rupert There had been a drlnk- lng fracas among Indians the nlcht before. The 'dead' woman's parents' 'live 'at Kiipfox 'and the 1tb"ha' WdH fcent there for burial : , BOOK SAVES PAPER LONDON, May 21: CO New widows' and orphans' and old age pension books Issued by the Health Ministry are half as thick as previously and 'will mean a paper saving In this department of 40 to 50 tons a year. Offensive R. A. F. IS INDEPENDENT FORCE FOR STRIKING T'Knt Iiaids Concentrate On One Target And Keep Nazi f'Rhters Busy On Large Scale On West Front LONDON. Mav 21: fCPWTn rlispiKisinnc nn rfc T? A. F.'s daring raids into Germany the new bombing tech- jiujuk nas oeen expiamea in L.onaon as a strategy aimed at concentrating on one target virtually all the bombers sent out in any one night This means such a plastering oi oomos ior tne target town jof obJectlve, In alr force b ful, ,ndpnpnrtl.nt. fr,JJ ua vii a jrear alia mure .. . as wnen wey were mtenaed as the spearhead for an invadine ar my already waiting on the ''invasion coasts" of France. As to the daytime fighter sweeps in which sometimes as many as 300, 400 or 500 participate, the kir .ministry explains their value is two-fold: 1. To force Germany, s h o'r t of 8hters' to keeP at them in - the west 2. To t hrw bring this .,.!last if oennaT f ghler length to combat and thi us graduay to, destruction of alternate Co ob-!""c- inconvenience bilge it to operate incessantly and ftaufadt "en at 10:30 p. on a scaJe beyond Its endurance. jl " W!!IlI,ri?m,p,ete,y : Traffic voluntarily was almost v cir-n-ju llized and such prec shortS Germany at is so dld had taken of fighter planes, authoriUes in ? London sue. that their fighter 1" to ,Pld"e ness! trBnTth fn , Mt W , lieved. "The Luftwaffe is In a cleft stick." said the air ministry in ,an..of flcjal review. "It dare not keep' its fighters on 'the ground in the face of our sweeps for they would be liable to destruction by the cannon fire of our Hurricares canes and Spitfires: "Both French and German morale would be seriously affected (though hv opposite -ways) if our unchallenged squadrons called forth no visible response from the German fighters. "Yet. though obliged to opera- ate almost continuously and in very large numbers with a conse- quent strain upon aircraft ser- viceability, personnel and fuel. they dare not risk a general com bat so urgently do they need toT) J 17 J out their dwindling fighter re-. D OVS Y clllUclllSlTl I eke sources. The strain goes beyond t' Ger man air force because, while keep ine some 500 German fighters oc cunied on the western froni the. British sweeps also immobilize a force of 1,500,000 men in defence jobs. For Germany's benefit theyl would be much better used In in - ( dustry If the R. A. F. would allow i It. Club Licences . Are Suspended Liquor Control Board Order Announced . Today by Provincial Police The provincial police this afternoon announced that, by order of the Liquor Control Board, club licences in the name of the Empress Social Club Ltd. at Prince Rupert and the Sourdough Club JLtd. at Stewart had been suspend ed for an indefinite period. SYDNEY CRITICAL SYDNEY The Sydney Telegram newspaper is critical of the sending by United States of large expeditionary forces to ! North Ireland. Instead of being I sent camping for the summer, these troops would be welcome where action Is actually taking place, the newspaper declared. MICA FROM INDLV Of the total world production of mica In 1938 9,016 tons 6,33 tons came from India. PRICE: FIVE CENTS that for the time being at . .. m RlyArKflll LH-tfUVlYV U 1 PRACTICE Darkness Prevails For Half An Hour All Along British Columbia Coast Along with the rest of the British Columbia coast, Prince Rupert had precautionary test n5ht- EMePt lor the odd U"ht ,eU on inadvertantly, the rarnnncA wn general and " effec- "r "; 7 . ."UIS Ul UgOLS. AlUlOUgn SOmC of these appeared quite Inadequate. The blackout, commencement of whleh was signalled by a long-blast of the air raid alarm sirens.,start-ed on the lower coast at 10 pjn. and in Prlncc Rupert ivent mln-n utes later. When the street lights came on again about half an hour later the blackout test was officially over. A. R. P. police wardens patrolled the streets to check up on lights. In most of cases local people au t T Z , ng "P their bIackout ff" . V " comment Z f 6 the street lighs ou. Is Cause of Fire Confessed Confessed to to Starting Starting Blaze Blaze In Gasoline Line of Waterfront Fuel Plant Straight vandalism on the part of two boys of 'teen age caused what might have been a serious fire among the oil tanks of the local waterfront a few nights ago. The boys deliberately started a fire . in a gasoline line on the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. dock and it actually assumed some proportions. Albert Kisner, a waterfront resident, detected the fire and did much to keep it under control until the arrival of the fire department Later the boys were apprehended after investigation by police and military authorities. They were reprimanded In the presence of the parents who were urggd to exercise closer supervision. PASSES IN VANCOUVER Capt. W. M. Crawford Dies Sud? denly Well, Known Here . Capt. w. M. Crawford, president' of the Empire Stevedoring Co-passed away suddenly In Vancouver last night. Ue was prominent for many years In tho business and marine life of Vancouver. He was well known In Prlnco Rupert through visits here, particularly recently. ..mjlx ' ' Al T4: