.VEDNEBDAY, JULY 79 1942 Steak and Mushrooms IIKDLUND'S. Mb. tin. Each EMPRESS. 4-lb. tin. Cach V Tomatoes ItOYAL CITY. Large tin. Earn V Sandwich Spread CHICK'S, ,rorlrtl. 3 or 25c 36c Strawberry Jam 75c 14c Canadian Cheese .Mrilium Flavor, l.b. Bi -V StVIITS llMI'Uti: Sliced. l.b. 40c 50c Rice Krispies Kl I.L()(iGS. 2 23c JhhcuhcemehtJ All advertisements In tbli rolumn will be charged for a full month at 25c i word. Legion Too-J.ugiJst 5. Can Legion ,rtJl Baisar. Oct 21 Frcsli Ical Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY most: 657 J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Hlork Phone 610 .FOR QUICK. RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. TILL1E THE TOILER Vegetabli Special Combination l tin Itojal City PEAS, lie 5 1 tin Aylmrr IMCEII HFETS 1 tin .Malkln's Best CUT BEANS, AH for 33c Fruit Special Combination 1 tin Drw-KNt PEAKS 1 tin Aylmrr PRUNE I'LIMS 1 tin IHchway Ki:i) PLUMS All for 37c WE HAVE (HTA'KT AND PINT SEALERS Quarts, tloz. sl.7,5 Tints, doz. SLodl HEINZ STRAINED FOODS for the KAKY (reen Ileani, Carrot. I Vail Pears and Apples. Atpararu,! Mixed CSirent. Tomato Soup. Prune, licet. Vegetable I So op. Ufrf-Llrrr Soup, Tin 10c Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P O. IIO.V S75 rilONHS 18 AND 19 Mt T J. Boulter left on this morn- Ill'I.KLF.Y VALLEY IHTTEK Arrives lrrh Every W'tfk I We believe In featuring It and helping our up-river farmers Trr It once and we fee: sure you will want no o'her It's freshness nd qj;i!ity Is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river VEGETABLES whenever pos-cble MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More tng's train Winnipeg for a business trip to Mrs Fred Hardy left on this J 1 morning's train for a trip to North Dattfeford. Sakaieheitaa. ' Marion and Margaret MeLaeMan returned to the cKy on last ntght's train after spending a week at LakcJse Lake. also to supervise the war during the absence of Adjutant and Mrs Brunsdon NOTICE TCB KXJ DO TILUE WE GOT TO BE SHOW A LOT 1 FRANK. I'VE PALL CM M lor iMTrJ5esTS- 5sLove with tW THIS rtftto 1 - -v ' .f I ir.-ist i izod -. j -by Van's Bakery Van's Rakery will be CLOSED for general overhaul and repairs? for three weeks as from August 1. LOCALS ll Mr. and Mrs. M, Jensen and J son, Jack Jensen, are leaving to- Nigel Sherwood of Terrace, after spending a few days in the city, left by this morning's train on his return to the Interior. i A Prince Rupert Little Theatre j lOeneral Meeting, city Hall, Wed-1 newtay, July 29, 8 pjn. All mem-l. ' A Ello's Furniture Store Buys used I articles of any description. You unay have articles you want to dispose of. Call Green 918, Third Avenue next to the Dally News, Prince Rupert. A IMPORTANT OENERAL MEET-:INO CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIA-TION. Ctty HaH, Thursday, July 130. 8 p.m. Object To consider a (proposal to combine with WAR 33r Bvy War Saving Stamp from MNII f on onci$ Dtuocint mirnowl OMicti TOcccmrm DirtiTwiNt trout stocttt too trotit trtn troitt A Painters. Decorators. Miss Jfl Wait and ttte Mia . Hangers meeting, Thursday, Cents" :-i P.O. Itoi 575 Phone 11-19 . Adjutant and Mrs. E. D. Braat- ...w.'.ww.nw.www dOR Wl Horning train for Calgary and will later return to the Interior of British CohtmMa where they vrtll take a holiday. Captain and Mrs P. Gorrie of Harctton arrived hi the city last nleht and will be In charge of the Carpenters' welcome. Hall. New Paper 8 pjn. members (175) Mrs. W. L. Newell of Stewart arrived hi the city yesterday afternoon from the north for a vMt here. P. S. Jack, transferred from Stewart to Victoria in the service of Oanadalan National Railways, was here yesterday afternoon going sooth. Mrs. Jack left for Vle- loeal Salvation Army Corps and I ten days- ago. work! Jack OUara. well known pton- having arrived from the north yesterday afternoon. He mill be returning to Alice Arm next Sunday night. Leonard Hall of the United Service Organization, was the speaker today 'at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. President George L. Rorle was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. ; Charged with loitering, Robert Kydd and Gunnar Memlander were before Magistrate W. D. Vance in dty police court this morning. After spending the night in Jail, they were permitted to go with a warning to move along the next Ume they are requested by the j police to do so. HOPEFUL HOPPING! Classified Ads. FOK SALE morrow night for Vancouver where FOR SALE Bookcase, writing they will take up future residence. I desk, writing table. Phone Red I 320. (175) Mrs. James Postulo and her daughter, Mrs. IL A. Nelson, re-l1"01 8ALBModem dining room turned to the cliy yesterday after. I 4Utte; bedroom "itc 'Beauty nftnn rrnra a trln in en ' w. w y vu tJnUU, rest mattress. Slumber Klne spring), dressing table and chair; Coogoieum rug, Coleman circulating heater, first class condition; wood and coal annex; haH tree; odd chairs; Barrymore seamless rug and pad; mirrors. Phone Red 875 9 to 12 mornings, 6:30 to 8:30 evenings. .851 Borden Street. bers and Interested persons please FOR SALE Modern dining room attend. Election of officers. Plans for the coming season. (174) suite, three piece chesterfield suite, Hke new, triUght, Coleman circulating heater. Phone Red 875, 9 to 12 mornings, 6:30 to 8:30 evenings. 851 Borden St. FOR SALE Dining set, kitchen set, lamps, rugs, medi:lne cabinet, bathroom scales, settee, mantle and heater, electric stove, tea wagon, library table, piano stool, magazine rack, sewing box; Console urn rugs, bedroom I furniture. Phone Black 445. ! TIME HOU8INO Umlted with the for SALE-Sealed Tenders will object of Immediate construction I of the Civic Centre In Prince Ru-I pert. All members and others in-i terested are urged to attend thin meeting. (175) U78) be received by the undersigned up until noon of Wednesday, August 12. next, for the nur- chase of Lots 2, 3 and 4. Block I 9 Rr 7 CMv nf Prinu Bitnart 1 together wtth improvements and' general contents, situate at Am FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon of Wednesday. August 12. next, for the purchase of Lot 31. Bleek 17. Section 1. City of Prince Rupert, sttoate at 229 Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) returned to the city this Mrs. S. V. Reith left by morning's train on her return to her home at Kamloops. Mrs. Reith WANTED WANTED Girl to drive car, light deliveries. Apply in person to Linzey & Ingram. 174) WANTED Oirl to work In grocery store, experience preferred. Good wages to start. Apply in person to Linzey & Ingram. 174 WANTED Resident worker over 25, fond of children, required at Ridley Home. Phone Red 822. ftfi WANTED Teacher to coach boy (10 years) for entrance to grade 5. Box 318, Daily News. 174 WANTED Capable woman to cook 2 meals a day and look after house. Electric range and ail conveniences, hours approximately 10:30 am. to T pjn. Sundays and afternoons off. Substantial remuneration to right party. Sleep out. Call at The Variety Store for further particulars. tf WANTED Graduate nurses for general duty. Apply Superin tendent, Prince Rupert General Hospital. (177) son. rooming house. Phone 741. brose Avenue. Highest or any j WANTED tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strtotty Cash. Norman A. Watt. Administrator of the Estates of Roderick McLean and William Moffat. (184) WANTED Pressers and ironers, n at Pioneer Laundry. Call in per- g , (175) ,g ha WANTED Housekeeper for small a HELP WANTED Male or female. Apply Central Hotel. (174) Furnished apartment for quiet couple; permanent. Box 314, Daily News. (tf) WANTED Cocker Spaniel male puppy. Write Box 1472, Prince Rupert, B.C. (tf) WANTED 2 or 3 room furnished apartment about August 15. Ap-' pry Box 319 Daily News. (178) FOR RENT sist o( a 1V storev house and! North Francois Lake Landinz. . cabin at rear. Sale includes con-j Apply Box 51, Burns Lake, B.C. j tents of both house and cabin. Sale of these premises Is cen-j tingent upon purchaser asaum-i log the respoosildlKy for giving notice to tenants as provided by the Rentals Control Act. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Ragnhild Peder-sen 'Harris) (184) FOR SALE Residence occupied by Dr. Broekleeby. 4th Avenue East, available for occupancy September 1. For price and terms see Norman A. Watt. Court House, Prince Rapert. (184) The Misses Jean and Nellie Kelday of Port JMward left last night for Pacific has been on a trip to Vancouver, loft last night on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. LOST (174) LOST Strayed from 1203 Seventh Ave. East, wire-haired terrier pup. Answers to "Laddie." Phone Black 469. Reward. CARD OF THANKS wish to thank all those who sent flowers and the many friends who offered them words of condolence in their recent bereavement. The following were the floral tributes received: Mrs. Jeanie Brentzen, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morase, Mr. and Mrs; W. E. Kelly, Miss IL A. Sankey. Wesley Singer of Massett, who Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Morrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Flewin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gosnell and family. Young Peoples Educationa Association. Ladies' Aid of the Y P. E. A., Ivy Guild. Mrs. Dudo- ward and Mrs. Sampare. Mr. and eer prospector of Alice Arm. Is a ?, -.-y-. from a a buslnpss bUSinMS trtrj tfiP 10 toi. Mr. and "'nry McDonald, visitor in the cRy for a few days. Mrs. Robert. Sankey. Mr. Roy Ru&s, Miss French. The Port Simpson this Red fimft AnvNinrv fre AUrp Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. Mr. Joseph Mather, Mr. is a sister of the late Mrs.- Harry hbs Peter Ajxcee, mjs. Agnes Blake who died here recently. MrvJ. .C. s- Dun.n. wno nas been receiving hospital treatment here, left last night on her return to her home at Massett, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. E. H. McCorrlston. Mrs. Doris Brentzen, R.N.. sailed Jast night for Queen Charlotte City. Until recently on the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Mrs. Brentzen has been visiting at Terrace with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson. Brentzen, Mrs. Mercy Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Valpy and family, Mr. and Mrs. " Jack- -Mbraes.- Mr J and Mrs. Herbert Bryant. Mrs. II Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spence and daughter. MEN'S SUITS Lad if' and Gents' Spring Suits Military Badges and Insignia M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 BY WESTOVER i v . ' J iM ce I liHiggMl . ftsL Ml I NAJKATTS W X CUES5XSN1FF,) MA- I y o o 0 a a MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Throujh the Largest Organization of Its kind In the World .... The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay it. it continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. Find out if you can qualify to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today It will bring you complete details. Put in the Mail NOW This Offer for a limited time only Box 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name Address Occupation iHKH10fH000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOWMMKilOWMHHH0H0 a : . S .i a a 8 o ANNOUNCEMENT iA MODERN TAIL6R NOW OPEN ! LADIES' and GENTS SUITS NAVAL OFFICERS' UNIFORMS Tailored to Measure FIT GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES 318 5th STREET, Behind Royal Bank DOOOKHKH)00000000KK0HOUOH it NOW IS THE TIME- Give us an order, right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive. It is Important that you should lay In your coal supply this summer as it Is almost certain that the dealers will not be -able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUY TOUR COAL EARLY (It Is also necessary to "place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT CHtCKMOMeKOCKKCKHHXKKHCHCKKOOCHOC MOTH AND FLY Insurance FOR MOTHS ,4i' Moth Fume Crystals 1 lb. 50c - . Moth Fume Spray . ; 16 ozs. 75c Larvex Spray 16 ozs. 5c Moth Balls i lb. 15c 1 lb. 25c FOR FLIES- . Fly-Kill Spray 8 ozs. 30 16 ozs. 50c Fly Coils 2 f or 5c FOR PERSONAL APPLICATION Rexall Insect Chaser 35c Sta-Way 39c Oil of Citronella 1 oz. 25c Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drw&iste THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 pan. O g 8 o g o a .a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sankey and oicococtOCooJooF&Qoxo&oo&Q ooooownooooooooo oohjoo ots Mrs. Winnie Wesley and family ? . . . . - ... . 2 ror timer., caie ana unuuriauic iaai oe.i. viEj r 3A If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city.