PAGE FOUR i X t X Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charts Watch, Clock. Jewelry Repairing, Hand Eniritlnj VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE lor Fine China, Dtnnerware. Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant "I'M m A PLAYBOY" i i 0k AND MY MOM GETS ALL MY CLOTHES AT The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store BOYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS CAPS SHORT PANT SUITS mvfi P1VT SITITS SPORT JACKETS BOYS' PANTS BOYS' OVERALLS . The Store for Dad and Lad Rupert Men's and Boys' Store. You'll be agreeably' surprised at the extra large department carrying a full range of w'c flnthps and vnu'll discover the nrices will meet your budget requirements, too. Come in and look I around. Rupert Mens & Boys' Store 217 SIXTH ST Across From Helgerson Real Estate THE STORE FOR DAB AND LAD V.'.V. BP' Canadian Pacific I LINES I Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at VancouTer with Canadian Pacific Serrkcs Information. Tickets and Reservations from W. L, COATES, General Agent, rrince Rupert, B.C. 'yvv--l'''--' NOW IS THE TIME- Give us an order right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive. . It ls Important that you should lay in your coal supply this summer as It ls almost certain that the, dealers will able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. ' IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUT YOUR COAL EARLY (It Is also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. BUY . . . PHONES 116 OR 117 RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . ,,at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE -: BEADY TO. COOK n i r 1 op l l Pi Unaaian nsn & torn storage . rt r i 51 i PRINCE RUPERT 1.0. .Ifl- BRITISH COLUMBIA is now in the process of equipment as staff headquarters THE DAILY NEWS i21b9H8Hv .LLHe&lisBssssssI i IH CANADA'S roaring shipyards drif-ing energy is essential. That's why so many hard-working Canadians Tote for the "Stlf-Surter" Breakfast ... a tug bowl of KeUoggs Corn Flakes, with toSk and a little sugar. It gires needed food energy . . . enough, in fact, to w alk OTer 3Vz miles or run orer 21 And does it taste swell 1 Get some today. It's economical ! Comes in two conxeniaat sizes. Made by KeUogg's in London, Capirts. TE "JELF-STARTER" BREAKFAST I Rustle Quarters For Cafe Staff The main item on the Y oro- ', gram today was the frenzied hurry ; on the part of a group of votnn jj volunteers 'they were practically J commandeered for the Job to 1 make fifteen sheets for the newly V equipped staff boose. It's a long story. When Mr. Trant, the cafe teria manager, came to town a week ago he was optimistic enough to ask the hostess to find quarters within the next week, mind you. for twelve of hi staff. After much nermasion and mocn tramp ing of street he came to the same conclusion, to wit. that ii couldn't be done. So beinc a resourceful 'man he hired himself a house which ' CORN HAKES J"I tmt mm. ttifiait if Traill '" Whose Tocabularly lacked the word -cant-He could and he would H bid and be did. rw -hons thoeah the hosteaa said "cant." oad to see Sergeant; Ralph Grieves of the Signals out ol the hotoital aaaln ana Terr mm i j m- deed to hear of the serious mneea of one of the BrttUh sailor Bad lucV does seem to dog them. Chin up, Geordie, you cant keep a good 3an down. Bill Pratt, cook on one of the minesweepers reports that he has now made good his losses incur red during his furtougn inp w Canada recently. The frt meeting of the newly organized Y Services Concert Party win be held tonight In the family lounge at 8. All men of the service and ladies of the com munkv Interested in any phase of production of plays and concerts There once was a smart guy called are urgently requested to attend i nF ifi I urccn aAiisuiu s jt CLEARANCE Broken Lines in Spectator Pumps Tan and White, Black and White, and Blue and White. Elasticized. Regular $5.50. To clear $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" -Salesman's Reply Alas! they wall upon our door "What, you have no more my goodneas dont you know a man must have his shorts to be a nudist might be fine but Ls it another gournraent design Oh we agree as foottsh things debar yet- shorts is going too far " H VXs we nod in full agreement te their sorrowful bereavem-nt we'soeak In Uue compassion M the future trends in fashion for no matter what society i shorts are needed tor propriety ut in our new and total war we must De nawouc w w when cotton and the sks axe neecec in all exploetoee which are meted o the enemy of our good way so bringing peace some other day must dte a Uttie deeper 'Hove that we are not the weake- If it's by chance your shorts old boy lis no reason to play cute or coy remember you gave your under drawers to atop this and future wan." E. L. ORAVE Arrandale Concert 'Benefits Red Cross Fire Hundred Dollar ,IUied Greenville .Silver ld Provides Mul ; ARRAVDALE. August 1J A concert and baskrt social hM at Arrandale cannery on Saturday night. August 8th. was thorouhry en)oyed by the employ flaher- men and their famlUea of the Naas River canneriea. Through the eonrteejr of the managers and nenaben of the anion oi uems irom u oj Gounod, and a cornet solo given by the bandmaster Fred McKay SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information. Tlrheti and lleervathn FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Atent Third Ave. Phone SSI THE SEAL OF QUALITY they're extra good beani. j r V ' '1 l 4 - if JJtfC' i 1! D fej. Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red q Hcrrinr in Tomato Sauce A Sandwich Spreadn Spiced Salnon T bmoked Salmon S Bloater ' SSSSSStSM I.N THE M TKKME Cni'KT ' IWITtHI (OLIMIIIA ' I-UOHAIL In thr Mallrr ut thr AdmlnWrlln An- ana In thr Mitlrr of thr rotate of Milium i .Moffat. oOrfr knotin Ullllam I' -TAKE NOTICE that bf oMrr of Hi- AupuiM. AD 1S42 1 vm H-AdnMrtolmtor otf th Mtac WtUlani UDiteC. (tOiM-m lu known i .WJltlfwn Motfatt. d-wtonra. knd ai pw-Ue hnttf StOM aclnat tir aatd fUur are ttrrrirj requcated t- furoWi name, preprljr rttVui. tu mr on or before thr 1&U dr of BrpiaMbrr. AD 142. and all par" todrtr-O to tuhc fvta&r arr rrqulml to pT thr Mnount of Utrir todrfeudnraii to irw ortlywUi DATED at PriM Rutirrt, BC, ttu 1Mb day of Auw. A D IMI. HOHUAK A. WATT Offirta) Admiotatratar. P1CC RUprrt, BO. ! TODAY UNTIL SATURDAY raofiTT SCAP1TOL Marlene Dietrich- following ihe conrn nwiy - gaily decorated feaakeU were raf fled. Mr. Oeorat Parser of Arran dale cannery officiating as auc tioneer The evening closed with a dance As a result of this happy gath-', Green vllle SUver Band a feast of erlng th Canadian- Hej ernes music was supplied, outstanding Society wt:i be enriched by Items being a moat excellent ren- of IlVf hundred dollar SSUs Complete Shows 1 00, J M, I 51, 7:03, i H Feature at 1 21, 3 28, 5 IZ. 7 S3. ( IT'S THEIR BUT i THOSE DIZZY BUCK PRIVATES ARE Of TO THE SOMBRU0I INTROUBlll . j " II. "Sttnptior j" lre.e GIVING TO KutroUth i trm 1 BOUDOIR SLIPPERS Ladie''Beded Fur Trim ami Hair ' All color. Priced at, S1.25 to $2.95 All color Cbttiille Slippers at $1.35, $1.50, $2.25 MULE SLIPPERS Fashion Footwear StNDAV Ml UNITE THE MDV IS WILLlXf. - I reJ V. V.z RED CROSS the 'Dry Dock Err ; ! Uan Next to Dollar Store Phone Hcdt HUY WAR SAVINGS STAH - rrr. VACATION SUPPLIES KOL, for sun tan wOXZEMA SUN TAN OIL .... NOXEMA CREAM, 10 oaa. ... . Other sizes 30c and 60c SUN GLASSES POLAROID SUN GLASSES TAN-GEL, for burns STAWAY .i REXALL INSECT CH ASBR . FLASHLIGHTS Glagg Metal Also First Aid Supplies and Film! A 8 a Kin 50c 41 Jl .COO 51.31' Ormes Ltd. Cirt Pioneer Druggists THE Ki:XAI.L STOUK PHONES 1 AN" fi Oprn Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 1