kit PAGE FOUR pip Sweat Out Poison By Hard Exercise Illustration In Case of Boy In Old Country LONDON. Oct. 30 O Vi'!e- physical exercise win sweat he poison of a bee sting out of a person's system, said a contributor to the British Medical Journal As proof, he told how, after be jig stung 10 times, he dragged a birr-cle through dense heather for a mil'-. At the end of this haul h.s ':..:; "orr.plai.nt was an itch. BrightenYourOutlookwith FLOWERING SHRUBS At planting time, the season of new hope, flowering trees and shrubs add much to our happiness. But did you know a vrida variety of shrubs may be chosen to give a succession of bloom beginning with tht earliest days of Spring, followed by bright cheerful berries which last well into the Winter? Brighten your outlook the year 'round with . a wide choice of flowering and berry bearing shrubs. Plant this fall for the best results next spring. Free Garden Book ' A Complete Line of Nursery Stock EDDIE'S NURSERIES SAKDIS. B.C. Member American Association of Nurserymen A dollar bill is worth one hundred cents no more. Each dollar bill In a Victory Bond will return you MOKE than a M dollar and, mean time, will help defeat the foe. 3L " 5 g .y0ju aT5fa.'.. i SS ' - --' " III m m GORDON & ANDERSON HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ttMaxaxiti'U'nimmxatBsaKiti tat m tmtm tiraiitiMmii Per doz. with empties Thii adverusement Is not published or displayed By the Uquor Control Board or by the Govern SAMARITANS ARE SCARCE Capt. A. Acrees, United States Army Padre, Speaker at Yesterday's Rotary Club Luncheon There are plenty of people In the world today who are ready to prey on their heloleas or stricken feUowman and take all he has. There are plenty of others who observe the plight of their less fortunate feUowman and pass him by. Unfortunately, there are all too few who take pity on those less bleased than themselves and endeavour to soothe his afflictions and aid him in his troubles. So said Captain A. Acree. padre of the United States, in speaking before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at luncheon yesterday. Capt. Acree spoke on "Philosophies of life,' taking as the inspiration of his address a discussion of the three types of men who passed the unfortunate traveler between Jerusalem and Jerkhd as related in the Biblical parable. He paralleled these three types of men to modern timps deploring the fact that there wre fr-w Good Samaritans; ment 01 rinusn e;oiumn:a i among people today. I Capt Acrees address was listened to with appreciation by a igood turn-out of Rotarians and several guests. Bernard Allen, superintendent of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock, wat introduced as a new member. A. s. Nkkerson was in the chair In the absence of President George C. MltchelL The raffle of a War Savings Certificate for the Queen's Fond was won by Hubert Ward. Actress Serving As House Painter LONDON. Oct. 30 CT Margaret Hood, an actress frequently heard in radio plays, is serving as a house painter in order to release a man for the forces. She is a full-time painter with a government-contract ftrm and earns one shilling 21; pence an hour for a 10-hoor day. LOCAL NEWS MOTES ! A Will Pay Cash ror-Furnlture. 'stovps. Tool. Musical Instruments, jVVn:e or Phone Ello Furniture ; Store. Prince Rupert. (tf) Jarvis Method Jr.. who has enlisted In the Royal Canadian Air Force, returned home today to uw.ut his call Ian IacLeod of the Vancouver i office of the Armour Salvage Co. ua'-a jiuh nigm un nw return south after a brief visit here on company businaM. Owing to unfavorable weather and small attendance, the regular monthly meeting of the Amalcs- matd Building Workers, which was to hare been held last Sunday did not take place. Sa Cadets are expected to be particular!? Wthre ever the com ing week-end in the eolleetton of books, magasines and reading ma-1 tertal generally for the men of the force. Sunday will be the last day for the collection. Mrs. CrStford Moore and daughters jaqaeUne and Bar bara, have arrived In the city from Penticton to Join Mr. Moore who is genera office manager of the B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co. here. George R. McKenxtt, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. MeKenaie, of Seal (Cove, left on this moraine's train j for Edmonton whore he will oln the Royal Canadian Air Force. 'He was employed as a welder at Ithe local dry dock. The recruit' father is in the Air Force here. tfrCM&WR PROCURHBLE SCOTCH WHISKY BiSIIlUa ( I3TTU3 IN 5C5TU1B IT WM CHAW SMS LTl This advertisement rot pub!thed or di'.pfayed by the Liquor vjniroi ooara or cy tne tjOvernmcnt ot British Columbia Classified Ads. FOK SALE FOR SALE Piano, reasonable price. 416 Fourth Avenue Bast. Phone Oreen 807. 23) FOR SALE Chesterfield, first class condition. Phone 832. (tf t FOR SALE Two dressers, kitchen table and chair, buffet. Phone Green 491. PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cookine-hot" steel stoves. Wont blacken. Stores sell "Jet." THE World's Oreatest Show Am erican five fingered tricks, tap dancing and orchestra after the performance to play for dance. I require two tap dancers for my company. Anyone interested Inquire Unemployment Insuranci Commission AM 11. (252) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. (185) ROOM AND BOARD for Z boys sharing. Phone Green 934. (252) ACE OF ALL TRADES LONDON, Oc. 30 Group Capt. D. G. Morris, D.F.C., 33, South African who formerly commanded a Canadian night fighter squadron, has been a bomber pilot, a night fighter acc,M a former torpedo-bomber pilot, Fleet Air Arm pilot, flying Instructor and now commands a fighter station. WANTED WANTED TO RENT 3 to 6 room house between now and January 1. permanent established resident, lease for year or more. $10 Reward. Box 380 Dally News. (2) WANTED 2 or 3 rooms for one month, family coming from East, situation desperate. Apply 393 Dally News. (252) WANTED Large room or twa small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 365 Dally News. 254) WANTED Small apartment or furnished room for business couple. Apply Box 381 Daily News. (254i WANTED For Army Day Room-piano, combination radio and vlctrola. Reasonable. Call American Signal 28, Ring 1. Ask for Corporal Retlly. (254) WANTED Housekeeper for small rooming house. Phone 741. LOST LOST Will the person who took new raincoat by mistake on Wednesday from Capitol Theatre please phone Blue 900, (252) LOST somewhere near Railway Hiation or B.C. Brldee Sawmill. man's Rolex Royallte stainless i steel wrist watch, luminous dial,. red sweep second hand, leather trap, two numbers on outside of back of case 130325 and 2280. Reward of $10 will be given for return of same or information leading to iU recovery. Please re- torn to J A. Thompson, St. Elmo. Hotel I j AC C F. Bridxc. Oct. 31 at 8 .3 p.m.. ValhalU Hall. Ninth Are. F H. F. Olasney retormd this mornlnf from a trip to Vancouver. J. J. LHtle. general manacer of the Northern B.C. Power Co., returned to tho city thi mornliv from Yancouvi - D A DVT its Itetiere IietWe miifrr miwry lait flKSfW t ' tJttrnailt. Bub cm Mrs. Martin Miller and daughter Marian, returned to the city thi. morning from a trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be o". time. Anglican Pan Bazaar. Nov. 5. Nurses" Invitation Dance. Odd fellows' Hall November 6. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. St. Peter's Pall IVaatar. Nov. 12. Eastern star Dane. Nov. 20. Lutheran Circles Bazaar Nov. 21, Oddfellows' Hall. Orange Ladies' Dence. Oddfellows' Hall. November 30 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our larRe stock of Woollen .Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE HLACK 321 Third Avenue I Special Meetings IN NOKWWJIAN REV. E. 0. HOLES' Pram Chieato ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHfltCII 8 pjn. Every Night Notice tnhcuhcetnehtJ AH advertisements in this eolumn will be charged for a full month at ttc a word. e i - m a m m Prince Rupert Rate Payers' Association general meeting. City Hall. 8 00 pm. Toeaday. Nov 3. 1M2 All property holders are requested to attend to discuss mattrrs pertain-inir to the election of Mayor and Aldermen at the Munlripal elr-i -. on Dec. 17th. nrxt 254' LOO P. No. 3 every Tuesday. 8 pm., Oddfellows' Hall. Sojourning members invltrd. Help Norway Invitation Dance. Oddfellows- Hall. October 30. li .tlnl.ll..l I 1 ..... 'COURSB am, COOD-(jsS ard. Cranny. i 5 ' W. a W o r , longer. The ,ltl rc nutty Jjtoor ol SumU.f' youbsW um Unll-sure! For Hes Ilk. f?:'7 : I NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTOR MORE ROYAL nOOKS LONDON rt u o wnva I Lamb ax '. c Klnir prr ulfts to the Red rrn. r.H " Sluytenr.a copy of Rebecca Lambs Black mlna. isiiBiiaiBraiaraiaiatilHiaiiiai ... . . THE PACIFIC CAFE Third Avrnue and Sixth Stmt Wkht to Announce that it w: . c 2 OPEN FOR BUSINESS 5 tot renovation, on THURsnVi x - al 4 pm. with a ftrat class Chin t : J SpeetaKy Chinese Dfehu JJ The Manatemrnt Invites the ruMk to trv tht I: J j 5 CHOP SLTY. .........,.,.I.,.l.lg,IIRIIIll IBS I I HI 1 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltl A GOOD I'LACn TO Ilt Y 80 bTBOtfO STIrBOY CARD TABU, a - colors. Cash price from . IS1.!.!)." M" L K 3rd Avenue. Kt" BUY Tlllltl) VICTORY LOAN BONUS OUR 8PBCIAL il-card lS-card Winter Seanet. box IX cards Winter Wonderland, box 12 earda The -smart." box 10 carda The Attractive." box 16 cards The Etching Assortment, 14 carda Hand Coloraa KUfctnf lajHiail. Ot The gu4 x lit f'J& The Snow Scenes, box 14 earda The Canadian Scenes, box li card' Xmas Cards in Bulk Colorful Polder Type Cards with Envelop ment yowr own choice, 40 for $1.00 HIIOP EARLY - p YM rAPF)Ki sivisiii v. r i f i j i i In Boxed Assortments (it : JJ.JI JLM Jl' M-0. aOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOODOOOOOOS60! For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SEW1Lfi PHONE 235 g VIX AMI NIUIII rtflOOflfl009 nodoooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooflOD It's interesting to know when reading the Daily that the people of the whole district arc doing "e