4 4 1 rrai two THE DAILY NEWS I'KINCE lUTERT, . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES j Subscription Rates In City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; Onei Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00. a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion - .25 j Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .. .02 ' MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this j paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, October 21, 1942 EDITORIAL Bonds Best For You ... Giving up' money is giving up the ability to buy things we want, and many of us don't like it. But the time is coming, after the war, when peacetime production is again in full swing, when the goods we want will be available, when prices will be lower. . That will be a fine time to buy. Will you have the money then? You will if you practice self-denial now, invest your money in Victory Bonds, and help to win this war. Like bread cast upon the water, the money you save now will come back to you with interest added at a time when you can spend it with a clear conscience, knowing that you helped defeat the Axis. Further, you will need me money more tnen tnan you do today. Buying Victory Bonds is. no sacrifice. It is doing no one a favor more than yourself. It is just good business. By buying Victory. Bonds you help win the war, you get your money back, you get good interest. If you don't buv Victorv Bonds vou will have to nav more taxes; Taxes pay for the'war but they do-not come uacK anci tney ao not pay interest. Which do you choose Victory Bonds or taxes? The easy way or the hard way? Mpf The men who died on the beaches at l f Kp j Dieppe did a job we couldn't do. They J I WjkA I gloried in their achievement but, when I Hill 1 those who lived return, let none of them I I meef a man who refused to do his duty J J -i -X UORK SAVE LEND KAIEN HARDWARE ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY fl AH BUTT, Hostess The other day I was reading an anthology of English verse and came across the following poem which I hereby dedicate, with heartfelt solemnity, to all worn and weary war services hostesses throughout the length and breadth of this continent. The two middle verses made me weep tears of genuine self pity. The poem is by Matthew Arnold who father was the famous Dr. Arnold of Tom Brown cfvRugby fame. REQUIESCAT Strew on her roses, roses, And never a spray of yew! In quiet she reposes; Ah, w,ouW that I did too. Her mirth the ,w$rld required; She bathed 11 Jusmlles of glee. But her heart wosUred. tired. And now they let her be. Her life wa turning, turning. In mazes of heat and sound, But for peace her heart was yearning, And now peace laps her round. Her cabln'd, amtle spirit. It fluttered and fall'd for breath, t Trltschler, R.C.O.C.; second. Mrs. E. W. Ekjdy. R.C.O.C.; consolation, Mrs. B. Petsrson, 102nd. Auxiliary. We saw an epic in cinema craft hut night at the Y called "Marrying Widows," vintage about 1930 and in the pre-Hays censorship era. Although we laughed in all SAV-MORS Letter Box VICTOKY LOAN DRIVE I Editor, Dally News: I I notice In several parts of the j United States that local beauties ;are employed in selling War Bonds and, to encourage purchasers, each buyer of a bond Is rewarded by a kls. As Prince Rupert U full of pretty girls why don't the Victory Bond authorities enlist the services of a swarm of lrls. As each eye form? its own beauty, they win each be pretty to someone and reward the purchaser with a .kiss. I know it would be a dreadful ordeal for the girls to kiss or let 'themselves be kissed by some of 1 the blokes I see in town myself for instance but, as It is to boost the sale of bonds and help win the war, I think the clrls would be brave enough to face and sur vive the ordeal. They could close their eyes (they generally do) and Imagine it . Is someone nice and handsome. LOTHARIO, THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2! Total to End of Second Day in Prince Rupert Gets Up to $154,000 Aggregate Up to the end of the second day of the Third Victory ilxan campaign yesterday the total apjvHcationa for Prince Kupert had reached $154,500 a purcenUjft? of 28 which is considered quite satisfactory progi-eee toward the $5"0,-000 objective. Yesterday's applications included some fairlv substantial subscrinions but there art many moro of these to come. Taken Ja. McNulty fir. S. Nickerson ,CUfford O. Ham Mr. Geo. Hill : 'A.-W. Lljwln . Ben Llpstn .... Peter deJoog W. O. Fulton n. G. Allan Watt & Nkkerson John Bulger Ltd. ..... Dybhavn & Hanson ... Tonfcht it doth inherit S a I" The vasty hall of death. M Hem ........ The Y's wives turned out well to J"? ? their fortnightly whist drive at If " .flJrS the YWCA lounge on Tuesday af-ij ?ZTl Wratha" ternoon. It was decided to start iIrswLoRma the cards at 2:30 sharp and not wn wait until 3 p.m. as that left re-i iresnmenis too iate lor tnose who o l fT J wished to eet home for a five A V I I I IIM o'clock supper." The prize winners J thlj week -were: first. Mrs. Roy on the whole, the response U eoasMered gratifying enough although the necessity of it being sustained Is recognized. The following list of individual 'inscriptions Is authorized for pub lication: City of Prince Rupert $10,060 Mrs. Jean Mencies M Geo. K. Hankinson 100 Mrs. Mildred Moorehouse .... 50 II. A. Nelson 200 II. S. Wallace Co.. Ltd. 2.000 5.000 100 100 500 2.000 500 200 500 100 5,000 2.000 500 4on 500 500 2.000 100 50 1.000 LEAD YET Last .Night's Hesults in Ladies' Rowling League Play Optimists and Lucky Strikes took three games from Nurslne Sisters the wrong places It held our in- and Rangers while Bluebirds. Savoy terest- 'Swingers and Annettes beat Ama teurs. Knox Hotel and Big Sisters two to one in the Ladles' Bmrllnj j League last night. , wtviiiy uaiunger or iianger s IN I H A !3 had hih 0t 277 for lhe evr- 111 Mj.'iJ nine, also high average of 240. I The League standing: Sav-Mors stand alone at the top' W of the league after taking three Savoy Swingers - 13 games from Watt & Nickerson In Bluebirds jj the Men's Five Pin Bowling League. Luy Strikes 10 Burns, tied with Sav-Mors last Optimists 19 week, dropped two games to the Annettes 8 uo and coming Air Force squad. Rangers 7 who are now in third place. Neck Knox Il0tel - 0 and neck with the R.C.A.F. are BI& Sisters 4 the Monarchs-. who took two!NurslnS Sisters 3 1 games from the C.Y.A. bowlers. Amateurs 2 j The Dry Dock All Stars added rawawMawawaavawawawava three more games to their wins when their opponents, Boom Defense, failed to show up. Dry Dock ! Painters slipped enough to lose all three to a renovated Stones Clo-' thlers team. Re-enforced by C. Peterson, who returns to bowling after a long layoff, the Ordnance Corps five took two games from the Signals. High aggregate scorer was E. Dorn of the Burns quintette with a nice total of 833. No spectacular singles were rolled, there being only one score over the 300 mark. L Pt 2 3 5 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 HOMING MAIMS HOW 1 bitvcjory! wmm mi. 1. 1. ill, r. uui y-"'mii iiwsijii.mira MMll 111 IIB'ITI 1 1 if 1 0VERWAITEA What it bl'tory writing about you? History i rec-vHrtv. the vai- ant deeds of our flihtlni men. Wll' hlvory reveal that those aft. home backed them to th. malt of their retowTf? Or will history ' ray w ' let ou boys carry the load ' alone' Buy Victory Bonds. a LTD. I j I f THRIFT Cash and Carry HOTHIND MATTERS NOW DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT . 1 BUY THE k VICTORY J BQNDS Philpott, Evitt Co. Ltd. Coal Building Materials and Heavy Hardware Victory Loan Subscriptions Growing Hitler and Hirohito have Great Plans for Canada Ys, all CatwuW great rMMtwfi . . . her wfclflBkfc. h IdtmU. bar flMtoffc . . mM pat to wmuiful dm by toe rath-! hwDr-boys from Genoa?, bf the piitc Utttw savages from Japan. AiM Canada's boundless are wddM pro-Tide plenty of living vaom . . . tor ike Germans and the Japa, not what of the Qanadtapef The answer to simple when you think what happened and l at It! happening to the Polt, the Greeks, the Tugo-Slavi and an the others . . . in terms of alow starvation, slave labor rnaas executions. Bvery time a hard-working Canadian man or woman buys a Victory Bond, the plan f Hitler and Hlrohlto receive a set-back T)u more you save and lend . . . the more certain you help make It that our enemies h.i:: never put their greedy claws on Canada NOTHING MAKERS NOW s.tn o" 1 te . . o" .... t" rtf Wv 1 e in- . -.111.1!. t Uw ... ae' nv 6ut- rBT Tyraaaaaaaawawa Watts & Nickerson 30. . AO otf IJUV TIIK NKW ..tt .1. 1 ,,0" at b'r . o" --x C"''tfO 4r".;; lot wss VICTORY BONDS S.E PARKER LTD. i ' BUY i VICTORY j (BDNDIi aYvl now sut mSlJfal t mJrA k victory YICTDnY-"aB Kkk : 1 My I Ideal Ideal Cleaners Cleaners j i AAAAAAA......A.. KawSMBMEysl Dibb Printing Co. KTATIONW" MHNTOM t