SATURDAY, AUQU8T 1. 194 J. ML S. Loubser D.C., BJ. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Buy from B.C. FURNITURE and SAVE Illth Grade CUKSTEK. FIELDS. Kesular Pilce S?25. lira ml New, Now $145 Ni:W STOVES, Wood and Coal. Krtular $100 Now $105 STUDIO IILIIS. Very SpeclaL lira ml New. Now $42.50 t'wd, 1 only CHESTERFIELD In good khapfl $20 All kinds of other goods At Very Low Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL j zarelu. pnor. "A Home .Way Trom Home Rates 75c op i 50 Rooms Hot U Cold Water Trlnce Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 !.(). Box 196 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli. Prop. l I'lione 37 P.O. Kus 541 ERASER STREET PRINCE IIL'PF.IIT PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD siupnrii.nnis and KNC.i.NrX.US Iron and Itrai Casttnc lllectrlc and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of (la Engines Repaired and Overhauled Itltl.KI.KV VALLEY BUTTER Arrives KreMi Every Week t We believe In featuring it and helping our up-river farmers. Try It once and we icel sure you will want no other. It's freshness nd quality Is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river VEGETABLES whenever possible. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cent" P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 V.V.VViVAVAWWiVAW DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. PHONE 88. TILLIE TIIE TOILER LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Miss Mae Murray returned to the city yesterday after a holiday trip to Vaneouver and Seattle. George llowe returned to the city yesterday after a trip to Vancouver. Miss Alice Olapp arrived baelc yesterday morning after a vacation trtp to Vancouver. Mr. Earl ay returned yesterday morning from a trtp to Victoria. Ncal McDonald returned yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver Busy Week For Y.M.-Y.W. Hut,wnce Avm,P and two children arrived in the city yesterday morning after a trip to Vancouver. Miss Florrie Walker arrived yesterday morning from Vancouver to spend two weeks vacation with her father. Miss Bertha Vuckovltch retlrn-! after a vacation trip to Vancouver. Bill Shrubsall and David Jones returned to the city yesterday morning after a trip to a tnos furniture store Buys used :, " ' , ' u. articles of any description. You''1' the sun shines" and mv h... artL.i- ,; . .a Iet deal of this year's splen- . . (dispose of. Call Oreen 916 Third I in n,n v. .business and meet representatives : ' A. Amalgamated Building Wo leers The following is next week's 'of Canada. Special meeting, Sun-pmgram of daUy doings at the Iday. Aug. 2 at 12 noon. All members Y M.-Y.W. llut on Third Avenue: (requested to attend for special Sunday August 2, 9 p.m. Padre't Concert. Monday August 3, 7:30 pan. Searchlights Auxiliary ; 9 pjn.. Old Time Dancing. Tuesday August 4, 10:30 ajn. Fencing: 8:30 pm.. Binge and Review of Week's News. 1 Wednesday August 5. 7:30 pjn. Radio Broadcast "At Your 8er- ivice:" 9 pjn.. Dance. Thursday August 6, 3 pjn. En-luh Claw for n on -English speaking service men; 3:30 pjn., Navy and R. C A. F. Women's Crab 'Bridge-Whist and Tea; 8 pjn.. Bingo. Friday August 7, 3 pjtl English .Class; 8 pan.. Ping Pong Th roadmen t. 8turday August 8, 7:30 pjn rMov(e "Olrl from Mexico." Padre Oarbutt. yell Crowe and Carl Clay. Y. M. C. A. hut super visor are anxious for entries for the Sunday concerts and radio programs. Come on all you amateurs and retiring professionals "the wheel of fortune snlns and I where she stops, etc." You might I even get to speaking your piece over, tberaddlo. Oosh! inghligfu of the week was Jean Eilkins' Prince Rupert's Own) grand Utile number. "That'll Be The Day" presented by Betty .Woods who sung for and dedicated the number to the Mldlanders. the lads from way down east who are past masters In the art of putting over a good dance. From the Children's Comer, thanks and again thanks for the doll's pram and dolls. LAST CALL! To get your cash Vl. leiUtrrs overhauled, 1 i cleaned and adjust- 1 ltd for the Duration! Phone C76 C. McPIIEE -- IhHcuHcetnehtJ All advertisements In this solumn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Legion Tear August 5. United Rummage Sale at Dollar Store, August 20. Can. Legion Fall Basaar. Oct. 21 AUSTRALIA'S SUGAR Normally, more than halt the sugar produced in Australia Is I ALU SET. n. LETS VsiAUK AMD j IvmE SHOULD S AVE AULjji Mr and Mrs. Ounnar Anderson ! from Vancouver at the Oddfellows' was available in their own fam-Ilall. ilies. Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE Dining set. kitchen set, lamps, rugs, medicine cam- j not, bathroom scales, settee,) mantle and heater, electric stove, , tea wagon, library table, piano stool, magazine rack, sewing box, Oongoieum rugs, bedroom furniture. Phone Black 446. (178) FOR SALEt-SO' fish Boat with trolling gear (gurdies). Reasonable. "Duchess," Cow Bay, Sunday, am FOR SALE Log cabin, nearly completed, near MoNtehoU Creek $90.00. Phone Red '70S. U76t ! FOR SALE Used Axminster rug. 9x9'. fawn color. Can be seen at 817 Mc Bride St. (177) j i FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will! be received by the undersigned i up until noon of Wednesday. August 12. next, for the purchase of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block! 2, Sec. 7. City of Prince Rupert,! together with Improvements and general contents, situate at Ambrose Avenue. Hlgaeai or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Gash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estates of Roderick McLean and William Moffat. (184) FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon of Wednesday. August 12, next, for the purchase of Lot 31. Block 17. Seeston 1, City of Prince Rupert, situate at 229 1st Avenue. These "premises consist of a 14 storey house and cabin at rear. Sale Includes contents of both house and cabin. Sale of these premises Is contingent upon purchaser assuming the responsibility for giving notice, to tenants as provided by the Rentals Control Act. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Ragnhjld.reder-sen " " mamsT." (184) FOR SALE Residence occupied by Dr. Brocklesby. 4th Avenue East, available for occupancy September 1. For price and terms see Norman A. Watt, Court House, Prince Rupert. (184) FOR RENT FOR RENT Clean comfortable sleeping accommodation for gentleman. Phone Mrs. Bcatty, Orcen 830, 640 Taylor Street. (177) AN EXTRA DEMAND! j S VJ 5H3.j5aILJWJW3 Customs clearings for the month of July, $50,431.17. Police court reports the collec tion of fines totalling $?,395 for the month of July, FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral at tfae late George T. Tit win take place Monday, Autnst 3, at 2 pin. from B. C. Undertaken chapel. 4 4 HectVV CrODS 4 4 Smithers Report 4 4 4 SMITHERB. Aug. 1 With two'. weeks of continual fine, dry andl hot weather the- farmers of thej Bulkley Valley have been "mak fiiA MWl im maI. .J - - . uuwi i-utct while macb more is still standing to i aw ucius ui noou, ana sun a quantity of It remains to be cut. One of the heaviest crops on record in his district is being harvested although help has been scarce and many farmers have had to get along with just what help up WANTED y.w.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. - - WANTED SawmlUers and Lam- herjacks. Apply Gordon Little, Skeena Orient Timber Co. Ltd., Ernst Kwinitsa, B.C. (182) WAXTBD Post Lion as Stenographer. 15 years experience in government and commercial office. Apply Box 321 Daily News. (182) WANTBD Resident worker over 35. fond of children, required at Ridley Home. Phone Red 822. Of) WANTED Small cook stove. Box 30 DaUy News. 4tf) WANTED Graduate nurses for general duty." Apply Soperln- tendent. Prince Rupert General Hospital (177) , WANTED To rent, house or apartment, permanent. Phone Red 271. (180) WANTED Housekeeper for rooming house. Phone 741. WANTED Furnished apartment for quiet couple; permanent Box 314, Dally News. (tf WANXED Cocker Spanlei puppy. Write Box 1472, Prince Rupert, B.C. (tf," WANTED 2 or 3 room furnished E B apartment about August 15. Apply Box 319 Daily News. '1'8 M BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. (178) ROOM, breakfast and lunch for two men sharing. Apply 203 Ninth Ave East (178) PERSONAL YOU CAN RUN A HOME KTNDER-garten with our help, Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government J for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Car-lj rier. Mall Clerk, Customs Exam- iner, etc. Free advice and re- cord of appointment of our stu - l dents fiom M.C.C. Civil Service J School Ltd., Winnipeg. The old- est In Canada. No Agents POR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. MUMSV1 DRESS S -J&V 1W THAT I I V or a as 7 swMUSTSEE I rW S'-sWAjX 'KTPj Send Your ' Copy Early Local news contributions should be in the Dally News 4 office by 10 a.m. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night beiore. a let- 4 terbox in the door being 4 there to receive copy. Local .4 news not In by 10 a.m. runs the risk of not being pub- 4 llshed. We prefer to have 4 news contributions typewritten 4 neatly and double spaced, it 4 possible. However, legible- writine will do. 4 4444444444 n ! n . it . QllCe Coilli vuui l NotCS ilUICO ChnrvwA I it "'i " auppijiug uquor Indians James Ware was fined i a aeven-aay anennuve sentence. An Indian girl was fined $15 or seven days lor being intoxicated. IDEA WAS AUSTRIAN A Scotsman built the first self-propelled torpedo from plans drawn by an Austrian. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave.- Phone 568 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 GIFTS, NOVELTIES, GREETING CARDS n For all Occasions : at the VARIETY STORE iiiiiifitifiJiKi ! rn rm TIIE SEAL OF QUALITY G : O L D Sockcye Salmon Fancy Red S Herring E in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads A Spiced Sab.ion Smoked Salmon i? L Bloater BY WESTOVER 1 MUST VMEAR. THIS W SBT THS ii. .hi cwff- m CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH '5th Avenue and Young Street) IN UNITED SERVICES WITH First Prestiiterian Fourth Avenue East Morning Service, 11:00 ajn., in First Baptist Church. Subject: "THE GREAT COMMISSION" 12:00 ajn. Communion, 'Service. Evening Service, 7:30 pjn.. In First Presbyterian Church, Subject: "THE POWER OF TRUTH" REV. C. A. WRIGHT Pastor "Come, 'let us go up to the House of God" FIRST UNITED CHURCH Sixth Avenue and Musgrave Place 11:00 a.m. Rev. C. D. Clarke. 7:30 p.m. Mrs J. aray. Provincial mm j RAILWAY JH j. yar President W.C.T.U. Trans-Atlantic .REGULAR SERVICES TO Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Way-points, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Church Sa?f Canadian Pacific Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Obtain Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Transcontinental Trans-Pacific Vancouver, B.C. Furniture Ltd. 4'G" full size. Built for $35.00 Cash Price $13.50 to 515.00 327 3rd -AVE. WEST BUYING IN VANCOUVER For Neat and Attractive Ilomes Write, Wire or Phone Campbell & Pound til 2934 West Broadway A. MacKenzie 4 DEEP SLEEP MATTRESSES, Sleep. Cash Price Other Mattresses from PHONE 775 g For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE o a a PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Afainst Haxards of Bombing and Other Disabilities Through the Largest Organization of Its kind In the World .... The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay It continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. Find out if you can qualify to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today It will bring you complete details. OVER 100 MILLIONS PAID IN CLAIMS rut In the Mail NOW This Offer for a limited time only Box 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name Address Home Occupation Ii you lost; anything, advertise for it. 4n 1 & ' If' s - 5