mffmmfli 1 " By a cicInK fcftwlns procti wt cotuerrt Ike itl t!o H brrie'i y t jfve yo COMPLETE btr tfit (Inert txcr yo rrcf Urttd. -IN B.C. irs v.c- ORDER THE BEER THAT GIVES YOU MORE Phone 651 for Free Delivery CAPILANO BREWING CO. LTD., VANCOUVER, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. EDITORIAL The Position Of The C.CF. . Nn nnlitipnl nartv rhieh confines itself to Drotest Continued From Page One iiament has Just prorogued, the Prime Minister and several member at (fee cabfrret are out of town, departmental officials are in the whirl of the particular session -closing occasion. There is disappointment that contemplated appointments most go by the board. Out there could be noUUB. more cheerful than an evening after a busy day with old friends Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brady especially happy since they have with them then: son Flyfnf Officer Desmond Brady htme .to Canada for instructional duty after a year overseas on combat service wtth the .Royal Canadian Air Force. Mr. I Brady had time, however, to give a typically warm welcome at his' suburban home to an old. If ; troublesome, pupil and 'to chat 'about many "dear old friends" te whom he asked to" be remem bered. A short nocturnal train ride and then, before the folks art p, we are in the town of Cocourt home f the MMsnds Regiment of tocaJ (Interest birthplace of Marie Dress ler and noted for the vtstt cf Kii u:i,i n.Lm-,.o fr.r. Ucolf o tnt xrhinh i'the German prisoner-of-war camp can uum, a FxMgio..c - fc BOTFTnanTllle the oenera! being realized by the leaders of the C.CF. who now see;Motors oshawa and the unfolding before them the alluring possibility of power big munitions factory at pecker-on a scale hitherto undreamed of says the Winnipeg Free ling, just east, of Toronto, crops m Procc Tla nnliVips nc IVipv nnw hponn tn tnlep shnnp and that part of Ontario are away i .'"'j a. i ...i. ahead of the prairies. 8outhern receive empnasis, ao not, now ever yet reiiett anyiniB talfc vhmt la cut and ready more than the promises they hold out to every group in 1 for threshing. the country to which appeal can be made on the grounds: a day for Toronto is not enough, that they are the oppressed undef-dogs of the nation. The)of course, one is lucky to see the real problems of definition of C.CF. pblicies lie ahead. rtj and a few- : . . . , , , . tutions. visit Casa Loma and do There remains, for instance, the basic divergence thc rt tlmen (baytnf between the urban and rural appeals made by C.CF. (WSr savings stamps from aiona leaders. To the workers in the towns and cities the C.CF.jswanson in person at Eaton's) as' makes its bow as a nartv standing for coirmlete socializa- well as tafee care of a few busrneiw tion or nationalization. But to the farmer this appeal is!fitndJtBdL waS t neglected or ignored. Nothing is said to the farmer about! J esgenJiuiT a city of dv cap q i7inrr mm ncroof rnn i i t .onnp') mr Qiinnnrr ici made on the basis of maintaining him as a sturdy and individualistic owner of his land, but one who, under C.CF. benevolence, will receive higher and higher prices for his products. So far as the farmer is concerned this is "Heads I win ; Tails you lose," and it is small wonder that there are signs of growing support, especially in the western farming community. But those who on the prairies find the answer to their economic difficulties in C.CF. promises of higher prices are doubtless now regarding with some apprehension the stronger bids that are being made by the C.CF. for the support of the East's industrial workers. An attempt is being made this year to finance C.CF. activities by contributions made by trade unions, and it takes no life and. Judcjing from the deserted 1 streets, no one can go downtown at nights. The only crowds to be seen by night were at Loews Th--1 atre where "Mrs. Miniver" was having a greet run. and at the Union Station where trains were pulling out In various direction, on one of which I started for the West, through the muskegs and swamps of northern Ontario, the rolling prairie plains, and even the grand Rocky Mountains, past the magnificent valleys and rivers and. finally, through the Inside Passage to Prince Rupert which, for better or tor worse, I found to be much In the spotlight and prophet to forecast that, if a strengthening is received ia focai point for interest in East irom such a source the dav is not far distant when the present agrarian appeal will have to be stopped. It is to the interest of trade unions that their members" sttould not be forced to pay more lor food than hey can get away with, and higher agricultural prices are quickly reflected in the workingman's household budget. C.CF. leaders attempt to leave the impression that by soaking the rich and impounding privately-owned capital, both ends can be attained, but it is doubtful if a nation which has learned during the war that practically all the rich men s incomes can be taken away from them without materially meeting our war costs will swallow the doc trine that a single process of confiscation will provide enough to go round for all time. It may be presumed that this fundamental contradiction in the terms of the C.CF. appeal to the country is uemg uiscusseu in pany circles, ior it is unw ortny tOj believe that its leaders will continue indiscriminate agi- tational appeals to the "have-nots" once they realize that! the responsibilities of office may descend upon their shoulders. For, if office is won in that way, it is certain! that it cannot be maintained by similar methods. The; hard realities . of life will impinge upon the members oft r i Ti i t a u.v.r. guveruiiiuiib very rajjiuiy inqeeu anu a swing away frSm the dangers of this contradiction would become inevitable. Nevertheless the -growth of the C.CF. is such that the two older national parties which today split between them more than 200 of the 245 seats in the House of Commons must face the fact that one or the other of them is bound to go down if the C.CF. htakes serious natidrtal inroads into their strength. There is. not room in Canada for more than two major political groupings, and if the C.CF. is to be one of them, either the Liberal or the Conservative party will disappear. em Canada One has to see Canada to appre ciate it. We have a great and vast country which we cannot blame others for coveting and which we must ourselves defend. NOTTINGHAM. Eng.. Aug. 13: T Complaint of Rev. R. Deaville la that when the Home Guard goes on exercises it is much too realistic. They "captured" his church durinc a service, punctuated his sermon with gun and bomb explosions and he had to cut it short. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 5 O Blue Gillette Blades ride easily and quickly through toughest beards! They're precision-made of steel diamond-tested for hardness and have the sharpest edges ever honed. For slicker, smoother shaves try long-lasting Blue Gillette Blades. PRtCISIOM-md. to fit rur CilUlt JUof lactly and a?lJ r. and Irrltallan of nitil bU4m Letter Box THIBLTE Editor. Daily New: It no other has made a kindly reference in your nape to the late Mrs. Rhoda Worts of Port Simpson I wools! like to pay a worthy tribute to her msmory. In her sad death bv drowvine THIS FAMILV LL'CKY STOCKPORT. Eng.. Aua. 13 At 17, merchant seaman Johnny Brocklehurst of this Cheshire trn has already equalled thc First "rpn! Var r ,?ord of his father -Tih h.-vc been torpedoed three ik T.-ie 'h;rd time Johnny clung ' v. e'kaT', for 23 hours before be kfy up. BBBBBBB M I M J i fiJ U,i BJ -WBBBBBBB(l viH.MiH:mvi:iki:4a This advertisement u not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia the Rd Cross baa lost one of the tnest tireless workers of our dls- trtct or even In our province. A1-; hough working under the diffl-. julty of an affUetlon that continually trouble! one of her eyes a handicap that would have dis-couraged many from knitting entirely yet she was unwearyln? in her work both for the soldiers md the war refugees. They all would, ''-ve- hope, fetr with jfc in weaving this wreath to her rnem-x-jr and In expressing our sympathy for her children and her, aged invalid mother to their sor- T. C. C. J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block rnn M airs ''B-ar.Brfl.-Trj.tifP rwmtti irv Yoru c.ifts, 5 f Notfttles, Souvenirs and 3 Greeting Cards at the Films Developed and Printed 35c, any sire Up to 8 exposures Enlargement Coupon w.h erery roll Reprints c each Professional Work. Faa Scrrtee Enclose coin with roll and mail to: .MKYEKS STUDIOS 81? GranTllle St. Vancouter Call It . . . We Haul It We nerer eloe Phone Red 392 Huy from IJ.C. FCRMTURE and SAVE tilth tirade C II EST Ell - V1V1 flS I'rrnllr P.U. Brand New. Now NEW Coal. Now shape S145 STOVES, Wood and Regular ,1C0. gJQg SIl'DIO liEhS. Very Special. Itrand New. CIO IZ fi Now ISed, 1 only In good Q9H All kinds of other goods At Very Low Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK Ml Third Avenue a u VARIETY SIOKE g fi jiMTWWTWTWWtw.wnmsmmM-m m savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclll Prop. fhone 31 P.O. os 511 FRASER STREET ritlNCE KUPEKT ) LBBIBiBfcarB1BlBfBIEt8tB1BI zl NATIONAL HIURSDAY, AUOUBf Pi.02 TV70 'liiE DAILY Sbws - A,, FLYING ACROSS CANADA IBdward VTI. then Prince of w&ie In 180. A garrulous hotel n!n derk who served in the last war and Is proud of two sons he has overseas in this reflects the town's pride hi rts fme record of enlistments. It was interesting to see the headquarters of the Midlands and to chat with the fathers jand mothers, wives and friends of isorce df the boys who re now 'here. j On account of the gas and the situation, people dont motor much for pleasure In Ontario these days but rt was possible to get in on a drive up to Ttoronto through a real old pastoral part of the province along the shore of expansive Lake Ontario. Ttiat way we passed SHAVING'S SURE LIKE MAGIC WITH BLUE GILLETTE BLADES right! you get CLEANER LOOKING SHAVES, i-f ASTER AHD BLUE GILLETTE BLADES LAST LONGER E YOU MONEY ! Moose Ladies Concert And Tea PTKWART. Aug. IS The Moose H x.e was the scene of great ar-;v:tv recently when the members, f Portland Canal Chapter No. 18. Worsen of the Moose, staged a ( irtrm which netted the -Mptey a venr nice sum of money, rh men and wossen of Stew-; nr and of Hvder. Alaska, patron-, t?ed the affair la large number ! The hsB was beautrJuBy' decorated ,u. profusion of flowers do-! bv vartoM members, particularly worthy of note betng the rrret tew from Mfs. P. rather s t.vSen m HvOr. Alaska, and Mr W R Tooth s dahlias grown rn Stewart T - had fr n SI -wart and two from Ryder yuaUM mt the ims. -MV he OMMne stall was Kept busy urvtt tfts Bts defies A protram e UtNited to by ,---idren of the two eommsmHiev --rr ?h dtreerlbn of Mrs D. Bn-v5 wB referred: thia rn-,-w atatto sntoa. dances, haj- m sotos. accordion solas and rv r.xmbm Mrs V R Tooth - r ' eeneral convenor Outstandingly Good ALADA TEA Important Notice The Dominion Dairy wishes to announce that owing to the .srwrtHRC of milk production of their own herd they will Ik; nhle to give their cif tomers milk li days n week only. Therefore, commrncinu immediately, there will Ik no milk deliveries on Saturdays until fur ther notice. SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LAD IKS' Here is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH FRATHEHHOB PKRMANBKT. All rnds tapered with frtnk Usifdl Hair Shaper. individual styling to sett your feature! Sunrise Bcmtly Salon vtoi.irr maii Car. 6lli and Fulton Above SunrUe Store I'hon Hlue 31J for Appointments BtBiBrrriBiBiBiBiBi(5taiBfrsr?rBrtrBrBinfi b I a s m m Z B O m ' O "lO UtBTrTiW!W?BB?BBa0 NOTICE Conforming to war-time regulation and effective at once, home deliveries of beer will lie niade on orders received up to 2 p.m. daily. ' Orders will Ik taHen lictween the hour of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m! only. THE PACIFIC HKKiVEKS AOBN'CY. . . . i fcli;ilBllirBlBlSIBIBfBIB1tUBJa?S?BrarB'BBiB'l This advertwiftent Is not published or dlsettyed by ' Control Hoard or by the (Jovemment of lirltlah Cnliimbi.i OOOOOOOOO9OeOOOOOOOO06OOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOC3C a 5 Messenger Services! V our Becoming. Hair Is V ou Should Be Coming To Ni 01 Us! The my latest In hair sf)lM: Wares . . . Pompadours . . . Itants . . .Yin-Curl Warn . . . ItotU . . .Pin CuiU. FACIALS For that '. otglr! eomptexhm. MANICUR8B For the Udy that desires lovely hands. 8CALP-THFTWBNT8 To put luetfe Into hair that W & 1 out from the summer sun. PKHMANENTS Machine and machtnelcss. All oil permir.f for that soft oatural look. Also the abort Victory bob Let one of our three competent operators mskr you more beautiful m ilDV KEMP iSIE KLOIIN k.y scon lO I O The Modern Beauty Shdppe 0 o o Corner 3rd Arenue and 6th Street 0000000000000600600 0 ooooooooooo ooooooooooooooc DUE TO WAR CONDITIONS Canada will now on. have to depend as never before on the o3 put of her mines to fin the ever Increasing demands for ' Much of this will hare to be from Alberta mines, but th be difficult If not Impossible if consumers wait, as in the ( for cold weather before taking delivery. Do your part In helping to avoid a serious situation by filling your bin NOW and keeping It FULL. Stock of Foothills Alberta, Ilulkley Valley and Comox o on hand, PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PIIONE fl.l I'HONK V- When You Want a Itellable. Comfortable, DepVrtduM TAXI Service PHONE 13 Zt-llour Service at (tegular Kales I o