OTTAWA. August 22: Brig adier W. W. Southam of Toronto, i one of the officers commanding j troops taking pan in the Dieppe raid this week, is missing as a rc-bult of the action, his family was notified today. In the second casualty list U-surd since the Battle of Dieppe. jKvrnty additional names were added today to those announced, ia,st night as among killed, wounded and missing in the hectic fight-1 .nit of Canadian troops on the' French coast. The total for the wo ltu now stands at forty-eight killed. 23 missing and 43 wounded. I Other lists will come later. ' The city of Hamilton, represent-1 rt m the Dieppe battle by the' jRy,il Hamilton Light Infantry.; was more heavily represented In iM night's and today's Ittsi thani any other cehtre. , j Through Canadian Army camps ..) Britain stories of heroism and 'nir.iRp of Canadians in the hell-, fire that was Dieppe Wednesday aie bring recounted by hMdenedj mer. now battle-tested. There were' . on n Urns deeds on the shores of ; France at id in Dieppe streets that will never be told but at regiment-si bases there are plenty of accounts from fighting men to vamp thr action as something' ttMntn Jmv's Vtmy HMtr .11 point of valor. Olatms that th-' lipped wing of the Germs n air f t In wettvn Europe ranked as thr first big dividend of Dieppe.! hailing Allied mastery of Uir air 1 1 a a ? deep into enemy tern- - s complete , , when Never Ws. II Busier With uilne u.v were proven yesterday Ana innuiries riourumut f ve hundred .,.,.-,. flahters swept over nv,r. Mir French coast with virtually no l '.sitton and apparently wiuiuuti 'tie Ions of a single plane. Ketchikan Radio Station To Be KOBU at Ketchikan I .has never ii u. th nn.ltO mrrrn i i nuirn II . .. r. at full t Fine Crop (By O. A. HUNTHR I Terrace is booming today as H boomed before. Every- body In and around the village Is j extremely busy and doing wU. Thp lumber and agricultural in everything mat can be produced. WAHittHfrrov DC Aug ... ..,. n, in.un with the orders. jennrai commuincmimw ..vw. . dnerate the former radio sution ."- rj: The KGBU ry ft&ou; marKets iw i ducU as the purchasers will come their doors to purchase tneir rvrnivs licence iwi . , . l rl.i vesnd eratlon of the .Ution on no kilo-, " h . ycles and one kilowatt of power harvest ha. Broadcasting time will not bc "Xrnper one and thc me ,imllrd- can be said for oats. In spite of a Mrs oeorne Peters and little -recent long apcii o o., KX I K Al h X K A ?...Td Tnd Kerr. C L M Olg- " -rrM Pohlc. William Hagen Workers Needed If you can use a hammer or a saw, the Civic Centre Car- nival can use you. Phone 171 or Blue 430 after 4 p.m. Come jj with your tools and help fin- jjj Uh the Job. j and Oordon Utile Kwtnitsa). Poles arc moving into town from the woods in considerable quan- S The merchants of Terrace arc 2 plying a flourishing trade, limited only by ' the stocks they can obtain. . ,i Mh on the spot busi little going on the ness too with books. In There Is an uiim.uij difficulty of acute shortage of Vin .hAPll iLruiiatvttitvv . S.n, -X-.Iv- JWX WW New Zealand troops battling the Ax forces on the Egyptian front made a successful atUrk on .m Axis "leaguer" a sort of cor rail of guns and motor transport -capturing the lot. and returning with their loot. In the UPPER photograph a New Zealand trooper examines a damaged 37-mm anti-air cannon which had been pressed into use as an anti-tank gun. The LOWER photograph shows some of the soldiers shooting at Stuka bombers after returning to their lines with their booty. The Stukas have learned to stay oat of rifle range when attacking these men. TERRACE IS BOOM TOWN AT PRESENT JOHN HART rremier of Brithli Columbia Visit City Attorney General Is Also On Way Mrs. Hannah McKrmle Passes Away at Kltselas After Lrnxthy Illness On Thursday morning of last week the death occurred at the I and apples h 'native Village of Mrs. daughter left on yesterday's train vegetables of Klteelas, for a visit to Smlthers. along splendidly with a large yw IUnnah McKenilc. following a iBiBtBiBiariTTBia.aiaf Mill of excellent quaiuy. 'iknothv illness. She was 82 years nv way ways a "vv . .... nivH David Mason, Tnsnn Mr. Mr. nnr and many months, on y n. -- the last few Joe an. obtaining - materials Mrs. Mrs. Sim Mrs. ua. Fred Mc ihulldlng. DODDie, Air. ana nit- limit, the volume of tiding. -mere a vy- - - . Mr and Mrs WUUarn( Mrs, living accommodation. i j t mion mss Fiora uevan Terrace U in a very Municipally. MlUenburg. Mltzenburg. Is now and Frank . ...... .,iMnn There neauny -- oiuy only one v.c building. . u rAVitrrpn iub lit v Mr Mr. and ana Mrs Mrs. R. jh, B. u. Parsons arsons an are !llnrideRanofUuing b It . taking a holiday Ulp to Vancou lur . . i olen n flchtncr frtn tn IHo Cariboo. r Alaska defences. ; i GOSPEL IS -1 I A L....IU the binds to make a pleasant refuge ;6f this Halifax hostel of the ! Young Men's Christian Assocla- the room, a constant clinking makes Itself heard through the Interludes of song. Perched at the counter, a row of boys crack jokes with volunteer girls In blue smocks, then fajl silent to listen to their comrades. Major J. D.-MacLeod, an army. chaplain who has already spoken at 'three services today, rises to speak on those words written by St. John on stormy Patmos: "There - . ji.rict ouerat-i . . . ... . t.... chnii h no more sea oawuwiw v,. - - - , .. .. oi age ana is survived dy ncr nus- - i Ksnii rwn tnni nnn M ,j 11 u 1 1 1 r I -1 M - - other relatives. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. Pastor Dury of Terrace officiated. Many gathered to pay the final tributes of the deceased. Pallbearers were Gordon Nel-mn. William Nelson, Charlie Nel son, George Wright. George Milton and Maurice Patrick. 1 Those sending flowers Were and Mrs. George Turner, Mr. i m ; m , Bolton. Mr. and uui.u, . .... o t I . . , t Men, he hinat. include uuie.i . " . . . , inrwinu nut. . are , like isianas sur- rounded by a sea of neliness law. her granddaughter and many mat seoaraics Miciii U....V. . . . i it.... i. men. A new worm wnerc ume no more sea Only that which Is worthy of the blood which is being shed today." 'Hymns are sung. Thomas Edmonds, a naval rating who before the war was active In musical circles at Montreal, stands up to sing a solo I Walked in me Then comes Home Roll call. ies when the name ime PROVINCIAL Local Temperature She 1BRARY , B.C. Tomorrow (Standard Time) sT ides High 11:26 ajn. 18.7 feet 23:21 p.m. 21.1 feet Maximum 60.5 Low 5:01 ajn. 3.4 feet Minimum 46 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 17:11 pjn. 6.9 feet VOL XXXI. Vo..Jfb . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS Br Is Now At War With Axi Canadians Hit CASUALTIES OF DIEPPE ANNOUNCED ISrlailirr Soulham Is Anions MLvs. ins Tales of HrroUm Like Days of Vlmjr ON THE AFRICAN FRONT 'In South Pacific I U A Senators iYaNK'S ARF ruining i uuttjr UA mxTp fW United States Senators Al- bert Btl (Happy Chandler of Kentucky and Rufus C. Hoi- man of Oregon are expected to arrive in Prince Rupert this afternoon. They are mem- bers of a United States con- , gresslonal party which has been making an inspection of STUBBORNLY Flying Fortresses Searching Out Japanese Navy Which is Said To Be Planning Fresh Blows PEARL HARBOR, August 22 ffl 1 boys for Uklng to stay outside in atnst United States marines In 1 I fine weather" Into the tide of favorite songs. An Insliiitriniii Viol nor f1ahK OlrVs ,,UU...WU. . . , ' " j to of the words on a screen to assist .the soldier or sailor of poor mem- lory. Gfga relies glow here and there. TERRACE. Aug. 22 E. T. Ken- through the dusk. A boy In a front . - . . i t It.. nU.. nln A ney. MJUA. lor BKeena, nas Deen seav oruwouy unn " j advised that Premier John Hart girl In white flashes quick fingers 'will be paying a vlalt to Prince across the kejTt of the piano, and Rupert in the near future, advice untrormea ngures sway as severau as to the exact date not being, score vibrant voices follow the, gfven as yet. i gyrations of Mr. Ibsen s shirt- Attorney General R, I Maltland sleeves. Is also coming north and will ar-. " . . .But I and my true love never- i . . . . . i i i i -1- 1 1 . rtiisirtnc are are flourishing, mm nve m ivuwv niu wc i '' " 'vaUv which Ion Saturday afternoon next. It is .On the bonnie. bonnie wnss oi f i 1 A Increa pojiutetlon UDeratea.Aijain makes the village a bulling place expected that the Attorney Gen- Loch Lomond . . O linrWH there a bkt demand ,.m,nd for for U,ral will nroceed from Terrace to a Scottish voice walls from the Prince Rupert. back of the room. "Say. you've got .that line wrong! "It's 'ME and my Death Of Aged Native Woman true love'!" I "Sermon and Hymns At the canteen on one side or enemy Is massing the new strength for a counter-blow the strategic Tulagi area. 7 1 Now J, 0.neUi,whD leffJsiJUvatfi 'A Jitiliah.Bioadcastinz. Coroara. ILJ VirI I Ml prsr8ms weekly, swings themen Hon broadcast heard In New York said that United States flying fortresses had "launched a big attack off the Solomon Islands against Japanese warships." TODAY'S STOCKS (OnirtT D Johnston Do.) Vancouver Grandview . .10 Bralorne 5.90 Cariboo Quartz .85 Hedley Mascot .18 Pend Oreille .83 Pioneer , 1.11 Premier - .42 Privateer .25 Reno , .04 Sheep Creek .75 Oils Calmont C. & E. Home RoyalCa ji jdjacQ -r 'Toronlo ' Beattle : j Central Pat .11 .80 250 .02H 3 .70 Cons. Smelters 32.75 Hardrock .. 1 Kerr Addison 3.60 Little Long Lac .72 McLeod Cockshutt -99 Madsen Red Lake M McKenzle Red Lake .53 Moneta 54 Pickle Crow 1.40 Preston East Dome 1.43 San Antonio 1.43 Sherrltt Oordon 61 Baseball Scores National League Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 10. Cincinnati 3, Chicago 6. (Only games.) American League St. Louis 1. Detroit 4. Chicago 2, Cleveland 3. Washington 7. New York 17. Boston 7, Philadelphia 5. Scotland? In England?" unpro- the front, and together with tne pronounceable Welsh names roll crowd they sing "Blest Be the Tie forth, seems to be entirely com- That Binds." posed of consonants. A blond Polish i patriotic songs follow, a brief boy Is so bashful he has practl-1 prayer, and then the benediction cally to be dragged Into the room, in the chaplain's clipped accents but a thick-set Czechoslovakia!, with dimples strides to the front Jocosely. There are only nine natlonall- falls slowly through the stillness. John A. MacGregor, manager of the hostel, waves his program In laughing dismissal. State of Belligerency mon islands today after wiping uuinazau of Argentina announced todav that, the Brazil. out a 700-man 700man Japanese Japanese force force inn ian amhassnrlnr umhaaaAnf hnA hurl inrn.J informed UJ. Mm tW , cf .i. of. nf e i.-,.: UVrr it.... . . . . .... - v m. au V V'Ul 111(11 bllUli CA nLULC 111 UrilllTI NAVAL-AIR BATTLE LONDON A naval-air battle off Cape Ste. Vincente in the southern Atlantic is reported. It is believed an Allied convoy may have been attacked. DANISH VESSELS SEIZED LONDON The British Navy has seized fourteen Danish fishing vessels in the North Sea. EOYPT TRENCH FIGHTING CAIRO Warfare in Egypt has settled down to trench fighting which is none too comfortable for J either side in the intense heat. Royal Air Force planes have bombed Axis communications. MORE HELP IS NEEDED Great Plans for Forthcoming Carnival But Few Are Coming Forward To Give Hand witv. iho cnfhn hprtiilp near- Battle of Don GERMANS' ! ADVANCE HELD UP ttussian lyOumer-auacK itotcs Effective Along Don But Fur- . ther South More Ground Is Lost MOSCOW. Aug. 22 Oi German 'forces which crossed the Don River loop southeast ot Kletskaya are -flghting-desperately-fof:a path way to Stalingrad today but field dispatches say that strong Russian bayonet charges pinned down the vanguard and a complementary thrust from the southwest was hurled back by counter-attacks. The newspaper Izvestla declared that almost alL Germans who sought to establish bridgeheads 'along the Don Bend were exter- minated but two fresh Nazi dlvl- Another Republic of & S. America Revealed Announcement Comes in Round-about Way Through Rio Ambassador's Intimation to Foreign Minister Of Argentina united states Marines stood rast . A., I in hard-won portions in the Solo-' . BULNOS AIRES, Aug. 22 (CP) . Foreign minister 7V XTS ncy exists between Brazil and the Axis. The announce- . rTIPP P A CV other marlne ana American tomes iouowmg me sinning oy uerman U-Doats oi ' iin'iers in Tok-o yesterday that a cuu, Drr.-: come uciwtui force of American troops srf effected a landing on August 17 on Makin Island, there being 13 confirmation eise where of the mtn-a lormer mows couege Npone. clalm landing ti now one of the oldest hostels in the wa4 "repulsed completely" by jthe war. It opened December 6. Japanese garrison. t In the seventeen-day old BatUe wejkly Sunday program Is of ,he aolomons Allied air scouts scheduled 'jfor 8:30. but the warmare searching the South Seas for weather has led officials to post- Japanese naval activity, and re- . pone it until 9 pjn. "Alter au. .ports .ports that that the the I they say, "you can't blame War News South America. There has been no formal declaration of war as yet by Brazil upon the Axis powers which failed to satisfactorily answer protests at the, sinkings. rivr.ri-r.AlLj I weJ". Major .James at least six Brazilian merchant vessels off the coast of T. Flrhtlng Men of Many Nations Crowd "VLCA! HoMel, for the ' OM'riymnV and Preaching By AOATHA PALMER 'Canadian Press Staff Writer) ' HALIFAX. Aug. 22 0 Sturdy figures crowd the room figures In khaki. In navy and In ale force blue. The night outside is hot. but a Roosevelt, eldest son of President Franklin D. Roosevelt as one of thr leaders, destroyed a Japanese seaplane base tn art 'extension of th United State 'off enilve to Makin Island in the Gilbert group. 1500 miles northeast of the American held Solomons and 2490 miles southwest of Hawaii. This be-;am- known In spite of an assertion from Imperial head- 'i Arrangements for the forthcom- slons were moved up. An entire s lng civic centre carnival, which It enemy Infantry column was wiped Is already evident will be along out distinctly new and novel lines, are The Red Army drove back the well under way but there is a dire Germans In the Kletskaya area of need of workers for many jobs the Don Bend northwest of Stal-that must be undertaken. For one ingrad by a surprise attack last thing, an entire new set of booths night while the Germans generally must be put In, this In addition to maintained the Initiative in other accomodation for the many new southern theatres, the Russians l .. , t rf 41. .u- r..l. - SISM ill lilt; wajr ui ciiiciwauiitu w.u ijj suubil ulc iiitAU aic pu. carnival activity. etratlng further Into the CauciMi Already the big building ha-s and aiong the Black Sea. ft-i been painted downstairs and the: general appearance will be more! attractive than it has ever been. 1 In fact the whole set-up will be different than on any occasion of I the past. HALIBUT SALES American Polaris, 52,000 pounds, 13.6c and A few of the faithful workers 13c y1- .i . . .I 1 1 are leeiing sumewnab aucuuiascu at the lack of Interest in prepara-; tory work and at being left to car ry the load. SOFTBALL NEAR END Canadian Prosperity A., 14,000 pounds, 16.5c and 14c, Cold Storage. 13,009 HOURS FLYING LONDON, August 22: 01 Sqdn. Ldr. Robert Mcintosh, a famous British flier, has completed 15,000 (hours flying time. Veteran of the First Great War, now an Instruc tor, he has flown more than 100 i. onmnirfpH t.h niav-offs will ! E. Langfield of Terrace, suffer get under way next week. Section lng severely from rheumatism, ar- No. 1 has completed Its schedule and the Antl-Alrcraft unit Is th winner with three victories and no losses. In Section No.' 2 the Midlands and the Ninth Heavy present tonight. Sometimes. 1 n,tprv are ln first place but the the boys, rising, respond to says Mr. Ibsen, there are as many . Edmontons and Seal Cove No. 1 of their homeland as It as is. Then representatives from'tpam are one point behind 'and lis called out. "How many born In these nationalities are called to nave one more game to play. So the winner of Section No., 2 will either be the Edmontons or, the Seal Cove nine. Section No. 3 Is in a muddle, hence a special playoff Is needed to decide a winner. Section No. 4 Is composed of one team, namely the 10nd Heavy Battery. Play-offs will be Section No. 1 vs. Section No. 2; Section No. 3 vs. Section No. 4. types of aircraft In 25 years. rived ln the city from the Interior on last night's train and entered the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He was accompanied by his son. BASEBALL 'Weather Permitting) SUNDAY, 2 p.m. Acropolis Hill (Kaien Trophy Tlayoft) EDMONTONS vs. DRY DOCKS Best 2 of 3 Series