3 y JalJJJJJJIJJ 77 i If .. All l"i covt it&X " TlhMK THH TOILER GOOII CAT etimcti u.i srr -' - - tiW K'T TWUSff ADVK5rriSilMTxS IN I "UC G-SSlw4 r-f1 TCI CAUt r ' . S V a 1 LJ ATT its iE6rnMecrE ACVBRTISIN OH, MR POCiE, I'VE OUR MUSICAL ME-5SASET6 500 CUSrOMERS -THAT OLkSHT TO 1 lOTl , Rrauts us i-esjs nary wa Miwu STEER BY STANDARD Nidation in Urioli C.'olunil.ian uatrrs :i'U tor mure than fjooj seamanship. V-ur "i;:me, t, mutt Ik- dependable an 1 "M'.mu-al. Standard Marine J'ro.hut- greatest, engine efficiency v ' I '1'iliiy chart a safe course this year " r .v Standard." STANDARD MARINE PRODUCTS "I ' r..wn GaoUn. Thrnio-Chargri NPM J' 'i.trt ,ol(ne Motor Oil. I muri.iwl New RPM Dl I.j, !.,--umlard liirtcl I m-l I ncinr Lubricating i .;. iViirl Oil (Kiug of CAI.ol. Dil l iii'i . lroenej. Oil and ..tlirr i;.ie undard SioTt Oil. Standard Oil Pnucti. Acaihih at many Marine Stalltni art the UtU-kftoun Qtntral RatttrUt loir miyiu i iF -' . . .. COWUkNO H5t 7ft 1 Htmor ar t4 -.'J t&Y CAfCtN BAY 1 , AarfS t 1 VANCOUVI MANAtMQ iAMnh.0 1 b1 vicTom wiTf - STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF -".BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED No Letter Home No Refreshment !lf'i An Original Itrmhulrr lor1 l-adi M1)0 lorgrl To Uritr WALSINOIIAM. fSn$.. May St No letter hom, no rvk.' - tho motto of the canteen run in North Norfolk tor the UrUish rtny The wife of an army officer lx runs the eantMn found many nen were not writtnt home as of-as she thoutht they should. !ow they have to write before tocy ran draw thfif cup of ka nd smokes. This Postwoman Life-Saver Too LONDON, May 31: O-Thla is Mra. P. B. Ross' second Lenn as a wartime temporary nose woman. She held the same Job In the First Oreat War and during the blita on Uritaln last year was commended when, after rescuing two women and three chttdrer. and tending wounded during an all-night raid, she reported for work Just titer daylight and started out on her letter-delivering rounds. Stop Racketeers' Overseas Parcels r.uttrr, Hufar, Tea, Canned Komi Wete Bought In LONDON. May 21: W Mack Market racketeers In Britain have found a new field the parcel from abroad. For a consideration, say authorities engaged in stopping such operations, the Black Market men will arrange for a "friend" In an allied country' to mall regular parcels of food as a gift, the main dealings being in butter, sugar, tea, canned goods and soap. Canada at War 25 Years Ago May 21, 1917: f Russian coalition government declared against a separate peace with Germany. British captured section of Hln-denburgh Line, fighting on a fnnit of more than a mile north of Bul-lecourt. Nicaragua severed diplomatic relations with Germay. FOR DEEP DIVING The average depth of the ccean below sea level is 12,450 feet. SAYING IT WITII SONG OUT vr Cf-A i i MU Gtt "i HE afeST or us r J, (CAWt3U DorsEHd ft a ,.;' IMERCVC (pvfeR NOTHlrJS.V'M I'M GLAD V (301N6 TO'SlNkS THATS OVER) -v A PEVM LrtTS OF I TiZ.Wf . L Met-) ' HJUijil ILLlc , HOSPITAL j- rv ( DOMt MCRRVVOU'LL V tv HEAR FROM ME r- A CHANGE OF TUNE IS DUE VJHEN t3yR CAR. DEVELOPS ILLS; J3 . j MHAT'5 THE J MtKLY. VOHATo that RACKET 1 W HEAR' IS BUSY! Ker!ne of Nurses i'rovin& t'ro-blurt fcohrerene Willi Dtrec-tnr iT Public lltaHh Unit Hie Prirtce Rupert OEtieral Mt?-JJttat is very busy these days and .lit maintaining of the nursing staff at airengui oaring iu ui. liiortage of nurses Is proving a problem which took up a good deal of the time at a meeting of .he board of directors on Tuesday Msht the first meeting to be held bice the annual general meeting of the Association some time ago. The board was also in' confer-nee with tir. b. 3. iiaoDonald. di- iceior of the new f-uWic health j Unit here, a number of matters, of common interest being discus-1 sed including the question of! handHng Infectious cases and the isolation hospital situation. The board received the usual ; monthly rerjort"! of committees. frank Dlbb was re-elected chair-mart Of the board with O. P. Tink-as as vice-chairman and Harry Itttth, secretary-treasurer. Ihose In attendance at the meeting were Frank Dlbb, D. G. ' Borland, Arnold Platen, G. P. Tinker, R. B. Benson, W. O. Ful-1 t8n, Dr. R. O. Large and Mrs. S. A. Kielback, directors; Miss Mary iFraser R. N., lady superintendent. ': .and H. W. Birch, managing se:- 1 retary. I lOlder Girl Guides ; Are Being Used .Will he Ready For Specialized Service When Cailn ITnnn ' TORONTO, May 21: r In ud ditton to the regular Girl Guide! preparedness training, a new plan of emergency service training has Just been launched for Girl Guides over 15 years of age. This new Wartime Emergency Service plan Will enable older girls to be ready when called upon fot specialized service. It Is plan ned in the form of tests which include intensive training In physical fitness discipline and dependability, and such specialized subjects as child care, honu1 nursing, emergency cooking, transport, messenger Service and land work. Bach girl as she qualifies In the general test will receive an armlet to which stripes will be added as each specialized section is passed BELIEVE IT OR NOT The averages amount of electricity In a lightning flash about 30 :6vllombs Is far less than the amount that can be charged into a storage battery. ' .-m VANCOOVE"- S , , lor r Free Free Delivery PhoneJ54 ( This advt. is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. "Heat Waves Roll From Foothills Coal" I OOTIIII.LLS ALBERTA BULKLEY VALLEY COMOX-WELLINOTON COAL PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. i'iioxf. (ir,i BY WESTOVEK A!E HAVE A MUSICAL ItLEa.M FOR YOU rVJHEN VOUR s CAR tevFLfiPS ILLS J-.-- SrT- iff VSrrS2 AiH BUL.'S all us autw.our- P" - f VI v J7 HVJ ODTT BILL'S rt mf MAVBE V l nV"'' RILLS! I SAlRAiSE S1N6IMS3 AN I n -e7 AP0L.06 TO ) A I A rJcf II J J Slaaaaaaaaaaal f-n iv aiPiiin mtI. I a Till I aaaaaaW I I BtaaaMa.UJV S T BBBB1 I V nan oW V 1 rt I r-V v.- PHONE 0.-.2 We wish to thank our customers for the help given by placing their order a day in advance of delivery. It Is our wish at all times to give the maximum service economically possible, by your continued co-operation this can be done. The time will soon be here when It will be good business fo" those with storage space to put In a stock of coal for future use. as during the rush months both mines and dealers are taxed beyond their capacity. Union Steamships Ltd". VICTORIA DAY WEEK-END CRUISE TO NAAS RIVER AND STEWART S. S. "CATALA" leaves C-N R. Dock Sunday May 2th, 10:00 p.m. Returns Tuesday May 26th 7:00 a.m. EXCURSION FARE $15.00 I'Ius Tax) Including all meals and berth accommodation) Accommodation Comfortably Limited Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FltANK J. SKINNER, Trlnce Rupert Acent, Third Ave. I'hone 5C8 mj linn mi ii mn mi MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents' Spring Suits .Military Badges and Insijnlas M. T. LEE, Tailor r.O. Box 975 rhone Gr; 9C0 Specials 1 KITCHEN CABINET $17.50 30 GALLON WATER TANK Just like new, low price. 2 LOOaiNO JACKS In first class condition at very reas-able price. 80 GALLON WATER TANK heavy duty at a snap price. 1 SINK with fittings, at low price. B. C Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue Try a Dally News Want-ad for quick results.