lies AttacknCrete iannnnen Hiiiirnn H n lr ii vernor Pays 7) Islands Visit W ( Woodward Pays Visit Inspection To Allford Hay Air Base to Hof and E. nc . arrled out at the on while Mr. Patterson t ' l oi' -n. to Terrace. BASEBALL TON 1TB Acropolis Hill 0 p.m. Walls & Nickcrson vs. Yanks 8 ; Edmonton vs. Co-on She Allied heavy bomber attacked the vital Al tupoU harborluf .1 . tt..u I ". . a a 1 1 . .. .. ----- w , U(s i,i lMnrTlii -- w . iiuim iirllf uer Kxik pari in the huda Hay attack. A large Ails merchant it in in inn ih k.i i a mourg Dauereu Again . . . Hamburg, the greatest German port and most heavily guarded of the Itelch, was battered again last night for the second time 1 1 1 i r iiiiiiii ii t inr iliiii iiir i nrrp u u n m run ni nirui raid cost the Uoyal Air Force thirty-two bombers. Allied patrol have driven strong Japanese unit back from ad- Ik A.I Mlllnnkl. m... 1T I fu a. . . I . I I from the most advanced Allied base at Port Moresby. nnot n I In Hong Kong Now Ended f TTAU' A Juty M O' The 4 Commons today 1 . i . . a. Habeas Corpus Being Sought 4, United Slate Supreme Court Today Considering Case of . . - 1. f r 11 .m rrinan rtpie ,t iwu-uiv wmw ' charges before a'''nntion of elsewnere or Rome i reports that Stalingrad was already HALIBUT SALES American 1 LONDON, July 29 sT-Mcn rail Into the Oencral Service Enllst- .mcnt Corps, formed to discover L. Patterson the exact canabllltles of each re .trass under German fire. Russian resistance continues undiminished In the Voronezh and Ilrvanak sectora. Summary j NagJ pgnes dropped iearicU on American- 104,000 pound. 15o ,IxlllnflrlKl yesterday saying that and 14c and 15.1c and 14c. Jtnt ty rauid soon be stormed CaruMllan-50.000 pounds. 15c' There la talk of the Germans And He. ntlrtif n nou uAamn aanlrui. Tili- usn 3 s n sla a smoke thrower which kills Nova. 3tfl00, 15c and 14c. Stor-Ru VPgetatton ac. Tatooah. 37.000. 16.1c and 14c. TV.. JulyjJBar Hen. PMlfte. W Ktdwarrf. Lieutenant , Bpray. 36.000. 15c and lie. Otor-1 Drltiah "Columbia. 'age. r visit to Skldegnte In-1 Canadian week, making an1 Lois N.. 38,000, 15.8c and 14c. ' Km Allford Hay air Storage. l airbHlm. secretary to iu Oovernor. and J MftcDonaki call-M: and Mrs. E C. Stcv-(irsis for the occasion ' '1 Mrs Duncan McColI C'mlnttc City. . IGVIT.S MILLIONS oil of Egypt's 10,000.000 Fredella III, 22.000. 15.8c and 14c, Storage. Check On New Recruits Women Show Courage Under Severe Tests Young British Girls Hankering Tor Adventure Fulfilled LONDON. July 29 9 -Joyce Hun-nlbeirs hankering for adventure has been fulfilled. Only 17. ihc has been placet! In chfcrge of a night spotter's post at a gun site in the lower Nile delta ed up In the nrmy now arc going and is responsible for. turning In tlie warning cniung crews w the guns and Instruments. Other women who want to know ic Imperial Oil Co. engineer- jcrut before he Is assigned to a what it's like to be under lire 'I arrived in the tlty this i unit. I .elude elude members members of or a a mobile mooue an am- hs rc tn connection with I 'nimrd in a West Surrey U1UI area. At LONDON, July 29 0) For more than 60 years a member of the parliamentary press gallery, H. F. Wood Is dead, at the age of 82. On his first night In the gallery ho reported Disraeli in the Lords and Gladstone In She Commons, of war. J ALICE ARM HAS BLAZE Joe Wells' Cuuimings' Sfnre Building antf Hesidenre Destroyed By I ire A store building owned by Joseph Walls, the residence of W. M. OtHnmlnts and other structures were destroyed by , fire at Alt Arm on Srtirday last about noon, according to word brought to the city yesterday from thr old mining camp up the coat. The fire started on the roof of the Cum-mings' house, apparently from chimney sparks. It spread rapkMy and soon the buildings were enveloped in fumies. Fire fighters had to carry water in buckets a distance of four hundred feet from a pump. The Cmnmings lost all their effects except some bedding. GllNKRAI VACCINATION GLASGOW, July 29 Fear of a general outbreak of smalloox hfre vacclnallon of bulancc unit attached to tho Home morc than 3 Thf I 1 T Local iemper2 Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 2:44 ajn. 225 feet I Maximum 'r'r A, 4n ' 15:29 p.m. 21.0 feet IT ..mum Low 9:15 a.m. 1.0 feet NORTHERN AND CISNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 22:21 p.m. 4.9 feet It XXXI No. 174 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1042 PRICE- FIVE CENTS Bfl ire Destroys Cannery On Islands Today's War Summary By Canadian Press) tzis Continue Advance ... Nail column pressed toward Kushchcvka tdav ai Soviet nuh. tions called on Russian soldiers and civilian for Increased narrl- , ft HUftl, MtlHIMII Willi UI Iliril Hllll mirn RM Wiart.f .nnlhMvrl it I i ..i tr .... I. i . . . " f V lilt VUUillf Willi MIC !. ujv w r ii ui r ui i.urani fin npniriiifiuiH r , - -- vai. taimiu iu III . . . . el - II ra-i . . . irui aiauncrau. me wfrmant dronntd UafUL f nia.ri,i jv urruriiiE iiict houki nonn tinrm it. ..iii.i, i... I..- w v. m i i v ii i 9 urni fir & rrr ftiurp nil .liirtiti O FLAMES CONSUME GERMAN STUKA wmmm H3 A souvenir hunter apparently has takm nw swa.'ika emblem from the tail of this Stuka dive bomber, shown burning jn the desert of North Ai'r.ej. It wa.s .set afire bv the British to destroy any spare parts that might be .salvaged by the Nazi. The Nazi., tued large numbers of dive bombers in their recent drive into Egypt. NAZIS IN ::;V:V -HAMBURG CAUCASUS : SMASHED ? . ij -:! j Enemy Prlve Into Southern Itus-j sla Is Continuing Talk of j. -v, .New- Weapon . . v. u, MOSCOW. July 29 Having c rowed the Don River barrier, in vading Nasi arml8 are now gpced-ing acre ttt plains of the Cau- WASIlINaTO.V. July : The CMU trom npwly captured Rostov. United unuro IHatet otaies Suureme suurtcne Court uoun is is 1 1 The Immediate alms of the enemy Losses Heavy t LONDON. July 2:- :The Ad )wrrtrttr armwifKTT'trr tw KrlUsh Nnvy and Allied ves- sels co-operating with it have put out of commission since ( the first of uhe year 053.000 1 tons of Axis shipping. The Admiralty estimates that 7.184,760 tons of German and : rw-inn rxoramnn meeurui toaay to coiwKler nab- wijuju appear 10 oe w waure Italian shipping has been rpjrfUn 130 vos ew corpus proceedings on behaUlof Caucasus oil fields, uhe neutral-1 sunk captured. damaged or opposition motion of eight Nasi spies who were Und- Mn of Russian naval strength interned, exclusive of United House express It 4- ed In Uie United Stales by German 1 on the Black Sea and the capture 1 states action, ninr nutw-v reorganiaaUon of submarines and are facing sabot-'f Stalingrad. There was no con tinent of National aae and other required. . military court NEARLY TO PEACE NOW BY HIGHWAY, Page Hideout Advocating Efficacious Program To Provide ! Link With Coast .1 . . . nuvueaung ne construction as soon as possible of two forty mile' links of road In British Columbia, which will complete highway connections between the Pea!:e River country and the Pacific Coast by way of Peace River Pass and the failneca mining district also linking up with theMlaska-JIighway, Page Rideout, pioneer and,perslst-ent apostle of Prince Rupert as 'he railway outlet for the great Peace River agricultural hinterland, is In the city. Following a visit to Prince George. Mr. Ride-, ! out. who halls from Peace River' town In Alberta, arrived here from ! I the Interior at the first of the' week and will sail tomorrow night for Victoria where he will press' his latest plan for opening up of j-the Peace River (country on the unnsn ooiumDia provincial authorities. Efforts are being made by Peace River Board of Trade. Mr. Ride- PLANT IS WIPED OUT Lagoon Bay Establishment on Queen Charlotte Islands Reported Destroyed by Flames The well known salmon cannery of the Canadian Fishing Co. at Laepon Bay n Selwyn Inlet on Moresby Island of the Queen Charlottes har. all but been destroyed by fire, according to word reaching Prince Rupert. The fire occurred last Sun day morning and details are lacking as to the nature of the conflagration. It was used to pack fail varieties of salmon and would not be In operation .at this time. The loss mightbe up to $200,000, depending on : the exact extent of destruction. Ed. Paulson, construction superintendent of the Canadian Fishing Co. from Vancouver, chancing to be here when word was received of the fire at the cannery, left last night for the Islands to ascertain full particulars of the blaze. FIGHTING ON NEW GUINEA out explains, to have the B.C. gov-1 iernment link up existing roads Land AcllvitT Between Japanese from Manson Creek bridge on the! And Britfsh slty Miles From Turgeon (Ominecat Highway to Port Mofey the British Columbia boundary to. connect with a road extension' MELBOURNE, July 29: Land 'there and thus provide a connec- f'8ntlnS between British and Jap- Royal Air Force Delivers Another tlon with the Alaska Highway anese forces on New Oulnea sixty Attack on Great German Port and etve an nutlet in h fn miles from Port Moresby continues. r "-ScouFf e' tofReTch rtrfe pe1ertnreeiverrTwhctf " t "r J"tnaw. .L n;m I Prince George Board of Trade is . attempt to fight over the moun- LONDON. July 29 Following up endorsing this scheme, following a 1 13,0 ranSe which separates them the promise of Air Marshal Harris, visit there this week of Mr. Ride- from Port Moresby appears to be chief of staff for air. that the out who has also contacted other uncertain. Japanese planes have Royal Air Force would become the boards of trade In the Central In-! tr,ed unsuccessfully to again courge of the German Reich from terior. ! strike at Port Moresby and Towns- end to end, shattered, smoking Alberta Favorable viV. Hamburg was once again for the' . . . ' second night in three subjected!.. ATU sovertiment favors jq STTfr"Ti to a withering mass attack by the tne P"1 S UUlti I the of $4000 Rnvat Air PnrrP ThP m.nlh,lProTed Siding this.-' road Uom Wors of the operation was indicated by f60!1"1 ?e the announcement that thirty-two British bombers failed to return. Three places in East Anglla and the Midlands were raided by the Luftwalfc during the night Hoists Pants Not Swastika: Polish Woiker Sentenced Death For Offending Fuehrer LONDON. July 29 A Polish honor of the Fuehrer The Pole hoisted a pair of old trousers from his window instead ol a swastika flag on Hitler's birthday, the newspaper Pommersche Zeltung said. KILLED BY TREE FALL Curious Accident on Island High' way In Cowichan District Mennonites Held VICTORIA, -.-., -' July 29 K-Kenneth t.V'i , , , . V It r D TlJla"btUe inoculation" exercise- T sc,s "P Saunders, aged 20. and Rodney I old Now It Can Be ;vcbaliSn t.; above sZVXTtl 16; rh ! Duncatn killed yesterday when a tree fell Uie somiers as uwy cu, cumbcd to th(J dlseasc , LONDON, July 29 t7) After 18. stomachs - the women passed j months, It has been officially dts-i through the ordeal at tneir own Closed that the Central Telegraph (request and didn't turn a hair. Office, London, was destroyed by, fire on the night of tho great fire raid, December, 1940. More than a quarter of Britain's total telegraph traffic passed through this office. Miss B. French of the Port Simpson Hospital nursing staff was b passenger ysterday goln? through on a trlp to Vacouvcr, REPORTED DISRAELI Shortly after midnight last night a siren which was mistaken for an air raid alarm resulted In the turning out of street lights for a while as well as bringing Into action some of the A.R.P. wardens and the observance of blackout regulations by somq citizens. Exact causa of. the signal-had not been ascertained ;up to fooon today. In any case,.' It wasjtiot official .V across a car on a highway between Duncan and Cowichan. Two Mennonites, employed In felling big snags, are being held by the provincial police pending Inquest. E. V. Whiting, officer In charge of the local unemployment Insurance office, will be the speaker tomorrow artcrnoon at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary, He will speak, on new developments in connection with employment regulation. . I As the B. C. government already has money In this road system, the Peace River board believes that Victoria should be interested In completing the program. However, they do not expect the program to be finished overnight. At least It should be given approval for completion 'immediately following the war. said Mr. Rrdeout. In a letter to the B. C. Depart- 'ment of Public Works, the Peace ' Crete To .Hlver Hoard stated: "We tin The gaps to be filled are rrom us Manson Creek bridge to Flnlayi re 1 . t- . 1 l T. 1 . t. to Gold Bar. Which is halfway between Hudson's Hope and Finlay Forks. The distance from Gold Bar to Finlay Forks Is some 40 miles. "Thus," said Mr. Rideout, "It may be readily seen that by filling In between Manson Creek bridge through to Finlay Forks and on to Gold Bar and completing the connection at the Alberta and B. C. boundary we would have a thoroughfare through our north country. The route would service not only the Hudson's Hope, Gold Bar, Finlay Forks, Mount Selwyn, Germanscn Landing and other points, but would give all the north country an outlet to the sea." The entire work, added Mr. Rideout, would not equal the cost of the McBrlde outlet to'Edmoh- IN EGYPT Only Patrol Action Reported Royal Air Force Raid On Crete CAIRO. July 29: The only action in the Battle of Egypt during the past day has been patrol activity in the El Alameln sector. The Royal Air Force delivered another attack on Suda Bay In uiuiK. you win agree wicn us inai r) 1 1 1 "if f nara.lel any British Lhildren where in Canada where the same worker in Stettin. Germany, was filling in or gaps would connect sentenced to death by a special uo the same amount of mileage! tribunal because he "offended the 'of real highways." ' To Miss Ice Cream Manufacture to be Banned After September 30 rurKS io vjuia uar, ana irum iukc . Prairie to the Alberta boundary.! lqndoN, July 29 O) The kid-and rrom the boundary to Wors- dles (and some grown-ups) won't ,py- jliHe this. The government has an- Distances Short nounced that the manufacture of The trail between Manson Creek ice cream will be prohibited after bridge and Finlay Forks Is 40 miles September 30. Ice cream producing Thirty-three of these miles Won uses a large quantity of fats are reasonably good for road mak- and sugar and makes considerable lng. A car can bs driven from calls on manpower. Fnrt st. Jnhn f hrnm?h' thp ranvon . Tne canning or spagnetu ana macaronl and of vegetable salad with mayonnaise also Is to be banned In accordance with the Food Ministry's policy of restricting canning to essential RESTAURATEUR FINED LONDON, July 29 W In the first prosecution for infringement of rules regulating restaurant prices Mario Taborelll was fined $40 and costs because he raised his charge for a cup of coffee from about 15 cents to 30 cents and made a house (cover) charge when he had no licence to do so. ton. Once completed the northern roadway would make It as quick for Peace River residents'" to go to Prince George as to go to Edmonton. , ,., , .