fTt AY NOVEMBER 28, 1042 for- Is VOUR COAL DCALC rOR yiSWm YOUR TURNACE FIGHT" I ' ' tmc vynirTnuc prices and IWl MS OP HAITI people of Tlalti com- v. !i a-h ofcher by means cloves or r.oui r were sold at more v.. ;t.( in gold. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J zarelli, prop. A Home Away From Home" Kates 75e up !0 Rccms Hot St Cold Waier Prlnre Kupert, BC. Pbonf 281 PO. Hot 156 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK ND SHIPYARD siiii'iu ildi:ks AM) DNOiSKEUS Inn and Braw Catting ! urtinc inn rtrjrn ( Welding rr'ALISTS ON SAWMILL MIN1NO MACHINERY All Type of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled TKAOC HOARD "OTTAWA CASTOR OIL USES Nine times as much castor oil Is usfd in industry as for medicinal purposes. BURNING CEREALS Various cereals are used as fuel in Argentine power plants. WE CARKY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you Xo come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PnONE ULACK 324 Third Avenue ADDRESS IN NORWEGIAN And Motion Pictures BY Lieut-Surgeon 0. A. Weisener Of I.IM Norway, Toronto EAGLES HALL (Cor. 5th and McRridc) 1 WEDNESDAY, DEC 2nd at 8 p.m. Refreshments ,ns75f SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES' - here is yotr chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Hair ShaptT. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon . VIOLET MAII Cor. 6th and Eullon - Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 943 for AppolntmrnU nn noonMOODaOOOOOIH00000000000000000000 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI bhl PHONE 235 UAi ciri , -m v. n RUPERT BUTCHERS We wish to announce that owing to insufficient 1 help and to conserve tires and gasoline, ON AND AFTER SJv We will make our DELIVERIES IN THE MORNINGS ONIJ. Mould appreciaie our customers co-operating with us W P"" their order, not later than 5:00 p.m. the previous day. Inls fnable us to make our deliveries as early as possible tne nt morning, Announcing the Opening of the Mi j VICTORY CAFE . , l2 K 330 inira nvriiue nrai m LOCALS Cash for old gold, Bulger's. John S. Ryan sailed this morn ing Jor a trip to Vancouver. Cedar Cheat Tea Wnorinn finf- fee Tablet, Comforters, Axmlnster Carpets. ELIQ-S, Prince Rupert. Charter me tin. Truck and Taxi Drivers, Sunday 7:30 pjn., Carpen ters nan. 1211) Mr, and Mrs. M. Anderson and son, Fred, left yesterday for the south. F. S. Rkketts and John Ryan were among those who left the city yesteraay xor Vancouver. . The train from the East, due at 7:00 tonight, is reported to be on time. The Misses Rernke and Phvllis Lindquist, who have been In Prince Rupert from Campbell River, left last night for Vancouver. Tony Koote, charged with assault, appeared In the ctty police court yesterday morning. The case was dismissed by the magistrate. A meeting of the city council was held this mornine. A land exchange bylaw and a land sale bylaw were introduced for the first reading. W. L. Mains, of the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.. arrived from Vancouver last night on a business trip and will spend some time in Prince Rupert. Rating Robertson of the Cana dian Navy was taken to the hospi tal bv ambulance yesterday suffer Ing from cuts and bruises about the head. Robertson, apparently trlnDed over an obstacle on the sidewalk and fell, striking his head on the pavement. IS Till: MTKI'.MK l KT Ol' IIKITIMI mi l Miu is r-iioimt: In llif Mailer or tin- "ArtmlnKtrallnn Kit" and In I tie Matter f llie rotate of Ellicl I llllin ll.nrit H .nor Judge fVim. Iccml Judge of the Hum Oaun rjf BrlLlah Qckumbla. I tm on ie ITUi tfay aJ November AD. mt afpocr.l AdRlnMnMr Of the ;E- cl JCttMl LUHa Oetu- fcrnwrty of BolU M. BrMtah OKumv. De-r n A, who Jtrd on or about the 18th day of April iVil AM Trr ju indttoMd Ir, Ilia M 1H VSHmtm arc ITCUlTMl tO IMV r MMunt of b4r InMMfaneaa to me forthwith im All per Mm tmrm d-tnu nUM the in Id Estate are quired to Me thrui wUtt me prapcrtv Tttd on or te-lore the 31s day oT DAwnib A D IM fatktnc wtoWi dMr-Mttoa -iu oe mxU haiaiar aard only to auch claimi of vtoMti I 4mU iiave h asUfled. DATni at Prlnoe Rupen. av. una flUi da)r T SmBitef IMS. JfORMAN A. WATT Officii AAnUnhrtrator Prince Rupert. B.C. I.M ItinisTKV ACT vnTin: He: Certificate f Title So. I7377-I to lt Tantv-Uirre (W). Ilitwv mr (3). Xll l.Wii: 4tr STI.UAKT. MapSIS uMrmr.tR nraof of ton nr n- mtn. OrtMleate of TTUc U4ued Im been filed In this office, notice to hereby Riven lat I iMOl a tne eipir-atlon of one month from the date of . i mluwtWm liereof. toaue Provtstrtwl OerUftafcte of TW In lieu of aald I oat cmaieaw. wuesa mi w meantime valid obJecOon be made to tne in writ In- mirn u th land Reoaabry Oraw Prince Rupert. B.C.. thla ISth day of November. 1841. ImIMV TiumiMnn. DtTUTY REGISTRAR OP TITLES. -IIIVI.KNMr.NT I.KIlOlt ACT" vn-rifv ts HEREBY C1IVEN that on the h ck- of Docwnber 1942 neit Uie undned ueniia to awy to Onntral Board for coxct to tramrfer of Beer Ucence No. 5836 . . , ui mmt rf DremlKea brlnc part of a buUdlnjr luvown as Knox Hotel MUUUe on rm nmim ".:" ve landi described as u ana of Block 3. Seotton 1. Mi 923. City of Prince Runert. Prince Rupert Land Reelxt ration DJMrlot In Province af BrWMi OolumbU. from Oeorfte L Rorte Trustee of t4ie property of Knox Hotel Company Limited. Autivjrlred Prinm Runert. BrKUh Col- tunbla. to Knox Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert Brttwh Oolumbla. the transferee. mn-n Prlnm RlUVrt. BrHlMl Ut , L. nv - . - - Columbia, hla 28tii day of Nortbor 1942. KNOX HOTEL CO. Liu. by AUrttn LaBell. director, tkvte ol fin hwertton. Nos-cmbor 28 1942. in Tin: srriiKMK cockt f iikitisii iml Mim IV PltOllATK In tlie Matter of tle "AdmlnWratlon Art" ann In Hie Matter af the l.state of Louie i, win ' Jv wnT!rc t.h. b order of Ills " Honour Judge rmncr. wcu -""8e w o rm of Brltlah Colum bia I waa on 30th day of October . on .iiM Actnilnlatraitor of U!e EUte of lioul Look Sing 'on,ltf'y of Ocwin ralla. wnwn v...-..-. crosed, who died on or about the 13th VT-. 4... la. All ntinm In debted to -'drj: quired o pay .' .1, nr . .... rUlnvt acalimt the aald FV?r.Z IZrtA to fUe thTO with ma P riy vru 15UJ day oi .v k.- DATED at iTince " 30U day ot . waVr Official Administrator PrUvce Rupert, B.C THE DAILY NEWS Mrs. Harrv Thrum) and son. George, left last night for Edmon ton to join Mr. Thrupp who was transferred there a short time ago in the C. N. R. Service. rats ? ra ra i is ii izxMtnm im WINNIPEG '! 111!! B.T I TBT1 T7Wnn"i? 111 I Three Winnipeggers officially reported prisoners of war in Hong Kong in the latest army casualty list are Set. Arthur Hilton Hunter. Slenalman Walter George Jenkins, and Cpl. Glen Francis Paul Also included in this list are Major John Nellson Brown Crawford of Areola, Saskatchewan, of the Royal Canadian Corps, formerly attached to the Winnipeg Grenadiers, of Areola, Salc Prominent in local soecer circles for many years as a member of the Scottish football team, and later as a sports writer on Winnipeg newspapers, William (Bill) Anderson, died suddenly in Vic toria, at the age of 52. Ill for only two davs with a cold, he developed pneumonia, which resulted In his death. An announcement early this! week by R.CA.F. headquarters In , Ottawa that R.CA.F. personnel may participate In a dominion football championship game December 5 removes the last obstacle confronting the staging of Can ada's third wartime Grey cup fi nal The Winnipeg R.CA.F. Bombers, with 15 R.CA.F. men on the squad, have won the western Canada tttie. Either Air Force Hurri canes or Toronto Balmy Beach will meet the Uplands team in the east-west final December 5, in Toronto. Engagement Capt. and Mrs. J. Peterson, 1C13 Atlln Avenue, wish to announce the engagement of their Gaughter, Annie Barbara, to Alex, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Balllle. 2141 Seal Cove Circle. The wedding Is to take plane quietly on Decern ber 2nd. thhcuhcemehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. vited. I.O.OJV No. 63 every Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Oddfel lows' Hall. Sojourning members In Orange Ladies Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, November 30. Dramatic entertainment will Tx elven by Mrs. J. T. Mandy on ser vice men's night. Salvation Army Hall, Thurs. Dec. 3, 8:15 pjn. Re freshments. United Bazaar, Dec 3. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec.4. r Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 9. By Women of Moose invitational Christmas dancing party. Oddfellows' Hall December 16. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena. arrived in the city on Thursday j night s train from Smlthers. He will 'be leaving next Tuesday night for a visit to his constituents on the Queen Charlotte Lsland.s CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (5th Avenue and Young Street) Morning Worship, 11:00 ajn. "The Church of Jesus Christ Today." Sunday School, 12: 15. Evening Worship, 7:30 pjn. "The Gospel of Life." This caused the Disciples to foHow without question. "Create within me a clean heart, o God, ana renew a right spirit within me," A Song Service and Social Fellowship Hour following the Evening Worship. Welcome! REV C. A. WRIGHT Pastor Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE Double bed ocmplete. 411 Seventh Ave. West, downstairs. 277) FOR SALE Newstand, Tobacco. Confectionery. Magazine, and Novelty Store. Exceptionally good sales record. Reply Mrs. R. E. Gunderson, Box 73, Prince George, B.C. (283) FOR SALE Slabs and edgings cut in stove lengths, cord lots only, $12 delivered. Wood yard, head of Cow Bay. 279 FOR SALE Small cabin cruiser, 4 cylinder Red Wing marine engine. Apply caretaker, yacht Club. Phone 259. (278) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing 718 Fraser Street. ROOM AND BOARD In exchange for housework. Phone Green 880 718 Fraser Street. PERSONAL MARRIED OR ENGAGED? THEN you should read the unusual, sensational book "Facts of Life," 25c postpaid; 136 pages; adults only; guaranteed. Illustrated medical catalogues Included free. Medical Health Bureau, Station F., Toronto. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER- garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. STENOGRAPHERS , and TYPISTS NEEDED badly Dy uovernmeni for war work. You can train at home for job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Car rier. Mall Clerk. Customs Exam lnr, -etc. Free advice and re cord of appointment of our stu dents from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd, Winnipeg. The old est In Canada. No Agents. WANTED NEWSPAPER REPORTER WANTED Voung person for dally newspaper in Prince Rupert. Experience desirable but not necessary. Must have some writing ability. Opportunity to leam various phases of newspaper work. Apply National Selective Service No. AF 20. OIL PUMP wanted for fuel oil State price. Apply Box 299 Dally News. tfJ WANTED Care for baby, nine months. Will pay any amount for rood care and will furnish food and baby furniture. AddIv Box 397 Dally News. (272) WANTED Wood or coal range. Phone Blue 389. Z3l ELECTRICIAN wants 2 or 3 house keeping rooms. Box 395 Dally News. (217) Y.W.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. WANTED To buy shack and lot. Box 393 Dally News. 380) WANTED urgently, room for air man and wife. Phone Red zii. (278) WANTED Chambermaid for hotel. Apply Unemployment insurance Commission AF 21. (279) TWO Girls wanted for old estab lished grocery store, permanent work. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 23. (tf) WANTED To rent, three rooms by January 1 for soldier's family. Will pay four months rent in advance. Box 329 Dally News. (282) FOUND FOUND Man's wrlstwatch, Eagles Hall. Phone Green 310 (277) LOST LOST Man's leather glove, In itialed C.E.B. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (278) i it p&csiBiE. roe. Ptaffotr i-fO 1StAltL AT TMt BAH C A MILE A KUUcrfl DM SlCkJ mr I iaoba.' ru. W Mr j-A 8t AY fHl A'V TATIOM sf v?, J A JAnw6r Here, it is possible to choose from the very finest in men's wear, correctly styled for smart appearance and long wear. AYE-AYE LIKE CAT The aye-aye, a curious animal about the size of a cat. Is found only In Madagascar. DOUBLE THEIR PEANUTS The neanut acreage of Ameri can farmers has been more than doubled In the past year. Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, T pjn., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Dally except Sunday, 4:15 pjn. INCOMING TRAINS "WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 pan. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pm TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 ajn. Dally except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER . For full Information, etc, call or write R. S. CiREIG, City Passenger Ajent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines I sV A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A good selection of Christmas Gifts have arrived although not so numerous as former years such as Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelette, Jardinere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with Rip leaf. Phone 775 227 3rd Avenue Christmas Music On Your Favorite Radio rrogram "MOMENTS MUSICAL" Station CFPR 6:45 Saturdays Nov. 28th, Dec. 5th, 12th, 19th Songs, Carols, Instrumental Novelties, Christmas Hymns, Recitations, Fantasies, and many specially selected musical treats. Listen for them, 6:45 every Saturday Watch for further announcements from YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE If you lose anything, advertise for It, i w. V:,- r . '-I 1 4' 11