30, 1M2 jrTOBER 7712 DAH7 NEWS ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Bt nonoTiiv oamiutt, Hosten and little Donna Mute Jock Morse's : the ForU re-n Kamloopa today Mi'tha' visit in town. them a roil ad the v,:i- our only MtUc t. being auntie and i' M we secret ttx r of ktoshlp with ; Sktppy. machine la wxnlfig ' last Tbe oUvw day d number pw-;,d the job U did A' Air Force wife waa .:;aiiu for her horn. .n dropped In to w r comt. Oae at toe i-it u came up to form. I sewed en and a paten wm rrr. no by and huge ur moat twlul aer Carey, who do- . deter a renewed lv mmi themrh ahe and nuajr not knew ;t. !! me ttkal an w now been made far the 4!ftfc if yott hate any v rlre ttwnt'te any in your TtetattyaM k- them t tiwr own tie Y-MXJjV. ear wl wkry meetinc at W vh Crab mi hefcl Lounge 7s.rdf - were made to -.a tree for tbe hildree and naataa ;i might be Wt butt tofetbtr with addreaaet o toil have some idea of v ..: be attending. It d to aenjd.boxra t rvice men In the The weekly rattle Mra. Wilfred Oar-and won by MM. i nt of the dab. day will bt UP :ivc, atwyt grant Because of tkta - - tbe ;dge - whlot, drive will be paot-until November 10 met with the Ser- i i iiBUauan nana NOTICE! -:ne Prices and T has issued an jjt;ng the giving I vlish Dinnerware We regret to jj 'f after Nov. 1st j- become ef r m ' not misinterpret :-drr . . . it ap- B ' dinnerware . . n rniv on the pre- JJ affected. - MUSSALLEM'S - Economy Store nv rv ...... ..... 0. Iicx 575 Phones 18-19 b w I 1 THE SEAL OF QUALITY telJUW Lm Mil Sockeye Salmon g I'ancy Red E 'n Tomato Herring Sauce fA Santlwich Spreads 1'iteu oamion omoked SaJmon Bloater FINE SHOW IS STAGED (Irrat Kntrrtafnment fnr rrra Ilfre Put on Last Nijht by 'Ctmcert Party From Vanrourfr Camp Gaieties of 1042," a .pro fessional concert party from Van couver, eonaistlnir of excellent terpsichoran, vocal, instrumental and rarlety talent organized and directed by Mrs. Yrenne Firkins, long prominent in Vancouver en tertainment elreles and active In tittle Theatre movement, firit show of IU kind to be sent out under the auspkes of the United War Service and Canadian Army Auxiliary Services, put on a fine entertainment in the local YJ.I OA. Hat last night for the men oi me temeea. The place was crowded and the men were em phatic enough In their appreciation There will be a repetition of the show tonight. Lola Strands tap dancing trio, consisting of herself and Doreen i Woodier and Gloria Fershaw, showed versatility and appealed to the boys. The three pretty girls appeared in tap numbers as well as a Oay Nineties can-can and a swishing hula hula. Charming Indeed was the dainty Gladys Cooper, well known radio and concert star, with her songs. Her act was as popular as any and the audience could not get enough. Rosalind Raye, In colorful costume, was delightful with her Mexican and South American songs. Dick Benz. who was brought to Prince Rupert for the Civic Centre Carnivaka couple of months ago, was toeK'oq this bin with his marimba mnllc, and it went over strong. ' Roy Wheeler's feata of magic was both entertaining and baff ling, carried off with skill and nonchalance which made them very effective. Charlie Chappell was a genial master of ceremonies who did much to keeping things moving smoothly and in high spirits. Don Flynn was the capable pianist. At the close of the show. Mrs. Firkins was introduced amid ap plause and spoke briefly, mention-j teg how this was an experiment which, if it proved successful. would be followed by other like events. The appreciation that was so abundantly evident last night ensured the token of success here a and it is reported that the same show had like response at Prince George and Terrace where the entertainers were seen belore coming here. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD "THEY DON'T WANT SWAMPS AND JUNGLES" my want youn mm II If. Ill, r, - ISksR&TuniMi.i. . X Canada at War 25 Years Ago Oct. 3fl, 1M7 Canadian 3rd .and 4th DftMens battled to the outskirts of Passchendaele, east of Ypres. Italian forces fell back on the Tagllamento River. Count von Ilertling succeeded Dr. George Mfchaells as German chancellor. BUY THE Ntfiv VICTORY BONDS 5 auiIUIIIIf , "Do not be confused by this war, Canada. When the Nazi chiefs howl of 'iebensraum' (living room) do you think they are talking of Britain? No! There's no living room in Britain that tiny island now overcrowded by its forty-four million people! When the paranoiac? of Berlin scream about colonies, do you think they are talking about some strip of banana land, or some unholy spot in a malaria-ridden jungle? "Let us not be idiotic . . . Germany and Japan don't want swamps and jungles. They want you great, rich, sprawling Canada, rich with her endless wheat-bearing acres where a 'Herrenvolk' could lord it over a slave population; Canada with its great and untold wealth of unexploited raw material. Those are the goals of Nazi war Canada, Brazil, Russia, the United States the vast lands that lie amid untold resources, the lands with 'Hung room' for the 'super-race' that will allow YOU to become a new sort of white native to carry out their orders. "Do you not see that wealth is not money . . . but a way of living?" (IRIC KNIOHT) CANADA NEEDS $750,000,000 NOW "What's your share of the savings job? Well, the average Canadian would have to lend to Canada to meet Canada's need 1 in every 5 of income left after taxes and compulsory savings have been collected. But the average may not fit your case. Your own circumstances are distinctly your own. You may be able to do better both out of your current income and out of your accu-mulated savings in the bank or you may not be able to reach the average. Your share of '.- voluntary, savings is every dollar you can possibly spare. .All wt 1 r J -II f r V vncn you ouy victory oonus, you win De laying up lor 1 1 BW Ki i ir 1 HOW TO BUY Ofet yM r4t f Ik Victory I Ml""" (W Or k la m k4 ! My branch ( mm, r II ta any Irvit iaaiaaT Or t.na1 N fa yawr tacat Victory laaa H..a,artrv Or yaa raa aalMriM yaa. aialayaf to ttorl a regular aayraN irl alaa far yaa. nay aa aaaM la CaaamtoakaM at ISO, J 1 00, t 00, I. COO aa4 lar(r. SaU.aiaa. aaak, tratl carxaaay ar yaa. tacal Victory Waa H..aail.i wISm m4 to ln yaa a.ary auMtoaca la . M" aat yawr arrfar farm. yourself the best of all investments VICTORY BONDS are backed by all the resources of the Dominion of Canada; they yield a fair rate of interest; you can borrow against them; and they are readily saleable when you need the cash. WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER The Commando Dagger is the modrrn a)tnlol of the crusading iword of Richard the Lion Hearted. On your lapel, the commando dagger mark you a modern crusader, actively supporting our men-at-arms by your purchase of Victory Bonds. Nothing matters now but Victory BUY THE HEW VICTORY BOHDS I)cal Recruiting Office, Phone 301 LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS E2S .nil .pi A m 4 1,5 m of 1