gr?.v Ar apaT 13. ma inmiiH II- laTtt Utt v?a y'WwmJ 1 ENERGY This delicious new whole wheat cereal is ttic ; energy breakfast your family needs. Crisp, I . rjnthv.Koldcn brown "Shrcddies" enrifain all the goodness of the wheat the bran, the mm- icr-.j, I'unuii, me jircuuus wncar. uerm. i They re UavoureU with malt, and toasted to a tempting crispness. Ask your grocer for Shreddies . today made in the famous Shredded Wheat bakeries at Niagara Falls. WPP ' eddies HMHi yW Cbtitaint tte pnedout WHEAT ' GERM The whtit germ it, a fcotoii-J iource of Vnimin 111. Tbif i'ia min it tiul to the nor-mil dfYtlopment of chilJrrn, t well at tdulti. "ShrtdJiet" are made from whole wheat in which the wheat germ it retained. 'SIIRfioniES it 'tmiMrfd MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A (1000 PLACE TO HI V Cedar Chests Welly finished wllh Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Copper 'and, protection arainst moth. All at different prices. r '"3 327 3rd AVE. WEST csoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE I PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH10dOOODniK)0J0000000000060600l. FURNITURE J Suitcx. Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suites, Cedar T a Wagons. Llvlne Room Tables. Coffee Tables. End T I -Slo Tables. Occasional Chairs, Smoking Stands, clothes Mirrors. Medicine Cabinet. FK00K COVERING p Linoleum, Inlaid Linoleum, Printed Linoleum, nexo- ' ; all .sl2cs. Undcrfelt CarpeU Nonsllp Bath Mats, nnd IIKDHINP. iHIinkets. Qrey BlankeU. While Blankets. Bedthrows. Com- F Chenille Bedspreads, Sheets, Pillows, Window Shades. WIIITK WOOD FIIRNITURK P )f Drawers, Book Shelves, Hall Tree. Night Tables, Step I. Ladder Stool. Folding Steps, Step "Ladder, Celling Dryers. Kitchen Tables, Droplcaf Tables. CAMP FUUNiTimrc m Camp. .Cots,. Fpldlng Chalfs, 0x8 Tent Pack .Sacks, Tack p xuKon Eiderdown, Sleeping Robes, Mountaineer Down- -"cpinf? iiooes, Hikers' Sleeping Bags (wool filled). WE HAVE THE OOODS Elio's Furniture Store AVKNUR, Nest to Dally News flreen 018 PRIORITY BASIS Continued Prom Page One changing tifciaHon at to materfetf and war rMiirmi w nu . lon and the Civil Service Com mission to expand 'and imnrove (the employment service. The result of this program are already (beginning to be felt out a very mucn mrger program of expansion beventy-seven new offices have authorized te that it will be pot-Hole to have a full-time office In evsrv mmmtinitv nHtv n ..... j rf.v.i a u.a- Uon of four thousand or over and some In even smaller communities Tne total present staff or 2.60') will probably be more than doubled In the immediate future. ' I No formal steps have yt y UkB to raaerve the employers of given Industries or establi.shmc ' ; from mtUtary service but satitf .r tory Informal arrangements tj,r been made wtth MUional War 6r fleet Boards, for example nc 3 eU men fofseiWtir rvire fr -i aeroplane spruce nrodur base metal mining in Bri'Uh C umbia. To the extent tha' Na' Se(ectrr Eerv're can hp!p r-e it srBi be pnartble to extend arramrements tn other w,: tadnstrfes Hhich are thrfn-rd with a critical labor shortac At the moment the crtnsemu'? tf i thoae concerned with the prohler. In all Ita phases is that it won'.d be mexpedlent to undertake arv -freoalnt" of labor in thler present jobs. It Is thought that con trots will accomplish the same (teneral objective with more flex-tbttHy and leas Inequity. To allay uneasiness and unrest ttB the part both of employers and employees the balance of the male papulation ny be ca&aalfied as aoon at possible according to the dogree of their liability for military fteevtoe. Thia would serve to give notice to employers about the peoMSfty lor the training of possible substitutes Many employers have not yet, given much consideration to the possible necessity of employing women. In connection with the recognized necessity of employing a much greater number of women a series of conference hare been I held in various cities and a quick (survey has been made of a representative group or the largest in- 1 . ..... . . J ... 4 . i iL. ausinai pianu to determine me extent to which working and welfare conditions need to be improved to facilitate such employment. Consideration is being given to the establishment of certain minimum standards In this con nection, though It has not yet been ' definitely decided to what extent (his should be done directly by the Dominion Government. A registration of women Is ex pected to start within a very few weeks. i ll i rn tin LULALd 1 I be ponfble to poMtah thia schedule' F V sf'rt- mlalrial Agrtcul-Ibut it will Tery shortly be drcu-'utral cimmh55oner trom Wlnni-lated to all employment offices !peg le,t yMttrda7 morning's ,and will serve as their bHc guide itfa,n on hU return thre- jjn detttmrnteg the relative order , . . In which requisitions for labor Caey Vlnk, manager of Domln-j should be filled or employer wT-,ktl Dalry recenUy "turned from mltted to engage labor j reports ttja hJpinenU I During the teat two months a af relght " Ju been concerted effort has been made 5,rUcularIy heavy' -M'- VTnk ha 'by National Selective Serriee. the;ben unaWe to brtn or two cows a month ajc an that he can be sure of receiving from the south. NOTICE Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. and Improvement la starts I. "e ? . iet Office of the Company. 5th Street. Stewart, at 3 pm. Wednesday. August 19th . 1942. A RUSSWURM, Sen ' rtlAII tavi IMI tottit - TOUi JAIVAOI COMMDttll Will cotttet. This advert. en-ent Is not published nr displayed by the Li-ouor Controi Board or bv the Government of British Columbia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. ' A Home Away From Horne" Rates 75c up 50 Roorfts Hot ti Cold Wafer Prince R a pert, B.C. Tbone 281 P.O. Box 196 L - COUPONS are still available with each rash purchase in onr store. We would appreciate lo have new customers drop In and let us explai this gift plan to them. i MUSSALLEM'S 5 Economy Store J S "Where Dollars Have More Cents" S P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 HOTEL 1. 1! II I! 1, 1 1 L W. Hudson, Mintjtt All Rooms telth Bath or Shoicer CENTRAL : : Vtncouvtr, British Columbia XV qnln, Itxnrlout Hoitl Otorfta li Itvortd by vlilton lo Vancouvtr, whthtf pUtturt-bound or on buttntu. Hit Gtorjla li limtd ihroush eui tha Northwttt for lb luptrltUva itrvlct. Id ftultltn tppolntnitnl, and Hi prtitlja. your villi to Vtncouvtr li mora cnjoytbla when yes stay at U Gorta. LOW RATES SlnjU Roomi at low it , , , $3.00 dally Doublt Roomi ai low n , , , S4.30 dally Twin Bdi at low ii SS.C0 dally SMART ...INEXPENSIVE Mr. and Mrs. rY6W.Ynd son. George, of Nanaimo. are the enests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Oameron, Overlook: Street. Their eldest son, Sergeant F. Otark, now overseas, was stationed here for many months with his-'fei'lment. IhhOUhceineHtj All advertisements In this colomh will be charged for a fall month at 25c a word United Rummage Sale at Dollar Store, August 29. CUss in t D FOR SALE- -Fully modern stucn home with jcre of land, bearing orchard, owrt spring water, full basement, fire place. Best schools W fl.C?. Apply P. M. Zalesky, Ab-botsford. B.C. KITCHEN RANGE Cheap. Black '190) FOR -SALE In Hazelton, house and barn with five lots; good well. Apply to H. Denno, Ocean Falls, "L U92Wi ,FJR QUICK SALE Fold-up bed g;od as new $18.00; 1 rug $530 rnone Ked 832. rtft FOR SALE Baby carriage. .idition. Phone Red 152. WANTED good .tr wanted Lady to care for 3 months baby In own home. n ply Box 327 Dally News, giving iuii particulars. iisgi WANTED Teacher for the Omln eca School. Rose Lake, B.C. Sal ary 5950.00. Ac1t at onr tn E. T. Mould, Secretary. Omlneca bcnooi Board of Trustees, Rose gooa saiary. Apply j. Gurvkh. YOUTH wants room, will Cecil. Phone Blue 983. (190) i. p. o., B.C. (197) j WANTED Experienced waitresses or girls Wilteff tn Imm RttiIU. --- wuittvil . 1 I Cafe, Cow Bay. (188) WANTED Oirl as bookkeeper. share. 1 ; (190) uihu wanted at Central News.j Apply between 8 and 10 pjn. tt) WANTED Resident worker over hi 25. fond of children, required at ' tJ Ridley Home. Phone Red 822. (tf) WANTED Spare parts for Frisco I Standard. 30 h.p. Apply Box 328 Dally News. U87l BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for man shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. SITUATIONS VACANT POSITION for a bright man. ex empt from military service. One with office experience preferred. Apply Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. 187) sxnv. snow no. roi.trm No. i,' l'HKI No. rl.ltl No. 3 anil I rOl.AKlS-Nor-1. MINKHM, tl.AIMft. f tutuaite in trw AUln Mining Division TulMqujkh. BC. Lawful hokKr Polarta-'H Taku Mining Oompuny Ltd.. P M. C 19 Ul holder's frr miner's rrrt 'tiiviir ' 0230 IE. TAKE NOTICE that Junes T. Fil.C 64S35E. as uxnt far Palarts- TbJcu Mlitine oOtipany Ltd.. TM.C 62301 E. Intends, at the end of sixty dya nd not later than one year from the dte hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder of Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtain ing tTown grants or the above claims. And further take notice that action. under section. 83 of the "Mineral Act," must be commenced before the tesu- ance of such Certificates of Dated this 30th day of June. 1942. "GOVERNMENT UQIOR ACT" (Seotlon 28) Notice of .iilica(lon for Consent to Trnnfer of Iteer l.U-ence Notice Is hereby given tht on the 10th day of"6eptember. AD. 1942, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 5730, issued tn respaot of premises being part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel attuate at the corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street, tn the City of Prince Rupert, Province of BrUlah Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) iut Fourteen (14) In Block Nine (9) Section One (I) Map 923. Prince Rupnrt Land Registration Dlntrict, from Alexander Prudhonvme of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, to Prince Hotel Limited, the Transferee. DATED a,t Prince Rupert, B.C. this 3rd day of August AD. 1942. PiUNCS HOTEL LIMITED 0h mummy, that's THE DISH FORME!" Like little girlt and trnmy imilei, freth peachet and Nabitco Shredded Wheat jutt naturally go together! lt'i a fctciooi morning treat and mmrthinf more besides. For Nabisco Shredded Wheat it made from 100 whole wheat, including the bran, minerals, and wheat (erm to helpful to girls and boys. THI CANADIAN SHIED6fB WHTAT COMPANY, 1T0. Niagara Mlf, Ceiuie WE PAY CASH For Old Phono graph Records NO STRINGS NOTHING TO BUY NO WAITING r a Bring your old records to us no matfer how poor hi , fv,,v ?f n,i . .;ii IU 5 CENTS FOR EACH 10 INCH RECORD U 8 CENTS FOR EACH 12 INCH RECORD NOTE: Laminated records (paper core) are not acceptedthese include Regal, Harmony, Velvet, Edison, Columbia, (except C series) and a few others. All other makes Victor, Bluebird, Decca, Brunswick are good for cash. This offer may be withdrawn at any time, so GET BUSY CASH IN NOW ! Take Youf Old Records To BUYING IN VANCOUVER For Neat and Attractive Homes Write, Wire or Phone Campbell & Pound Ltd. 2931 West Broadway -Vancouver, B.C. MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Against Hazards of Bombing and Other Disabilities Through the Largest Organization ot Its kind in the World .... The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay it continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on tor off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-53. Find out If you can quality to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today it will bring you complete details. OVER 100 MILLION'S PAID IS CLAIMS Put In the Mail NOW This Offer for a limited time only Box 549 , c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name Address , , Home Occupation ; 3