PAGE SIS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses. Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Thinking of Christmas? I Mi I J Rex fffs k 1 cv i g . 1 iL I y 1 I RUPERT RUPERT I P a y EOPLES STORE SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here is yotr chance to try the iatest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frisk Baird's Bair Shaper. Indrnduai styling to suit your feavurei. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. Cth and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Bine 9U for Appointments 3 f 'OXOX0OOOOOOKKOOOOMO tor Uuick. hafe and ComfortahlP TAXI 5FRVTPP. Pi PHONE 235 o o 0 0 o OAT AND NIGHT 0 Announcement RcctricUons placed upon us by the Wartime Prices & Trade' Board compel us to announce we shall be unable to put in our ' Christmas Special" this year. This practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant Industry of Prince Rupert, has become lncreasintdy popular and we are , very sorry we shaB have to disappoint oar many ' 1 customers this' year. After the war. we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to oar many friends. Canadian Fish & Co'd Storage Prince Rujert Co. Ltd. British Columbia i WATER IN AND OUT Water that Is consumed rapidly is apt to be thrown oil In excessive perspiration. PROTECTED BISON There are now 21,000 protected bison in the United State and Canada. BUFFALO MIGRATION A buffalo herd 15 miles wine Hi 1S1 made one of the but great I migrations en the American plains. It seems hardly possible that Christmas time has rolled around again. But already we're beginning to think of lists and worry about chokes. Wis peo-' pie will shjjp early while stocks are full ami we hope you will do that ! Perhaps j Uiese1 Suggestions will put ideas your head and give you some "belpfalhints.. They are items that make lovely gifts and are always very acceptable. TOILETRIES . . . Soaps, Colognes. Perfumes, Sachets, Powders, Cosmetics. GLOVES . . . Fabric, Kid. Doeskin, Brushed Wool, Bunny Fur Mittens. LINGERIE . . . Panties, Slips, Bed Jackets, Nighties, Pyjamas, Nighty and Robe Sets, HOSE . . . We've done the impossible in getting a large selection of her favorite hose for Xmas. PURSES . . . Umbrellas, Hankies, Bags, Scarves, Turbans, Pictures, etc. for a MERRY CHRISTMAS -FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. II i 3 THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15 i9tJ COUNCIL IS INSTALLED Ceremonies Held Recently at Na. tire Milage of Kincolith on Nass River KDIOOUTH. Dec 15 Installation of the newly elected councillors and officers of the vtttage of Ktaeotttfc fir the year 143 wm held recently with an interesttae program combine o mask and oeeches futtseed by the terdat of refreshments after which dancing was enjoyed and games pmy- eo, the evening's proceedings Watts. The crmnrfl for the year of the foDovmc: Chief OoonciQar. Qearte L. Slew vt. mrsjnmV Watts. 8rneaw,'Jgu and ; wiDCrt ifawifie. I Treasurer. Matthew Stewart. Secretary. Chris TrssMe. Clerk. Hector Qurney. cauutaMm for she year are Waste. Isaac Anam Johsmy irJehard Watts. Arthur Morris HaJdane. Oorge Cbxyun and Eddie GIRLS IN SEABOOTS SOMKWHCRF IX ENGLAND. Dec. 15 Jtll Ausinary Territor ial Serrtce fflrls workin in mixed batteries win be Issued with seaboot snmas and white ckrres this winter The eJothinc is similar to Nary issue and wi!l be made available mainly to girl working on antiaircraft gun crrws GOLD SEAL S Fancy Red s MZ' : Salmon For Christmas GIFTS To mention a few of the well-known better creations in Perfume and Toilet Articles. Sets to suit alL 5 i and S m a, Li s&isi&a 10 Tm't4, 1 Sauce M 1 --WirirTs- are both on active service Jj u bat via be back on yonr j jjj grocer's shelf soon as condl- - B ditions permit. f uiiiBiiiiaTii?stLar f i Revlon Cutex Ashes of Roses Evening in Paris Lentheric Tweed Yardleys Old English Lavender Adrienne Jasmine Gardenia Ormes Ltd. CASH CHEMISTS THE REXALL STORE PHONES tl AND tt Open Daily, from 9 am. till ) pjn. Sunday and HoUdays from It - 2 pja. and 7 - f pan. 7ZA If 5 5 5 5 5 y ew 5 CASE OF LBOR (Continued from page 1 worts, dealing parUcularly with deplorable conditions of sanitation in the wartime noosing ana. He proposed a secondary water main for the city for which tar would ask the government for financial support. Contractors who Mere tearing up the city atreeU should repai: Parthavc Rik rower H. M. DatxeU sssbmitted that the I KAn WAY rosnpatmle with service and efficiency and esUbiish air raid shelters More technical education, roca- ! Uonal guidance were also desirable Mr. Langrtdge alao protested at the staff houses having been i against the school property iud promised that, if elected, he would work against any more of them Jack Deane spoke of the importance of education of the children in a democratic economy. Educa Uon depended upon the ability the teachers for whom aecunv. moat be provided in the way i f fttm Amwi nirkut ik. Mm. compensation and bousing M; eJectrte power system and operate i Dene thought that wartime work it as a mansetpal uUttty so that anouw sear a share of sth cheap power could be given and casU Proportionate to that wh the protlte rrtald for the as of . PrPerty owners were u: the dtv. There should alao he more UP to meet hag to a eJoar with the atafme of , , .t feu. - &Sw i " There arawttM souea. should be no franchise lor private The pracram consisted of red-j mtwesta m the tow swrvteu. Tt tar of the names of the officers - i. Swary Chris Trims. ec-and every effort should be mad to bottlenecks t"?!? " T ' " 1 SBsprove it. At use end or use year rmph of Peace." and "Fort Wash-1 Labor would give, an account of nrton" by the orchestra, addreaoes tta sVewardshin. Mr Daggett made by Chief Councillor George L. Stew- clear Um he was not Panning rt. Ernest Angus and Francis ander the auspices of any paUUcaJ Watts and by OonatabW Rufua party. George Hills jet out to diar-ua the city manager plan and the reason for Labor's opposition. The Labor candidates pledged themselves to protect the right of the people. A city managership would be moat undemocratic. After aU- someone would be rudnlag the dry manager Mr Hills referred to the nnpectanc of derelOiM permanent industries and deplqred thelactdaat twenty-fire percen; of the halibut fleet had already left Prince Rupert. Educational Prorram J. T. Langrtdge. candidate for school trustee, outlined the Labor platform to Improve school grounds pay adequate salaries and increments to school teachers, supervise traffic around the schools secure additions: gorerruRent grants, pro vide bus semcr practice economy lighting. labor "Vastly Better Bruce Mickleourgh eiprrw : cotiDdence that there was going . Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service Information Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, Genial Agent, Prince Knprrt. BC. a, & 5 s 5 & if w eswi 5 5 & y 5 nuiiv mitigating agatru: n. war offurt in Prince Rupert sr. nany problems had to be n - He descrtMd the Labor Candida..-as "vastiy better" than the othr. o were offering thesis i vet I. stead of being "the city of iK hoUletsecks." Prince Rupert si, ; be setting Use pace for demacr effort O- W. Ridderham. the chair ma: uggeeied that all Use raupavrr candidates ftewdnil to do was Jr-the work ovar to a city aunag-' They admitted that they were : sapame or rutmlng the city bus nesm. Why not elect the men h oettseiid they couid carry on t. eitya huuneaa It wosld cost h;r a millvm daUars to get a r- back in the shape of ISO Mr ft derham etabaed that money r, bean test throutb the Alder r: , mg plan bacasse of the lens', tag of the period of interest ; j lag. D. A MacPhee had srnr.r q .i-tions to ask in regard to :-' Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and War Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-sell. Juneau and Skacway TOMORROW ONLY Complete 8h I. J. . 7, a Uut of the battle grounds of Uataan and C'orregidor misht of a new rose the army! MANILA CALLING with LLOYD N0l.N CAROLE L AM)ls JAMES (JLKASON At l 41.1 41. ft 4- : . ( ADOKI NEWS - COMQiY ONIAlCKtaC 7 H C A T I f TICKETS lt CHRISTMAIt l..... . 4 Fotkogtd in gay ho' dof g.fl t AVt?Spl Book, f Tickets fr vlci - j ChHdrea V Priced U N U f ENDING TOM CUT Cum pie u s: 1M -Aftr. m-SB.NDS NECESSARY At 77 C Coming Thnrr I Er, "Springtime In Tk? (UckScj CAPITOL a rsMoul risnii tutn 1 t' sw la I srwooal !? oanrl k i iwai ita aiu Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DMRY rilONE s: HERE THEY ARE!. AU That's New, Gay, Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas of a uide CteZn and JUs up Little tots will laugh, shout and clap thir pudgy hands with glee over these Jolly and amusing toys that Santa has left in truckktads at this popular Christmas toy shop. Toys that more, sonuck, talk and ubat not are aU here In grand array. And, parents, jouTl be mighty happy over the values! PLUSH PANDA BEARS Blaik and white with eyes that move. S2.45 "d S4.95 PULL TOYS variety. at DOLLS of every sire and tvpe. Many Beauties. 39c ,a S8.25 TOY DRUMS Big, bright and noisy. 99 (J VARIETY STORE 5