PAOE FOUR I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE . BUY . . . 217 SIXTH ST Chas. Dodimead OptometrUt in Charce Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Eniravini. VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER . , Jeweler Diamond Merchant Wwv t A PLAYBOY" AND MY .MOM (JETS ALL MY CLOTHES AT The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store nOYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS' CAPS SHORT PANT SUITS LONG PANT SUITS SPORT JACKETS BOYS' PTS BOYS' OVERALLS Mothers, you've been patient a long time. You've asked us to secure a boys' department comparable with the large city stores. We now feel with pride Across.From Ilelgerson Real Estate THE STORE FOR DAI) AND LAD Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June Sth, 19 12 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m.. stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 a.m. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ain.. stopping at Terrace, Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers, Burns Lake, Van-derhoof, Prince George. Giscome and McBride only. Amve JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE TRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY. 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6:30 pjn. For Full Information, Reservations, etc.. call or write, K. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone Z60 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Luggage: Trunks, Suit Cases of all sizes, Twin Sets, Folding Carriages, Congoleum Rugs, Bedroom Suites, Convertible Lounges, Unpainted Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Medicine Cabinets, Unpainted Dressers, Iron Boards, Tea Wagons, Baby High Chairs, Baby Swings, Baby Harness. Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. Green 918 RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Gold Storage PRINCE RUPLRT Co. Lid. URITISII COLUMBIA HAVE a reaj "Self-Starter" Breakfast I ... a big bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, with milk and sugar. It gives the food energy an average adult needs to walk over 3 miles. And don't forget that ticlulitt Kellogg's flavour! More than that takes only 30 seconds to prepare no pots and pans to wash up afterwards. Make sure you have some on hand. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. THE "SEtF-STARTER" BREAKFAST! i t that you'll find a stock in our store that is just that, t vl:e- caries S Trvm! 5 P.or.t.S.lmp?on Rupert Men s & Boys' Store Having enlisted for active ser- Dennts. well known native, is sailing to- , night for Vancouver. ! I Gavin Hume of the local Bank of Montreal staff is sailing tonight for a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Specials JUST ARRIVED A new shipment of STUDIO COUCHES. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, in aU the new colors and patterns. Priced from "2! $42.50 1 BOAT STOVE, at 2 KITCHEN SINKS like new), each UP $6.50 S5.50 2 Doz. SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES, from S18.50 UP Also a large stock of various sized HEATERS B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK Third Avrnue 321 FOR QUICK RESULT8 TRY NEWS WANT ADD. THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY MAY a 541 Ufa CORN hi A vr A' BASEBALL WAS GOOD Co-op Tied Last night the Co-operatives met and defeated Watts and Mcker-sons in a Senior League baseball game that kept the fans on their toes The score at the close of the game was 8 to 3 but this was no Indication of the play although the Co-ops did have the edge on the Clothiers. The most disastrous Inning was the second when Co-ops romped in ; with five runs. Alex Bill of Watts' and Nickerson and McDonald of Co-ops showed a very fine brand of pitching. Both these boys are developing a nice style. Comedy of the game was sup-! j .' d Otirvuh, who played I firrt for Was and Mckenon. ' This game ended the first half of the baseball league with the win standings as follows: 1 Dry Dock MedlcaU Watts It Nkkerson .. Co-ops ,,, Midlands Searchlights Fusiliers The next game win be The hotiKKitre! of Canadt re the Houtoitlieri the kitchctuthc Home Front". Yoa caa erire by practising ecooomjp ia your kitchen. I 53' Delightful desserts can still be served to the family rich, nourishing custards, and Wane manges made easily and at little cost with Canada Corn Starch. Use Crown Brand Syrup to sire sugar. It's delicious as a sauce on desserts, on pancakes or with cereals, and is a wonderful sweet, cner for use in cooking and baking. nEH St,4 Utt Or Trrt Booklrt -"How to ay Migir , . .uriimni 6.1 Irttcd rtdt. Hoot Strvic. P.O. Boa r.if, Vueourcr, B.C. CROWNBRA tiup CANADA CORN STARCH Tk CANADA ITACH COMPANY tlMITID 8 ! 8 1 3 I 8 6 5 8 plajed June 28 when Midlands meet Dry docks and Co-ops meet Search lights. Mrs of Ninth Avenue West 1 raised eight turkeys, the firs' raised in Prince Rupert She a;o ha. a buach of baby chicks, , ie :,f w:, h has four legs. DARING AND DIFFERENT Here Conies Mr. Jordan," With Robert Montgomery and Distinguished Cast, at Capitol Theatre ' Daring and different new kind of remedy. "Here Cornea Mr. Jordan," starring Robert Montgomery and with an outstanding supporting cast including Claude Rains. Evelyn Keye. Jamea Oleaaon. Edward Everett HorUm, RiU Johnson and John Emery, come to the screen of the Capitol Theatre this Friday and Saturday. The picture la predicated upon an hilarious comedy situation with complications rich and varied Montgomery appears as a fellow named Joe with an overwhelming , ambition. Claude Rains is cast us ;the sympathetic, kindly dian'fi'-d Mr. Jordan who helps Joe achtev hU ambition. The film is said to break many of the old conventions of picture- j making to achieve a new high level of entertainment IU characters are gay. adorable, hateful and human and the story made even I Hollywood ehnckle. ! In addition to Montgomery and Rains, other members of the cast are said to be admirably adapted to their roles. Ccit ,w OPTOMETRIST pire. HOLY KREMLIN The Kremlin n Moscow was the Fit Half Fnd. With Fn.ilitr. inrl n0U SP" ! the RuSSUn Em- Wl ! CAPITOL A rAMOUl HAT1IS THIAItf Begins V K I D A Y ! NOW IS THE TIME- Olve us an order right away for the amount of eoal you expect to need next season. This win enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive. It Is Important that you should lay in your coal supply this summer as It la almost certain that the dealer U1 not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO lV YOUR COAL EARLY (It 4s also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery 1 Albert I Mc( affery Lid. nioNius us ou in DE JONG'S Cash and Carry ANNOUNCES THE OPENING of its NEW STORE AT FIFTH AVENUE and McBRIDE STREET FRUIT. Prt'JDUCE and CONFECTIONERY SECTION OPEN AT NIOHT PIIO.NB 250 vi: DM.IVLR. HmVHSiCaiS9nEB3SSVQ3BSB9yLllti IT IS PATRIOTIC TO HOARD COAL fly filling jour bin and keeping It full you will help avoid a bottleneck. You and your bin represent a vital part of Hie storage acc. V.n)M for the duration by anticipating your requirements and keeping your bin storing all It can, AU grades of Foothills Alberta Coal now on hand also Htilkley Valley and Comox Coals PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE fir, I phone art- I-NDS TONIGHT Complete Shows 7 oo -SONO OF THE ISLANDS ' (Technicolor) 7 4l . ,j Th most uproarious story.., 0 most Ctk(hnVI chincttn mr to miVi yw how! it glstl "Sg?r. At 1 JO. 3 M. 5 32. 7 M and 9:H V ROBERT-MONTGOMERY RAINS tm t.t.rtt HORTON nn KEYES 14 JOHNSON GLEASON SUNDAY MIDNITt: AT 12:15 Ann Sheridan. George Brent. Charlie Rugg: "HONEYMOON FOR THREE EMERY Added -Colorra t , Red Riding Hood Hide Novelty: "Hero Wouhlp World N POEMS THAT VAll) Thomas Mxr : for his book of ps-rr. I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAHM t i r ( P "A Hume Aar Irom llomt" Kate 7ic op V6 llmmt Hril tt 1 WiT Print Kuprt, ItC fiione 211 P.O. ni IK KI.RVICLS TO VancouTer, Victoria and Wr poinU, Stewart and North. Quern Charlotte Island'. Full Information. Ticket and Reservation FRANK S. KK INN Kit Prlnre Rupert As'n Ihlrel Ave. Phone SCI AMAI.IAMAT!.I lUJILMNC. WOUKKKS OP LANAliA Prime Rupert, it.C MiriROPOI.E II ALL Meetings every fou;!i in the month at 2 p.t" Unit No. 1: Shipwright-. J Boat Builders and Cark". Unit No. 2: Painter. ra?cr hangers and Dft otaf" Secretary: Phone P.O. lioi HIS II), savoy HOTEL ('arl Zarclli. Prop. Phone J7 P.O. Bui M EKASEK STKEKT PRINCE RUPERT