PA3E rora WAS'. 1 $50.00 REWARD For information leading to the recovery of two wooden totem poles taken from the front of my store, and for information that will lead to the conviction of the parties who took them. MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER The Greatest Sales I Of The Year Continue At RUPERT PEOPLES STORE AND J Cut Rate Shoe Store ALL SALES FINAL j Hundreds of Unusual Values That Can't Be Duplicated! HURRY DOWN TODAY Household Requirements Sovereign Facial Tissue . . . . 10c and 25c Dennison Embosed Napkins 5ft? 15c Household Expense Books 55c Scrap Books lflc and 15c Paper Doilies pkjr. 13c Baking Cups 100s and 150s; pkjr. ... 15c Lily Drinking Cups 12s 15c Hot Kken Cups S-oz. site; doz. 20c Wax Paper 100 ft. rotts 25c Canapar Cooking Parchment pkg. . 35c Self Seal Envelopes pkg. 10c Union Jack Envelopes pkg. 15c; 2 for 25c Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 10c; 3 for 25c Zipper Portfolios, 9x14 size 60c Thumb Tacks 30s 10c 100s 25c Library Paste 10c Aeroplane Glue 10c STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES for HOME AND OFFICE. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ?N0 WASTE at Your Local Butchers. READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd BRITISH COLCMBLl J STRIKE OP MIXERS (Coatsrsed tresa ntt Cfcel which an bettered and lor which there had been long straggle The issee was a sbxU mcrease in wares, an improvement in dangerous working condttaont and omen recognition. As far as the anioc nt concerned ranch patience bad been shown and erery legal process sad been fulfilled bat the refssal of the companies even to eoznnrv with statsrtory aethods of settling dtsptrtes had finally left :';zm option bet to so on strike. jAaxmg other things Mr. Sefton of a concihation board in favor of the raisers had been igaored by the coznpanies. S Mr. Sefton maintained that the t , rruners of Kirkland Lake were as ! patriotic as anyone efce in Canada Jl Indeed, enlistments at Ktrkland ', x bad been the highest for aQ i Canada in proportion to popola-' tion. The strike was sassetrdagta .J whJeh the rirhts of organised lab-Ssor throKhoBt the wwrntry were m-ml- rrr trad rakm in Canada bad gone on record as ssaoortinz the strike as had the aeopie of the countrr general!? ' Sboald the strike be broken there wonld be zrave eonseqaences. The jrvwaTv TaV strike "sis a trial and test for labor across Canada Jleantizse. the ainers of JOrktend Lake and their fan flies were ferine real hardship in order to -maintain the strike- There "zs it below zero weather and. in soeae eases, ntners had been evicted frost their hoeaes and lost their faraitxre. Alex McAuslane Alex UrAsstaae told how the labor sovesaent in Canada, after hi Tins been divided, was becoming united. Scapie principles of trades BTiion-fc-i comprised an fcarxartant basis of democracy. Ee dealt with the issoes at Kirtland Lake anf spoke of the dangers of work ir the nines there. The strike had case only after aU legal raeasnres of negotiation had been completely exhassted and after the com panies had Qosned statutory re guETsrota The Canadian Congress of Labor lr. IScAsnaae said, was pledged to snpport the winning of the war and was loyal to au the desaocra-tac interessa of the cuauUy. It was aot pledged, however, to lay down before nrthlras. aoney-sad capi-taBsts who eared notiiing for the fware of the covntry or its people bst only for their own profit and benefits. While the sen of the eoantry were fighting for desaoc-rary, totalstariaaiszi was being in-trodnced within CanarU Even in I Prince Rapert this was to be .seen taj Canadian National Railways of-Sriak evading the reeognttion of trades sniona. The workers, lir. UeAnamne cJahsed .were the real patriots. If Hitter. OiiMwCiu and the other dictators were to be defeated it wtadd only be throsgh the effortsl United State and they xanst htDU defeated as wed as the Hulers abroad. J. S. Black referred to the Kirk-and strike as a battle lor "desoc--acy in the industrial ftekL" He said that the American Federation of Labor and Canadian Congress -f Lib-r had decided to work in harmony. Rev. J. A. Donnefl told of having Bved for fifteen years at Hailey bary near the present mining com-tnanity of Kirtland Lake which was then a wfldemeas. He felt i was isaportant that workers should , hiTe a united front He was no 4 socialist bat beBeTed the capitalistic system needed some "fixing an." He believed the KirklandLake ) j strike was jastified. Later in the ) aieetin? Mr. LVmnell took exceo- i '' txm to an eotthet of "thogs" hav- 1 ' :ng been appUed to the pobee by Mr McAnslane. As far as Premier Hepburn' aoeeaal strike police were concerned. Mr. McAaslane rx.s:ed thai the term was ANNOUNCEMENT We are (lad to annvnnce that we are now addinr, a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at onr (bop. with Mr. Charlie W Tatt in fall charre. As Chailie bas many years' experience in the trade he knows bow to rt build joui shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 18 ' Suits Frewed by Steam While You Wait. THE DAILY NEWS Me BRIDE DANCE The Near Year 3 Eve cUrre at r.etred SIX f?r iLe local Red Crass. Xq cr:i?5tra was en gaged and after volunteer service gave ot. awaK was provided 5y an astosaatJe orthophonic. -BABY BEES" KMT Seven pairs of beaatifaHy knit baby aitts is the creditable gift of the "Babf Bees." a grown of four ten-year old girls, to the Vandernoof Red Cross branch. The groap inelnded Dorothy Ssiithers. Yvonne Abbot. Daphne Fowler and Orla Grant, who sold parsley -slants to raise roods for the wooi. Under the direction of Mrs. T. G Lairs te the rnittrvg was pleted in less than a raonth. Poland's Thanks The Nation: Red Crocs Society has received a letter of thanks froBD Edward RacaynskL Pofiato Ambassador to England, for the aanifleeai gift of Canadian Red Cross comforts supplied for :he Poles an Rnsssa."" He write farther: "I thank you most cerely for this great humanitarian help, which pray God will arrive in time to aDerisae their alight " SHOW FOR RELIEF Parksrille QnalicBES and.District Red Cross branch sponsored a pfe-ore show in the Quantum Beach ConiHiBnity Hall to raise money U prore Red Cross snpphes for Hnssian relief. The net proceeds Df the evening were MlJiL Whifflets From The Waterfront naimg Deer ceives rr; a-nrg bad heaTT frejgh: largoes :z ban-die or. the preser: Toysge. CJiS HOLIDAY ON NAAS RIVER Christmas and New Year Appropriately Celebrated at Naai Hirer. According U lated Report. GreenTuie. naiwe Tillage on the Naas River, which does not get a very good mail serriee daring the winter, sends in a betoted accomi of Christmas and New year aea- actnrities there. There was the wmal activity appropnave m tne oocasaon into the spirit of which the whole popntotion entered with the osnal enthasiasm- On Christacns Bre there was a social in the Cotamnnity Ball at wmch snort speeches were givec by executives of the Isanrovemect Asfooataon. Henry McKay iec- tnrd on The First Christmas Eve." pointing oat to the childrer. how fortunate they were to be en toying a goad Christmas we :hildrec in waning coon tries were having little or no Christmas at : UL Carol saging. led by the c-r-1 ehestra. was foOowed by the arrival of Santa dans, who gave cv.: Christmas presents. Aroand JE-C-jght there was opes air earc- nlaying by the Greenville Concer. Band. On Christmas morning there was Carol Dacharist tm SL Andrew s Caaarch. Daring Use afternoon of- : fleers of the snroveawst Assoc:-; ation visaed ever home in the TiHase to extend Chiistaa a greet-hacs and iaapeet decorations. There was a social eventng in the Osasmanity Hafi with games and daTwrng anal refre&h-aents besag served. Five days tattooing Christmas were devoted to competitions and rontests an lain wa home cooking, reedkeraft. ladaesf awiuint eon- rette roBnc: and racing for the se Games fo&oead the roe--petitions with several dances tbe featare event feeiag a ag baljoor steaaer Prince George. Capt. Ed- torh w enjoyed by al uv ojo aot man 10 parr rny ja Teart Sae there wii mta 4 oUock -Jus mornhag from -; 4 gamer and Ketchikan and SeirsrL aaimag an ltUf x war later for Ccean FaHa PrreD was held in the chares. Scrar. River and Yancoover. .m. ,k- -. - .w- v , there was a trahrrht earniva: nLi WW -The Arrival of the Comic p- c Genr- 1- Chinese- wnieh was replete with who taking vaeataon. is dae in xr! at 3: this afternoon irons !"hJf chm' ntjwH Lf! peopi" A he soath and wtn sail at M bjb, 5. hereJarn 'Sncoaver seaaa-TavnomtT to o" ann as to have been held bat unfor- ' tanate cirewnjstanees aade it nec- to J1 Carl 3. it Haaaaa and Max Marx arrived last assht on the boat V ,. J Sanrise from Mnw.rtt. be here for the neat few weeks. Cnion steaaer Ventare. Car" Lome Godfrey, is dae in port at oUock tonight from the soc'.h of the workers. There were lots ot"r , " " P on r httle Hitlers in Canada and thelrrtHm to aneoaver and wi7- acy wui tv.i rv- t, t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WASTED One. two or three roacis or hoase. famished cr un fnrnished Jeeded desperate br Jan. 90. C F. Leslie. Y M. C A Phone 31. 2 p.VA'.V.V.VWW.V.VW iun tie Tear KitSt Bt Call Saving Onr COUPONS for Csefsl Household Iteins, m arid let as expOr. this nlan to yoa. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store TVhere Dollars Have More Cents' P.O. Box 575 Phvnes IS. 19 I' r.V.'.V.VAV.W.VA'W.V.'.V G 0 L D S E A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herrin? in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater "1 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY pno.NE es; SPECIALS IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS S Camp Cots sizes 2-6, 3-3. 75 Mattresses, frjm ... $12 and up 5 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges. 6 Remington Typewriters. 6 Large Mirrors. 7 Chesterfield Beds in the latest styles and patterns. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 3!1 served in St Andrew's Church on New Year's morning. After presentation of prises and awards in the early evening, there was a mAtttnerade ball until midnight The ureenvme w"11""" - soctatton was in eaarge condBcting of the yule tide fesUvi- ties. Kott the various societies ana dobs are having their annual elections after which a series of concerts U to follow. FARMER FAMILY KILLED LNGLEBY. Engbnd, January 23 CP A farmer, his wiie ij children of this Yortsnire tBc and the crew of a bomber aere viiVmH whn tne Diane rraoje- into a farmhouse near here ttttTTTTYTTTTTTTT w . - . J. H. BULGER Optometrist savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Fnone XI P.O. Box $ FRASER STREET Prince Rupert DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladies' and Children's Alterations Phone Bit. S, 52 Fulton SL Satisfaction Guaranteed Oeanine and Pressinr Special Offer in MEN'S SUITS with extra pair of Pants Free fvr every older. January M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Bx STS Phone Gr. jra Plus Tax (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) i FRIDAY JANUARY 23 CAPITOL TODAY AXD SATUHDAY THE BIG MUSICAL FUN-SHOV, THAT HITS THE JACK- POT J 1 28. 1942. Final return limit March 15ta, an t, Greatest Short Fight On Record' LOUIS BAKU FIGHT PICTIRES Donald Duck Complete Sr.ovr 4 54 7 a World Nrw J. V. Rogerson Wishes to Announce That the New Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Ambrose, is Now Completed and Will Open for Business on MONDAY, JANUARY 19. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our tcre and settle your Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE ItS. Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST TAID Reprcsenting-HUDSON'S BAY COMP VNY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All Meals and Berth Acroninidat.;D TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT C Q ft ( Vlai From Port Simpson 539.75 Plus TaxJ)OUUU Tax (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply U iavK from Intermediate points). (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from NoTember 15, 1911 to February 15. I'1- Good to return up to March 15, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 pan. Monday S.S. CATALA ETery Tuesday 1:38 p.m. Thursday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5d If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at 01." Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 pjn. for Ketchikan and Stewart Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Iowell River nd Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return OO? A A Tickets on w ih ion ti Ftb 15& 1942. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-CondlUoned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full InlormaUon, reservations, etc, call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue rhone J60 Prince R"!"1' Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines