PAQ2 two "BIRMINGHAM" Finest range in Men's Dress Shoes at their price on the market If yee have not had the pleasure of wearing "Birmingham" Shoes yon are raisssrg one ef the best beta possible. SwSd leather tfcroaghost. Finest fitting lasts and styled to the minute. Priced S6.50 to S8.50 Family shoe store ltD. DAILY EDITION "The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BCPERT. BEmsn COLUMBIA Pn Wished Every Afternoon Except Sonday by Prane DaBy News Limited, Third Avenae. H. F PULLE?.. PRESIDENT G. A HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR For War . . . AD VEETI S EV G KATES Local Readers, per tee. per insertion CUiAliti AtfrerUaesienU, vr wi per Insertion Rapert .24 Ml subscription rates Bebserlptton Rates la City Per Year. $5.60; Hall Year, $159; Oaf north. 50c; One Week, 12c. Cmt-of-Town Subscriber by MaH. tsJ4jt- a Year. MEMRTK OF THE CANADIAN rRT Tt Onort'm Trtm U ezducmty ntrsS to sk tar pd&tteatiefi at Ul Dew ' - trxal nrr PMiiifcS tbcreln. A3 rU? raoiitiltrwbmn of WEDJfESDAY. JULY , 1W2 Now that the hot dry weather is here holidayers are reminded that 90 per cent of forest fires are due to human carelessness. Core of Military Might ... This is a mechanized war. The tank and the nlnnn are weapons of 1942. The infantryman has been put on wheels. He moves as far in an hour as he did in the previous war in a whole day. The pace of battle has been trebled and quadrupled. Throughout this amazing evolution of tactics the basic function of the infantryman remains unchanged. Mechanization has brought warfare into the open field, restored movement, and made nossible the Ktunnino' fnr of-the blitzkreig. But the infantryman is called upon to do the same thinner he has for centuries. He exploits the-break-through of tanks as he did of cavalry; follows the deathly scythe of aerial assault, as he did the artillery barrage of the First World War; and he ueienus tu wie xuiiuiuu jjumuuiis, as ne uiu at ou- bastopol. The 1942 foot soldier has come a long way from 1918. He is virtually a walking arsenal a tough, self-reliant unit of a fighting machine. - A popular form of war effort doing our best to see that the other Tellow makes the sacrifices. HONORS DIVIDED Brooklyn Dodger and St Loot Cardinal Open Series la Natfeaal League nooiaxx. Mr at: 'eiubi In the BasebaL League eo enrfil a aeries at iBbeeos Field in Brooklyn yeaaer-!dey. A doobJe-header between Brooklyn Docjers and St Louis .Cardinals resulted in honors being tdtvided. the Dodcees aimwHt the Plttetmrfj Boston by Ike easse nisi ef to six wha the Bed Birds had STUr eVnewfc? W taMn. the ashssie C to 1 The aaefta af !teaefMs of the Dedcers rana" tat eiebt reB names. iMrthar, ew York. Yesikee dts-pesed of the CMeaoo WfcHe Sar t to 3 whOe she jt-SBs ateee B- tss Sok Imsc pftCf S to 1 over the Oeeeaead The Yankees retain m-- twelw-otttf-a-holf same lead. The Wi-bscten Seaotors moved eat of ttv cesser bv defeatm f. Low Bye-was to 4. kwvasg the nsaasdetohia Athletic in toe tmonrr of the Yeekrrdav's Big leecne National Lraro Kew York B40VM1 Cleveland . St. LnvJs . DHrott Jbis-year the Dominion Government will sed $3,-!kkn - 900,000,000-equal to $339 for ever' person in the eoun-;PhU-rth,n' trj'. War will take at least S300,000,000 of this gam,!"0" equivalent to $278 for every Canadian. i Unparalleled in Canadian history, these expenditures ' reveal the way in which the energies and wealth of the nation are being turned to total war. i The money being spent on the armed services and in ; helping sustain the effort of the United Kingdom will, nearly equal the cost of eight years of ordinary peacetime activity. It will be twice the amount spent in the whole of the First Great War from 1914 .to 1920. and $1,000,000,000 more than the amount spent in the first two years and seven months of the present conflict I The material price to 11,500,000 Canadians of waging: war will be in a further decline in living standards in the goods and services of peace which they will have to forego. Speaking of the sacrifices necessitated by the wartime budget, the Finance Minister stated: WIS this mean a redaction in oar standard of Bring? Certainly. The warTrfU not be von disputing as to "whether labor or agrten!-tUre or employer or employee shoold get a larger share of a ncoDen t&ational ineotne. It will be won, not alone by the valor of fighting , forces (arid the skill of generals but by the wUhngneoi of the people at home to malce' neceaoary sacrifices vrtDtngnt-j to make those sacrifice first and not after all other group have made them. t-S S-4. Sew York -3 St. Loots -4. Brooklyn 7-1. Pstaaearc J Boston 4. Arteries n I-earne Mew York . Chieoojo 2. Waahlneton t. St Loots 4. ' BoKoo 1. CVveiauad 1. The tee itandaaei to dote .National Learne W. L. Bioeklya . M 39 J M 48 44 Mew York tt 44 44 SI 44 64 .... XI 44 American League 47 96 K 47 44 44 39 29 41 4 44 54 5ft 43 40 l-i Pet 1 Ml at Am 44? .444 riiiE DAILY NEWS STEWART BANQUET P. S. Ja Hooored at Feei Oatherioc Before Lroriot For Vtriom forty Queen Charlotte Hospital Opened ltnoHotioa io Operstioo Acoio After Bt CWed Dew For Tteoc CHARLCTTK CITY. July H oJHr hnss been deaed Jer a sthAs. the Qsiea Cbarfiatte City ttT"?! rrTTwlree cole csspeJsjn for the bosfetsi resolted a. , m mmtmt eeemin hi a total of TlBfe esxeQent Ham sut eloaxly the esteem in Jack is bees the ffMsesei retret test at parts. The eaeeer dec the seesieu ef Board of Trede aeeretory of th ghahasmn. Speekers Orr. Tooth of Boord of which Mr retmry for sense B ysssrs: Mvord T. Aeswewhette. a poot sviaMent speokusg for the 9ewn Bnerd of Trade, and United States CooreUr- S. Aaderson of Hyder. Al- tkm All aoiiolMirs referred Teet- mtrf to the ieneth of took and hh fasnOy had reoteents of Ooywort and to the sutlhntted aososnt of work for the sood of the district dene by Mr leek over that sofag perHd. A a of the School heard, as secretary, and later preeuent off the Board of Trade, as a jt the Hospital Beafd and as Mtte worker on every ed for oatmonlty aetrrtties. la Hi. m Mr Jaak d. this inehkdtnf proceeds of a which Mr. sports day on Dosalnion Day as tne Fish i- CoM jsjsr. R. c. Peckers Frosa-ts MUterd Co Mr. Jack had earned his repota- tion of hehag one of the saost onbiic -spirited ctttatat in the Portland Canal a'ea. oi si aa W " oVat- Tas . Maeaisl. aetaag as saape aW. 44: 'mtaa Oas Bnine Works. Ctt: abt la ma. M: Dyb- th oCTtee of aaf tng recorder Upon relanaaaadUasf went into hanatneaa aeaaVB?aTaS39 easVtMi that of fie he lor hamseif as aeeoantant shortly after a Tent for the services A few ago he was sassointed a J (ro tate of the Pease. Mr. Jack left on Monday for Victoria to which yut that his naooe was net. of has M pnun nr naa wen umaurrira u . the serrt-e of the Canadian M-f taoaal. Mrs Jack aart for Victoria ' ten days aao. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and their chlMren asade a hoot of friends dar lux thear karat residence here, and the best wishes of the whole district win anoanpany all to their own choosaaf and stacasl UaM bad by no means aaat fatth te' tM Pnrfiomt Canal flWriet. He Mr. and felt that foUowlnx the war. thH left on this tnorn trig's irea would exoeriert e an era af Wetait1eji. Alberta. ty such as uad been visa- Andrew train far where they plan on nail hag their fosare home aliaed in the optimistic day of ter naving ressoea in mnee 46 I wese twenty-ftv years eo. Ia pan tor tne pass twenty year ZSr. I OTcmsion Mr. Jsok statad that. SAi I if m his new hesoe. he foand the F. A. Dresnb. Vancoaver mana- I nunc eo-operaUve spirit satd Che ger or Pactfie Mills and former .475 mate good friends as he had letteVnt seer at Oeean Falh. 421 1 fooad here, he would be more arrived ea-Oeean Falls last mht 48 than katisfied. from Vancouver to vhit the plant 394 Mr. Jack flrt came to Stewart on official basinets e )r Z. KM J hJ11f- I 11" cKfSAt"" Hni in . . -oast"" lot" 01 , if' VntV 1LUI .t. Mi dT ... feat tf4 a w doi; woa."- ... PB":. -art . lo1 6 i n i f tsj tow- - .firv e!aaTgfB'V. ow' -M ..ce v,fc" . r. .v. cot.- at.' r: . . a- - task. . .t WEDNESDAY WHITE HOR 1 SCOTCH WHISKY wmti hoim Dttnuut tro,outoos Thi Jvcmcment a not publuhcd or dttplavc J I r ; Control lknl or br the tknernmcnt of UritS CiJ Canadian National Raily& TR.IXS I OR THE I1ST WILL LEAVE PK1NCE EtMrj Mr a r I nifntv . . I MONDAY. WELirtBBUAl ' iniuni. w y o; ; , local rtafrv arrivtns JASPER Wednesda. r Sonday. 7 m WEDKB90AY and FRIDAY. 10:30 a.ra, ttoppl'5 c T peciflc. Haeelten. New llazefton, Smflhert Bun L , oerhoof. Prtnee Oeorte. Discern e and McBr.ic t JASFEft Thorsdey and Satarday 12 pffl. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE Rrrrtl . . . m wv a 1 TVEBDAY. rniUAi aaa bu.iuai, ti pa. THOesSDAY and SATURDAY. 6 M ptn. Air Conditioned Sleeping and Din tag Cars c,n Monday 4 04 ptn . Wednesday and Friday ! ' f only on other trains from Prtnre p. . For Fall In forms lion. Reservations; etc s. .r r: R. S. GKEIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT US Third Avenue Phone 2(4 PtIki I Agents for Trans-Canada Air L.-.r; SHORT CUT TO VICTOKft LADIES' Here Is yoar chance to try ..if li FRATliHRBOB PISiMANENT. AH ends taper" v Iialrda Hair Shaper Indivldoal styltag to so i t Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAH Cor. 4th and FulUn Above SniirUe Str Phone Blue 513 for Appointment EJHHHHHHHHHHHH3 NEW POCKET BOOKS Just Published Pl'ZZLK FOR PIYERS- Myi4ery IV ? HAVE HIS CARCASE Myntery r DAMON RUNYON FAVORITES-Short Stories. THE POCKr:T ENTERTAINER Fun and Getmei. ARROWSMITH Prize Fictten v S DEFENSE WII NOT WIN THE W t ImjM. it It adlng .... Lt-Col. V Only 39c Each Collect POCKET ROOKS at :50c each. Complete Stock carried a G 0 L D S E THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sorkeyc, Snlmtin Fancy Red ncrring In Tomato Sauce A Sandwich Sprcada Sjiiced S:lrion L Smoked nioator Siilmon ooaoooooooooooooot AdvsrtUt in The Daily Newt SERVICES 19 Vaeroover. VUUrU points Stewart ' queen Charts" 11 I .llnll. 1$ ritAS'K J. Kn , I'rlnce Hup"1 Third Are,