-RSDAY. MAY M. m2 when you make tea ! You will Set best result botHin quality nd quantity if you carefully follow these simple directions! t- Scald out the tc.pot to warm it. 2. Use a level teaspoon of tea for each cup of tea to be served. 3. Uie trie exact amount of FRESH v.ater you require and see that it is BOILING FURIOUSLY before you pour it into the pot. 4. STEEP 5 MINUTES AIR FORCE IS WINNER I.' i: Canadian Air Furre c-t M '. Nay by u sroif of 6 to I ii.iv night In one of the nmi-fr the Dominion Day foot-u and qualified to meet 'he . ners of Area Headquarters v ai.s W playlof tonight, in ttx !ir the trophy on July 1. Thd t of the Dominion Day otp ,;) make a trip to Terrace ,i title fame there, "lie Air Ftaree was nnquesUon-thr best team In the tan : sday night but the Pliers also : jil the breaks in their favor backs Ui? Navy was not outclassed backs ill , . TEA -2 In tin first half Tuesday night the airmen a two goals were made by Dwve Fowler and Shorty Melville Ooals scored In the second ; were by Baldwin, Melvilte. and jf owhtr and Hastings The only ! goal for Wavy was scored by their ihard wasting centre forward, Archibald. Throughout use gam very few-fouls were handed out. and de-ptke the heavy rain it was a very gwd mmfch to watch. Une-ups were as follows: Mawy goal. Pederaon; back. Murray and Eastman ; haaftoaeks. Brown. Cieson, Verteh: forwards. Harris. Frost. Archibald. MUllgan and Bishop; spare. Smith. Air Force goal. Sumnwrvllle: MeLellan. Novack; half- Rigby. :Carswell. Tucker; -.idly as the score might sug-, forwards. Hastings. Fowler, Mel- The score at half time was vllle, Baldwin, Cousins; aparea. iKXhlnK MacKerracher, Wlffimott, Stop- P WoodMdr acted as referee, herd. 0i(wneed! This delicious new whole wheat cereal is the energy breakfast your family needs. Crisp, crunchy, golden brown "Shreddies" contain all the goodness of the wheat the bran, the minerals, the protein, the precious' Wheat Germ. They're flavoured with malt, and toasted to a tempting crispness. Ask your grocer for "Shreddies", today made in the famous- Shredded Wheat bakeries at Niagara Falls. BTnXTJXmLlllJ Contauuiiep-iccioiid WHEAT " GERM The wheat Km is rccogniieil ourcc of Vitamin 111. This vitamin is vital to the normal development of children, as well as adults. "ShredJies" are made from whole wheat in which, the w heat germ is retained. SllltKIWlEf! Ua rtii'lrrrH UMi'-mark tmmtd in Canada (., the Canadian bhnddrd Whtat Company Limilid, ii mi i nil I llrfflifiTilHIII'rirfriltBIIMIIB LOCAL NEWS NOTES A. J. Prudhomme left on yesterday's train for Ottawa. Mrs. B. A. Nlckerson left on yesterday's train for a trip to Halifax. i O. W. Nlckerson was a passenger I leaving on yesterday train for Ottawa. for MontreaL O. A. Dater, who was on a weekend trip to Lakelse Lake, returned to the city on yesterday morning's train. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 6:30, was report and ten minutes late. Mrs. Hazel Klrmse, who operates a number of souvenir shops in Alaska, was here yesterday afternoon gotag through from Skagway to Vaneouver. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blancharri of Skagway were here yesterday afternoon going through to SeaHIe. Mr. Blanehard is a well known official of the White Pass and Yukor route. Oapt. Dan McKay, well knowr. Yukon River boat master, was here yesterday afternoon going through to Vaneouver. He is quite ill and that is the reason for his Rolr.g south at this time. T. W. Brown and Bruce Brown are expected home tomorrow morning from Vancouver where they were called at the end of the week on account of the illness of their father, Judge J. R- Brown, vho had to undergo a major operation at the age of 81 years. Fred Boomer and John B. Talt, steamboat inspectors, who have been In the north Inspecting Yu-! kon and Northern British Columbia river boats, were here yesterday afternoon returning to Van couver. Advertise In the Dally News IhHcuHcetnehtA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's 5th Avenue West, June 25. Preabyterian Tea, Mitchell. July 8. Legion Tea, August 5. Mrs. J. R. Presbyterian rummage sale. 22. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and 8. ix the mtkemk roniT or imiTisii CtM.I'MMIA IX mOIIATK 111 the M.Htrr of tlir ".(liiitnltratlon Art" anil In thr Matter of tlir f.-tntc of Kmlrrirk .Mrltin. otlirtnlH- kimnti a KhI Mc- l.nn. TAKE NOTICE tht by OnWr at Kit Honour Jude Plaher. luool Judge at tbe Suprmvii Court ol BrtUnh Oolumbta. I wa cm tt ll-Ul day of June A.D 1942 4puiiHed AdmliUatrwtor of ttvr BMtete of Roderick McUwn othennsr kwil . JUxJ . XieLmn fornvrly of PrUMy niuxrt, BrltUh OolunibJa, de-craMd. who died on or About the 26tb dy of April 1942. All pertons indebted to the Ud entnte rp required to fJ the (nravuyt of their tririetotedneHB to rn torthwMti mm! all perxonB itarlng dalnv ayainut the Mrid Estte are required tc fllr ttiem wi nve nijerly verified on or before the IMto divy of July A D 1943 raUIng which distribution will be Jnwde having regard ciy to iiuon ctatana of wMNi 1 tmoM nave wen mm-fled. DATED M Prince Btipert, B. C. thie Uth cUy of June A.D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT OfflcUl Administrator Prince impert, B.C iv Tin: srritEME nu uT of iiuitisii COM .MIIIA IX I'UnUATK In Hie Mailer of the "AlmlnMratln Art" and In (lie Mutter of the t.ntate of Jnie MrNauiEhtiiii Miinnl, Hereiweil. TAKE NOTICE thftt by Order of lilt Honour Judue FWier, Local Judge ol the Supreme Co"" British ClunU)la, I w on Uie 10th day of June AJO 1943 apwtnted ActoikliUntrator with Uie will annexed of Uie EatjUo of Jame AlcNughton Munnls of Prince Iluiwt. Brltlah Columbia, dnceoaed. w1 died on or about Uie 19th day of rWunr' 1943. All pernoiw tndebtetl to tl Ud feruit am reoulred to D1 tlie anioutK of Wielr Indebtednesa to me forthwith unri all DontoiM having Ciaamn araunsi the aoJd Estte re requested to file htn with ma Drowrly verified on or before Uie !5th dny of July A.D. 1942 falliiut wlloli tUstrtbut4i iwlU be mode having rettard only to mioh claim of of which I aha! I nave wen nouwi. DATED at Prlnoe lUvpert, B. C. thli 11th day of June A.D. 193. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlmlatraAor Prlnc Rupert, B.C. A K. H. Oregory. Government Priority Official, will receive representations on Priority problems. Friday afternoon the 28th. Interested parties please communicate with A. Brooksbank, Secretary Chamber of Commerce. 147i Gordon and Anderson have Just received a large atoek of new tri- Mrs. L. M. Felscnthal was a pas- (Me lamp' and shades and are senger leaving on yesterday s train conducting a lamp sale lmmedl- ately. Trllites are no longer being manufactured. Take advantage of this opportunity to buy while they are available. CITY OF l'KI.NCi: ItUPEltT All dogs in the City must have 1942 Licence Tags. These can be had at the City Hah or from the ed this morning to be one hour Pound Keeper. Penalties will IANKS POST OfMCtS DIPAtTMINT SlOttS DtUGGUTS OlOCItS TOIACCONISTS I OCX STOtlS w-4 mw in AO. STOdlS be Imposed on and after July. I5th, ! 1942 JOHN UNWIN I City Pound Keeper. DRUGGISTS SELL THEM 1 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lambie and child are sailing tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. a. W. Crippe will be leaving tonight for Vancouver where she will make an extended visit. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) sailed yesterday afternoon for business trip to Vancouver. ' O. E. Norrts, assistant Inspector of customs, after a trip to the Stikine River district, was a pas-esnger yesterday afternoon returning to Vaucouver." Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDougall trill leave rm nert Mnnrlav eve- miles from Endako on the east end i of the lake, where they will take- to go In for potato raising, lie is no stranger in the Francois Lake district, having been located there previously. J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. Bu. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block . Phone 640 Buy Your - Kitchen Utensils, Gadgets and Hardware at the VARIETY STORE Mux i: : i '.n ': t.i urn tbtji MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents Spring .Mllilary nadirs and Insicnlas M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Piione Gr. 960 SNOW. SNOW No. 1. roi.AKH Nil. 1. I'OI.ARIH No. !. Pt)l..ltM No. 3 11 ml I'lll.AltlS No. . MINt.KAl, K1MS. SkUlW fn thf AUln Mining Division. I Wherr loattrd: About 7 mls Nerth of 1 TiUiuh, B.C. Lawful hahdtr. Polarte-, Tnku MliUng Oonxpany Ltd.. F. M. C. siw . holder' fre miner's certllloaite; . 82301 E. ! TAKE NOTICE ttM Jaiura T. Underbill. PM C S4S3SE, aa mt for Palarto-TlaJixi Mining oOrnpsny IM... F.M.C. 8230 IE. IrrtenUa at the end ctf sixty dwys and not later than on year from , Ute dite hereof, to asply to tle Mm-1 lr Reoerdtr of OrrtlfiMtes ti Im-prcvenieuUi IT the purpose of obtain-, tag Crown graitta of tbe above cktlins. f AikI further Hke nottoe ttMt aotoon, under fpfCtknv 8S ot Uie "MUieral Ac," mutt be eominenoad before Ue fcu anoe of auch Oeraflica.t of Improve- Dated UUs 20Ui day of June, 1942. CUssiHED FOR SALE FOR SALE Bedroom suite includ WANTED Housekeeping rooms by two young men. Box 302, Dally News. (143 WANTED to Rent Immediately, 2 or 3 room house. Planning to buy within 3 months tf possible. Good prospect. Box 301, Dally News. (151) WANTED Small suite or light housekeeping room. Apply Box 289. Daily News. . (148' WANTED male or female staff cook, also bell boy. Prince Rupert Hotel. 147 man or wumun. exiuui uu'.m (148) ing spring ana spring coil mat- y tress. Terms. Apply 1440 6th Ave. E., between 5:00 and 7:00 pjn. (tf) FOR SALE Piano, good condition. Phone Green 831. (149) j Box 300. Dally News. (149) BABY'S carriage, good condition. Cheap. Blue 610. (151) FOR SALE Baby carriage, fair condition. $7,50, 1201 Parq Ave. (147 FOR SALE 3 Sisters Care. If Interested call or write II. A. Nelson, P. O. Box 957, Prince Rupert, (tf) WANTED WANTED Tailor's Iron between 15 to 20 lbs., Singer Tailor Sewing machincApply Q. Q., P.O. Box 596. (149) WANTED for Hotel work; nlng's train for Francois Lake, six IIELP i HOUSE, completely furnished, 10 rooms, bath, pantry, linen closet, 1 ? large halL hot water heating system, cement basement. Salt- able for rooming or boarding house. Price $4,000. Apply 510, 7th West (149) FOR SALE 10 acre farm land'- on highway & miles south of South Hazel ton; 2-room cottage, chicken pen, barn; acre in berries; 1 acre garden, 1 acre wheat, 1 acre oats, balance bay; '" plenty running water. Apply J.jjl R. 8tanyer, South Hazelton, B.C. (161) ! FOR SALE Float house and boat. Cheap for Cash. Apply Barton. New Floats. '11 FOR SALE 1931 Model A Ford, good rubber. Sacrifice. Apply up future residence. Mr. McDoujall i . , . , . . 1 VtTA VI'l-M I fr, rant fMrnlenwl rnftmcl has purchased the farm of E. w. " ; or small house for year possible . . .... . III .niHII 1 1 7T VLr III IVM uie 1 Dixon, who has enimea. ana pians Immediate possession by civil engineer. Apply Box 297 Dally News. (154 WANTED--Dlshwasher and waitress. 3 Sisters Cafe. (tf) LOST LOST Female black and tan pup, white paws, chest. E. P. Sidaway. Phone 852. (148) U BULKLEY VALLEY BUTTER. H ITC katlt. ( V. Ut auuat ? and helping our up-river ; I S farmers. Try It once and we 5 feel sure von will want no . IT C other. It's freshness and m 11... 1 . J "I? We also feature up-rtver K VEGETABLES whenever pos-S' slble. J MUSSALLEM'S ' Economy Store 1 "Where Dollars Have More cents a.n BMW .it . (1 . n . l.u. no I so i nunc? io-j a ,V.SWAW.WVJWiWW 00000000000000000000000000 M e si I Announcement I NOW OPEN Sunrise Beauty Salon Violet Man Above Sunrise Store Entrance Sixth Avenue niONi: BLUE 913 Prince Rupert, B.C. Noti To Our ice Customers CHANGE IN STORE HOURS f Under present circumstances, wherein we find the obtaining of competent help a serious problem, we are forced to change our Saturday Closing Hour. Effective next Saturday, June 27, the hour Closing will be 6:00 p.m. We regret that this change is necessary and ask that you, our customers, assist us to meet changed conditions by shopping In the morning hours whenever possible, particularly on Saturdays. We shall do our best to render the best service possible. WATTS & NICKERSON 532 THIRD Ave. PHONE 315 ISP Canadian Pacific ! LINE j Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR SERVICES TO Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Way-points, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Obtain Information, Tickets and Keserrations from W. U COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 30 CARD TABLES Special $2.95 PHONE 775 327 THIUU AVENUE 1 ooorKHoooeoooooaoiooooH30 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE I PHONE 235 I g DAY AND NIGHT otKjoooa ooooowoooooooxrKioooooooooooooooooaoo When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-tlour Service at Regular Rates OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO iMURtSCOl 1J PIIONE 311 ioooooowoaooooooooootfCHW&oooooo wwsHwoi)Woii!ia)WHo. buyer in the city. MURESCO FOR WALL AND CEILING DECORATION Lovely Soft Finish Economical, Easy and Practical Eighteen Beautiful Tints At the Old Prices Pkg 75c 1-2 Pkg. .... 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE McBUIDC STIICET Tf vnu have somethincr to sell, a classified advertise ment in this paper will soon let you know if there is a