(.-RIDAV JANUnHV U HH2. TE daily news STOCKHOLM'S POP p. -s of births over deaths In xnoim m 1941 was double the S: - cm anon 605,575 at the year- CI.OTIHNC IK SWEDEN mining rationing cards sys-,jw is effective throughout WOMEN CONDUCTORS Wimprr conductors have re--.'o men on some of the South long distance bus services. AM Canadian Union Amalgamated liuilding Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, It.C, Unit No. 1 M K E TINGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. MKTKOPOLE IIALI. Phone Ked 4G9 P.O. Hox 577 J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' nd GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Kent. CENTRAL HOTEL IG 10 IL ID i S A ?L For Vour go lo the ! VARIETY STORE (f j, 4 t 4 .). . . K-5- Furs Wanted! We have a bis order for all varieties of Furs, specially martei) and mink. We guarantee to pay more than other buyers Don't sell in Cow Kay See me uptown and Ret 39 iK-rrent more. C.OLDItLOOM "The Old Reliable" THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockcyc Sainton Fancy Red Hcrrinj? in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Sealed tenders will be re- , eelved at the undersigned address for the sale of either or both of the following properties: '1) Lots 11 and 12. Block 22, Section 1 (known as Boston Cafe building); (2) Lots 21 and 25. Block 20, Section 1, (on Second Avenue Easterly across street from Rupert .Motors,., and Including stucco residence). Terms at least one-half cash or Victory Bonds, balance to be arranged. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, All tenders will be opened 5 p.m. February 3rd, 1942. TERMINAL INVESTMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED, P. O. Box 058, Prince Rupert, B.C. WINDOW BOXES Whether he fives in a home with a landscaped lot or in an apartment building, every one can make a window box garden. Boxed can be construrted during the winter weeks so they will be ready for the earliest start In the spring. For an ordinary single window, a box 2'2 feet long, 8 Inches deep and 10 inches wide is a good size. It eosts less than a dollar to build. Where large or multiple windows demand greater length, the other dimensions may be larger In proportion or boxes for each window made. Window boxes are 0 decoration for the house. They should harmonize with it and improve its appearance. The boxes should usually be painted to match the dom inant color of the house, or of its trim. The flowers will look best It they make a contrasting note, providing an accent of color. Perhaps the finest of all window box flowers' are petunias, beeatise they blossom constantly through the summer and provide so interesting a variety of color, form and habft. The balcony type petunias, which produce trailing vine-like stems, make graceful festoons which drape from the boxes. Tall nasturtiums, particularly the new doubles, Including Oolden Gleam, and Its hybrids, give the same effect as the balcony type petunias; and they are excellent window box subjects. Fragrant flowers, such as matthloia blcornls, mignonette, ten-weeks stocks, and dwarf snapdragons are doubly at tractive. Boxes which spend most of the day in the shade offer a special problem. If the shade Is that of a building, perhaps only foliage plants can be grown, sucn as ferns, fancy leaved caladiums, cro tons, and other florists' subjects. If there is some sun, tuberous root ed begonias will probably do well. Impatlens, the Zanzibar balsam, bearing flowers, .of .salmon or rose on bushy plants 18 inches tall, are excellent in semi-shaded places. Violas thrive In partial shade, and the list of flowers which will do well increases as the amount of sun is enlarged. Rich soil, of the type which florists call potting soil, should be used In window boxes, for there is so little of it to feed the flowers. It needs abundant plant food; ap ply at rate of one level tablespoon for one square foot of soil. .MAKING OF INKS Linseed oil is the principal grcdlent In printing Inks. AN OLD CAPITAL ln- Bataviacapltal of the Netherlands East Indies was founded In 1019. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be-charged -for -a full month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel lows Hall, January 30. Queen Mary Tea January 31. Annual Masonic Ball. February Oddfellows' Dance, Feb. 7. freshments. St. Peter's Handkerchief Feb. 12. Fortnightly Scotch Admission 50c. Re- Evenlng Branch Tea, Parish Hall, United Church Valentine Tea. 1 v. in Mrs. W. L. Armstrongs, rcu. 1. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Dance, Seal Cove Hall, Feb. 12. Lutheran Valentine Tea. Feb. 14. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Mrs. J. Zarelll, Feb. 17. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell. Feb. 19. , Tea, Mrs. George S.O.N. Masquerade, February 20. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. LOCAL MEWS MOTES Stephen Metcalfe will sail by the Venture tonight for Port Hardy. Merely routine business occupied the attention of the Moose Lodge at a meeting Wednesday night. Governor F. II. Cameron was in the chair. E. R. Currla of the Workmen's Compensation Board, who has been here on official duties, sailed by the Princess Norah last night on his return to Vancouver. J. S. MacMillan, president of the National Union of Machinists, Fitters and Helpers, and G. L. Taylor, secretary, sailed on the Prince George this morning foi Vancouver on business. Alex McAuslane, vice-president of the Canadian Congress of Labor and regional director for British Columbia, after having been here for the past week, sailed this morning by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver. Norman Nelson, of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., sailed by the Princess Norah last night on his re turn to Vancouver after having been here and the district for the past few days on company Louis Hikler sailed on the Prince George this morning on a brief business trip to Vancouver in connection with the recent ballot of the employees of the Prince Rupert dry dock. Mrs. Hllder and son, Grieg, are accompanying him. Mrs. Catherine Elvin, R.N., vho has been on the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospi tal for the past eight months, sailed by the Prince George this morning'for Vancouver enroute to Penticton where she will take a position on the hospital nursing staff. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Young and E. P. Slddaway, Mr. Young's ass'.s tant at the Prince Rupert Fisher ies Experimental Station, sailed this morning on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. Young and Mr. Siddaway will visit fisheries plants in the south during their absence of about three weeks. W. E. Drake, manager of Edward Lipsett Ltd., and G. H. Stanbridgc and G. Armstrong, after having been here for a few days in connection with the taking over of the Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia huslness locally by Edward Lipsett and F. E. Hunt Ltd., sailed by the Princess Norah last night on their return to NOTICE I, Walter Scott Simpson, of Tele graph Creek, in the Province of British Columbia, will no longer be responsible for debts contracted by my wife. Hazel Glasford Simpson of Telegraph Creek, Bri tish Columbia, as from this date, she having left my bed and board. WALTER SCOTT SIMPSON CONSTIPATED Spells of constipation often bring aggravating bowel gas, sour stom ach, bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, dizziness, llstlessness. ADLERIKA effectively blends 5 carminatives for relief of gas pains and 3 laxatives for gentle but quick bowel action. Get ADLER IKA today! AT YOUR DRUG STORE At Your Drug Store Don't forget Queen Mary Chap ter tea and aisplay of refugee work, Legion Rooms tomorrow, January 31. Festival Concerts A general meeting of all music lovers and teachers is called by the Festival Concert Committee in the Anglican Church Hall, Monday, Feb. 2, 8:30 p.m. There appears to be an epi demlc of thieving from clothes lines in the city. Ladies' lingerie Is being specialized In. The pub lie are on the look-out and have suspicions. Mr. and Mrs. William Spalding of Ketchikan were passengers aboard the Princess Norah last evening bound for Seattle, accom panying their daughter who will enter school there. Mr. Spalding Is prominent in Masonic and Rotary circles in Ketchikan. Timely Recipes CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING l'2 squares unsweetened chocolate, cut in pieces 3 cups milk V4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups stale bread, cut in '4-lnch cubes V2 cup sugar Add chocolate to milk In double boiler and heat. When chocolate Is melted, beat with rotary egg beater until blended. Combine sugar, salt and eggs. Add choco late mixture gradually, stlrrir.g vigorously. Add vanilla. Place bread In greased baking dish. Pour mixture over it; let stand 10 minutes, theji,,mix well. Place dish in pan Qf JjoJwater and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees r 1 hour, or until firm. Serve with butterscotch hard sauce. Serves 6. HAIRDRESSER'S COMPLAINT LONDON, Jan. 29: 0) Hairdressers have complained to the government about being left out of the Reserved Occupation Schedule. They claim halrdresslng Is an "essential public service," important in the maintenance of hygiene and morale. AHEAD OF SCHEDULE The battleship U. S. S. Indiana. launched November 21, was completed six months ahead of sched ule. KEEP COFFEE HOT On board U. S. Navy ships an attendant stands guard constantly over a coffee pot to see that it Is kept hot. In in Tiirc siTitKMi:. rourr of liituisii rot.ti.Mni.v In IToliute the Matter of the "AilmliiMratlon Art" nnil In the Mutter of the KMate of John li . , 1 .vii. lMTnMl Intestate TAKE. NOTICE tlmt -to order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 12th . .Tuniun. AD. 1942. I was ap painted Administrator of the estate of John Lyp, deceased, and all parties having claims asra,tnst the paid estate are hereby required 10 iiiriueai properly verified, no me on or before the 15th day of February, A.D. 1912, und all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this IMh day a! January, A.D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdmlnlRtwtor, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All Meals and Berth Accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT CQfi Vlm From Port Simpson $39.75 Plus TaxJ)dO"U Tax (Reduced .Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points). (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare. Tickets on Sale from November 15, 1911 to February 15, 1912. Good to return up to March 15, 1942. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. S.9. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5C8 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Anglican Tea And Sale Was Real Success i vptv siifw.tsfnl tea .inri 3p TT of homeUcooking was held yester- ilnii n flr.nrmM Kv 4 Via IXfrtrvt AT 'e Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at the home of the president, Mrs. J. G. Johns, Fourth Avenue West. Many guests call ed during the afternoon and weTe received by Mrs. Johns and Mrs J. B. Gibson. General convener was Mrs. Charles Ellison. Pouring at the tea table, which was artistically decorated with spring flowers, were Miss R. M. Davles, O.B.E.; Mrs. Thomas Andrew, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. G. W. Cripps. Serviteurs were Mrs. A. R. Niche's. Mrs. P. A. T. Ellis, Mrs. C. E. Cul-lln, Mrs. A. L. Holtby and Mrs. C. V. Evltt. The cashier was Mrs. K. S. Meadows and Mrs. W. J. Greer and Mrs. George Grosvenor as sisted In connection with the tea room. Mrs. C. C. Mills and Mrs. R. G. Hopkins were in charge of the home cooking table. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. Dybhavn, city; A. R. Hobkirk, Red Deer; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Slbesta, Juneau; S. C. Chatwln and K. C. Rathbone, Vancouver: C. J. Killer and Mrs. H. II. Phillips, Telkwa; J. V. Ingram, G. Penninger and A. Mills. Winnipeg; R. W Westwong, Terrace. CUssiniD WANTED WANTED Strong capable woman for dairy work. Valentin Dairy. FOR SALE (20) WOMAN WANTS WORK. PHONE Blue 737. (29) FOR SALE Single bed, good con dition. Phone Green 288. (27) HOUSE FOR SALE Immediate possession. Terms to right party. Phone Green 033. (23) FOR SALE Boy's Dicycie, o months old. $30.00 cash. Apply 271 Seal Cove Circle. (26) FOR SALE 3C ft. gas boat, troll ing or pleasure, H n.p. maimer engine In good condition. Cash terms only. Apply 2171 Seal Cove Circle. (26) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, February 4, 1942 for the purchase of the gasboat "Vent" size 27x7x2; 'powered by a 6 h.p. Easthope, hull and engine in first-class condition. All equipment on board included in sale. Boat may be viewed on ways at Crippen's Bay, Digby Island, cared for by Joseph Freestad. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Cash. Norman A. Watt, administrator of. 'the1 estate of Victor Nvman. deceased. 120) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes, Just like new. Large lot of windowi at low prices. 2-inch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO., Phone Black 324. ROCK FOR SALE Reasonable price. Apply excavation opposite post office or phone Black 152. (29) ROOM FOR FOR RENT wishing to 805. RENT For share; Phone Col Nicholls Is Chairman Will Again Direct Victory Loan Drive in City and District. Col. J. W. Nicholls has agair. accepted the unit and divisional chairmanship of the Second Vk tory Loan campaign which will be held next month. The full list of campaign committees is about co be made public. men Blue IX TIIK SITKEMF, COt RT OF BRITISH rOI.ITMIH.l III the Matter of Sidney Jamen I.nke, lieiTateil, nnil In the Mutter of the "Administration Aft" TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor Judge Flslwir I was appointed Administrator with the WU1 annexed of the Estate of the late Bidney James Luke, deceased. lormeny of Ocean Falls, British Columbia, night watchman, who died on- or about the 21 day 01 November 1940. All persons hating claims acralit said estate ere required to forward them to me on or beore February 28th 1942 properly verified and all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay to me tlx amount of their Indebtedness forth with. DATED ftt Prince Rupert, B.C. this l?th dav of January A. D. 1942. NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, Prlnc Rupert, B.C DEAF MUTES' EFFORT The deaf and dumb people ol Johannesburg, South Africa, are learning fire fighting, first aid and raid rescue work under the Clcvilan Protective Services pro gram. It is -Really PHONE 313 OZ. 40 OZ. .30 $3.50y BRITISH COLUMBIA , ISTILUR7 CO. LTD. NIW WtSTMtNvM, IC - It fins d,rtiimm h pvMhlit of diip(ty4 hr tk Liquor Control 6ord o by li of fciwJi Colwnoio Keep in a Good Stock of t TELKWA OR ALBERTA ! The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This Albert & McCaffery Ltd. j PHONES 11G OR 117 ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co. THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STREET Specializing in Fruit and Vegetables You are cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES Wanted - Raw Furs Bisma FREE DELIVERY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing-IIUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORM1IEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, IJ.C. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable IAi! PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates Rex ... for Acid Dyspepsia ... for Sour Stomach ... for Gas on Stomach ... for Flatulence ... for Heartburn Pleasant, Safe, Prompt and Effective! 4 ozs. 75c 1G ozs. 1.75 Ormes lid. "Jiis Pioneer Drutz&fsts THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. If you lose anything, advertise for it. : J r 1 1 ' .Mi ef 'r1 ft K