OCTOBER 30, 1M2 Itmuu nrj9CM j; 1. cxu. lAitve. mrzAPiza rum " fZDi . ' "Sudsons gay . .' v i not piiblUbjd'or dlspuyeo. bj the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British -'-nlumbla If you hare not been akrd to break home ties, to co to a far country, to fate the sliork of battle and to rUk your life, the leaat that you ran do Is to LKM) your money to equip thme who do the fUhtinc for us. SMITH & ELKINS Ltd. riumbine and Heating Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners We Hi:,h In draw your allenilon to the fact that we PICK UP AND DKMVKK lour wratlns apparel for drycleanlnn and preslnt AS I IK FORK IVe hate brtn foi lunate In addlnr more eiperlenced operators from the south to our staff AM) AKK STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE ON AM. DKYCI.KANINC Phone 118 or 8 I RAII.WW Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific KKfiULAU STKAMKIl SKKVICK To Vnncmivcr via Ocean Kails and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-Kell, Juneau and Skagway 0i'ct Couiircllons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Smites Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. CUATES, Gctural Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, advertise for it. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jensen Jen R. Moen C.'h. Hlnton Mrs. J. C. Ray J. T. Olbson I l ""irni in i in i TiimsnB"irrr""MM""""" H. M. lUrpcr IlllM.TII O.V THE KAM JOHANNESBURG, Oct. 90 9 i Local authorities may assume an important role in public health and social services after the war, says a report by the city treasurer suggesting a ministry or board of local government to centralize control. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NKWS WANT ADD. Third Victory Loan Z ' OR DE1T.AT; VS Tit Freedom or V . I These arc the only I j Grotto Cigar Store THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE TRAINING, 1 Evangelist Here AS PILOTS Winners of fr.F.C and D.F.J!. Now K3 EILbLLLbLv'1 fLLLLBssH II 1KB B Ea SCOTCH WHISKY Tw: whjtb Hoas tn":a';i iro., ciascow Royal Ah ' I' 1 ! total of bd territory f This advertisement is not publisheJ r airlayeJ by the Liquor nHWnr to r'V of British Columbia. Control Board or by the Government btffe opera I i' Covomotiwea: b Is - Tbe merfsrr. Fif : Smite, who v is W a ehrtt m ami Frt. J- M W 1 Okie. Wi-irfmmWinf rt 50 ncsraaa 50 1.000 500 500 100 E. A. Nlckerson 300 Howard R. HIU 1 200 S. E. 8unhury SJtO lvln L. Clark SOD Victor R. Simmons 10B A. A. McCrea 300 L. Gwynn Holtby 1M R. A. Flsk M p: I'iV 'ilv out'.. etn tnke djur1t f Bnffb.'' floitts hold the Distill it-' I Flytr Crews. nrt oer tl ft' " dtht. raja 0r Brert, Fram while Wires holds the Dirt 'tabled living MedaLotohte 1 " erntalrfc. &t. were )r tnnK and i-musterrd They h onfetojrfkf1!''-rri'-)ry as tar as Betfni4kclblraUur'Hl1 aif .Btattt bat made 35 .raids, i-if lud-tn the .bomtoin of M German battlfhin t Brent strtd the drop-Tttn of bombs W.BrW Briees. Who tcrtped R AT. Ave years ago. tnok part ir the first raid ovr Tta'v an i" :i leaflet raid ,ln wtvrh thon::'-"s of leaflets were dropped V i nna. Prague and other cwitinrn'al cities butvigmy! : Victory Loan OVCVAITEA ouDscnptions REV. E. O. 1IOLEN Rev. E. O. Holen of Chicago, Illinois, arrived last evening by train from the East and opened a series of nightly meetings In the Norwegian language at the St Paul's Lutheran Church. Mr. Holen has for a number of years been pastor of the congregation which built the beautiful Memorial. Church In Chicago. He Is at the present time traveling secretary and evaneUst for the .il.raled Lutheran Young Peo ple's Societies of America. He will also be the speaker at the Norwegian divine ; services on Sunday. JUY THE NEW . VICTORY' BONDS Buy Victory Bonds M. T. LEE, Merchant Tailor Hitler and Rirohito 0 M Great Plans for Canada 'i Yes. all Canada's great resources ... her V. wheat fields, her foresU, her factories,. . . ' ,y ' I could be put to wonderful use by the ruth-l leir bully-boys from Germany, by the polite Utile savages from Japan. Aad Canada's boundless acres would provide plenty of living room ... for the Germans and the Japs. . .' But what of the Canadians? The answer vi$t staple when you think what happened f arid is still happening to- the Poles, the -Greeks; the Yugo-Slavs and all the others t ... in terms of slow starvation, slave labor, mass executions. s Every time a hard-working Canadian man ; or woman buys a Victory Bond, the plans of Hitler and Hirohito receive a set-back. The more you save and lend ... the more certain yon help make It that our enemies shall never put their greedy claws on Canada. 6ut- Watts 8i Nickerson 5 WORK- SAVE -Z cf H S H U M crzia i iv Mitiiii i:a t atE i'itai3Kua as i a is i a ib i a tmm'k j k ai'ai-5 I CHRiS MILL BAKERY KBJS3 CSBlBHSWtlBffla!BttaiIES3Ji BIB B B I B IB I BIB IB I B1BIB1B1B I B IB Si 111 1 BIB IB I BJ B.I BiBJMslBlB BUY S BONDS I FOR 1 VICTORY There is only one issue in this war Victory, or Defeat. If li Is defeat, you lose all. Speed the Victory by backing our armed" r ... .might with your dollars. Without civilian aid our troops coma not carry on. GORDON'S HARDWARE 'i.lo tree o,v . cuVV mote - u,an VVve hose X .. .rft. of BUY THE NKW Buy VICTORY BONDS The men who died on the beaches at Dieppe did a job we couldn't do. They gloried in their achievement but, when those who lived return, let none of them meet a man who icfused to do his duty here. William F. Stone "Clothes of Distinction" y 2H ea jb ia:aiB ara la aztn i siaiai aisiaxawiaia i aiaiaz r.n 4 VICTORY BONDS S.E. PARKER LTD.