i Expert OPTICAL SERVICE mm And when wc speak of Purses we include all those necessary "fall musts" in a complete matching, ensemble: Gloves, Milliner-, Jewellery, Flowers, Hosiery, Collar and Cuff Sets, Scarves . . yes, even down to the Handkerchief for just the right finishing touch. Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry X y Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Uinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant w.w.v.vv.w.v.v...w.v..v.w.sw.vv BREAK Fall Handbags i m OUT In Brilliant Nieu) Fabrics RUPERT PEOPLES STORE MAIL OUDEKS PROMPTLY FILLED "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ? THIRD AVENUE (Next to Heilbroncr's) Phone BLUE 907 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather Lines AKCH KING in 8" and 10" STERLING in Leather and Panco Soles TILSONRURG, Solid Leathers throughout VALENTINE MARTIN'S Arch Support Work Roots Family shoe store ltD. 'The Home of Good Shoes" i' . j ....... j C-Elij13:i"3:iT nfritlllU EBf.Bil IU BB IB IU IU rurm rmvm tm FURS Big stock received today. All Invited to come and see my stock. Clearance Sale on Silver Foxes " h Coals from $10 to $1,100.00 B Your Credit IU pp., yvp. ffnT M W. G0LDBL00M The m Is Good II. JJLjUUUJKJIU ,,.,,,. 2 viiun aaj htm triaimn kiib Mipagsn ai un aiai azazami ai" Announcement Restrictions placed .upon us by the Wartime Prices & Trade Board compel us to announce we shall be unable to put on our "Christmas Special" this year. This practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant Industry of Prince Rupert, has become increasingly popular and we are very sorry we shall have to disappoint our many customers this year. After the war, we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to our many friends. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia IT'S & if at ir Of & a a a at at at .- at . A at if at Ir. at if at if at if at it at at j if at Waterfront Whiffs Quiet Days in Fishing Activity New Ramp is Now in Use Hunting Party Hack From Gardner Canal Area A hunting party consisting of Bill Richards, George Rudderharai and Ernie Gagne returned home on Thursday after a successful eleven day trip to the Oardner Canal and Douglas Channel area. The trip was made on the popular Richards' boat Grace R and Gil tees, HarUey Bay. Kildala Arm and Long Inlet all were visited. Good hunting was obtained with a bag consisting of thirteen geese, fifty or sixty mallards and one deer. The party found considerable Ice at the head of Inlets and this made necessary curtailment of hunting operations at several points. K ik Fine These are very much the dog days as far as fishing activities out of Prince Rupert are concerned. The most of the boats continue tied up although a few of the hall butters are engaged in mud shark and dog fish opera tions. There are no signs of herring as yet but it is still a little early. As soon as these fish appear seiners and packers will get into operation.; " Meanwhile the quiet season may be expected to continue for some time as the men of the fleet are not having any difficulty in getting employment. After the New Year there will be some activity in getting the fleet ready for another season In halibut and sal-mon fishing. The new ramp leading from the foot of Pacific Place to the Canadian National Wharves was opened to traffic this week and that means of access to the local waterfront is again In use. What an Im portant Integral artery for traffic the overhead there to was not fully appreciated until it had been out of commission for the few weeks and traffic had to be routed by way of the rough detour over the hillside. However, the other road will be a useful emergency route In view of the greatly increased traffic to the waterfront. Coast Regiment Dance Is Success Affair Staged Thursday Evening in Armory .On Thursday evening the Ar mory, which was gaily decked with I flags, was the setting for a successful dance under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the Coast Regiment. Royal Canadian Artillery. The president. Mrs. C. orcnesira 01 me orenaaters pro vided delightful music for the some two hundred person present. Mrs. P. L. Peterson was the capable convener. Regimental Sgt. Major P. L. Peterson was master of ceremonies. Set. P. Doherty was at the door. Sgt. and Mrs. Dahlle were in charge of the pop stall. Mesdames Hadden, Taper, Roberts, Hanna, Brass were In charge of the refreshments. The raffle, consisting of a tea-et donated by Oordon & Anderson and a record player donated by McRae Bros.. In charge of Mrs. R. Woods was drawn. The winner of the teaset was Mr. Catt. with ticket number 216. The record player was won by G. Hllwlg with ticket number 1269. xiirarsuaiinaUMiitiiija Citv Chimnrv Su-ron B a - j (Licensed) w Chimneys Cleaned $1.00 Hue Roof Repairs Evetroughs Ph. Green 936 D. Thomson i. a Glove silk pantle and brassiere sets for those who prefer sleekly tailored underthlngs. Several smart styles to choose from. Sets, $1.98 Lace trimmed crepe or chiffon dance sets or bras and panties to match. The lace is a quality most unusual at this special price. Set, $2.95 Negligees In luxurious rayon satin or rich crepe. Wonderfully full skirts and charming bodice details. Your choice of lovely colors. $7.95 ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR PAGE POUR THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, Gyro Members At Stag Party W. F. Stone Host Last Night Installation of .Officers Soon by District Governor W F. Stone was host to the members of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club last night with a Jolly stag party at his home in the James Apartments. Card playing was the order of the evening and a happy time was spent by all. Delicious re -freahment were served. December 9 has been set ax this te for the Oyro Installation din ner when the district governor. Dr Oeorge Frown nf Kamloops, will b here to officiate. It will take th. form of a mixed gathering with wives and lady friends in attend nce. An honored visitor a thaf time will be Lieut. Orme Stuur who will be here on leave after twn and a half years oversea with the navy. NEWS FOR MIDLANDS I think Cobourg would stand at I Ev1tt, was in general charge. The I tne toP of the it per capita of en- ILsunents for oversea (" declared Maurice Booth. National Selective Service and Unemployment Insur ance officer for the Cobourg art, peaking at a Rotary meeting at the British HoteL "I think the town held that distinction to the last war. too" added Mr. Booth, who served for thre yean as mayor of Cobourg. Cobourg can be proud of these men and of her other men who have enlisted." Announcement has been made that two Cobourg toys have been awarded the Canadian efficiency medal for service In the non-permanent active militia. Recipients of the awards are 8. 8. M. Jack West-ley and Sgt. Albert EL Thompson. Damage estimated at ttftjOM was caused when fire meed through Pratt's floor mill In GMworg a few days ago. Among those who enlisted at Peterborough last week were James Henry Dixon. Cobourg: Oordon C. , Boundry. Port Hope, and Orland W. fcHiBiaifaiaiBiarB?B7liBjiB , Dnnkwater. of Port Hope. Intimate Gifts To learn how to please a lady. Just visit our collection of lovely lingerie and lounging apparel. Inspirations will then come like magic and rest assured they 'll all be grand ones I For remember she simply can't have too many beautiful under- thlngs, or too many exquisite negligees. & i ROMANCE IN FILM Excellent Cast, Deft Direction in "The War Against Mrs. lUdley" Laughter and romance in the face of emergency, in bustling wartime Washington enliven "The War Against Mrs. Hadley." coming next Monday and Tuesday to the Capitol Theatre, and presenting Pay I hun ter as the prototype of many Am erican women who tried vainly U avoid being enmeshed in war con ditions until their awakening came The story t evolves about Mr Hadley wealthy socialite, who when the war starts, tries, although she is not unpatriotic, to live her life as before, amid changing con dltions. Her friends go into war work, her daughter marries a soldier against ber wishes, her son i dratted, and when he Is sent overseas she blames her suitor, a government official and they are es tranged. Kven ber butler becomes an air raid warden. Then, in a dramatic climax, her awakening comes, and like millions of other i a 5? -r I" c f 'it y & .'1 to American women, she casts her whole being Into the conflict. Miss Dainter handles the difficult role, with many delicate shades of characterisation, with skill, and Richard Ney. as her son. repeats the fine performance he gave in Mrs. Miniver." Young romance Is supplied by Jean Rogers the daughter and Yn Johnson as her soldier sweetheart, and Spring By-lngton provides both comedy and drama as the socialite friend who goes Into war work Kdward Arnold Is a dominant figure as the government official, and Dorothy Morris. Miles Mander. HalUwell llobbes and Frances Rafferty are othef THE KLXALL STOKK m a m e -Mis. Mlnlvti"! ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows 7 H & CAPITOL RONALD COLMAN CAUY GRANT - jr.. TALK OF THE TOWN- UlH At T.2, 9:32) STARTS MONDAY 1 OK J bKx rv-.r.i..t- ru .... - M r. fill I,. Spiff' sabauTSSL I KWOXfl Sc nor xit wyU , . NSW iaT SUNDAY .MIDNITK firvirv rnvns niMi'f.t in' iit-ii :' is !d Mine' ' " in. ik ' . l I. ICS 4; TUHrj 'chop m House N"t to kin id 'I th AVE HUT All jour paircsin t4 Opens 5 p m. tia.(J Orders ficm 2 pn.uJ I'hoot IUJ Jn iticii.si:D Binrra MiTiAL lux or aval if.' Phone III (cr Appta! iau auai: sr. sr.a:i III 5 T W TM4Mf I Of course I shop it ft 5 Variety Store Hi n In U the I Variety Store . Where jour dlir.es W 2 dollars B:tBTB.rll.":--:,:,',, , Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK GRKKTINO ('AUI'S WATKKMiVN's im:n- and PKNCIUS and SI T YAIIDMCY'S LAVKNDKK sFTs JASiMINK, UAItDKNIA, AMI MA and ADKIKNNK SIvTn HACIIKLOK SKTS I'OK MI N WHITING KITS CUTKX SBTs SHAVING HKUSHKS CHOCOLATES, PACK & sHAW PERFUMES and COLOGNKS CHRISTMAS CKACKKKS TOILET SOAP - MLLFOLDS HAIR nilUSHKS Wc would advise an early selection as ChrW" mas stocks cannot lie duplicated tls Jcar Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druqtfists PIIO.NTS Open Dally from 0 a.m. till 9 Pm Sundays and Holidays from 11 2 p.m. d 7 . J P