PA02 POUR THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SLEEPERS PYJAMAS SNOW SUITS CnAS. DODU1EAD Dntomttrist in Charre VI I Watch, Clock, Jewelry . V Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT MAX HEILBRONER Yes Mom, I'm Warm! In People's Store Warm Children's Night Wear Complete stock and varied slection of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep them comfortable. Sleepers In sizs 2 to 8 and Pyjamas in sizes 2 to 14. As usual prices that you'll find generally mean a saving. UNDERWEAR VESTS HOSIERY PANTIES PARKAS COATS Mail Orders Promptly Filled. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 1942 TIDE TABLES Prince Rupert Harbor . . . Pacific Coast of II. C. ... l()c 25c CHARTS of all areas in Northern IJ. C. Admiralty U.S. Hydrographic and Dominion Government Charts and Publications. BOOKS on Navigation and Seamanship. BUY RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE BEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT q BRITISH COLUMBIA STARR IS PRESIDENT Port Essington Special Reserve Seeking Public Works PORT ESSINGTON, Jan. 9: L. L. Starr was re-selected president at the annual election of Port Essington Special Reserve. The yearly report showed the poorest year for income with still considerable volunteer labor and expenses on the road and seawall. For years past the Department of Indian Affairs has been asked for aid. A resolution was passed that the executive should notify the department of the situation and also advise other government departments concerning road and seawall for Immediate reconstruction. The biggest tide In years washed a considerable length of road away and made It In some places Impassable to pedestrians i muiuuiiiaie a useu oy ail I people on or off the reservation. ! After reading and adoption of yearly reports the following exe cutlves and committees were elect ed to office to conduct affairs of the special reserve for the year ending next election: President. L. L. Starr. Vice-President. Joseph Roberts. Secretary, Ed. N. Bolton. Assistant Secretary, Moses Stewart. Treasurer, Mrs. Rebecca Bolton. Committees Lot, street and seawall Stephen Campbell and Joseph Wesley. Fire Warden, Samuel Lockerby. Health Inspector. B en 1 a m l n Brown. , Ballground tenders A. W. Stewart and Samuel Lockerby. Youth Committee Is Entertained Enjoyable Musical Evening As Guests of Mrs. H. Harrison. Members of the Youth Commit tee enjoyed a musical evening as guests of Mrs. H. Harrison last night. An Interesting sioud of recorded selections were featured. The first issue of a Youth Bulletin prepared by the committee is now being distributed. The Red Cross Salvage Campaign wants all kinds of waste. Phone 130. JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 STEER BEE PRIME RIB ROLLED per lb. Phone 957 Saturday Specials BARY BEEF ROAST OFF THE OAo ROUND per lb. dU T-BONE ROAST OAs per lb vl)" RUMP ROAST per lb 25c 25c T-BONE ROAST per lb suO' RUMP ROAST OCP per lb fdO' VEAL ROLLED SHOULDER OF VEAL per lb D' RUMP ROAST OF VEAL per lb. 28c FILLET ROAST OA si per lb. eJU LAMB and MUTTON LEGS OF LAMB AAp per lb LEGS OF MUTTON per lb SHOULDERS OF LAMB per lb. PORK LEGS OF FORK per lb. SHOULDER OF FORK per lb FRESH SIDE PORK per lb SLICED SIDE BACON per lb. SHAMROCK HAMS whole or half; per lb. BONELESS COTTAGE ROLLS per lb. POULTRY 25c 20c 30c 20 c 35c 40c 35c 35c BOILING CHICKEN QAn per lb uUL ROASTING CHICKEN per lb 35 c W.V.WAV.VA'.V.VWW IS MARRIED IN VICTORIA Miss Alberta White Is Bride of Sgt. Arthur MacDonald of This City. In Victoria on New Year's af ternoon at Matthias' Church, Cap tain the Rev. V. H. L. West united In marriage Alberta, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert White, 424 Moss Street, and Sgt. Arthur Alllster MacDonald, 17th Searchlight Battery, R.C.A., elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mac Donald of Prince Rupert. Calla lilies were arranged on the altar, and chrysanthemums, holly and greenery marked the chancel rail and lectern, with white satin ribbon bows on the guest pews. White nlnon over taffeta fashioned the gown worn by the bride as she entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage. In graceful, floor-length, it featured a lace yoke and brief puffed sleeves, and was worn with a veil of tulle con fined beneath a coronet of orange blossoms. White lace mittens and silver sandals completed her bridal cnsemlble, and her shower bouquet of carnations shaded from palest pink to deep rose. Miss Marjorie White, th3 bride's sister, was maid of honor in Windsor blue taffeta; and Miss Doro thy Kermode, the bridesmaid, in rose taffeta. Their gowns were similarly fashioned in period style, with sweetheart necklines and short puffed sleeves, wore sliver slippers, and both carried muffs of taffeta to match their gowns, centred with orchid cyclamens with blue velvet ribhons, with similar flowers and ribbon in their hair. Two-year-old Patsy Campbell, as flower girl, wore a pale green taffeta f r o ck with matching ribbon in her blonde curls, and -carried a bouquet of peach daisy chrysanthemums. Mr. Ronald Blanshare supported his brother-in-law, and Messrs. James McKim and Jack Holland were ushers. Mrs. J. S A. Bastin, a family friend, presided at the organ. During the signing of the register, the congregation sang the hymn, "The Voice That Brenthed O'er Eden." A number of guests were wel comed at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. White, in an afternoon frock of French blue, with matching accessories, being as sisted in receiving by the groom's sister, Mrs. R. Blanshare, who wore a smart black and blue ensemble, with matching accessories. Both wore carnations and tulips. The three-tier wedding cake centred the lace-covered table, with pale pink tapers in sliver holders and pale pink chrysanthemums. For the honeymoon on the mainland the bride donned a beige dress, brown fur coat, brown hat with green feather mount, and alligator skin accessories. They will make their home In Victoria. WHY FEARLESS SUNK CAIRO, Jan. 9: 0 The commander' of the British destroyer Fearless, sunk in the Middle East, sacrificed his ship to save a munitions cargo, the Fearless darting into the path of a torpedo aimed at the munitions ship. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 Mrs. Sealy Is Honored Given Party At Hazelton Before Leaving For Victoria HAZELTON, Jan. 9: A farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Burling in Hazelton on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. J. K. Sealy, who left this week for Victoria. Members of St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary and other friends pres- i ent played cards for the first hour after which tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Larkworthy and Mrs. M. A. Myros. After tea, Mrs. Myros, acting treasurer of St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary, read a letter to Mrs. Sealy, signed by members and friends, thanking her for much work and interest in the church for thirty years. As a farewell remembrance War Savings Certificates were presented to the guest of honor. Rev. Frank Burling, representing church and congregation, also voiced his thanks to Mrs. Sealy 1 for all her efforts in church work Not only had she been secretary treasurer of St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary but also secretary of the vestry for many years. Mrs. Sealy will visit her sister, Mrs. C. W. Homer, In Victoria for some time. Whifflets From The Waterfront A catch of 100 tons of herring was taken in Union Pass near the mouth of Wark Canal on Sunday by Capt. Martin Skog with the seineboat Sea Ranger but since then there have been no catches of consequence due, probably, to the rough weather caused by strong north winds, particularly In the area around the mouth of the Naas River. The Skog fish was canned in the plant of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. here. Other selneboats are on the lookout for the fish and still more are one the way from Vancouver. The Indian Department cruiser Naskeena returned at midnight last night from a trip to Hartley Bay with Indian Agent James Oillett, Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson and Provincial Police Constable William Currle on board, the last-mentioned having been pressed Into service as chief engineer. Mr. Gillett made the J.H.BULGER ! Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) J COUPONS Ij for Useful Household Items. J. Call in and let us explain J this plan to you. : MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" f P.O. BOX 57S Phnnoc IB 10 "V.V.V.V.V.V.V.NV.VWJW.V5 ta . for the Holiday Season THREE GOLDSEAL Sandwich Spreads "SPICED SALMON" "SMOKED SALMON" 1 6 JJLOATER" Jj jj Made by the packers of the 2 g Brand Fancy Sockeye Salmon $ y w .- .... .. .. .. ... ... t When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates ' FRIDAY JANUAHYi 1 jgflHVJpi t .NV.W.W.V.V.W.V.WAW CI A i I -mr .... V? oiari xne lear lllgnt lly bavin? our I I PTpatmanI i tm - Vt'firi sinister man of mystery a personalitu from Dashieil Hamme tt that lurpanes even his 7HN MAN TAT MAN Mi lifetime spent in quest of the priceless Katese falcon, to which ownership was a requisition to terror and sudden death CANADIAN PnCMICBC THE MALTESE FALCON t SOM DASHIfU HAMMfTT. authw THIN MAX SIDNEY GREENSTREET HUMPHREY BOCART MART AITOR riTIR LOIRE' CIADY1 CEORCE At 1 20 3 20. 5 23. 7 20 9 2fll Added: "Old MacDonald Duck" World Cwi CAPITOL Tom - Moorehouse, for some years chief engineer of the Indian Department cruiser Naskeena, has resigned that position to Join the provincial police as engineer of STANLEY W.COLTON D.C Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 When You. Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor o. Klldal f Today and Saturday Complete Shew v 1 -fin i.nn c nn .... .. -- A FAMOUS HAYUI TMIAIII " " inp in praer w tonuuev ui eiec- me new local pa'.rs. c: P y tlon of vlllaee councillors for the 15 Tnm nvrt-.y -, r year at. Hartley Bay but this wai , keena has not yet oc not completed. Mr. Oillett reports ; that trapping operations among the natives have been curtailed somewhat lately owing to cold weather. The Naskeena left here Wednesday noon. n n v . i D. t. rurni lire u m lO t liJi I lL J- IVLTWIIUIUOIU'U rut' l I . coal and woud 3 Chesterfield Ikds- Willi J I II A Chair. IS Maltresses-aii c ton : sizos 3-3. 1-0 44 i at Sill ....'4L 1 I Tvnnu'r Arc ingtons, No. II Phone Mack 321 THIRD A VEX IE Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesday at 3-nn nm . i-i.i.n . . c-. ' " 11 nntiiiun ana bic" Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell Kiver mi aniouver. Wlnfpr Ti!v(llrc!nn V T I It.irf1 uAvmoiuu idic, Vancouver anu ivtiu"1 Tickets nn c3lo fJn irVi inn in Frh 15ti VpVP.UU 1942. Final return' limit March 15th Plus Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Mnnilav 11'. , . ..... . "'I "tuncsuay ana iriday at 0:00 p.m. Air-f!nnrMHrtrifti i . . , --......u oiccpmg ana uming wis For full Information, reservations, etc., call oj write K. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue BPert rhone 260 Prince Agents for Trans-Canada Air i.i It is Really mmm Keep in a Good Stock of TELKWA nn ai xtutw The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This Albert & McCafferv Ltd. I PHONES llfi oh in i 4MMHiu j . . iiit' ' - ' ' . V . W f TTT. AAJ. J. . ........ ...... i.U.TT- ' " " ' TTTTTTTTTVTTYTTT.