Prince Rupert Civic Centre Assoc! allou Executive Is In Session f ITfPfrwl Norah Arnold was appoint- j f present the cltiaens along R ibert Oordon on the execu- I i H bcrl Gordon w appolnt-' president. . I'lian of last night's, meet-Dr R. O. Large and pipsent were A. DieWal. A. ki-r-m, Robert Oordon, H n O, T. Oerman. W. F. ,md C Ham, secretary. Would Cut Down Sees Way To Conserve Material OTTAWA, Oct. 21: Joseph A. If adfite. M.P. for Cochrane, On-" .o. thinks newspapers should be inured In size In order to con material. material. Comic Comic TWOMORE BIG SHIPS BritUh Battleships Anson and 'Howe Off Norway Looking for Tlrplti LONDON. Oct. 21 Two new British battleships, Aruwn , and Howe, 470 feet long and of the executive of the Prince! King George V claw, are now In i Civic Centre Association, j service with the Royal Navy. The t.'. Hit night at the home of Anson has already been in action O. Large, expressed appre- j with the enemy off the coast of i u W. T. Stone for the ex-. Norway on the Allied convoy route work hit committee had, to Murmansk. Doth the Anson !r the carnival and also and Howe are off the coast of h.iulos to all those who Norway and are said to be looking ,' ,xd In any way to make for a brush with the great German if fair such an outstanding battleship Tirpltc which is In that area. :. riyinfv Mr BUnh rectm- The Royal Navy now has fifteen : I thatvfiy effort be made' batUeshios and fifteen heaw advantage or any oppor . hr-iuuhnut the year to pro-lii I rm of attraction. The i ( incnuag a suitable i::d also obtaining sufficient a i - arute but there was no -hut any men effort would f'Wul in raising funds for ( Centre. '! ruslng the local situation ' v.. felt that while priority .. bp ex; -ted immediately wi hoix' that conditions mn.r fuvraWe within a . .ths an'! ihe .imrntttee !i!inup '."' jrtxn- the -i -i : . ;rtle to effect y construction of the pro- . i'w o! he healthy finan-ndltlon the possibility of i iie swimming pool to th plans was also mentioned, German presented '! showing a bank ilth which trie r deckled to buy Victor alxterad in the name f ution. It was aim derided hp already held bonds for KUnerad for the anocia- mmltte expressed regret: i to accept the resigns-1 Mr 0nnan. who Is leav- ny. A. 8. Nlckeraon ac-Jip appointmant of treas- ihc aaaoolatlon until the meeting which la. to be the third Thursday In : -MgnaUoa of O. C. Young amtfUUion -was also ac-Mr. Young was the cltiaens' n-atlve and also vlce-presl- , - w cruisers In commission. " - r '.gtfgVHBgabw ... av w ItlK ADMIRAL I, W .Ml It KAY of the Ro". .i. C'a!;.ician Navy, who ha. ben apptuntrd Commanding Officrr Atlantic Coast He succeed to Rear-Admiral O. C. Jones. R.C.N.. who becomes Vice-Chief of Naval Staff at Headquarters. Rear - Admiral Murray has been Flag Officer Newfoundland Force since June, 1041. LAVAL OUT FOR NAZIS Laval Says That Germans Will Win Over Allies and That France Should Govern Itself According IT- VICHY. Oct. 21 Chief of Government Pierre Laval, In a radio t speech to the people of France last night, appealed to French workers to go Into Oerman factories. La-.oih v linn rrtnvinced there iiui I In Nnurcnnnorc would be a German victory over vrn iiuTTopupiu ,les and thRt ,t wg Ul thc best interest of French people to Canadian Mrmlirr nf Parllanirn fan to uork voluntarily for the Nazis than to be forced. nr. iwckld iixri-osiviis PRETORIA. Oct. 20: W. A. -iMuiier. South African professional ... 1 .Iv tvo sections boxer, was senwncvu i .Vi V. ni.n.lV,orr4 l.ahnr I fir DeilUC III '" things, . x)5scaslon of explosives. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooociobooaoo o o i. I I 1 1 I a 1 o 8 o o s f 3rd VICTORY LOAN 4 COMING EVENTS Vedncsday Afternoon-Midlands Band Parade.- 1 Wednesday. J:15 pm.- O. A. Hunter. CFPR. Thursday. 0:15 p.m.-JIarold -Ponder (Shipbuilders' Union), CFPIl. Friday. 0:15 p.m Dr. J. T. Mandy. CFPR. Buy Victory Bonds PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides mmln (Standard Time) High 12:09 p.m. 21.7 feet Maximum .55 Minimum 43 Low 5:59 am. 48 feet 18:30 pjn. 3.8 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL XXX. No. 244 PRINCE B.C., OCTOBER 1942 RUPERTt WEDNESDAY, 21, PRICE FIVE CENTS Sayss G rmany Bleeding Death FUNDS OF PROJECT IN BONDS Kiska Island Base of Japs Is Being Pounded Daily by Allied Planes; No Changes ALASKA DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS, Oct. 21 (CP) The latest group of bombers which are daily attacking the Japanese attempting to reinforce the garrison at Kiska today reported enemy positions unchanged on the island, the United States Army announced today. One group of several conducting daily raids against the invaders noted hits in the camp area and one especially heavy explosion which may have been a gasoline dump. OPENING up: CUT DOWN Page Rldeout Still Boosting For New Restrictions Are lo be An-Conneclion Trace River to . nounrrd From Ottawa This Vanderlioof Week T i -f Rldeout of Peace River con- j OTTAWA, Oct. 21 r Announce-ir u press for the construction ment will be made before the end f M,r short sections which are, of this week of new restrictions a. 'hit arc now needed to con- Imposed by ;Dominion and provln- t 'ip tli'; Peace River district clai authorities on the sale and wi'h the parlfic Coast by high- manufacture of alcoholic bever-wa. fither to Vancouver or Prince! ages, the Canadian Press was told P . ; 1 1 Mr Rldeout emphasized on '. vesterdav. The extent of the new f' nt vtut to Prince Rupert how ; regulations was not learned In two short pieces of roadway ! detail but jit Is understood there i. ..ntd to be built to connect! will be some curtailment of the P- acc with the tranaprovlnclal ! hours beverage rooms and liquor way at vanoernooi Dy way oi ' Vunderhoof district T :c Peace River Record, in a rc pdlUon, gives considerable v to the latest Peace River v.4 outlet -plan. stores may ferpaln open and that the Dominion u-lll enforce further restrictions pn manufacture of beers and wines and regulate the release oft spirits from bond. WAR NEWS supply concentrations of the Japanese on the Solomon Islands. American flying fortresses have also struck again at enemy warships and transports concentrated at Santa Isabel Island to the northwest of Gaudalcanal. Australian ground forces have driven the Japanese back another three miles beyond Templeton's Crossing in the Owen Stanley Mountains on New Guinea. NORTH AFRICA CAMPAIGN CAIRO Knemy air fields In the North African war zone were heavily bombed by Allied Planes on Tuesday and much damage was iinnp nrvrn Ails nlaiirs wcie broueht down, the Royal Air Force DRIVE IS Stage Is Set For Last Ww?ff eof War Subscriptions for Canada to Date Total $02,631,000 Trail Leads Way In British Columbia OTTAWA, Oct. 21: Ol Subscriptions of $40,019,800 on Tuesday raised to $92,634,000 the cumulative total of bond sales du.-tns the first two days of the Third Vic-1 tory Loan campaign. , intnliH o iiwi HlninT lr Omalt lnn r n a qt r n a m nw mm tor srss&'rw: sss srxJ A AVrJty Vll JUJIV W Pbwer & hss reached 151 percent of orisln-al quota. Some achiev- iien'.s up to the :nd of the first day are announced as follows: :"ew Wetmlnster,23 percent. Victoria City, 21 percent. Otanagan. 19 percent Nelson, 14 percent. Pnnce Oeorg and Burnaby, crcent. ACTRESS IS DEAD talkies. She will bp buried In the same IN SOUTH PACIFIC (cemetery as Marie Dressier, Will WASHINGTON Unitrd Nations airrraft ha homhrf tmnn 9nH i Rogers and Douglas Fairbanks. vva.Bwv.VB ""J I Ugh? Co.. $635,000, Trail Miss Robson suffered from neu ritis. Willkie To Speak On Monday Night Dy Mlies otates omuts South African Premier, Addressing British Parliament, Says Russia is Doing Blood-letting Necessary for ' Hitler's Defeat LONDON, Oct. 21 (CP) - Field Marshal Jan C. Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa, told a ioint mpet. yp 'BTik lTJ, inS of thc House of Commons and House of Lords today TTxilZm tha G"-ma arm is "bleeding to death" in Russia objecuve. . and the stage is set for the last offensive phase" of war Due to large subscriptions of ior tne united JNations. Premier Smuts said that ' appal- V t i nrn t w A T "'6 olwu-'c"nB is. necessary ior SAIINkAI1 H111" ultimate, defeat Is being ad- J 1 riLl-ililvJIVrll ministered by the Russians and ey alone can do If fsVT ra 1 A Ttri IN KAI ANl P The Red Army was reported HI UiXJUrVl 1 VsLj strengthening positions at Stalingrad today, working and fighting Its Fate Appears to Depend Upon in cold rain - that drenched the Ability of Russians to Keep ruins while beating off successive Supplies Moving Up ily weaker attacks In the week-old Nazi offensive. MOSCOW, Oct. 21 The fate of Maintenance of Stalingrad's lines 13 Stalingrad appears to depend upon unbroken since Sunday was Indl ' the ability of the Russians to keep cated In the noon communique 'supplies and reinforcements mov- and, coupled with this, were an lng across the Volga River to sup- nouncements of improvements In port the defenders. the Soviet positions in both west- The Russians have acknowledged ern and central Caucasus through no turther gains by the enemy counter auacKS. since a block of buildings was taken by the Nazis on Sunday. All a rwn fiYTYTin Oerman tank and Infantry as- AYlV xl-Llv Venerable and Popular Slay Rob- saults since then have been re- vXlVlU kJXHJL kj son Tasses Away pulsed. ' . 1he Nazis today opened a new HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 21 rzMayiSmauit-ta:tho,iath.oI ' the Tity. - , Robson, noted elderly screen ac- 1 tress, died yesterday at the age a w irn ,of seventy-eight. She had been on vj l-J A I JTJ 1 1 I I I "the stage since early girlhood and llfiLillJ J A became extremely popular In LANDINGS indnr Wolvf. ulih tun nilots saved. Salum. Sidi Barani, Mersa . Wpndell Willkie will elve a nation-' aggregate 4.00000 pounds Malruk and Tobruk weie attacked. .wide radio address next Monday i8ainst 5,661.000 pounds. 801 Meatless Tuesday In Gotham For Duration of War NEW YORK, Oct. 21 New York yesterday had Its first meatless Tuesday of thc war. Every restaur ant and eating piacc in me metropolis co-operated In observing the new law. SOVIET GUARDS The Panfliovs are a famous So- n A-sAArtrsnoivict Guards Division. . n'sht to tell about his recent TRIED AT C.I RR ALTAR i:. ' GIBRALTAR Italian bombers-tried to attack Gibraltar yesterday but they met with heavy anti-aircraft fire and their bombs fell wlderiheimarUTiOtp Spanish territory where some damage and casualties wcWHu4a.i Finally, the enemy planes were driven off. MOSQUITO ROMRERS OUT LONDOK Royal Air Force mosquito bombers were out last nltlit over Hamburg, Ullhelmshafen and Bremen. IUiluay lines In Holland were also objectives. One British plane Is missing. Sim.MAMNE IS SUNK WASHINGTON' An Axis submarine has been sunk by a United Slates bomber off Greenland, it is announced. ON MADAGASCAR LONDON British troops are on the advance again In Madagascar. A large Vichy France force was attacked and fifty prisoners were taken. House Passes NewT New Goes Through Lower House WASHINGTON," D.C., Oct. 21 Tho new eight billion dollar bud I get bill, providing for drastic and all-around Increases In taxation, was passed yesterday by the Senate with a vote of 132 to 2 and was soon signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The new taxes come Into effect November 12 when 35,-000,000 Americans will start pay ing taxes for the first time. MINISTERS ARE HOME In Fine Shape MONTREAL, Oct. 21: Col. J. Ralston, minister of national de fence, and Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of munitions and supply, returned to Canada from a trip to' Britain. Col. Ralston said the Canadian forces In Britain were in fine fighting trim and all ready for aotlon. The army was well equipped but there was no room for complacency. In Old New York lax liill Resignation Of I mm 1 Every Tuesday Will be Observed New Eight Billion Dollar Impost I hilpnn (.ahmCt Has Quit as a Result or Crisis Fol lowing Charges of Axis Cooperation SANTIAGO. Oct. 21 The Chll can cabinet has resigned as a result of the crisis which developed as a result of charges of Chilean co-operation with the Axis against Allied shipping. President Rlos is endeavoring to get a new admin istration fofmed. Halibut landings for the present Admiralty. SENT DOWN Four Vessels Sent lo Bottom in Mediterranean by British Submarines LONDON, Oct. 21: Sinking Substantial increase Shown On oI tout Axi& supply ships in the Basis of Fish Exchange Figures Mediterranean by British submar ines is announced today by ths year at the port of Prince Rupert. based sales made at the local on inquest Into the death of the Fish Exchange, totalled 17.142.500 late p s. Waiton. CUR. roadinas- pounds. according to figures com- ter. Is being held this afternoon piled by one of the local fish ; houses. This compares with 15,- Presidential Envoy Will Tell World 453,000 pounds for the year 1941. Of His Trip Around Globe I American total this season ,was 13,142,000 pounds as against WASHINGTON DC Oct 21 902.000 pounds and the Canadian h Salmon Pack as October halibut sales this year round the world trip for President tolled 405,000 pounds consisting 59,000 pounds Canadian fish. This .was merely iisn tnat naa oeen lught up to the closing date of i September 25 but was not brought I In until after the end of September. September landings were 2,445,-000 pounds consisting of 2,238.000 Col. Ralston and Mr. Howe Back pounds American and 207,000 From Trip to Britain Army .pounds Canadian fish. For Year 1942 Totol for Coast Is l,162,015ij Cases With 57,563 Cases in Skeena The latest canned salmon pack bulletin of the Department of Fish eries shows the total pack for the coast as 1,462,015 cases as com pared with 1,795.189 cases In 1941. The Skeena River pack for this year Is 31652Vz cases as against 363,455 cases last year. The Naas River pack this year Is. 52,26812 cases compared with 'last years 35,694 cases. The sockeye pack on the Skeena River this year was 57,- 562 'cases In comparison with 110,-332 cases a year ago; the spring pack 7302 cases as against 5,891 cases; the coho pack 70,658 Va cases in comparison with 120,903 cases; the pink pack 83,839 cases as compared with 54,985 cases, and the chum pack, 130,395 cases In comparison with 166,471 cases. EMERGENT COMMUNICATION An emergent communication of Tyee Lodge No. 66, A.F. & AJL, will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Masonic Temple for the funeral of our late Worshipful Brother F. S. Walton. Service in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral will follow. Members of Tyee Lodge as well as of Tsimpsean Lodge and sojourning brethren are requested to attend. By order of the Worshipful Master. ALEX McRAE, Acting Secretary. A EMERGENT COMMUNICATION An emergent communication of Tyee Lodge No. 66, A.F. & AJI, will be held at the Masonic Temple on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the funeral of the late Brother Herbert W. Butler of Alice Arm, a member of Landmark Lodge, Lash-burn, Saskatchewan. Service in the Grenville Court Parlors of the B.C Undertakers will follow. All Masonic brethren please attend. By order of the Worshipful Master. ALEX McRAE, Acting Secretary. I 1 5M