.fli Jl ! ffVJJ3 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS .aiiii i. CLEARANCE DAILY EDITION Broken Lines in Spectator Pumps Tan and White, Black and White, and Blue and White. Elasticized. Regular $5.50. To clear Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes' THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE ItUI'ERT, BRITISH COLUMHIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion ... .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per lasertion .02 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bubscriptlon Rates In City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. "r"" MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN TRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news deep tehee credited to It or to the Associated Pre In tbls paper and alio the local newi published therein. All right of mmMlPwtlon of noorrUl dewrxvtoTiea therein are ln reserved The New Outlook SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1942 The discussions of the Richards Commission now considering the pros and cons of the seven day week in the shipyards reveal a hopeful trend, and certainly a new departure in governmenkemployer-labor relations. Here concerned with production and management problems. And when management and labor make verbal sparks fly in the course of hammering out a more efficient production policy the public can only applaud the best aimed blows. Surely this new attitude is the promise of a successful solution to our shipbuilding problems. 1e foregoing of sectional advantages, the unity at least in purpose if not in methods can bring only one answer; more ships to speed the weapons of war to our fighters across the seas. Says the Vancouver Sun.: "The tiresome battle t between the Canadian Government and its House of , Commons adversaries is rapidly reaching a conclu-,fsion. Soon we shall be able to devote all our energies to the war that really matters, that between the Allied Nations arid the Axis." In other words the creation of a second front is needed almost anywhere except at Ottawa, Hopes To Return To Army Overseas Transport Driver Discharged As Medically Unfit Gets Rack In Uniform EDMONTON, August 1: Vh John Ranger, 23, transport driver with the Canadian Army over-fceas for 19 months before being discharged as medically unfit, is back In khaki and looking forward to rejolnins his buddies again. When discharged military authorities did not tell Ranger why he was medically unfit, Ranger said. Interviewed here, he said he was In hosDttal but "I still don't know what for'.w Upon leaving the hospital he registered under the National Resources Mobilization Act and because of his age 23 It wasnt long before he received his call to report for medical examination prior to compulsory military trala-Ina. Examined, he was found to be in..category "A" and shortly was "ordered to report for training. Instead, he volunteered for active service In the hope that he would go overseas agahj. Rangers said he likes army life and that he "never had a better time anywhere than overseas" but that's not the only reason he wants to go back. He met an English girl, whom he was going to marry, four days after he was ordered to return to Canada. The record shows he enlisted March 1, 1940, and went overseas the following month with the No 1 mechanical transport vehicle re ception depot, R.CAS.c. He was discharged January 9, 1942, after being sent back to Canada. He registered February 2 and on July 2 received his call to report for a medical examination, Now he's In the army again. C.N.R. Trains For the KaiU Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays : 10:30 a.m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 11 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays 6 p.m. SPORT CHAT Hy Allan Mckleson (Canadian Press Staff Writer! Baseball is hitting the high spots these days as an up-and-coming sport in the British naUon of cricket lovers. Just as in the last war. It's been Introduced by troops and the sports-loving Briton gets a big kick from the incessant shatter of the players in comparison with the rather staid atmosphere of the cricket pitch and Its 'well bowled sir." The rules are a bit perplexing to the populace but thev're willinz to learn. For in stance, the good people of Crcy don streamed Into the local refer ence library for books on baseball The reason? there was to be a game played between mem bers of try Canadian and Amert lean armies and the worthy citi Izens didn't want to plead lgnor unco Alon the same lines. Can adian soldiers are teaching base ball to Edmonton residents during the Edmonton Stay-At-Home-For Holidays drive. Fashion note for gasoline-ra tioned Canadian golfers: Scot land's Hilton Park Golf Club, five miles from the nearest bus stop, has brought an ancient horse bus and two horses to convey players to and from the links. That brings the suwtestlon that for big matches, handieappers would have a stabling problem added to their woes. There'll be no such thing as Use London League next football season. The 16 clubs of last season wiU carry on under the name of Football League South and two new clubs. Southampton and Luton Town, will be admitted providing certain obligations are fulfilled. As a test run for the classic St. Leger of Sept. 12. the King's Big Game will compete In the Cham pion Stakes at NewmarKei nuB 95 over a mile and a quarter. Lam bert Simnell, winner of the 2.C0C n,,inii iai vear. has been re- UUU1VIM J tired to stud. tofore such conferences wer.e more in the nature of a tug jiVtTSt clubs m the com- 0 war. Now with, a few exceptions ihere is a genuine lne season. Edinburgh city, Letth striving to sink differences, to achieve urty and increase Athletic and st. Bernard's were production. The submissions of the unions to the Com-! excluded. Hearts and Hibernians-mission have been constructive. For the most part they j"1; replace the it two eiute. . . , .,, ,, . , 1 J Lieutenant B. D. Cams of ti.e 1 r M. have been concerned with the efficient use of manpower jjg GuardSi former Cambridge and machines. Little has been said of wages or special ! cricicet and golf blue and Middi-sex concessions. The onlv heated exchanges have been those 'batsman, is misins,in Libya. Cambridge gained a dramatic victory over Oxford in an Inter-Varsltv cricket match at Lord's. MONTREAL, August 1: 0 soldiers of Russia, in trim ckt-!ence of their homeland, still And time for laughter. A cablegram received by the Sonet Information Bureau here frosn Nil al Radlov. Russian painter and cartoonist, tells how a collection if cartoons. Jokes and hamoroo verses, conceived in the dark days vhen Moscow was In danger last -ear, grew Into a semi-monthly magazine for the troops at the front. " I experienced the greatest artistic doubts, and perhaps the happiest moments of my life as an artist during the grim days of October, 1941," said Radlov. "We felt no fear for Moscow when the enemy, was nearing tfje city. Bat it seemed to me that the art most to my taste that of satire aad humor had become unnecessary for perhaps a very long time to come. 'It seemed that those people With but five Oxford wickets down, i mugt nave forgotten laughter. Cambridge claimed the extra 30- Their face muscles lost the ability. JEEPS HAVE TO 'TAKE IT : III A test driver i. shown pitting a new Jeep car through Its paces on the Willys proving c; und In Toledo. The ordinary car would be hopelessly bogged down In this fine sand trap; but the Jeep, with power from Its compact motor going to all four wheels, makes the sand fly and whips out of the trap like a ball hit by an expert golfer. Provides Laughs For Russ. Trooos 'arloonists and Writers Breety Magazine fur At Front Produce Men The laughs" for the troops. In a small , aiinilnulau rnam MnLalnin a "Yes."' said Radlov. "It turned out that our valiant sokilera found time tor laughter Thus we cartoonists found ourselves mobilised- laughter had become an arm of the Red Army " Baseball Standings National League w. L. Pet.' Brooklyn 70 20 .707 8t. Lou.s i W 37 .015 1 Cincinnati 53 45 541, New York 53 45 535, Chicago 47 55 .455 1 PltUburi 43 52 453! Brston - 41 82 398 Philadelphia 38 06 .202 American league W. L. Pet Mew Yotk 6fl 32 .680 Boston 56 44 .500 Ctevetond W 47 .548 St. Louis . 53 51 .510 Detroit .. , 49 54 .478 Chfea 43 55 439; Washington 41 fll .402: Philadelphia 42 05 393 minute play. In the closing mm-. t0 f0Im Into a smile." ' utes G. L. Robins dismissed three1 Then a representative of the START OF PORT SAID men in an over and A. Austin, with Rei Army on the Central front Port Said northern termlnu- the seventh ball of the last over, the vital Moscow front, then en- the Suez Canal, was founded won the match by bowling the dangered went to see Radlov and 1869 when work was begun Oxford captain. asked for a collection of "front , the huge ditch. VOLUNTEER NOW 1500 Women Are Urgently Needed to Serve in Canada and 200 for Overseas Single women or married women without dependents, between 18 and 45, are needed Immediately by the Canadian Women's Army' Corps. This Is a full-time Job with two-thirds regular army pay. uniform, ,an4 the same privileges as any Soldier of the King. Make your decision today I For particulars consult Alex MacKenzie, Chairman of Civilian Recruiting Committee, Prince Rupert; or apply to the Recruiting Officer at Prince Rupert. NAME Oil SE.NI) COUPON REI.OW. Send this coupon for full Information regarding the C W.A.C. to District Recruiting Office , ILQ.. M.D.. 11, Vancouver D.C. ADDRESS mmm tinifH : I of In on 0 ACCREDITED 1840 rJATURDAY At. Crofton House School Vancouver. B.C. A Residential and Day School for Girl-New buildings with modern equlpmc Beautifully situated in IP acrei of well-wooi, ,.. Carefully aroded courses from primary clashes to & Music. Art, Speech Training. Qyainastkw, Dancing. Oames. Archery. Rf-h;.t School He-open Bept 9 for Boarders. Sept 10 f. La For Prospectus apply to the Principal, MISS ELLF'l K h For Prospectus apply to the Principal MU Ellen K. Hijh 3200 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver B.C When You Wsnt a ItellAle, Comfortable. Dfmj, TAXI Service tl-llour Service si Itrgular Kalra j PUdlLISTIC JAIIEK J Max Schmeltn. former world heavyweight boxing champion, was om minder of a Plsh concentr-Uon camp from January. 1WU. to the spring of 1941. All) FOR RUSSIA I I Ukrainian actors, sinter, wris-e and arttaW are raising a fund 'to bulW a tank , column for the !Red Army. j l'owntJtKD i:(ics The rate of dried egg output In deakandtan chain. Radlov and the United States H 285000.000 fellow artists prepared the eoUec- pounds annually. ... & i. . i iu. lion ana amut it mi uc imu. 8o popular was the collection -that 'more and mettt were d-1 manded until the plan blossomed out into a regular twtoe-Bionthty ' INDIAN Diuci India now rru t than a0 drug supplies formeriv AMAZON The Mand r DUTl St mouth of the A-about the size o Bt ASIAN iituir.tm Irrigation pro - gun in central A make fertile un . ' 000 acre of lar d IMPORTANT hlsr Gold was f' 1693. DUE TO WAR CONDITION Canada will now on. have to depend as never be' put of her mines to fill the ever Increasing dcrr.-v Much of this will have to be from Alberta, mir-be difficult If not Impossible tt consumers alt .o, for eoki weather before taking delivery. Do your part In helping to avoid a serious . . fllttiMC your Wn NOW and keeping It FULL. Stocks of Foothills Alberta, nutkley Valley a: i on hand. PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LIT niONi: ft-1 SALE OF PICTURES nioM ?wfii?T cut rn v rr w) mm ww w m w w w . w a w w w w m w m. w w r a a. a f.AntKSi Mrr It vour thantft In trv the V ppAniRnimii ffjimanknt Ail enas UDrrrj - Balrd'i Hair 8haper. Individual styling to suit J sx t ' Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLI.T MAII Cor. Cth and Fulton Abeve SunrUe Sto" Phone Blue MS for Appolntmrnt r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 lZJ r i- - ' w I, i w Some Kxvellent Values. New Picture will be hard to Kt't. Here In your chance to smarten up your home at litll" expense The ranjjc includes Scenic, Marine, Floral, Animal and other subjects singly and in sets Price low to clear at 20 Per Cent below regular price m f m -m r w r mw mmm &nj ia&o ros. 7SSHHHSSmSSSB0