PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS - Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 50 Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charze Watch, Clock, Jewelry y Repairing, nana tntravuia; VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baccate and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant r Rupert Peoples Store Clearance Sale I Now On! MANY ITEMS REDUCED And More S Hnrrv Down to The Peooles Store j: Sale 1 1 j ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES .Mail Orders Promptly Filled Oprn Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE jl "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" THIRD AVE-Next to HeilbronerV- Phone BLUE 907 njo ckOhKkCKkhkjOciOhKkC0hOO 0 n a o o 8 o 8 o p Q O O o g a o 8 ft o o 0 8 8 8 o O- o a 0 If V our Hair Is Noi Becoming You Should Be Coming To Us! . . . The very latest in hair styles: Waves Pompadours . . . Bants . . . Pin-Curl Waves EKDOO0CHHHJO000OOOOOH300000OO0OO0WO IT . . . Rolls . . .Pin Curls. FACIALS For that schoolgirl complexion. MANICURES For the lady that desires lovely hands. SCALP-TREATMENTS To put lustre into hair that Is dryed out from the summer sun. PERMANENTS Machine and machlneleas. All oil pennanents for that soft natural look. Also the short Victory bob. Let one of our three competent operators make you more beautiful BUDDY KEMP ELSIE KLOHN KAY SCOTT The Modern Beauty Shoppe Corner 3rd Avenue and 6th Street A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Cedar Chests Beautifully finished with Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Copper Band, protection against moths. All at different prices. fl PHONE 775 327 3rd AVE. WEST BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . ui Your Local Uutchcrs. NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT f Q. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA o 8 o o 0 o 0 0 o o o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 O 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 Waterfront Whiffs Gill-netting Season Over and Some of Canneries. Arc Closing Deputy Minister of Fisheries on Coast Hushing Halibut Fishing to Close The gill netting season for sockeye salmon closed last night on the Skeena and Naas Rivers. The run on the Naas River was a very satisfactory one, the. season being start around the end ot August. Jpoilowlnir the destruction of the Canadian Fishing Co. plant at Lagoon Bay by fire, the B.C. Tackers at Pacific is the only remaining salmon cannery on the Queen Charlotte Island. D. B. Finn, deputy minister of fisheries and former director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Station. Is making his annual inspection tour ot the coast and Is expected In Prince Rupert before long. Wltti the n?i authorities want lng the fleet to make the season well up to expectations in the yield of fish and maintain- catch as soon as possible and the ing the improved record generally of last few years, me demand ior irpan nan except. ... ii 'm r.- .1 r:n.. un..: aUv ally heavy, heavy, curtailment curtailment measure measures run mil on un me me oKeena oneeiui ui xuver ia ia uercriueu uwuiucu umncwij mutimy ua o b .'ffc(. k- oi,.. n.ifi h.iihut h,,lh. fit tM,t have been very ordinary i 4 w - annual: m the cycle year of 1937-58. The closing of sockeye fishing marks the conclusion of packing operations for some of the canneries with a tew remaining open for putting up ot fall fish. With seining in the Skeena and Naas areas over for the season while the Qrenville- Prlnclpe Channel, Butedalc. Bella Bella and Bella Coola areas are ' closed until f-ui h t .r has r;sen ia the ly to permit some the pinks to been discarded and the larger ves-start their ascent, Massett and .is are bringing fish Into port as North and South Queen Charlotte speedily as they can. Expectation Island areas and Rivers Inlet are u that the closing date for Area the only districts available In the No. 3 -will soon be announced by meanUme to supply the canneries the International Fisheries Com-In addition to coho net fishing on mission: Prince Rupert conUnues the Skeena and Naas Rivers. Fairly to get a substantial share of the good runs of pinks are reported catches of the larger halibut ves-from Massett Inlet The chum run sris. There ha been somewhat of rrr ua wa'.er 'arouna uie soum ena oi uie vu- cu a revival m tw twuitic ui vw-is : afLt lct- Charlotte Inlands a expected to dun landings lately. rrnr mttrr-i tti ijiwi'i- iisssssssssssssssssssssw i g iM '. m awssnsawv aar tvBiaBI 'Unit rI tr n1 MBfsSsV h It Uh m VxNJsh termite BtttrilHul V5vaSM tlmt- Ttur. mm. mmi gl grt fan It -d. It B rV tn V tin im U 1 . TRUCK OPERATORS B. F. Goodrich "Y meter j PlnnH' Tire Bmirm it available to track operators B. T. Goodrich biuj wra have dVralotwd ejatematic in.pectwn plan for track Urea ... it halpe to pmrat pramatgre tailor and proton tha Ufa of. our tirra. Aak your B.J Goodrich daalar lot dataila. Phone 566 Complete Automotive Service u hct now: Avoid The DEATH SENTENCE it Being Passed On Your Tires Another 100 or 200 miles and one or more of your tires may be damaged beyond repair ... fit only for salvage. If you arc in the same class as most motorists this means not merely the death sentence for your tires, but the laying up of your car for the duration. , t v You can't afTprd to clelay having your tires inspected ... and when you do, the job must be capably done . . . That's 'why H. F. Goodrich engineers developed the Factory Planned Tire Saving Service, that is being used by all D. F. Goodrich dealers. Join the B. F. Goodrich Tire Savers' Club The many advantages of the B. F. Goodrich Tire Savers Club are FREE to all motorists. Ask your B. F. Goodrich dealer for a membership card today . . . members save money on tire inspections ... and the Gub helps you save the tires on your car. NO CHARGE except for services, if and when rendered. There it nothing to pay to belong to this Tiro Savers Club. Many of the services are free. B.T. Goodrich! sniiiiiiiiiiMBBissBiiiiiml a m m RUPERT MOTORS When You Want a Reliable, ComforUblf. TAXI ervice i SATURDAY Ar JB I Tyrone Tower ENDS TOMG1IT ComDlru"Mr -SOX OF FURV- At 5:28, 7:31, 9:31 5:08,7 M " BEGINS MONDAY FOR sluyHH TM)'! plnch-Wttlng for her tr jH fc'fl Fairbanks Jr. MNOIXS OVER BROADWAY PHONE I It-Hoar SerTlce at Ktfular Katrt Thomas Oraham. after apendlnf leave here with hla parent. Mr. and Mrs. Cturtaa Oraham. left by yeaterday mornrn:'i train on bin return to his military duttea at Kingston. Ontario. Mum D naa bee:, , wtth her : D. 8heHi:r her retur? dutka at V SHORT CUT TO VICM LADIES! Here U your chance to try ! J FK.T11EIIB0D PEHMANEJTT. All ends t..; ' t. t I Ualrd's Hair Bruper. Individual itytlng to s.,' i Sunrise Beauty Salon VI0LI.T MAII Cor. 6th and Fulton Abote Sonrlv Slin Thone nine 91) for Appolntrornl mm I RAt WAV w Canadian Pad Trnnscontintnljl Trana-Atlantic Trani KK(JUIU STBA.MKK SI-UMCE ! To Vancouver via Ocean I alls an: Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wraa-Kell, Juneau and SkaRway Dlretl Connrctloru at Vanrouter lth Canadian Information. TlckeU and Rev : W. I, COATi:S, (ieneral Airnt, I'rlnce II- FURNITURE Cheater field SulteK. Dinette Suites. D CheaU. Tea Wagons. Living Room Tah Tbls. Radio Tables. Occasional Chair. 8m i Hampers. Mirrors. Medklnc CablneU FLOOR COVEKINCi Battleship Linoleum. Inlaid Linoleum, PilnV leum Ltnoleum, ConoIeum Rus all Carpets all sizes, Underfelt Carpets. Nunv : C Bedroom Mats. HKDOINO Point Blankets. Orey Blankets. White Blank-' E forters. Chenille BedsDreads. Sheets. Pillow V. W1IITK WOOD riJHMTl KK ChceU of Drawers. Book Shelves. Hall Trrr i Stools, Ladder Stool, Folding Steps, Step LaM K Folding Ironing Boards. Sleeve Boards, Ch i wood, Kitchen Tables, Dropleaf Tables. '1 C-' Fnldlnir Cnmn fVite PnlHIns r-holr. n Trnt Tj :k r--B Boards, Yukon Eiderdown, Sleeping Robes, Mr Filled Sleeping Robes, Hikers' Sleeping Bags lJi WE HAVE THE GOODS Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE, Nest to Dally News J. M. S. Loubser DC, B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block rhone 618 f.ffO !h " VATI0SAL 1 ' A ss nn ....HrfAr i H & We never Phone Hfd r. I