PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE A B r. l 4 WW Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Chirje Watch, Clock, Jtwflry Repairing, Hand Entravlrtf VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE lor Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Uagsafe and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 1)1. 1 Clearance While Shoes TAKE YOUR CHOICE, SIZES 3-8 Over 300 pairs Spectators, plain whites, low, cuban and high heels, hurachos, hopsacks, canvas. Rupert's outstanding display of Summer Shoe Fashions. All yours' now for only 99c. ... NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS.. 99c Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled 506 THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drug Just Received Chenille bedspreads, comforters, sheets, pillow slips, novelty bedspreads, white blankets, grey blankets, point blankets, bed throws, flannelette sheets. White wood furniture: chests of drawers., drop leaf tables, chairs, night tables, book shelves, mediefne cabinets, large assortment of mirrors, ironing boards, step stools, baby high chairs, baby swings. We have the goods at Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE, Next to Daily News Green 911 PLAY SHOES Keep Cool and Comfortable in a pair of CANVAS or HOPSACK SANDALS AH colors in Dultliy and Tunnel Wedge Heels, Platform Soles. We carry a full line of Children's Shoes Fashion Footwear Next to Dollar Store Phone Kcd 321 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Iiutclicrs. no Waste ready to cook Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd URITISII COLUMBIA : THE DAILY NEWS Canada's War Chiefs MAJ.-GEN. G. R. TURNER Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General 1st uananian Army Youth Effort Essential to War Youth Speaker Outlines Ortanisa-tion's Program Speaking at an organisation meeting of the Canadian Labor Youth Federation last night Victor Hopwood. B.A., of Vancouver, called on the young people of Prtnne (This is the last of a series on Canadian generals at home n'Pt unite in building the onrl ihrmHt (forces of victory. More production aDdU' ... , . a bigger and better army were the By r, r, Ross Munro, Canadian Press War Correspondent tentiair.-upon these depended the war and upon the outcome or me s! Most indefatigable senior staff officer in the Cana- war the whole future of iidian army overseas, Maj.-Gen. G. R. Turner lives his He um of how the i i. . lisu.. . ' j u. u' :u of Great Britain, China A solid, stocky officer, he knows ! Taylor Street. what he wants and make sure he gets it. His stance Is that of a WILL FRAGMENTS LEGAL wrestler and few men could push LONDON. Aug. 1 O Nine frac- him off his feet Few could make ments of a will found on a debris i the youth. you young people i i i ... ? "UIft IJi-cutrtiijr diuuuu uiis i.iw.iv. o uu uic jwu tnc roftd to vlc I?'day and goes back to his desk until the small hours of the iary bv orranuinc themselves in When the going is reallv tough he sets up a bed in at Hiding the army and his of f.:e. Gen. Turner has b?en , n orodncilon. Youn people piik woiklns with thl even regularity j nreas for and participate in labor- ever since he came overseas with'"1 on detail. From th w he management committees, mu the 1st Canadian Division. He ;ha t0 one of U.-Oen A. G. L. take part In the A.R.P. and 'lv went to 1st Corps and now Is at iM.-Naughton's closest advisers. auxiliary defense unlU. This ) Army Headquarters as "MGA." ' Born at Falls N. D.. Gen- a people's war and to be victor u major-general administration. ierl Turner Is now 53. He served there must be a genuine people Major problems of admlnlstra- -wl:h the engineers in the First c,fort behind it. tion and supply have been Great War. being decorated with The organtwtkm. he stated, a handled toy Gen. Turner from the th Military Ctoss and Uie Dis- to unite all profrearive. r time the first contingent set foot tingulshed Conduct Medal. After fRecUt youth in a struggle to pre on Britain. He never seems to the war ne remained In the per- ryc our national heritage a 1 I"'have this toig task off his mind. 1 manent force. that this objective can only be ;!Meet him on manoeuvres in the He has a grilled, short-clipped rcalUed by winning the war He C field and he will start the conver- crop of hair and a fine sense of declared that lasting peace wi.s j" satlon with: "We have an Inter- humor. Around Army Headquart- poable only under Socialism The 5 estln nuestlon of suddIv here, s many of the old hands still refer nr0(rram Included strong support S Now look at this map." And he:to the general as "the brig." their for trade unton. especially In the.r will outline In minute detail now ""c n " u..- endeavor lowaras more emcirni the field lorce Is being .supplied. General Sta::. at Corps production. He thinks right down the line. Headquarters. The meeting was held at 736 OILS FOR UABY CHICKS Baby chkks and not CANADIAN industry, factories, mills and shops, daily pro-duce ever increasing quantities of ships, planes, tanks, mechanized transports and guns. Dut the continued production of these weapons depends on the ability of Canada's mines and miners to keep the "fighting metals" coming. The "fighting metals" iron, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and many rare metals are not yielded up easily by mother earth. Most of them are buried deep; all require powerful explosives to free the ore. For more than eighty years the Explosives Division of Canadian Industries Limited has kept pace with the mining industry . . . continually improving explosives to increase production and reduce costs. Now, when Canada's "fighting metals" are needed more than ever, C-I-L commercial explosives give yeoman service to our mines and miners. Com mrrritl txflniivtl rt omitng tht tnnj OI-L ' trtJucli ef Indmtritl Cbtmittry which aid Cndtti u ar tfftrt. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED IS human o him change his mind once it Is dump were submitted to probate babies consume most of the cod'g made up. He Is recognized as a COurt and ruled legal. The will liver oil and other vitamin flan g remarkable organizer and a wiz- had been damaged by blitz action, oil. I o !g CHEMISTRY HELPS TO WIN THE WAR begins MONDAY QOOOOOlKVIWOUIil) : o 1 ll WALTER HUSTON "RUSSIAN UtONT At t 31, 4 18, : :02, 9 16 - rtofvoou plis "OUR win; At 1 00, 1 l. i"?,. 7 V .New High For Hilarity! r. MW CAPITOL k fAMOUt fUTItS THUTH At : J2, !) 6 'It , 'It... 4 (i. i Oft . I SUNDAY MIDNITi; larsine Diy I INOERS AT THE W INDOH ANNOUNCEMENT MODERN TAILOR NOW OPEN LADIES and GENTS SUITS NAVAL OITIUI RS' UNIFORMS Tailored to Mraiurr FIT GUARANTEED REASONAIILF. PRICES J18 Sth STREET. IK-hlnd Royal lUnk 73Ti FOR OUR Baby's Welf are J. & J. BABY OIL GOc and J. & J. BABY TALCUM J. & .!. BABY SOAP, cake J. & J. BABY CREAM PABLUM, Mb.pkge DEXTRI MALTOSE, 1 lb. ........... . 5 lb. PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, Sou... 16 OZ8 PURETEST 10D COD LIVER OIL, -1 ozk. MEAD'S OXEJJM PERC0M0RPHUM, l'0c.c? 75c 50 c,c DRISDQL,5c.c ;;.. PYREXftURSERS B0TTLE'B RUSHES &U9 1 or sir $m (i.V , . 2V 2 r Ormes Ltd. w7 Pioneer Druqtsts THE Itl.XAI.I, SI ORE PHONES (I AND H Oprn Dally from II till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holiday from C 2 p.m. and 7 - 9 P-nt. I f NOW IS THE TIME- Give us an order right away for the amount of coal v-a expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplier arrive. It Is Important that you should lay in your coal iupp'7 this summer as It is almost certain that the dealers U1 not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand tint winter. it is not hoarding: TomhRouit coal eari.t (It Is also necessary to place' youpordcr a day ahead cf Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PIION'I'.K lie fill liv - wo O T If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is buyer in the city.