WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1913 i Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Your New FALL DRESS A combination of chic and refined good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools in all sizes both large and small. Only one of a kirid.'-o duplicates. ' PLEASINGLY PRICED Rupert Peoples Store Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Cbarra Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here Is your chance to try the latest S-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with rrani Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAH or. 6th and Fulton Above Sunrise Store fhone Blue 913 for Appointments 4j For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE l BUY . . . PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . tu Your LocaJ, Butchers. NO WASTE ilEXDr TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT tO. Ltd IMUTISU COLUMBIA t c c I VSOOOCHl 000O frO O0O0OO OOO-OOOOO O CHX3 OO OOOO BOOmOrtHWKK- Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 6 pjn., stopping at all local stations. Diesel Car for Terrace leaves dally except Sunday, 4:15 pa. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 10:30 a.m., stopping at Ter- J race, Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smlthers, Burns ! Lake, Vanderhoof, Prince George, GiscomeTanatMcBrlde ' only. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT ' TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY 6:30 jm. Diesel Car from Terrace 11:15 ajn. dally except Sunday. Air conditioned SLEEPING and DINING CARS on trains leavine Monday 6:p.m., Wednesday and Friday 10:30 a.m. For full information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines IS HONORED AT STEWART Farewell Farty and Mrs. is Held for Jack Scott Mr. STBWART. Sept. ,23:-J as;, a very pleasant evehlni aUhoucli tinged with regret at the Canadian Legion Hall on .Sunday when an informal party consisting of Legion members and their wives gathered to bid good-bye and good luck to Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Members from Big Missouri and Premier had made a special effort to Jack Scott is a charter member" and past president of the Stewart ( branch and has been active in all range and the veterans' plot were two features of the Legion's workj in which ho tonic nn Mrxwlnl In. THE DAILY NEWS while the ladles sat back and approved. Following the supper President Edward Foster presented to Mr. Scott a pen and pencil set and to Mrs. Scott a gold compact as tok-1 ens of remembrance lrom the Legion for the successful and untlr- lng work contributed 'by both, guests of honor to the Legions' ac- ' tlvltles. WRe& niiln replying, Mr. Scott, whojeft j Stewart Monday night, expressed1 fils regret that qlrcumstanSe$ com-1 pclled him b leave. He .hoped it j would be only for "duration" as. his Tiome would always be Stewart. Addressing himself to the Legion members he urged preparation to serve those who will soon be returning from the battlefields of this war. "For They Are Jolly Oood Fel lows" and "Auld Lang Syne" brought the evening to a close. John Bulger of terest and which will remain for.nas Dccn lHXlTO Prince Rupert a district coun- years as a record of his activities. (clllor of the British Columbia Op- ourlng the evening songs were tometrlc Association. The presl-contrlbuted by Frank Bowler, dent is A. Edgar Kldd of Vancou-James Morrice and W. S. Orr. and ver. the good old army game. "Housie- . Housle." under John Thompson. Peter Rlschllde returned to the was much enjoyed. Legion mem- city this morning from a trip to bers served delicious refreshments Vancouver. SERVICE STATION tor APPLIANCES WORKING! ji Give Your Appliances I H ' A Thorough Check-up H y Reddy Reddy Kilowatt Kilowatt "Metals "Metals and and Wufi mm "War needs come first" says manpower are needed for the Big Job. That's why it's up to all of us to keep our electrical appliances up to par. Careful maintenance and prompt repair will add years to the life of what we have." Check up on all your appliances now. And don't forget those cords they contain precious copper and rubber. A little care will make them, last a lot longer. flXTHEM UP-MAKETHEM LAST KEEP THEM WORKING RBDDy SAY Si Keep en Buying Wir Savings Certifjeatei m Complete Shows 1:00, 3:01, 5:02, 7:03, 9:01 Feature at 1;5I, 3 1 5 ,., CAP1TOLW NEWS FROM EDMONTON Brigadier R A. Wyman of the Canadian Army oversea has written to Premier William Aberbart tJ in of the courage of many Al-br ta men who took part in the recent flfldo raid at pieppe. "PeopV must look to women to win this war." declared Major General Jean Knox, eontroller-j general of the Auxiliary Territorial 'Service. In speaking to the Wo-' meri's Canadian Oluto at luncheon The Edmonton chapter of the Edmonton deanery of the Angli OFFICERS 0FLEGI0N For First Time No Contest lor Pints on lUrcutive at Stewart 8TKWART Brpt T PXJ Just Kcturncd With THE FINEST AND LARGEST btidn o o! flrat time tnce XiepHdii the Stewart branch of the Canadian Legion in 1917, there will be j no ballotUng for officers this year Nominations ckwed at the meeting but Thunday evening and it wa found f.uit all nominations were acclamations The loUowtng will be the slate of officers of the Stewart branch for the forthcoming year. here at the week-end. "If men ; nual meeting to be held on Oeto-are having a bad time in this war ber 1: it is up to every ommn. wherever Prealilent. LouU A. IUrfuun he U. to see them through." the declared. There is no Ttpng ! for u. to give one's life if necessary, and that it new to women." Pint Vtoe-Pretttent. Samuel D Klrkpa trick Second Vtee-PfiMtnt. H. Leila. Chaplain. A. IltMewwim elected. Sergeant - at - arms. Michael P can diocese of Edmonton has pro- i .VSurphy t re-elected . tested to Mayor John Pry and the RaeeuUee John Trwropwo. Wl-clty council at the holding of an ham 8 On. Harry C. Dennett, exhibition, mldwmy and horse rac- Pt PreeWmt. K rbnter. lng meet m mer. Bnmonton next nun- Retail meat stoops of Edmonton have had ample supplies of pork and beef so far but bare spots are exoeeted to develop oon James Morrice wa appointed chairman of this year's Poppy campaign committee. Mrs. Jamea KtDas. who ha been on a visit to Vancouver, returned to the city this morning vraraiaiaraciraiicaiaiBiBtBiBiaiviaiBiiiBaiHiXiBVBra M PI iMr. Coldhloom Has 1 STOCK OF FUR COATS Of all kinds ever presented in Prince Rupert h OiMid Discount. Third Avenue G0LDBL00M rfl UVlsUDlaVViU FID I firiM Gifts Going Away Convalescent Anniversary Graduation For livery Occasion See Our Personalized Control System. It's Easy to Select JiiHtheiRight Card to make your Greeting reajly appreciated. 1 M M H ti i for Cash rrnce lupttt wi u B-iBxBiB7BiBTBiBEBTBIBlBrasa-ja.JBiBia:iBTa3:BBTB:IBiBiB.ja WJHHHHHHHS1SSHHSSB Send . . . COUTTS CANADIAN CARDS 0 . Birthdays Weddings Showers Births Sympathy -ior- 9 i ON Tr f i starch of T.mV1 Pete Smiths "VkUr a, ruts a SPECIAL! In the News Canadian Commando DIEI'PK im; I nK n i .1 V D.C U Wallst, nuci NEW RO! HOIH ". Hume Am; F P.l.u C . . a mil nr. f rhone Ml Ftanel tmm: m m re- l 1111 it Opportunlh' Im G 0 L D S E A L it lk H1FTY Whrre Joor sum m WE tltt rBfHfSIEJSISJSJSriJ : " in WOffl 1 I I ft I . . . . . T' III 1 Tbira Fane?' inToi Cnn1ivitll Bio