THE DAILY NEWS PAOE TOUR firm RUPERT J PEOPLES STORE SWEATERS t has. uodimcaa Optometrist to Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Emravuir. s rkiMa nlnnriff. VISIT OUR BASEMENT blunt ior unc . GUM, Bajsate and Nofeltiev MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant We're Not Brasginj; RUT We do feel rather stock op by the fact that we haw the choke of the ooUtanding 1W Wool sweaters of Canada. ALL STYLES AND COLORS Name the style because we have it. Long, or short sleeves, eardJgahZ poll-overs and twin sets. Rose, beige, son tan. yellow, all bines, red and many other wanted colors. Mail Orders Promptly Killed Open Saturday Mrht I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE In the Heart of Prince Rupert THIRD AVE Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 90" Ij VWAV1V.V.VW.VAVAV,TAV.VAV.V.V.V.V,AVifM USED FURNITURE Range for coal or wood. Kitchen Cabinet. Dining Room Suite, Dressers. Chesterfield, Odd Chairs. Pack -Board. Tent Hr.H. Wardrobe Trunk, Radios, Victor Gramophones, Records. Books, etc., etc. TOOLS: Double Bitted Axes, Single Bitted Axes, Sledge Hammers, Picks. Pipe Wrench, Wrecking Bar. Bit Brace, Anger Bits. Plumb and Level. Surveyor's Tape. Hand Saws, Cross-cut Saws. Saw 8et. Tool Chest, Garden Hedge Shears. Barrow Wheels. Screen Doors, Household Scale. Wall Lamps. Lanterns. MU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS: King Soprano Saxophone. C Melody Saxophone. Gibson Mandolin 'like newt, Violin, Guitar. F! 10 USED DEr T. THIRD AVEXUE, Next to Dally News til t: Green 916 PLAY SHOES Keep Cool and Comfortable in a pair of CANVAS or HOPSACK SANDALS All colors in Dutchy and Tunnel Wedge Heels, Platform Soles. We carry a full line of Children's Shoes Fashion Footwear Next to Dollar Store BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sol Photic Red 112 1 e Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage riUNCK KUI'I'KT q. LlfJ. BKITISII COLUMBIA I Canada's War Chiefs MAJ.-GEN. J. H. ROBERTS Commander 2nd Canadian Division Maj.-Gen. J. H. Roberts has only been commanding fnw,nA.nw. infanfw ilivisinii ilMn l-fiuT fall hill it has JII3 VsClIlclUKiil uiiauuj ui.-.wn --x- ( fiovolnntvl in that time to such a remarkable derrree that it now is recognized as one of the top formations in the( United Kingdom. A lot of credit for this achievement . goes to "Ham" Roberts, who at oi loons dhck on a steauy and successful career. He's been a - soldier all his life, with emphasis oiw. .MHt. h. hi field ms and the unit still has demonstrated by a rapid rise in rank since the start of the war when overseas as a ssuuuuuuusBmussmussmssmum them. In the First Great War, Roberto iteota.m. served in the artillery and woo colonel he brought the 1st Field J""" " after the war peaatforce Regiment, Royal Canadian Artil- He is a name of Pipestone,. bail middle wing. He is a forbidding looking officer on first appearance. but get to know him and he has; ' a readr smile and an easy manner LOWDON, Jury hohmH his austere front. ' Office Hf hates makina: speeches and I words "Casualty usually starts off conferences by saying "now I'm not making any speech here, lesft fet cracking and down to business." And the conference really knuckles down. Gen. Roberto has surrounded himself with a group of young staff officers, acknowledged to be as brilliant as any in tne overes army, and the ;diTisional headquarters Is a Ming concern. Part of his fighting creed is a I belief that not a bit of military equipment should ever be sacrificed. When he went to Franc ; r a few days in June. 1W0. with '.r.c 1st Field Regiment and then unordered to withdraw to through Brest, he made sure every field gun in the unit rarr.e back with if even under heavy lct attack. His was the only artillery outfit in the British army to save all its guns. Roberts even oroigr.T back a coupic of BucktEC B UXNECESSAUY SHOCK tf The Wat to drop the Branch" from routine letters sent to verify next-of kin ttsta. Relatives of men in the farces complained of the unnecessary stuck on leeeivint letters with these words on the Sore Quick RcEef from Asthma a m 4 liw Caws Wf4 k iy i ciwi mis. KELLOGG'S ASTHMA1 ft RELIEF DAILY NtTWh WANT AUb uklnu RESULTS. PHONE 88. Girls from every part of Canada, now arriving in the Canadian Women's Army Corps and performing the fmportai t job oi releasing able-bodied men for combatant duty, are definitely happy in the service, as these pictures show. The Corps, which will triple Its strength within the next few months, is employing girls In many of the Jobs available to their 'sisters In civilian life. In every department of the Army, women are proving they can work efficiently and well. The Corps Is headed by Major Joan Kennedy (1) centre, formerly of Victoria, B.C. (2) LEFT TOP shows genial Vol. K. Priestly, of Montreal, reading a letter to Vol. J. Rogers, also of Montreal, while the latter shinrs hrr buttons. (3) TOP RIGHT attractive mechanles at work; L.-cpl. Billy A man of action and spare with wJ. J' IT , IT known In Kingston. Cmi, and Ot- MqJ LomCQllin his words. General Roberto is pow- erfully built and looks like a foot- Uwm- Dies After Show Bennett Left Sw B4 Play Lea-Hue x ...,.Yt II ' i X IOl' ta BLACKPOOL. Big- July 3t -Billy Bennett. SS. British hal! and radio comedian died foi-:ow:ne a heart attack after the performance of Oeorge B a k BUck Vanittea," m whkh hr i the leading eosaic He kftt a .i n bed to take part. H humor, ill - fitting drtsjs t r , flowing moustache and J. .'.phrase "Almost a Otmle-n:a:. were kn'iwn to thousands. Ha icn- d with the British army ??-.. First Ores'. War and was awarded the DC M , the 1UL u;,d the Belgian Croix dt Ouerre. He began his career as the nf a xtaee donkev bat it mr am nil Complete Shan at l l- 5 , GIRI ENJOV SERVICE IN THE CANADIAN WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS WEDNESDAY JtlY :j. and on the same otoaram "(JEOPOLITIK (Hitler's Plan of Empir i ( artoon"ALL ABOUT DO' f eature at 1 St, 3 5 il, IS. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 il - A. MacKnzie Furniture Lid. A GOOD rMCK TO lll'V 19 CONCOLKUM Kl'C.S. all dies M LINOLEUM HUGS, all she Also a toff stock of Linoieum, Concoieum. Moir Ii,.,,. r , Moulded Inlaid )usi arrrved. mat us Km your requirements rilONE 7 U7 Jrd AVLMt When k IVanl a Kelublr. trnlr Ubl !(., IAXI Service PHONE 13 tl-llour Service at Regular Kale NILirS PRODirCTS Cotton, sugar, cereals and fruits are grown ta quantity In the Nik in France during the km war ws he made a hit as a fumny man to toond oory la the and became what he described as berk and growtng Usaues of the a Canteen Comedian." trees. L Reid V P It' 'in .. e Dav .. :ag one -f trtif auon wagon- !. r: ,i4iu 8m, ., of Aimv AdminL-iti.itiV at St Marguer pq .4, i.OWEr LEFT Its 11(,t all work and no play because heir Mv Hul. D. McDonnel. Cpl J. McKee and Vol. P. Robinson riding on the vast deEsterel grounds at St Marguerite; swimming, ii-htng and tennU also help pass spare hours. i5 LOWER RIQHT .hows a pretty C.W.C. typist taking dictation from Capt Brown. A Tew months ago she Joined the ranks, but h earned and rrceiveri .speedy promotion. Thoce interested ,n )ow,i,... can v.f information at the nearest recrult-offlrc 'Canadian Army Photo) cttn.vji loners Cuba has Sjnno army, navy and : bined plus 30 000 :r savoy HOTEL Carl Zardli Prop. Thane 37 T.O. H i Ml FRASER STRI'-KT TRlNCi: ItlTI'.RT Enamels arc Spc af I Ilaukl. Itmlrr r "Tt: Saucepan and Wa 'i P' tnr nnlv i The VARIETY S10KK L'uuruiHini-ni c e l ( NEW ROYAL HOTEL J JiAllKLLl Pi f "A Hume Aav I'tom II Rates 7Je up .. H... 1. , ffl'Jf I'rlnt ituttert. Rf I O.I iiuur 401 Buy from B.C. rt RMTt KK and SAVE lllxh C.raile t II i: TC III I US ilerular I'll e Now NEW STOVES, Vwld iJ Coal. HeiuUr SI60. j05 Now STUDIO BEDS, Yen SPU' Brand New. S42.5" Now . Used, 1 only CIIESTI.ItntlJ In goo, 20 shape All kind of other Cod At Very Low Prlf" B. C. Furniture Co, PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue